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认知发展道德教育理论与价值澄清   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柯尔伯格的认知发展道德教育理论和价值澄清是当代美国乃至全球最富影响力的道德教育理论流派,比较两者在理论来源、教育目的、研究内容和测量手段等方面的差异,分析其互补性,可以为我国当前的学校德育改革提供诸多启示.  相似文献   

价值澄清教育流派述评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
价值澄清学派在整个20世纪七八十年代的学校教育中起到了不可替代的作用,受到了前所未有的欢迎。在今天,我们仍从许多变种的道德教育理论中发现它的影子,它对我们今天道德教育体系的形成及影响不可磨灭。分析价值澄清学派产生的背景、实施的情况及其对今天价值教育的影响,对我们今后的价值教育将有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

价值澄清理论主张价值观是个人生活经验的积累,价值观教育要通过价值中立的非灌输方法进行。依据价值澄清理论,价值观教育要以核心价值为导向、以生活为中心、以对象为主体、以行动为目标。价值澄清理论对我国当前的价值观教育的启示是:第一,必须突出社会主义核心价值观教育;第二,必须做到必要灌输与自主选择的统一;第三,必须做到理想价值与现实生活的统一;第四,必须做到道德认知与道德实践的统一。  相似文献   


Earthwatching III: An Environmental Reader with Teacher's Guide, edited by Anne Hallowell, Tom Sinclair, Richard Hoops, and Stephen Wittman. University of Wisconsin, Madison: Institute for Environmental Studies and Sea Grant Institute, 1990. 160 pages. Paperback, $3.50 ($3.00 for ten or more). Reviewed by David C. Engleson.

The Global Ecology Handbook: What You Can Do about the Environmental Crisis, edited by Walter H. Corson, Boston: Beacon Press, 1990. 414 pages. Paperback, $16.95. Reviewed by David C. Engleson

Ecophilosophy: A Field Guide to the Literature, Donald Edward Davis. San Pedro, California: R &; E Miles, 1989. 137 pages. Paperback, $8.95. Reviewed by Deborah A. Simmons.

The Human Impact on The Natural Environment (third edition), Andrew Goudie. Basil Blackwell, Ltd., 1990. 388 pages. Paperback, $17.50. Reviewed by Margaret Millett Zemach.

Envisioning a Sustainable Society: Learning Our Way Out, Lester W. Milbrath. State University of New York Press, 1989. 403 pages. Paperback, $18.95. Reviewed by Margaret Millett Zemach.  相似文献   

基于价值澄清理论的大学生价值观教育探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国正处于改革开放和社会转型的关键期,各种价值观念及其文化意识形态互相碰撞、排斥和融合,给高校大学生价值观教育带来极大挑战。价值澄清理论,它致力于解决价值困扰的问题,教给学生澄清自己价值的技巧与自我评价、选择能力,对当前多元文化下如何加强大学生价值观教育有着积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文研究评价理论对翻译研究的贡献。评价理论重点研究语篇中的态度资源、态度来源及语篇姿态。它是语篇分析的有效工具。翻译理论历来重视对语篇中态度意义的研究,但缺乏可操作的工具。我们的研究表明,评价理论可以作为翻译中的态度分析工具。此外,评价理论对语篇中的对话性研究对于翻译研究也颇有启示。  相似文献   

以理论灌输法为主导的东方德育模式与以价值澄清法为主导的西方德育模式都有其存在的历史必然性。针对我国目前多元价值观念并存的社会现状,我们有必要有选择性地、分阶段地将这两种典型的德育教育方法进行有效整合,去解决变化了的社会道德问题,并最终摆脱我们德育的困境。  相似文献   


Successful prediction of achievement involves, as a minimum, selecting significant variables, measuring them accurately, and finding a way of combining them to account for maximum achievement variance. Extending earlier work, this report is of two studies-one on developing a refined combination of predictors including ability, “likability,” and “motivation”; and the other aimed at validating this multiple regression equation against actual school achievement, Prediction is in terms of whether students would fall in “good” or “poor” categories determined by dichotomizing the rank-ordered list of actual achievement at a grade point average of 3.33. The biserial r between the dichotomized variable of actual achievement and predicted achievement scores is .882, which is highly significant. The importance and shortcomings of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Science is not value-free, nor does it provide the only model of objectivity. Epistemic values guide the pursuit and methods of science. Cultural values, however, inevitably enter through individual practitioners. Still, the social structure of science embodies a critical system of checks and balances, and it is strengthened by a diversity of values, not fewer. Science also exports values to the broader culture, both posing new values- questions based on new discoveries, and providing a misleading model for rational decision-making. Science teachers who understand the multi-faceted relationship between science and values can guide students more effectively in fully appreciating the nature of science through reflexive exercises and case studies.  相似文献   

价值澄清理论产生于20世纪60年代的美国,最早作为一种课堂教学方法而出现,旨在对传统道德教育理论进行批判剖析并提出新的道德教育模式。在我国改革开放、社会转型、科技发展的背景之下,人们的价值世界出现了许多新变化。借鉴价值澄清理论,对我国当代价值观教育实践具有一定启示。  相似文献   

党的十八大将社会主义核心价值观概括为"三个倡导"并强调要培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,这需要把我们更多的智慧和精力集中在社会主义核心价值观教育方法的研究上。价值澄清法是可资借鉴的西方价值观教育的典型方法,在社会主义核心价值观培育中运用价值澄清法,要注重培育学生的价值选择能力和主体意识,要注重价值澄清具体策略的灵活运用,要注重营造社会主义核心价值观培育的生活化环境,要注重社会主义核心价值观的践行。  相似文献   

Values clarification is an important tool that helps individuals to clarify their beliefs about sexuality-related issues. This lesson plan provides instructions for a 1-hour values clarification activity for a large undergraduate human sexuality course that serves as an introduction to course content and tone, stimulates students' initial thinking about course topics, and demonstrates the diversity of perspectives on sexuality-related issues. Survey-based evaluation findings (N = 71) establish that the activity successfully meets its learning objectives and that students feel comfortable participating. Step-by-step directions, recommendations for facilitation, and reflections on best practices for the activity are provided.  相似文献   

《惠州方言词典》是富有地方特色的文化积淀的成果,是惠州方言乃至汉语方言研究的重要语料,文本主要阐述其编撰成果的学术价值和文化价值,并提出一些不同意见以与方家商榷  相似文献   

实施绩效考评制度是我国高校内部管理体制科学化、规范化的具体体现,因起步晚,不乏绩效考评措施与绩效管理的目标相悖、绩效考评过程丢失绩效等重大缺陷。如何针对高校教职员工的职业特性和我国高校的历史、现实,建立一套客观、公正、充满技术性和艺术性的绩效考评体系,积累实践绩效管理的制度资本,任重而道远。  相似文献   

Neville Jones, principal educational psychologist Mike Burnham, senior adviser for special education, and Clare Coles, area educational psychologist, Oxfordshire education authority, describe an experiment in mixed ability teaching with ESN(M) and ESN(S) children in Abingdon  相似文献   

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