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Portugal, like many other countries, faces obstacles regarding school-based sexuality education. This paper explores Portuguese schools’ approaches to implementing sexuality education at a local level, and provides a critical analysis of potential strengths and weaknesses. Documents related to sexuality education in a convenience sample of 89 schools were analysed and findings confirm both the results of the few existing Portuguese studies on the subject and commonalities in sexuality education between Portugal and other European countries. These include strengths, such as the existence of teams in charge of sexuality education in schools and the provision of resources, but also weaknesses, such as too heavy a focus on health-related issues, difficulties in cross-curricular teaching, low levels of community participation and poor-quality evaluation. Findings point to the need for a greater sharing of information and good practice between countries, and the need for clearer guidelines. Suggestions are made for improving the quality of sexuality education in Portuguese schools.  相似文献   

This study aimed to expand upon previous research related to parental opinion concerning school sexuality education by sampling a culturally diverse, low-income population that has been traditionally under-represented in the literature. A total of 191 parents attending an urban community college completed a written questionnaire about what topics schools should teach their children about sexuality education. Independent variables, including country of origin, religion and religiosity, were explored to determine if support for school sexuality education was similar or different in this population compared to previous national and state survey data. The majority of sex education topics were supported by 80% of the parents. There was a significant negative correlation between attendance at religious services and support for school sex education. The hypothesis that there would be less support for comprehensive sexuality education in the sample population than in national and statewide surveys was not supported.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the education of migrant children in Beijing. As of the late 1990s, the Chinese Government has developed several policies to address educational issues among migrant children. The present study analyses data from interviews with key education personnel in Beijing to explore the outcomes of the implementation of such migrant children’s education (MCE) policies and the reasons for variation from policy design. The data suggest that there is poorer equality in terms of education among migrant vs. local children than the government has reported. Migrant children are faced with numerous strict admission procedures for public schools. The Chinese Government has not prioritised educational equality, despite professing to do so. The capability and motivation of local institutions for policy implementation are less adequate than might be expected. Using Honig’s model of policy implementation, this research shows that the outcomes of the MCE policies are a product of interaction between policy design, participants and implementation context.  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基提出教育的和谐性、全面性。而小学教育是儿童真正接受教育的开始,根据小学儿童的身心发展的阶段性和规律性,只有在不同的发展阶段,给予适当的教育方法,才能使他们身心在教育过程中得到发展与提高,才能有效地促进儿童发展的协调性。  相似文献   

In Finland, Young people’s sexuality education has not been examined from a multicultural perspective, with the exception of a few policy-oriented papers. This paper examines how cultural diversity is addressed in chapters on sexuality and sexuality education in Finnish health education textbooks. The analysis is based on material contained in textbooks used in grades 7–9 and upper secondary schools. Findings suggest that cultural diversity is included in textbooks in one of two ways: either to demonstrate the uniqueness of liberal, emancipated and progressive ‘Finnish’ sexuality; or as a way of distancing Finland and Finnish values from the rest of the world. In these textbooks, culture is understood as belonging to non-Finnish ‘others’ and a culture that itself as not being Finnish. This somewhat tendentious treatment of cultural diversity leaves teachers with limited tools with which to promote anti-discriminatory education. The textbooks also overlook the diverse backgrounds of young people growing up in Finland today.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the educational opportunities available to rural migrant children in Beijing. On the basis of fieldwork conducted in migrant communities in 2004–2005, I conclude that administrative and financial barriers, as well as discrimination, prevent migrant children from entering state schools. I discuss the quality of education available in unlicensed private schools, followed by an analysis of the possible reasons for the state's exclusion of migrant children from state schools and its hostility to migrants’ self-provision of education.  相似文献   

The marginality of migrant children in the urban Chinese educational system   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The present paper explores issues of the educational marginality of migrant children in urban settings in two cities in China. The numbers of urban migrants exceed 100 million and are growing as China modernizes. This is creating tensions between residents and recent arrivals who lack residential registration and access to public services. As a result, migrant children often attend informal, private and usually unregulated schools of low quality organized by their communities. These tend to reinforce social stratification and reproduce marginality across the generations. The paper argues that state failure to provide basic education risks a growing divide between urban residents and recent migrants that has social consequences that must be addressed to remove discriminatory practices and resolve potential conflicts between hosts and migrant communities.  相似文献   

大学本科小学教育专业建设问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学本科小学教育专业应定性在教育,定向在小学,定格在本科,对小学教育专业学生进行综合培养,促进学生全面发展。要合理构建小学教育专业课程体系,使学生在教育理论、学科专业知识、教育科研方法、教学实践能力等方面明显高于中师和小教大专;处理好文化基础与专业基础、教育理论与学科知识、科学与人文的关系。在提高小学教师学历层次、学术水平、科研能力、教学能力和管理能力的同时,促进教师专业化发展。  相似文献   

Primary school provides an appropriate opportunity for children to commence comprehensive relationships and sexuality education (RSE), yet many primary school teachers avoid teaching this subject area. In the absence of teacher confidence and competence, schools have often relied on health promotion professionals, external agencies and/or one-off issue-related presentations rather than cohesive, systematic and meaningful health education. This study examines the implementation of a 10-lesson pilot RSE unit of work and an accompanying assessment task in two primary schools in South-East Queensland, Australia. Drawing predominantly from qualitative data, the research explores the experiences of primary school teachers as they engage with RSE curriculum resources and content delivery. The results show the provision of a high-quality RSE curriculum resource grounded in contemporary educational principles and practices enables teachers to feel more confident to deliver RSE and minimises potential barriers such as parental objections and fear of mishandling sensitive content.  相似文献   

Many of the larger towns and cities within the UK have long experienced a cosmopolitan mix of cultures, resulting in ethnically and linguistically diverse schools. However, the wider expansion of the European Union in 2004 has brought about significant changes and challenges for many schools, particularly for those in more rural areas. This article arises out of a 3-year qualitative study (January 2008–December 2010), which focused on identifying the experiences of stake-holders (children and parents of Eastern European heritage and their teachers), where migrant children enter primary schools which have previously had limited exposure to cultural and linguistic diversity. Although many migrant children settle successfully and progress within the UK education system, much can be done in terms of educational policy and practice to ensure that these learners are appropriately supported. This article examines some of the factors impacting upon migrant children's learning and well-being, and offers guidance to practitioners as how to develop inclusive and individualised learning and social contexts for these learners.  相似文献   

美国为了解决流动儿童不仅能"进得去"流入地公立学校,而且流入地公立学校也能"留得住"流动儿童,从联邦干预流动教育开始,信息技术就被引入流动教育。信息技术伴随美国流动教育始终,为保障流动儿童平等教育权发挥了巨大作用。美国关于信息技术在流动教育中的研究和实践对我国有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

针对外来工子女的初中起始阶段英语教育问题,采取相对应的策略,帮助学生培养学习兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,通过家校配合,提高学习成绩。  相似文献   

教育除了有鲜明的社会性之外,还有鲜明的生命性。可是当今语文教育太过于忽视对学生德行的培养、人性的完善和生命的呵护。对于小学低年级学生而言,这种忽视会严重影响其对我国母语的兴趣,而且对其语文素养的培育,非常不利。那么,应该如何还语文教育以本真,体现语文教育的语文性呢?就小学低年级语文教学中生命化教育的渗透,本文作了浅论。  相似文献   

近年来,中小学校园安全问题成为社会关注的热点问题,中小学安全教育越来越受到国家的重视和社会的关注,相关的法律法规政策制度等日渐完备,但尚未形成完善的校园安全教育机制。安全教育是中小学生知识结构中的重要组成部分,也是中小学生人文素养的重要内容,更是学校正常教学秩序和学生生活学习的前提条件和根本保障。但在应试教育的体制下,考试科目的学习成为重要内容,学校安全教育不受重视,制约着我国中小学安全教育的实施和发展。  相似文献   

试论小学学校教育与家庭教育的结合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育是一项包括家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育及教育者的自我教育的系统工程。教育学生,学校固然负有重要的责任,而家庭教育也是不可缺少的。客观地讲,学校教育和家庭教育各有优势,也各有局限性,特别是小学生,跟父母在一起的时间较多,如果家庭教育与学校教育配合不好,就会影响学校教育的质量和效果,从而影响孩子的健康成长。要使教育达到预期目的,教育工作者必须高度重视和认真研究学校教育与家庭教育的结合问题。  相似文献   

为了培养学生良好的阅读习惯,积极践行“阅读常态化”的理念,我校以心理学家勒温的场动力学理论为依托,充分发挥团体动力的作用,创设浓郁的阅读“场”环境,通过思想引领、环境营造、活动促进,星级评价构建师生常态阅读氛围。  相似文献   

无论从义务教育的性质还是从实现社会公平的角度,进城务工人员子女的义务教育经费负担问题都是一个需要迫切关注的问题。对此进行全面、深入的分析具有重要的现实意义,在人口流动已经不可逆转的背景下,政府应义不容辞地承担起进城务工人员子女义务教育的财政责任,特别是输入地政府应负起主要的责任,保证他们公平接受义务教育。  相似文献   

美育在小学数学教育中有着较为重要的地位,但目前理论与实践结合的研究成果较为薄弱,对小学数学教学实践中的美育现状也少有研究。在此,本文提出了美育在小学数学中如何进行渗透的几点建议,为一线的教育工作者提供一些参考!  相似文献   

20世纪80年代后,我国城市的基础设施建设和城市规模的等级不断扩大,但这只是城市化的一个方面,农民工作为城市建设的主体力量,他们自身及其子女的文化素质和知识技能的提高应该成为城市化的重要指标。显然这里还存在很多的问题,这些问题是有其历史和社会根源的。  相似文献   

小学教育本科专业是个全新的专业,体育作为一门必修课,在课程设置上应满足学生兴趣,开设专项选修,完善理论体系,加大体育理论课时的比例,突出师范性,淡化竞技,注重健身,以此才能达到培养目标和符合时代对教育的要求。  相似文献   

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