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This article addresses an approach to library services for people who are incarcerated that meets the situated information needs and desires of people within jails and prisons. By creating a flow of information between LIS students and individuals who are incarcerated through a Reference by Mail program, resources available to incarcerated people are increased while students engage in a humanizing and self-reflexive project, with the understanding that the regulation of information within jails and prisons has lasting effects for the life chances of incarcerated people.  相似文献   

The author claims that neoliberal discourse plays “hide and seek” with the state, which appears at the same time absent and present, negated, and necessitated. In order to test its limits, the paper historicizes such discourse by engaging with the Italian case. More specifically, this study examines the most representative figure of Italian neoliberalism, former prime minister and media tycoon, Silvio Berlusconi, and his ambiguous relationship with the state. Drawing on Marx and Gramsci's conceptualization of the state, the paper sheds light on the Italian context as well as the more general characteristics of the neoliberal state.  相似文献   

Open Access and the Developing World   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Till about 15 years ago, almost all information exchange among scientists and scholars was mediated by print and even then researchers in the developing countries were at a great disadvantage as their libraries did not have the resources to subscribe in comparison with even a small fraction of journals libraries in advanced countries. But the Internet and the World Wide Web initially exacerbated the gap between the rich and the poor countries, as many poor countries were slow to acquire these technologies and the infrastructure (especially bandwidth). Soon it became clear that thanks to these technologies we now have the unprecedented opportunity of having a level playing field in the matter of accessing scientific and scholarly information. Transforming this opportunity into reality is entirely in the hands of the researchers themselves. Imagine a world where every scientist places his/ her research papers, which (s)he wants to give away so others can read and make use of, in a public archive. Anyone anywhere in the world, of course having an Internet connection, can access, download, and read those papers. This is a win-win situation for all: the reader gets to read what he wants to read at very little cost; the author gains greater visibility for his work and the work reported is likely to have greater impact than if it were to be made available only through a toll-access journal. Although the logic is so simple, in reality such archives were not coming up for a very long time. In spite of the fact that computer scientists and physicists had shown about 15 years ago the great advantages of such archives. Recent studies by Alma Swan and others have shown that a very large proportion of scientists are not aware of open access and therefore what we need is focused advocacy. Even among those who know of OA, many are not depositing their papers in archives but say they would if they are asked by their bosses or their funding agencies. Clearly the ball is in the court of scientists and policy makers. OA is especially advantageous to the developing countries as the current access to literatures is poorest in these countries.  相似文献   

As the title suggest, this article attempts to account for variations in the approach to the social sciences between Japan and the West. Ito identifies and provides examples for two categories of research that are peculiar to Japan: (1) A tradition of academic interest in long‐term longitudinal social surveys; and (2) Theories that are based on words and concepts that are unique to the Japanese language and experience. He also covers the special focus that Disaster Communication research has had in the country.

The second half of the paper deals with the great deal of similarities in approach to research between the West and Japan by looking at the significance and impact of key developments in the histories of the two cultures.  相似文献   

The Colbert Report, an innovative American satirical news show, and the show's dedicated viewers, known as “the Colbert Nation,” redefined fan engagement through audience participation, mediated culture jamming, and ironic political spectacle. Yet very little is known about this fan group. This survey of The Colbert Report's devoted followers finds that the fans are distrustful of political and media elites, highly cynical, very politically involved, not apathetic, and moderately efficacious. Further analysis reveals that viewers have different motivations, some seeing the show as primarily entertainment, some mainly as a trusted source of political information, and others as a mix of entertainment and information. The fans are also found to be highly sophisticated consumers of satire and news, and watch the show as an alternative to mainstream media and as a form of comic relief from current events. Several implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Although no news of the FCC task force initiative on localism came forth between 2004 and 2006, members of Congress have taken an interest in the effects of localism in radio broadcasting. This interest can be attributed to the view that radio consolidation has minimized local radio service. As well, satellite-delivered radio has begun to encroach on local radio as it now provides traffic and weather updates in selected metropolitan markets. This article investigates the status of radio and localism, an issue that affects listeners across the nation.  相似文献   

Speech philosophy, in the face of the current anti‐intellectualism, deals with the place of rational‐logical elements in discourse. The author argues for the supremacy of reason in communication, and calls for neo‐classical communicative logic fused with the social direction of thought. Such a goal inevitably incorporates value judgments. Thus the intellectual, logical, and ethical components are an unbroken continuum in their expression and effect.  相似文献   

The convergence of Internet technology and federal information policy are encouraging federal information producers and users to adopt a new direct model of information dissemination of federal information from producing agency to end user. On the surface, this trend would appear to remove the traditional middlemen—the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and depository libraries—from the dissemination model. To assess the impact of the Internet model on the future viability of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), the traditional GPO/depository library model of information dissemination is examined in four areas, keeping in mind the underlying intent of the FDLP to assure access to federal information in all congressional districts.  相似文献   

A content analysis measured the performance of much‐labeled talk show host Rush Limbaugh against traditional and modem standards of propaganda. A month of Limbaugh's syndicated radio program was recorded off air. The tapes were randomly sampled for topic segments defined as the units of analysis. Trained coders working in pairs rated each sampled segment on 40 questions, grouped to test seven hypotheses about Rush Limbaugh's performance, and t‐tests were used to test the variance of scores from the neutral median. Although Limbaugh was not found to use the majority of traditional and modem propaganda techniques or to conceal the source and purpose of the ideas he presented, he was found to have a political agenda, to espouse that agenda openly, and to employ a minority of propaganda techniques. The findings support the notion that analysis of the message source, individual techniques of presentation, and the totality of the message may be more important to effective understanding than the assigning of labels.  相似文献   

The present study used cultivation theory to explore the relationships between celebrity media diet and materialism for a sample of 224 emerging adults. Results indicated main effects between both celebrity magazine consumption and celebrity TV news consumption on materialism. Total celebrity media diet was also significantly related to materialism. Findings suggest that a media diet high in celebrity culture and lifestyle has significant impact on emerging adults’ preoccupation with consumerism, particularly for women. This research contributes to a growing body of literature on the effects of a celebrity-saturated media environment and the cultivation of materialistic attitudes.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, scholars concerned with post-colonial and indigenous populations have focused on archives as one method of excavating the cultures and lives of marginalized peoples. The limitations of textual and bureaucratic records, combined with the recognition that an archive can consist of interrelated knowledge constructs composed of many different kinds of documentation, have led these scholars to seek ‘archives’ beyond the walls of official buildings. For archivists likewise engaged in documenting post-colonial and other communities, expanding the definitions of what an archive could be, and suggesting new ways of seeing ‘records’, offers the potential of creatively representing and preserving the cultural expressions of these communities. This paper examines carnival as a cultural archive. Carnival, an annual tradition in many Caribbean islands was initially created by both enslaved and freed Africans as a counter-narrative to the festivals of the colonizers. In the US Virgin Islands, carnival began in the eighteenth century when the islands were Danish colonies. It was briefly revived at the beginning of the twentieth century and again in 1952 as an annual public celebration, which it remains today. While carnival produces traditional records, the week-long event also embodies the continuum of a local culture through a variety of non-traditional records that transmit genealogies, folkways, food customs, and history.  相似文献   

Performance measurement and communicating about it with the broader public is not self-evident if one looks at public services organizations (Hernon, P., 1998. The government performance and results act. Government Information Quarterly, 15: 153–156). In Belgium and the Netherlands, one organization that has been under constant surveillance from its stakeholders is the railroad company. Originally a national public service, it has changed through a European directive to operate in a liberalized transportation market. In this paper, we present the results of a qualitative study into what the Belgian and Dutch railway companies measure about their performance towards travelers, how they measure it, and specifically how they communicate it to their employees and stakeholders. Although we might expect the Dutch railway company (NS) to be more transparent than the Belgian railway company (NMBS/SNCB), in reality the two organizations do not differ that much from each other.  相似文献   

Open Access and the Transformation of Science——the Time is Ripe   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We are experiencing a ' climate change' in science publishing and we will witness major changes in the way it is being done, resulting in more and more open access to the scientific research literature. The internet makes it all possible, and the impact on science will be phenomenal.  相似文献   

Philadelphia at the time of the founding of the Medical Library Association (MLA) is described. Several factors that promoted the birth of the association are discussed, including the rapid increase in the labor force and the rise of other health related professions, such as the American Hospital Association and the professionalization of nursing. The growth of the public hygiene movement in Philadelphia at the time of Sir William Osler's residency in the city is discussed. Finally, the rapid growth of the medical literature is considered a factor promoting the development of the association. This article continues the historical consideration of the MLA begun in the author's article on the three founders of the association. The background information is drawn from the items listed in the bibliography, and the conclusions are those of the author.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1928, the arrest on a disorder charge of a young woman in north London who gave her name as Helene Adele led to a press sensation after she claimed that the officers had falsely accused her in order to discredit her claim that one of them had sexually assaulted her. The constables were ultimately prosecuted, convicted and discharged from the Metropolitan Police. This article considers the Adele case in the context of intense concerns about the possible abuse of police powers—particularly in cases involving women—in the late 1920s. Adele was catapulted onto the front pages of Britain's sensationalist press: her serialised memoir appeared in a newspaper and was reprinted in a women's magazine. However, her case was more than just a tabloid spectacle. Contributing to historians' reconsideration of the sensationalist inter-war press, this article shows how the coverage of the case fit into the press's interest in young working-class women's lifestyles and sexuality, highlighting how ‘human interest’ journalism could be intermixed with social critique.  相似文献   


Forty U.S. and Canadian medical libraries are electronically transmitting interlibrary loans to the Eastern European Medical Library of Latvia. This resource sharing initiative is an outgrowth of a pilot project of the International Cooperation Section of the Medical Library Association. The interlibrary loans are sent free of charge using the National Library of Medicine's DOCLINE system. This article will discuss the success of this program and how it started.  相似文献   

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