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The currently popular emphasis on democratic discussion in the “public sphere” often is critically viewed by observers commenting on issues of participation, empowerment, and efficacy without input from influentials, whose voices often are the content of public debates. Habermas was critical of the quality of democratic discourse, arguing for an “ideal speech situation” where participants are free to question all proposals; introduce proposals; and express their attitudes, wishes, and needs. This article examines perceptions of the climate of communication in the public sphere by influentials and the general public of a major urban area.  相似文献   

公共图书馆具有正外部性,公共图书馆可以增加读者的福利,而读者并不是相应成本的承担者,二者之间并没有交换关系来协调彼此的利益关系。公共图书馆的外部性体现在提高人力资本含量、减少社会排斥和实践民主这三个层面。政府立法和治理结构的实现形式这两种公共政策对公共图书馆外部性的发挥起着决定性作用。  相似文献   

论公共图书馆的外部性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共图书馆具有正外部性,公共图书馆可以增加读者的福利,而读者并不是相应成本的承担者,二者之间并没有交换关系来协调彼此的利益关系。公共图书馆的外部性体现在提高人力资本含量、减少社会排斥和实践民主这三个层面。政府立法和治理结构的实现形式这两种公共政策对公共图书馆外部性的发挥起着决定性作用。  相似文献   


This essay presents the major findings from a survey about human resource management in public libraries. The survey was conducted in October 2016 via the Internet. The participants were librarians with human resource management experience employed by public libraries in the United States. The majority of the participants responded that human resource management was challenging to some degree. While a majority were able to solve their human resource problems successfully, a majority of the respondents believed that the human resource curriculum for library science programs was inadequate.  相似文献   

Employing popular normative public relations paradigms, this study identified practices used by developers that improve long-range project outcomes, based on successful engagement in public meetings. Perceptions of public meeting processes, as well as mechanisms to improve outcomes and participant diversity, are discussed. Generally, findings indicate that larger developers were more likely to use public meetings successfully to identify, monitor, and resolve issues; and develop collaborative relationships. These developers were also likely to seek opportunities to increase public involvement by finding ways to lower constraints to participation. These strategies include varying meeting formats, sustained dialog throughout the project life span, employing consultants to aid in the development of public meeting plans, innovation in communication strategies, transparent exchange of ideas, and collaborative negotiations.  相似文献   

图书馆学上位学科再探究:知识管理学还是公共管理学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆是人类公共知识中心,图书馆学实质是公共知识管理学。公共知识管理是知识管理的重要组成部分,公共知识管理学可归属于知识管理学。公共知识管理是知识领域的公共管理,公共知识管理又可归属于公共管理学。随着管理学的发展,作为公共知识管理学的图书馆学的上位学科,最终会被确立。  相似文献   

传统与创新——对公共图书馆公益性及延伸服务的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章阐述了公共图书馆的本质属性和服务宗旨,将公共图书馆的公益服务视为传统的精华,对其现状进行了分析,提出了公共图书馆在构建公共文化服务体系建设的实践中,应充分体现公益性。文章认为延伸服务是传统服务的创新,对公共图书馆开展延伸服务的现状;指出了存在的问题,并提出了公共图书馆开展延伸服务的时策。  相似文献   

Civil libertarian doctrine which was dominant during the twentieth century argued that the main goal of freedom of speech was to ensure that the public would be well-informed and actively engage in public deliberation. A literal extension of this claim to the Internet age often justifies the regulation of online speech under the assumption that harmful communication undermines the public interest. This study challenges civil libertarianism and proposes a new thesis of freedom of online speech, which posits that online speech should be understood in terms of a democratic culture where every individual participates freely and without restraints in the process of meaning making that constitute her/him as an autonomous individual. Based on such a theoretical concept, this study identifies three important aspects of online speech freedom – unfettered speech, anonymous speech, and participatory speech – and then compares the status of online speech between South Korea and the United States. This research suggests that a society should understand the unique nature of online speech and then arrange the legal system to fit into it.  相似文献   

让阅读成为我们生活的一部分   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
阅读是人的权利,阅读有利于提高民族素质,阅读应当成为人们生活的一部分。今天,重建家庭藏书非常必要,也是完全有可能实现的。图书馆在大众阅读中有着重要责任,应主动采取措施推动大众阅读。参考文献11。  相似文献   

知识管理学:图书馆学之上位学科   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
知识管理学是管理学下的一级学科,包括公共知识管理学、竞争知识管理学、档案知识管理学、知识经营传播学、企业知识管理学和政府知识管理学等二级学科。图书馆是人类公共知识中心在特定阶段的表现形态,其职能是从事公共知识搜集、组织与服务。图书馆学实质上是公共知识管理学,其上位学科是知识管理学。参考文献19。  相似文献   

信息自由、信息权利与公共图书馆制度   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
信息自由是人类的基本价值目标。信息权利是信息自由得以实现的基础保障。公共图书 馆制度是民主政府为了保障公民的信息权利而选择的一种制度安排。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):383-397
Why does public speaking anxiety lead people to present speeches of judged lower quality? Prior research suggests a number of variables that might detrimentally affect the performance of highly anxious speakers when they present speeches. But does speech anxiety affect only presentation behavior, or does it also affect the ways in which people prepare their speeches? Measures of public speaking anxiety, and most texts focusing on presentational speaking, assume that the anxiety's effect is limited to performance. In the current study we examine this notion. Using a number of variables drawn from a conceptual model of the speech preparation process, we first find that the way people go about preparing their speeches is meaningfully associated with the quality of their presentation. Second, we discover that public speaking anxiety is significantly related to how people prepare speeches. People with high levels of speech anxiety engage in a variety of preparation actions that may limit the effectiveness of their presentations. When the impact of speech anxiety is statistically removed from the preparation process, the relationship between preparation and speech quality is much smaller. In understanding how speech anxiety affects public presentations, it is critical to examine not only what happens during the speech but also how the speech is prepared.  相似文献   

公共知识是社会大众公有共享的知识,它与个体知识穴包括个人知识和企业知识雪相对应。图书馆馆藏资源的本质是公共知识,图书馆学就是公共知识管理学。公共知识管理学(图书馆学)和知识管理学从研究对象和内容来说是个别与一般的关系。互动关系及规律说依然是图书馆现象说,并没有触及图书馆学的本质———公共知识搜集、组织与服务及其保障体系构建,其合理部分的实质是公共知识管理学中的“服务”。  相似文献   

For decades, user participation has brought value to various systems development projects. Today, there are expectations that public e-service development will experience the same benefits. However, existing research has shown that introducing user participation into public e-service development can be challenging. In this study, we interviewed citizens in order to explore their willingness and ability to participate in public e-service development according to three user participation schools: User-Centred Design, Participatory Design and User Innovation. Our findings show that citizens in general are willing to participate, but their ability to do so is limited. Based on our findings, we developed nine propositions to explain citizens' willingness and ability to participate in public e-service development. The propositions contribute to practice by acting as a tentative guide for systems developers when they use user participation schools as inspiration in public e-service projects. They also act as a starting point for future research into conditions for user participation in public e-service development.  相似文献   

公共图书馆免费服务的现实与方向探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章在回顾我国部分公共图书馆实行免费服务短暂历程的基础上,将公共图书馆的免费服务放在构建公共文化服务体系、促进文化事业大发展大繁荣以及国际图书馆通行做法的视野下加以关照,认为免费服务虽然给公共图书馆带来了各方面的压力,但这些压力毕竞是暂时的,免费服务是公共图书馆事业继续发展的必然趋势。最后,文章提出了解决这些问题的对策。  相似文献   

对公共图书馆公益性服务的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章探讨了图书馆公益性服务的涵义和由来,阐述了图书馆推行公益性服务面临的难题和可实行的策略,指出图书馆在市场经济条件下应坚持公益性服务为主的发展方向。  相似文献   

Significant changes in the Indonesian political system have affected most aspects of its government and community. First, there is an effort to implement democracy in terms of ideology as well as political practices. Second, the government system is transforming from centralization to decentralization, as the development process is delegated to regional governments (cities and kabupatens). Third, there is an effort to build community consciousness through community participation in national and regional development.

Participating in the development process, citizens should be supported with relevant public information. It is the government's task to provide information regarding governmental issues and public interests. As communication and information have been delegated to regional governments, they should execute this task based on good governance principles.

However, providing fair and balanced information is not simple. Large populations and regions separated by water and mountains make the task harder. Therefore, regional governments must adopt advanced information technology systems, which functioned to transfer information to the public as well as to receive public feedback medium in an efficient and effective way. To meet those qualifications, regional governments endeavor to implement e-government as a tool for democratizing communication and information.

After almost 3 years, there are indications that e-government has not been properly implemented by regional governments. They have faced many problems, including lack of financing, poor technical skill, lack of human resources and infrastructure, and the political will of the government elite itself.

Nevertheless, there are many ways to overcome these problems. Standardizing the application of e-government, establishing the regulation of e-government, involving other stakeholders, and developing human resources may aid in the implementation of e-government. In addition, lessons learned from other regions, for example, Kutai Timur or Gorontalo, are also recommended.  相似文献   

以文化体制改革为背景,指出图书馆事业存在的四方面问题,通过对图书馆服务产品的意识形态、准公共物品两个属性及正外部性、垄断性、信息不对称性、地域性等四大特征的分析,解读政府提供图书馆公共服务的过程与内涵,区分公共服务与公共管理两者间不同的运作方式,有利于图书馆事业的科学改革与图书馆服务机制的转换。  相似文献   

柯平等著的《公共图书馆的文化功能:在社会公共文化服务体系中的作用》,运用"问卷调查"等实证的研究方法,以独特的视角,面向未来,探讨了在社会公共文化服务体系中公共图书馆的角色定位、功能及发展方向。该书是集体攻关,探讨公共图书馆研究前沿的新成果,是国内第一部以"公共图书馆的文化功能"为题的学术专著。  相似文献   

Electronic services in the public sector: A conceptual framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electronic services provided by governmental organizations, here referred to as public e-services, are frequently discussed in the e-government literature. There is, however, little consensus on the meaning of the concepts used to describe and discuss these e-services, and hence, the literature is full of synonymous terms and concepts. This paper is conceptual and presents efforts to understand e-services in the public sector domain by unpacking the public e-service concept into three dimensions; as being (1) a service, (2) electronic, and (3) public (as contrasted to being private). Based on a hermeneutic analysis, these dimensions are discussed in a number of combinations, illustrating that a multi-dimensional take on public e-services must be adopted in order to capture the complexity of governmentally supplied e-services and contribute to theory development, as well as practical utility.  相似文献   

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