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马曰琯、马曰璐兄弟俩是清代雍乾时期扬州盐商中的风雅人物,对当时的诗歌创作和学术研究都做出过较大的贡献。然而人们对弟弟马曰璐生卒年的记载却多有歧异。本文通过考察他所交游的人物的别集,钩稽出他晚年七十岁以后的一些活动,并最终考证出他生于康熙三十四年(1695)四月孟夏,卒于乾隆四十年(1775)秋后,享年八十一岁。  相似文献   

清末至民国图书馆事业的勃兴与繁荣(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚蛟腾 《图书馆》2011,(2):8-11,34
清末民国时期,中国正处于前所未有的从传统社会向现代社会过渡的社会大变革之中。无论是维新派还是革命派,也无论是政府部门还是社会力量,都在苦苦探索民族独立与国家富强之路,并积极创办了一系列"倡新学"、"启民智"、"育人才"、"开风气"、"兴民权"的新式图书馆。在中华源远流长的古代藏书文化和西方向社会开放的图书馆观念的双重影响下,中国近现代意义上的图书馆与图书馆事业迅速崛起:建立类型丰富的图书馆体系,掀起图书馆管理革命,兴办图书馆学专业教育,开启图书馆学学术研究。  相似文献   

清末至民国图书馆事业的勃兴与繁荣(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末民国时期,中国正处于前所未有的从传统社会向现代社会过渡的社会大变革之中。无论维新派还是革命派,也无论政府部门还是社会力量,都在苦苦探索民族独立与国家富强之路,并积极创办了一系列"倡新学"、"启民智"、"育人才"、"开风气"、"兴民权"的新式图书馆。在中华源远流长的古代藏书文化和西方向社会开放的图书馆观念的双重影响下,中国近现代意义上的图书馆与图书馆事业迅速崛起:建立类型丰富的图书馆体系,掀起图书馆管理革命,兴办图书馆学专业教育,开启图书馆学学术研究。  相似文献   


This image is the work of the sixteenth-century sculptor Marcos Cabrera and belongs to the Brotherhood of the Expiration in Seville. It was made to be carried in procession during the Holy Week celebrations. When the statue came to the ICRBC in Madrid for treatment it presented serious problems due to the unusual material of which it is made — polychromed paper-pulp — and the unfortunate treatments to which it has been subjected. Metal strengthening rods had been inserted in the figure and the cross, as well as a polyester consolidating material which had caused further damage. The polychromy was covered with a thick layer of paint which had plasticized. A complete scientific analysis was carried out by an interdisciplinary team both before and during the treatment which had the aim of stabilizing the sculpture to enable it to fulfil its ritual function.  相似文献   

明清小说中的有关宣卷和进香活动的描写,从侧面反映了明代妇女生活的状况.听卷和进香,成为明清妇女消除寂寞和拓宽生活空间的重要宗教活动.尤其是那些婚姻生活不幸和艰于子嗣的女性,她们从中寻找精神归宿,也借此外出游山玩水、遣怀散闷.同时,作者通过这些描写揭示了人物形象的内心隐秘世界,也是研究古代宣卷仪轨的重要史料.  相似文献   

文章指出<中国图书和图书馆史>简帛部分"实际所写"内容有明显错误或自相矛盾的地方23处,表达欠妥或论述模糊者9处.另就"应该所写"内容提出了商榷意见:简帛的编册制度,是我国后世书籍制度的滥觞;大批简帛的出土,为我们打开了一座座地下图书馆.因此,简帛部分必须紧扣"图书"和"图书馆"这两个关键词,努力揭示基于传世文献难以得出的有关古代图书形式和内容,以及有关古代图书馆文献收集、整理、保存和利用诸方面的独特内涵,但该书相关章节内容并不能满足这一学术期待.  相似文献   

In 1991, five segments of the Berlin Wall, first painted by renowned contemporary artists Thierry Noir and Kiddy Citny, were bought at auction, transported to the USA, and placed in an outdoor environment that severely advanced the deterioration of the painted surface and reinforced concrete substrate. This paper discusses aspects of the conservation treatment and management plan for these painted segments of the Berlin Wall. The strategy and criteria for the conservation program were defined by a multidisciplinary team that comprised conservators, concrete specialists, and engineers; the deliberations of this team also led to an appropriate treatment and management plan. The choice to intervene at a minimal level meant treatment was restricted to stabilization rather than restoration or reconstruction of deteriorated areas. Additionally, the team decided to reinstall the pieces indoors to reduce future deterioration.  相似文献   

李金明 《历史档案》2005,47(3):56-61
琉球位于日本九州与中国台湾之间的海域,南北长达600海里,有大小岛屿约50多个,总面积约2000多平方公里,其地理坐标在北纬24°—30°、东经123°—130°。琉球群岛自北向南,由吐噶剌列岛、奄美群岛、冲绳群岛、宫古群岛和八重山群岛组成,其重要都市是冲绳岛上的那霸,距离那霸2公里的首里为琉球历来的旧都。我国史书最初记载琉球始于隋朝,大业元年(605年),海帅何蛮上言:“海上有烟雾气,不知几千里乃流球也”。至明洪武五年(1372年),明太祖遣行人杨载以即位建元诏告其国,中山王察度则遣其弟泰期随杨载入明朝贡方物,从此开始了中琉之间的友好往…  相似文献   

1引言 中国是世界上最古老的文明古国这一,我们的祖先很早以前就发明了造纸、火药、指南针和活字印刷术,极大地加快了人类社会文明的步伐.其实我国也是世界上报纸出现最早的国家之一.在宋代就出现了世界上公认的最早的报纸--《邸报》,它是由官府主办的,用来抄写政府官文、臣民奏折、皇帝诏谕的抄本.后来在不同朝代被称为邸抄、阁抄、朝报、杂报、条报等,但这些报纸不具备现代报纸新闻时效性的特征、严格地说并不是真正的报纸,只是现代报纸的雏形.  相似文献   

清末民初日本对我国文献资源之掠夺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末及民国初年,日本利用发动侵华战争之机和采取盗购盗运等方式,大肆掠夺我国文献资源.利用发动战争之机掠夺文化遗产严重违反有关国际法准则,对中国文献资源的掠夺是日本帝国主义发动侵华战争的需要.  相似文献   

This study describes the analysis of paint samples from carvings belonging to Hinemihi, the Maori meeting house, Clandon Park, Surrey, UK. The assessment of physical evidence contained within Hinemihi's built fabric (along with historiographic research of archival sources and oral histories) has formed a key part of the information gathering process during the current conservation project. The production of such data provides an opportunity for a dialogue that is essential for effective decision-making within participatory conservation projects. From this, it is evident that the use of paint analysis, in deciding the eventual painted scheme for a restored Hinemihi, is settled within a broader dialogue about the conception, use, and management of Hinemihi as a Maori cultural centre, as built heritage, and as an object of conservation. Therefore, the value of material analysis is considered in relation to the potential that this information has to engage a community of users in designing an effective conservation response that seeks to balance the opportunities and constraints of the cultural and physical landscapes that surround Hinemihi and Clandon Park.  相似文献   

Currently, about ten Goryeo dynasty (918–1392 CE) sutra boxes are preserved in museums in Korea, Japan, the United States, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. This article is the result of an examination of a sutra box in the collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (hereafter ‘Rijksmuseum sutra box’), which was first introduced to a European audience in the Transactions and Proceedings of the Japanese Society, in 1913–1914. The Rijksmuseum sutra box differs from other Goryeo sutra boxes. With its altered structure and modified motifs, this box bears significant value, not only for the research of thirteenth-century Goryeo mother-of-pearl art, but also for the study of cross-cultural adaptations in East Asian lacquer art. This article investigates the date of manufacture of the sutra box by analysing the manufacturing techniques and its various original and modified parts. For this, an X-ray radiograph was carried out for the first time. As a result, discoveries have been made regarding the structure and decoration of the lower part, which has been modified and is different from Goryeo mother-of-pearl sutra boxes. Finally, this paper reconsiders conservation and repair of Goryeo sutra boxes, as illuminated by an understanding of the original and repaired parts of this box.  相似文献   

孔令云 《兰台世界》2021,(3):111-114
甘肃省文化艺术研究所从民间收集的清末民初戏曲抄本,经过上百年的流传存在不同程度的老化、絮化、污染、破损等现象,已经无法翻阅.针对每本剧本不同的受损情况,通过认真地分析研讨,制订出不同的修复方案,分别采用水洗去污、挖镶、金镶玉等不同的修复方法,对其中部分抄本进行整理、修复,使其得到了治理性保护.  相似文献   

辑佚是以佚书、佚文的搜辑、整理为中心的文献整理活动和方法。清代是辑佚发展的兴盛期,清代《四库全书》的纂修、目录书的编撰、古经解汇编都与辑佚密切相关。  相似文献   

《清代学者象传》是中国国家博物馆馆藏书画特色藏品,记录了清代主要学者肖像及传记,是了解清代学者形象的重要文献.关于这套画册的缘起与生成、选录与编纂的标准、画成之后的刊印和发行、传播与影响等,在学术界未能引起足够的关注.本文即在梳理时人与后人文献的基础上,尽可能厘清叶衍兰、叶恭绰等人编著《清代学者象传》的来龙去脉.《清代...  相似文献   

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