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For publishers and librarians to work well together it will help for publishers have a good idea of the circumstances and challenges currently facing libraries. This includes but is not limited to budget; libraries also struggle with a complex technology environment, quickly changing licensing, pricing and content options, and incomplete adoption of standards by publishers and software vendors. This paper is a short introduction to these issues and includes a brief overview of what publishers can do to help librarians, and what librarians can do to help publishers.  相似文献   

本文回望了中国现代文学名家王统照先生,在中外古今读物中求知求学,终于走上文坛的成长和成才历程,回望了其在诸城家塾、山东省立一中及中国大学读书求知的学业收获,揭橥了其青岛家宅所藏书刊被侵华日寇劫掠的史实,彰显了其助力家乡相州王氏私立小学图书馆、山东大学图书馆、山东省图书馆藏书建设的贡献,可供读者之涉略与史家之采撷。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. While other major business functions have been incorporated in the management of public libraries, marketing has been largely regarded as having only commercial applications. Dallas Public Library has experienced some success with the promotion and merchandising aspects of marketing. These experiences are detailed, and plans for developing a system-wide marketing strategy are outlined  相似文献   

An extended treatment of Out Of Print, a documentary film by Vivienne Roumani that debuted at 2013 TriBeCa Film Festival January 2014 in New York. The film is narrated by Meryl Streep and features a continued debate between Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Scott Turow of the Author’s Guild. The success of the self-published The Mill River Recluse vis-à-vis the lack of success of most self-published titles is also discussed, as are the future of libraries and education in general. A brief history of publishing and many other brief interviews are also included.  相似文献   

With the advent of e-journal preservation projects and publisher digitization of journal backfiles, academic libraries have begun to move their corresponding print volumes of these titles to storage to avoid duplication and save space. This article examines the supporting justifications, outreach mechanisms, and logistical procedures undertaken at American University Library to relocate the entire bound journal collection to offsite storage in order to address severe physical space constraints and to support patron use of and preference for electronic journal content. In addition, the article presents preliminary data regarding the use of bound volumes sent to storage and an overall analysis of this transformational project.  相似文献   

明中后期坊刻之流变与吴勉学的刻书特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坊刻指民间书坊所从事的刻印图书以获利的活动.明成化以后,手工业、商业蓬勃发展,经济繁荣,市民阶层迅速成长壮大,其图书需求的变化带动了坊刻业的变迁.本文所指的明中后期主要是指成化至崇祯(1464-1664年)约200年间,在中国刻书史上,是坊刻业发生变化最为显著的时期.其中隆庆、万历年间变化更是显著,在某种程度上说,是明中后期坊刻业流变的分水岭.徽州坊刻大家吴勉学的刻书活动就是在此时期,其刻书特色充分体现了流变的趋势.  相似文献   

香港中文大学香港文学研究中心、大学图书馆系统及香港特别行政区政府教育局课程发展处中国语文教育组合办的“走进香港文学风景”计划,是结合信息素养教育、文学阅读和实地考察的推广阅读活动.首先介绍活动的目标和内容,然后以参加者问卷调查的结果,以及焦点访谈的检讨,论述这种新的文学阅读推广模式与提升学习者的信息素养和阅读能力的关系.  相似文献   

The authors used pre- and post-testing to determine if print workbooks helped to improve information literacy skills in 175 college freshmen. The results of the study demonstrate that workbooks remain a useful tool for academic libraries lacking resources or expertise to develop and maintain online tutorials.  相似文献   

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