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Following the seminal works of Norbert Elias, with regard to the ‘civilising process’, modern sports are generally considered by the scientific community as being, on the one hand, a privileged means that has long facilitated and contributed to ‘the control and learning of the self-control of impulses’ and, on the other, as a political device, which has facilitated, by penetrating into the private sphere in a restrained and play-oriented fashion, the state's monopoly of violence. They are also considered to have facilitated the socio-genesis of modern states. But is this link so evident that this ‘new’ social configuration can be considered a new tool at the service of violence control? Acceptance is so strong that one can almost forget the contradictions, at least the questions, which can and should emerge from this proposition. It should in fact face up to criticism on a certain number of concrete points: definition of violence, rejection of the long-term view, sport be strictly considered in the light of the pacification of habits and social control, hooliganism, etc. This introductory article presents a series of reflections which aim to enrich Elias's theory by underlining both its accuracy and its weak points.  相似文献   

Drawing on qualitative interviews with Mixed martial arts (MMA) athletes and stakeholders, this study aims to investigate the relationship between, on the one hand, MMA as a spectacle and imaginary world, and on the other, the fighters’ experiences of violence, pain and ‘the real’. Analytically, we are influenced by the literature on the spectacle and on hyperreality. The results show that athletes’ negotiations concerning the sport largely connect to a particular way of approaching violence – culturally and in terms of physical experience. On the one hand, there is a desire to portray MMA as a civilized and regulated sport. The athletes develop different strategies by which to handle or renegotiate the physical force and violence in the cage. On the other hand, however, the fighters’ bodily control and management of their fear sometimes breaks down. When the spectacle of the octagon becomes ‘real’, the legitimacy of the sport is questioned.  相似文献   

大型体育赛事中的体育暴力危害城市的公共安全。文章从竞赛暴力和观众暴力两个层面对体育暴力的法律规制进行探讨,对竞赛暴力提出行业内部处罚,适当追究民法责任和刑法责任,同时在刑法干预时要谨慎。并对观众暴力法律规制的情况进行分析,根据现实情况提出完善相关法律的建议。  相似文献   

竞技体育中的攻击与暴力:运动心理学界的一次争论   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
近年来,国际运动心理学界围绕竞技体育中攻击与暴力的问题展开了一次争论。起因是国际运动心理学会发表《体育中攻击与暴力:国际运动心理学会的立场》文章后受到质疑,于是双方在体育中攻击与暴力的本质、运动员和观众攻击与暴力的区分、媒体的影响、裁判员的角色以及国际运动心理学会的忠告等问题上进行了激烈的辩论。在介绍、审视这次争论基础上,对国际运动心理学会的作法提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

从体育学的视角看,球场暴力就是在体育活动中,竞技人员与竞技人员之间、竞技人员与非竞技人员之间和单纯的非竞技人员之间所发生的暴力行为;而暴力行为的危害性不甚相同,对其进行层次性划分实有必要。从法学的角度看,竞技人员与竞技人员之间的球场暴力行为,一般由有关的体育社会团体加以处罚;而竞技人员与非竞技人员之间和单纯的非竞技人员之间所发生的暴力行为,则应当由公安机关进行处理,其中竞技人员对非竞技人员进行的暴力行为,应当实行“双罚制”,既要由体育社会团体对其进行处罚,也要求公安机关依法追究其行政责任。  相似文献   

The theory of Norbert Elias, with regard to the ‘civilising process’, widely taken up and nourished by his epigons such as Eric Dunning, does not fully explain the reasons why sport, far from systematically pacifying, tends equally to reproduce or amplify certain violent tendencies in societal groups, when it does not in itself constitute the germ of the violence in the heart of contemporary societies. In fact, Elias considers the ‘new’ social configuration as a tool used to control violence, forgetting that the institutionalisation of budding practices also bears witness to social and societal transformations, including free time, access to education, growth of cities, the economic development of states, circulation of goods, merchandise and people, the forming of the media and communication cultures, and the dissemination of information and cultural models. The purpose of this study is to show how his singular posture prevents Elias from understanding all the facets of sport as being prey to its own tensions and contradictions, particularly when it is a case of examining the ‘educational’ positions of the activity reflected in the mirror of the socio-historical conditions of the production of culture and the ways in which the practice of sport has been instrumentalised.  相似文献   

以我国16个小城镇为对象进行了经济、人类和体育发展的实证研究.结果认为体育现代化有赖于经济的高度发展,但也推进工业现代化进程.小城镇学校体育拉动了内需、促进经济发展.经济发展使小城镇居民生活水平不断改善和提高,居民对生活质量的重视和拥有健康身心的追求刺激了体育消费,帮助形成了体育市场,促进了体育社会化和产业化.  相似文献   


Science plays an increasingly important role in sport. Innovative high-tech equipment and research-based exercise regimes are vivid examples. In more subtle forms, scientific ways of thinking impact how sport is understood and practiced. I examine the possibilities and limits of scientific rationality in the set-up of competitive sport. Standard requirements on reliability and validity make sense when it comes to the quest for equal opportunity, and for fair and impartial evaluation of performance. However, whereas the instrumental aim of science is ‘certified’ knowledge, I argue that sport has primary meaning and value in itself. In further analysis of the normative structure of sport, an alternative ludic rationality emerges with elements of merit, chance and luck. I argue that sport is structured to cultivate not only athletic but human excellence. I conclude that upholding ludic rationality, operationalized in norms for fair play, is crucial for realizing sport’s characteristic values.  相似文献   

Herein I address and extend the sparse literature on deception in sports, specifically, Kathleen Pearson’s Deception, Sportsmanship, and Ethics and Mark J. Hamilton’s There’s No Lying in Baseball (Wink, Wink). On a Kantian foundation, I argue that attempts to deceive officials, such as framing pitches in baseball, are morally unacceptable because they necessarily regard others (e.g., the umpire) as incompetent and as a mere means to one’s own self-interested ends. More dramatically I argue, contrary to Pearson and Hamilton, that some forms of competitor-to-competitor deception (which Pearson labels ‘strategic deception’) are similarly unacceptable. Specifically, I offer a ‘principle of caustic deceit’ according to which any strategic deception that divorces a game from its constitutive skills is morally untoward and ought to be met with negative social pressure at least, and/or legislated out of existence. The problem with these forms of strategic deception is that they treat one’s opponents, again in the Kantian sense, as a mere means to one’s own self-interested ends.  相似文献   

Results of the PISA survey in 2000 led to a rethinking of the German educational system. One of the consequences of this was, for example, the initiation of the investment program Zukunft, Bildung und Erziehung (IZBB; 2003–2009) by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which aims to accelerate the expansion of all-day schools nationwide. In the German educational system, this reform mainly affects the time that students spend at school. Thus it can also have an impact on their level of activity. However, at present, research has no unambiguous answer as to whether this is accompanied by an increase or decrease of students’ activity level. Against this background, the objective of this review is to analyze, as well as evaluate, the state of German-language research regarding offers and impact of physical activity (PA) in all-day schools. By means of a systematic literature review, 37 relevant publications out of 2,847 results were found. On one hand, the results of the quantitative analysis illustrate a lack of nationwide investigations. One of the most noticeable results is that, except for one study, there are only cross-sectional studies, hence meaningful longitudinal investigations are absent. On the other hand, analysis and presentation of current research content points out that there are, for instance, insufficient spatial structures for PA in all-day schools. Furthermore, ambivalent results can be found in PA providers’ composition as the proportion of external PA providers varies between 19 and 80?%. Overall, there are similarities in scattered research fields, but it becomes apparent that the current state of research is rather heterogeneous. Therefore further studies are urgently needed for an improved evaluation of PA opportunities for children and adolescents in all-day schools.  相似文献   

目前我国关于球场观众暴力应急管理的研究还处于起步阶段。从事件特性、事件规模、组织化程度和表现形式多个角度,对球场暴力突发事件进行分级分类。在此基础上,结合能量释放理论和破窗理论对"能量失控"和"暴力升级"过程进行分析,以球场观众暴力突发事件应急管理静态系统为基础,从预防、准备、响应和恢复4个阶段开展动态应急管理工作。在处置球场观众暴力突发事件的过程中,运用"鱼钩—长矛"理论针对不同类型的突发事件进行应对,同时结合应急预案进行有效的应急处置。最后,面对当前我国严峻的赛场安全形势,有必要从"零容忍"策略和"情报主导"策略两方面进行创新,从而更加有效地预防球场观众暴力突发事件的发生。  相似文献   

Scholars of Argentine fútbol have explored the construction of fútbol criollo and how this style of play has factored into the broader debate over national identity in Argentina. Focusing on the performance of the key Argentine personalities at the FIFA World Cup from 1958 to 1990, this essay explores how fútbol represented a contested vision of the nation across five decades. After a 24-year absence at the FIFA World Cup, and in the wake of the overthrow of President Juan Perón, Argentina underachieved at the 1958 tournament. The country would later experience a number of disappointments en route to eventually winning the 1978 and 1986 World Cups. However, across this time span (and beyond) the team’s style of play and identity became the subject of intense debate. Popular discourse revealed a preference between two approaches seemingly in juxtaposition to each other. On the one hand, traditionalists favoured the criollo style, which celebrated the pibe (the young kid from the streets) and the potrero (the dusty fields where fútbol is practised) as emblematic of the nation. These symbols represented the working class and elevated the life of the barrio as an anchor to the nation’s humble beginnings. On the other hand, reformers preferred approaches that proved successful in Europe. Sometimes described by critics as anti-fútbol, the emphasis was on physicality, strict adherence to tactics and data-driven training. Proponents in Argentina equated this European approach to progress and modernity. Between 1958 and 1990, notable Argentine personalities at the FIFA World Cup embodied both of these philosophies.  相似文献   

足球球迷的暴力行为已成为世界性的社会问题,在我国也越来越严重。通过采用文献资料等研究方法,从社会心理学角度对球迷暴力行为成因进行分析,并提出相关的控制策略。  相似文献   

国际体育仲裁程序性问题之法律适用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在国际体育仲裁中,能否为体育纠纷寻求适合的法律适用,能否获得令人信服的解决结果,将决定着体育仲裁的公正与效率。作为体育纠 纷解决的新型手段,也作为仲裁世界的新兴疆域,国际体育仲裁既有着对仲裁传统形式尤其是国际商事仲裁的依从,也有着基于体育独有的社 会存在而顺应所生的创见。试循如上思路,以程序性问题的法律适用为核心,就国际体育仲裁尤其是强制性仲裁对传统仲裁法律适用规则之呼 应与变革进行梳理,以期在法律适用之相关问题的探讨中提出有益辨析。  相似文献   

对体育“暴力”的文化人类学解读   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从文化人类学的视角,通过对宗教仪式和竞技体育中"暴力"文化的比较研究,从暴力与集体记忆、暴力与社会秩序、暴力与"虐恋"文化3个层次,探讨竞技体育"暴力"文化在人类社会生活中存在的价值和理由,以及它所隐喻的社会结构和象征意义.  相似文献   

从宗教人类学的视角,通过对宗教仪式与体育"暴力"社会文化的比较分析,从暴力与"嵌入"(非我)、暴力与"交融"(无我)、暴力与"歧离"(非非我)3个层次,跨宗教文化的"观"竞技体育"暴力"社会文化的"象"和"意",实现"文化反观"向度解读"宗教"之于"暴力"的"以心契心"理解,以及宗教本源"神话"诉求下体育"暴力"隐喻的社会结构和象征意义。  相似文献   

George Bernard Shaw's early romantic novel about a prizefighter, Cashel Byron's Profession (1882) is possibly the first literary treatment of the risks, compulsions and social hypocrisies surrounding professional sport. It offers a critique of class, work and leisure, of the nineteenth-century bildungsroman, of violence as a spectacle and of the distinction between professional and amateur. In the ‘Preface’ and ‘Note on Modern Prizefighting’, added to the 1901 edition, Shaw provided both a history of prizefighting and a trenchant critique of the public taste for violence which, as he saw it, encouraged the emergence of professional boxing with gloves, under the Queensberry rules, as an even more brutal and dangerous spectacle. Shaw's intimate knowledge of the world of prizefighting, in decline in the 1880s, and his examination of the life of an athlete in a dangerous ‘profession’, open up a critical juncture in the history of modern sport.  相似文献   

欧洲球场观众暴力问题的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
球场观众暴力一直伴随着足球。英国不仅是现代足球的鼻祖,而且也是球场观众暴力、足球流氓的传统发源地。1960年以来,球场观众暴力在英国和其它欧洲国家的发展与蔓延,引起了一些学者的关注与研究。首先介绍了欧洲球场观众暴力的简要历史,然后重点通报了英国在球场观众暴力问题研究上所做的工作、主要理论和其它欧洲国家的研究状况。为我国今后在球场观众暴力方面的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

体育教师课堂语言暴力伤害学生的现象在学校体育教学中依然时有发生,由此引发的法律诉讼也常常见诸媒体。体育教师语言暴力滋生蔓延且成为体育课堂教学活动中的突出问题。在借鉴前人及同行研究成果的基础上,就体育教师语言暴力的内涵、类型、特征、产生的根源等方面作初步的探究,旨在帮助体育教师调节和规范自己的语言行为,更好地服务体育课堂教学。研究结果表明:①体育教师语言暴力的实质是体育教师将病理性语言作用于精神和心理并对学生的身心造成伤害的一种隐暴力。②体育课堂教学中学生们经常遭遇的体育教师语言暴力大致可分为侮辱讽刺型、贬低压抑型、威胁恐吓型和抱怨哀求型。③体育教师语言暴力具有有意性、伤害性、迟延性、隐蔽性、扩散性和自我性等特征。④体育教师语言暴力现象产生原因复杂多样,既有传统"师严道尊"观念的影响与体育教师心理本能方面问题,也有体育教师职业道德失范、话语权失控、自身口语素养欠缺和课堂管理能力有待提高等方面的问题。  相似文献   

对国内外篮球重大赛事的24场典型暴力事件进行统计分析,总结归纳了3大类26项暴力成因,并对成因进行2轮专家调查和分成不同模块进行R型因子分析,确定了关键因素,揭示了心理基础;进而从管理机构、裁判员队伍、教练员队伍、运动员队伍、现场球迷、新闻媒介等方面探讨篮球竞赛暴力事件的规避策略。  相似文献   

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