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走向对话的学校道德教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对话是人的存在方式,对话是理解道德要求的钥匙,对话使学校道德教育成为可能。对话在道德教育中的内涵是丰富的.是师生双方精神上的融合,通过“和而不同”的原则和多种形式,实现双方道德能力的发展和道德观念的升华。在学校道德教育中,对话的展开形式是多样化的,它主要包括:师生对话、生生对话、文本与超文本时话与自我时话等。  相似文献   

长期忽视的个体德育制约了德育质量的提升,导致了人的生存问题,压抑了人的充分发展。德育工作对个体的深入关注不仅是提高德育实效性、科学性的需要,也是真正实现人的和谐、充分发展的需要。转变德育观念、改革德育方法、建立德育服务机构、改善德育师资队伍等措施将成为全面落实个体德育的有益尝试。  相似文献   

就特定的文化情境中、特定时空中的道德教育实践而言,行为正当与否的判据、教育价值的取向主要是来自于广大的教师群体,教师的道德哲学就构成了道德教育实践的隐性思想基础,并将最终决定道德教育的方向和具体运作.教师必须借助理性的力量,摆脱肤浅的常识经验的束缚,提高对道德价值的理性分辨与选择能力,如此教师的道德哲学才是自由与自觉的,基于此的道德教育实践才是目的明确的自由自觉的行动.  相似文献   

郑忠梅 《教育探索》2007,(12):85-86
中国的德育能够发展至今并具有中华民族特色,具有文化内涵、文化品位和文化精神,中国文化是它取之不尽、用之不竭的源泉,并在德育的原则、内容和途径等方面,铸下了深刻的印记.  相似文献   

以生态哲学和教育生态学作为理论基础,对当前学校德育生态进行全面的分析和审视,指出了当前学校的德育危机实际上是道德教育的生态危机,分析了当前德育生态系统中出现的问题,并提出了解决危机、促进德育生态系统良性、健康、和谐发展的设想和措施,为学校德育的实践提供了理论依据,提高了学校德育的实效和可持续发展。  相似文献   

This forum discussion focuses on seven themes drawn from Sonya’s fascinating paper: the terminology of “cogenerative dialogues,” the roles of participants and their power relations within such dialogues, the use of metaphor and analogy in the paper, science and science education for all students, the ways in which students’ expectations about learning change in innovative classrooms, teacher research and the “theory-practice gap,” and the tension between conducting cogenerative dialogues with individual students or with whole classes. These themes by no means exhaust the ideas in Sonya’s paper, but we feel that they have allowed us to explore the classroom research she reports, and to extend our discussion beyond the paper to explore some of these themes more broadly.  相似文献   

上海二期课改《生命科学》教材中有很多人文教育素材,本文阐述了生物学教学中培养学生人文精神的必要性.介绍了教学中培养学生人文精神的几种途径。  相似文献   

高校校训的德育功能研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校训作为大学校园文化的灵魂,在对学生的德育教育过程中发挥着不可替代的作用。本文从校训的内涵和特点分析出发,通过对校训的德育功能进行分析,对如何更好地发挥校训的德育功能进行了研究并提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

当前,加强职业学校德育工作,注重学校以德育人,养成学生良好品行,重塑学生美好心灵,显得尤为重要。我们根据学校实际情况,提出了“以人为本,实施分层目标教育,增强信心,重塑学生美好心灵”的学校德育工程,采用形式多样、内容丰富的教育,取得了可喜成效。  相似文献   

发展性德育:现代德育的嬗变与超越   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚春雷 《教育探索》2006,(8):107-109
发展性德育是促进人全面发展,追求人、社会、自然和谐发展的德育。发展性德育的价值取向建立在对德育理论审慎地继承和批判的基础之上,凸显以人为本、追求和谐的核心价值理念。  相似文献   

在实施科教兴国、人才强国的战略布局中,提倡"全人教育,德育为先"的育人理念刻不容缓。构建"3+2互动式"教学模式,使思政课在多层次、多渠道、多类型的教学模式中,全面体现现代教育理念的价值所在。  相似文献   

李铭亭 《德州学院学报》2001,17(3):20-23,71
文化的本义是以文化民,其作用是对人自己的自然属性和本能行为进行自律和改造;高校学生思想道德素质的提高必须有文化素质的支撑。道德教育不是单纯的认知问题,没有情感体验和内心认同感的道德律令的作用是极其有限的。文化素质是成就道德人格的基础。“两课”教学、专业课教学以及学生的课余生活要有高雅文化的引入和渗透,让学生在人文灿烂的环境中受到良好的教育。  相似文献   

In this conceptual paper, we provide a heuristic that organizes dispositions in a manner that is useful for prospective teachers and teacher educators. The heuristic is organized around three domains of dispositions – intellectual, cultural, and moral. We use a small sample of teacher candidate journal entries to ground the discussion of each disposition domain. Our goal is to explore how teacher candidates are inclined to think through issues of content and pedagogy, the cultural backgrounds of their students, and the values driving their moral reasoning. A significant part of this exploration includes examining teacher candidate assumptions. We offer recommendations for how teacher education programs can provide opportunities for prospective teachers to consider their dispositions and to identify how their dispositions influence teaching decisions.  相似文献   

随着教育改革的不断深入开展,教育教学更加注重德育教育,只有先教会学生如何做人,才能教会学生学好科学文化知识。语言是民族或国家的标志性象征,更是一种社会文化,因而在语言课堂教学中加强德育教育更具必要性。  相似文献   

一、课题研究背景德育低效是中小学长期存在的老大难问题,主要表现为知行脱节、国家意识与民族自豪感弱化、信仰危机、价值观西化。中山市地处珠江三角洲,毗邻港澳,受外来文化与价值观的影响较直接,而学校德育却未能有效应对,这就使德育低效问题更为突出。近年来,我校针对上述问题,确定以“创新德育方式,增强德育实效”为研究课题开展实验研究,旨在提高德育的科学性和实效性,有效地促进小学生思想品德素质的发展。二、课题实施策略我校在实施课题研究过程中,采取了如下的创新性策略。(一)让图书“流动”起来“一个人的精神发育史就是他的阅…  相似文献   

As a result of changing national values and unrest, demographic and population shifts, and ever-changing admissions practices and policies, implementing a diversity and cultural-competency agenda within university settings has become a priority across the UK, Europe, and US. Furthermore, public institutions across the UK, EU, and US are now more racially and ethnically diverse than ever [Snyder, T. D., C. Debray, and S. A. Dillow. 2016. ‘Digest of Education Statistics 2016.’ NCES 2016-006. National Centre for Education Statistics; Sursock, Andree. 2015. Trends 2015: Learning and Teaching in European Universities. European University Association. Accessed October 28 2017. www.eua.be/Libraries/publicationshomepage-list/EUA_Trends_2015_web.]. Yet, cultural competency efforts on campuses remain largely under theorized [Bezrukova, K., K. A. Jehn, and C. S. Spell. 2012. “Reviewing Diversity Training: Where We Have Been and Where We Should Go.” Academy of Management Learning and Education 11 (2): 207–227] and diffuse [Sue, S., D. C. Fujino, L. T. Hu, D. T. Takeuchi, and N. W. Zane. 1991. ‘Community Mental Health Services for Ethnic Minority Groups: A Test of the Cultural Responsiveness Hypothesis.’ Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 59 (4): 533–540]. This article seeks to outline an agenda for this work, highlighting outcomes of cultural competency learning and underscoring the role of campus leadership in the development of supportive characteristics. These characteristics include attention to shared knowledge, professional learning at all levels of the organization, inclusive instructional methods, integration with other campus initiatives, and inclusivity of diversity foci. Posited are six supportive conditions for successful implementation.  相似文献   

For Socrates, as he appears in Plato's dialogues, the process of discussion is essential for preparing human beings to lead a moral life. Only through discussion, Socrates maintains, can we be led to an understanding of such concepts as wisdom, courage and justice. The author of this article believes that the Socratic notion of the moral value of discussion is still valid. In support of this view, he examines two recent works:Dialogues on Moral Education by John Wilson and Barbara Cowell, andMoral Education, Secular and Religious by John L. Elias. Finally, the author suggests how the Socratic concept of dialogue might be used in moral education today.
Zusammenfassung Für Sokrates, wie er in Platos Dialogen erscheint, ist der Prozeß der Diskussion wesentlicher Bestandteil der Vorbereitung des Menschen auf ein moralisches Leben. Sokrates behauptet, daß wir nur durch Diskussion an ein Verständnis von Begriffen wie Weisheit, Mut und Gerechtigkeit herangeführt werden können. Der Autor dieses Artikels glaubt, daß der sokratische Begriff des moralischen Wertes der Diskussion immer noch Gültigkeit besitzt. Zur Unterstützung dieser These untersucht er zwei kürzlich erschienene Werke: Dialogues on Moral Education (Dialoge zu moralischer Bildung) von John Wilson und Barbara Cowell und Moral Education, Secular and Religious (Moralische Bildung, weltlich und geistlich) von John L. Elias. Zum Schluß unterbreitet der Autor Vorschläge, wie das sokratische Konzept des Dialogs heutzutage in der moralischen Erziehung Verwendung finden könnte.

Resumen Para Sócrates, tal como se presenta en los diálogos platónicos, el proceso de discusión es fundamental en la preparación de los seres humanos para llevar una vida moral. Sócrates sostiene que sólo la discusión nos podrá guiar hacia el entendimiento de conceptos tales como sabiduría, valor y justicia. El autor de este artículo sostiene que la noción socrática del valor moral de la discusión sigue teniendo vigencia. Corroborando este punto de vista, examina dos obras recientes:Dialogues on Moral Education, de John Wilson y Barbara Cowell,y Moral education, Secular and Religious, de John L. Elias. Al finalizar, el autor sugiere la forma en la que el concepto socrático del diálogo podría aplicarse en la educación moral de nuestros días.

Résumé Comme Platon l'transcrit dans ses dialogues, le processus de la discussion était pour Socrate essentiel dans la préparation des hommes à un mode de vie moral. Il insistait sur le fait que ce n'est qu'à travers la discussion que nous pouvons accéder à la compréhension de concepts tels que la sagesse, le courage ou la justice. L'auteur de cet article expose que la notion socratique de la valeur morale de la discussion est toujours valable. Pour soutenir ce point de vue, il analyse deux ouvrages récents:Dialogues on Moral Education de John Wilson et Barbara Cowell, etMoral Education, Secular and Religious de John L. Elias. L'auteur conclut en suggérant des formes d'application du concept socratique du dialogue dans l'éducation morale d'aujourd'hui.

The contemporary educational discourse on critical thinking, as one of the primary aims of education. has been divided into the spheres of modernist defense and post-modernist criticism. Critical of both positions, this paper attempts to find a new way of employing critical thinking, especially for the purposes of moral education, by drawing on Bernard William’s concept of “ethical reflection.” It will be shown that employing critical thinking for the fostering of ethical reflection in our young students can lead them into an “understanding” of ethical, rather than “ethical knowledge,” which enables them to properly deal with moral relativism in a culturally pluralistic society. This paper then explores the educational possibilities presented by Socrates’ teaching method as an example of this employment, though not without consideration of the attendant educational limitations and dangers.  相似文献   

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