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The development of a professional teacher educator identity has implications for how one negotiates the duties of a teacher, scholar, and learner. The research on teacher educator identity in the USA has been largely conducted on traditional teacher educators, or those who have started their careers as public school teachers and then went on to the collegiate level as teacher educators. This auto-ethnography considers the professional identity formation of a nontraditional teacher educator, one whose professional career did not include a career as a public school teacher. Although there are common influences on professional development between the traditional and nontraditional teacher educator, such as biography, institutional contexts, and personal pedagogy, there are significant differences in the process as those influences are experienced. This research proposes an extended process for nontraditional teacher educators, including the search for legitimacy and belonging in the community of educators.  相似文献   

Faculty in the School of Education have collaborated to re-envision teacher education at our university. A complex, dynamic, time-consuming and sometimes painstaking process, redesigning a teacher education program from a traditional approach (i.e. where courses focus primarily on theoretical principles of practice through textbooks and university-based classroom discussions) to a model of teacher education that embraces teaching, learning and leading with schools and in communities is challenging, yet exciting work. Little is known about teacher educators’ experiences as they either design or deliver collaborative field-based models of teacher education. In this article, we examine our experiences in the second implementation year of our redesigned teacher education program, Teaching, Learning, and Leading with Schools and Communities (TLLSC) and how these unique experiences inform our teacher educator identities. Through a collaborative self-study, we sought to make meaning of our transformation from a faculty delivering a traditional model to educators collectively implementing a field-based model, by analyzing the diverse perspectives of faculty at different entry points in the TLLSC development and implementation process. We found that our participation in an intensive field-based teacher preparation model challenged our notions of teacher educator identity. In a culture of iterative program design, this study documents the personal and professional shifts in identity required to accomplish this collaborative and dynamic change in approach to teacher education.  相似文献   

In order to research and improve her practice, a teacher educator examined her life history and its relation to the ethical and moral discourses of society using autobiography as a self-study methodology. This critical reflection provided the basis for contextualizing praxis-oriented teacher education in an urban school. Based on the transformative framework of critical pedagogy coupled with a self-study of teacher education practices, this article explores how a teacher educator engages in research relating to the self, professional practice, and the analysis of the tensions surrounding otherness and oppression. Critical pedagogy provided the means and the methods to facilitate reflection upon her own earned and unearned privilege in society and paved the way for an agency of change in her practice.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss findings from a collaborative self-study of how seven teacher educators define, enact, and navigate their roles as culturally responsive educators across various programs within a higher education institution. All participants conducted an individual interview with another team member and engaged in prolonged team meetings in order to understand and conceptualize culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP). Findings include the participants' difficulty with defining CRP in higher education; the importance of modeling and building relationships with students when enacting CRP; tensions related to students and institutions; and professional and personal opportunities to continuously evolve. The findings begin to fill in a void for an articulated framework of CRP beyond P-12 classrooms and illustrate the type of support and professional development higher education institutions need to provide for teacher educators to actualize this work.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to use self-study methodology to analyze critically the impact of 30 years of non-formal education on my development as a teacher educator. I begin within a particular conception of self-study research and make a case for situating martial arts as non-formal education. The data for this article are presented as a series of episodes, in which I write a short paragraph about each phase in my development as a martial artist and comment on my approach to learning and teaching, where appropriate, during each episode. At the end of the article, I draw several links to self-study literature and to my own understanding of teacher education. In so doing, I demonstrate the value of examining the impact of non-formal education experiences as a teacher educator.  相似文献   

教育现象学视域中的教师教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教师教育作为教育领域的一个重要实践主题,一直备受关注.在技术理性的主宰下,教师教育违背了教育应有的人文特性.教育现象学为教师教育提供了一种可能的人文视角.教育现象学是一门成人与孩子如何相处的学问.教育现象学认为,富于教育机智是其视域下好教师的标准,引导教师保持教育现象学的生活态度,增强其对生活的敏感性并引导教师逐步形成反思力是培养好教师的优化路径.  相似文献   

教者与教育者,既有区别又有联系。教者与受教者相对应,共同建构的是教学活动,教育者与受教育者相对应,共同建构的是教育活动。教者并不必然是教育者,而教育者却一定是教者,因为教学并不必然是教育,而教育却根本离不开教学。一教师是职业化的教者,是学校教育领域教育者的现实承担者,教师教育完成的任务实际上有两个,一个是教师培训,另一个是教育者培育。  相似文献   

师范教育中的特殊教育与特殊教育学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教育不等于教育学。师范院校的教育专业不等于教育学专业。对于特殊教育来说 ,特殊教育学专业同样也不能代替聋校语文、聋校数学、聋校外语、聋校体育等面向具体学科的专业。学科特点与教育学相通的特殊教育学只是应该设置的面向特殊教育的专业中的一个部分。师范院校设置的有关特殊教育的专业中 ,除了应该包括特殊教育学专业之外 ,还应该包括其他面向基层特殊学校特定课程的各种专业。  相似文献   

This article details the self-study of a beginning teacher educator in her first experience in teaching a mathematics methods course. The transition from teacher to teacher educator is explored through the experience of a course focused on inquiry. Inquiry is embedded within the course from two perspectives: mathematical inquiry and teaching as inquiry. The framework of teaching as inquiry is an important part of both the self-study and the mathematics methods course. Implications of the transition from teacher to teacher educator as well as the role of inquiry in mathematics teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

我国教师教育正处于转型时期。传统的师范教育体制已经逐步瓦解,新的教师教育体制尚未最终形成。北京师范大学顾明远教授是中国教育学会名誉会长、我国教师教育专家委员会主任和中国比较教育的奠基人。他参与中国教师教育的实践和研究60多年,亲历了我国教师教育的改革与发展。在本访谈中,顾明远教授叙述了他对我国教师教育发展的历史、现状和未来趋势的认识。  相似文献   

This article reports the collaborative self-study of a teacher educator and two teacher candidates, focusing on the unforeseen negativity of experiences encountered by the three researchers in both a university methods course and student teaching settings. The implication of this study helped the researchers foresee new hypothetical learning trajectories for their respective students. Throughout the study, the university teacher educator and two teacher candidates tried to maintain a collegial relationship while analyzing their teaching and learning experiences. The researchers analyzed the effectiveness of their mathematics teaching strategies over an extended period of time. The changing roles of the researchers throughout the study encouraged them to examine not only their own teaching processes but also those of the other researchers. As critical colleagues they positioned themselves in different contexts. This study generates several insights for the improvement of the researchers' future teaching practices. The results suggest that collaborative self-study by a teacher educator and teacher candidates can generate effective learning experiences for all participants.  相似文献   

教师教育者这一概念在当前国际上并没有统一的界定,但这一界定又是开展教师教育者相关研究的基础,因此首先需要在国际视野下探讨当前专业组织、不同国家及研究者对于教师教育者的界定,在此基础上将教师教育者界定为首要或者主要承担教师教育的教学与研究工作,并努力达成相关的资质要求和促进自身专业发展的专业人员,就目前而言,该界定下的教师教育者主要是指高等教育中的教师教育者。  相似文献   

We are recent graduates of a graduate faculty of education in a research-based university in Canada. Our aspirations to become successful teacher educators and to write our dissertations brought us together to form a writing support group. During the 2010–2011 academic year, we conducted a self-study to better understand how the support group helped us to navigate the process of writing our dissertations as well as our endeavors to become teacher educator researchers. The results of our self-study indicate the importance of a supportive writing group in developing an identity as a teacher educator, developing research and writing skills through being a critical friend, and preparing graduate students for the complex role of teacher educator.  相似文献   

This self-study explores the emerging identity of a first-time teacher educator using a framework that views identity as natural, institutional, discursive, and affinity. This framework provided an opportunity to unpack empirically how these various strands of identity intersected within the classroom of a novice teacher educator. Situated in the context of an elementary social studies methods classroom, this study reveals various struggles with the institutional authority of being a teacher educator. Issues such as how preservice teachers perceive a novice teacher educator, the acknowledgment of lack of experience, and the process of negotiating institutionalized and systemic power within the classroom are discussed. Because this study also featured a mentor professor as a critical friend, the implications of self-study work and mentoring first-time teacher educators are also featured in the discussion section. Considering the importance of identity in shaping the practice of new teachers, this self-study reveals the importance of further complicating the emerging and evolving identities of new teacher educators.  相似文献   

学科教学论教师是专业的教师教育者,是生产和传播教师教育知识的学术人.在教师教育大学化过程中,学科教学论教师的专业发展受到普通大学教师学术范式的影响,注重探究理论,轻视教学实践.教师教育的科学发展呼唤学科教学论教师的专业身份回归教师教育者本位.  相似文献   

论教师教育者的专业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师的成长是一种特殊的专业发展过程。对此人们也已形成共识。由此看来作为教师的教师——教师教育者,在逻辑上分析,应当接受过与教师职业相关而特殊的专业教育,并经历特殊的专业发展过程。教师教育者要能够帮助和促进教师的专业发展,教师教育者自身的专业发展是不可或缺的。  相似文献   


This paper presents a collaborative self-study of three teacher educators and how they understood, practiced, and promoted democratic education in response to the divisive rhetoric of 2015–2016 at a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) in Southern California. The prevalence of neoliberal ideologies throughout the 2016 election season challenged our understandings of democratic education. Therefore, we explore how teacher educators promote democratic education and pedagogy during times of political uncertainty.  相似文献   

Teacher education doctoral seminars can provide a space for students to collaborate, reflect and support each other as they transition from teacher to teacher educator. These spaces also provide a forum for the learning of new research methodologies. This collaborative self-study chronicles how one group of doctoral students learned self-study research and fostered a scholarly identity in a doctoral seminar focused on learning about teacher education practices through self-study research. The participants shared autobiographies, journals, and critical summaries of assigned readings, and they questioned each other’s understanding and development in the context of their shared experiences. Through this process, they overcame concerns regarding self-study as they developed their understanding of the components of self-study research and accepted their new role as self-study researchers. This study provides insights into the benefits of using doctoral seminars as a space to develop a scholarly identity and for using that space as a source of investigation. Implications for similar communities are also discussed.  相似文献   

教师教育者是指教师的教师,既包括基础教育阶段中的教师教育者,也包括中等师范层面和高等教师教育机构中的教师教育者。教师教育者模糊的身份认同是教师教育者专业发展的重要阻力之一。教师教育者是教师教育知识的生产者、教师专业发展的引领者以及教师教育文化的推动者。教师教育者角色的探究是增强教师教育者身份认同的重要途径,也是教师教育者从事教师教育工作的逻辑前提。  相似文献   

从教师教育的变革看教育学的专业改造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育学专业是以教育学知识体系为核心,在多学科知识体系基础上构成的专门从事教育教学活动和教育研究的职业。教育学的专业设置和教师教育的专业性质归属既有密切关系,又有时代特征。我国目前的教育学专业设置及其教师编制已很难适应当代社会发展的要求。当代社会教育学的专业建设应该借鉴国际经验,通过专业改造、加强教师队伍建设和教学改革等措施,理顺教育学各专业及其与其他学科专业的关系,促进教育学学科、专业与教师教育的改革和发展。  相似文献   

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