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Norbert Elias makes technical progress one of the markers of the state of civilisation. It is from this viewpoint that we would like to return to the question of sport, a fundamental part in Elias' civilising process, which also constitutes, a contrario, one of the most ambiguous aspects of ‘technical progress’ and its relation to violence, to the articulation of a double abuse of instrumental rationality. On the one hand the infinite improvement of human possibilities (records, performance) which leads to the recognised risks of exploitation and the ultra-sophisticated controlling of athletes (extreme pressure, over-training) as a corollary of the temptation to over-stimulate athletic potential as a result of the uncontrolled use of victory techniques (cheating, doping, violence). On the other hand, the stakes involved in the production of a vast spectacle with ideological, sociopolitical and socio-economic overtones which lead to technological manipulations. Both these tendencies overlap, and furthermore cannot be isolated from, a more general context of the technification of the social, at the heart of which instrumental rationality constitutes the first example of violence. This three-fold observation constitutes the basis of the argument set out in this paper.  相似文献   

Following the seminal works of Norbert Elias, with regard to the ‘civilising process’, modern sports are generally considered by the scientific community as being, on the one hand, a privileged means that has long facilitated and contributed to ‘the control and learning of the self-control of impulses’ and, on the other, as a political device, which has facilitated, by penetrating into the private sphere in a restrained and play-oriented fashion, the state's monopoly of violence. They are also considered to have facilitated the socio-genesis of modern states. But is this link so evident that this ‘new’ social configuration can be considered a new tool at the service of violence control? Acceptance is so strong that one can almost forget the contradictions, at least the questions, which can and should emerge from this proposition. It should in fact face up to criticism on a certain number of concrete points: definition of violence, rejection of the long-term view, sport be strictly considered in the light of the pacification of habits and social control, hooliganism, etc. This introductory article presents a series of reflections which aim to enrich Elias's theory by underlining both its accuracy and its weak points.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study, which follows on from previous work, is to show in what ways sport has surreptitiously changed and become more complex, to the extent that its functioning only imperfectly responds to one of the basics of sport as envisaged by Elias: role distance. That is the propensity of the participants to avoid being caught in the game, which is only a game, defining in this way the social distance which classes sports performers and the relationship of their practice to the contingencies and material necessities of life. The choice of this focal point is another attempt to understand what happens when sport, by transforming itself, becomes more than sport or even another type of sport. In other words, here we wish to discover what makes Elias' model incomplete. Although sport is supposed to contribute to the pacification of social relations, there are still a large number of elements, which in sporting practice, and in its most recent developments, cannot be explained by the theory of the ‘civilising process’.  相似文献   

In France today, sport is considered to be a fundamental element of the educational offer in the prison environment, especially because it represents in the eyes of the majority an activity that is capable of channelling violence and violent behaviours, although this exemplary effect of education cannot be taken for granted. It is based, in fact, on a commonly accepted opinion and on evidence that is rarely questioned and is even contradicted in recent studies. But can sport, as a more or less formalised pedagogical, institutional and/or sociopolitical project, continue to be ‘educational’ in particular social spaces, like prison, which in essence distorts the conditions of unconstrained free practice and cultural dissemination? Starting from a case study, focused on France, the aim of this paper is to question the relation of sport with the calming qualities and/or, on the contrary, those that produce force fields, not by isolating it and constructing an improvised model but rather by re-inserting it into the issue of pacifying social fields, that is by re-integrating sports practice in the very place which gives it a sense and literally one which incarnates a motor praxeology with constraints – not to say control.  相似文献   

体育运动中的攻击和暴力行为   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
结合国内外的大量研究 ,较系统地探索攻击和暴力行为 ,攻击的理论 ,产生攻击和暴力行为的原因 ,及如何采取有效的减少或防止攻击和暴力行为的措施。  相似文献   

从体育学的视角看,球场暴力就是在体育活动中,竞技人员与竞技人员之间、竞技人员与非竞技人员之间和单纯的非竞技人员之间所发生的暴力行为;而暴力行为的危害性不甚相同,对其进行层次性划分实有必要。从法学的角度看,竞技人员与竞技人员之间的球场暴力行为,一般由有关的体育社会团体加以处罚;而竞技人员与非竞技人员之间和单纯的非竞技人员之间所发生的暴力行为,则应当由公安机关进行处理,其中竞技人员对非竞技人员进行的暴力行为,应当实行“双罚制”,既要由体育社会团体对其进行处罚,也要求公安机关依法追究其行政责任。  相似文献   

竞技体育中的攻击与暴力:运动心理学界的一次争论   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
近年来,国际运动心理学界围绕竞技体育中攻击与暴力的问题展开了一次争论。起因是国际运动心理学会发表《体育中攻击与暴力:国际运动心理学会的立场》文章后受到质疑,于是双方在体育中攻击与暴力的本质、运动员和观众攻击与暴力的区分、媒体的影响、裁判员的角色以及国际运动心理学会的忠告等问题上进行了激烈的辩论。在介绍、审视这次争论基础上,对国际运动心理学会的作法提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

采用个案研究方法,通过深度访问法、参与式观察法对5名青少年在体育活动中的暴力认知、情绪和行为进行分析,结果表明:(1)青少年体育暴力特点是发生的偶然性、后果的严重性、活动的情境性;(2)青少年体育暴力特征是不合理认知观念、负性情绪、资本凭借、应对行为;(3)青少年体育暴力发生的过程包括开始阶段、酝酿阶段和爆发阶段。研究结果可以为认识青少年体育暴力行为提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

从宗教人类学的视角,通过对宗教仪式与体育"暴力"社会文化的比较分析,从暴力与"嵌入"(非我)、暴力与"交融"(无我)、暴力与"歧离"(非非我)3个层次,跨宗教文化的"观"竞技体育"暴力"社会文化的"象"和"意",实现"文化反观"向度解读"宗教"之于"暴力"的"以心契心"理解,以及宗教本源"神话"诉求下体育"暴力"隐喻的社会结构和象征意义。  相似文献   

球场观众暴力的理论阐释和因素分析   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
球场观众暴力已经逐渐成为我国的一个社会问题。基于集群行为理论阐释球场观众暴力的成因,并介绍了国外球场观众暴力的社会心理模型及其因素分析。研究认为,球场观众暴力是一种集群行为;球场观众暴力具有正面和负面双重效应;球场观众暴力受多种相关因素共同影响。另外,社会安全阀理论对于我们正确理解和更好控制球场观众暴力有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文从历史学与哲学的角度,通过对中国传统体育文化的认识以及对现代体育所存在问题的分析,提出中国传统体育文化是对现代体育中所缺失的人文价值的良好补充。一方面旨在促进现代体育人文精神的回归;另一方面,肯定中国传统体育文化在世界体育文化中的地位。  相似文献   


This article analyzes the influence of the new civilizing sensitivity of the Spanish regenerationists in the introduction of sport, in place of bullfighting, during the first third of the twentieth century. Following the colonial collapse of the late nineteenth century and the subsequent demoralization of the country, the regenerationists saw in physical education and sport a way to reform the broken Spanish population. Sport had arrived in Spain in the mid-nineteenth century by way of the aristocracy and would then spread to the urban middle classes, imbued with the reformist sense of the regenerationists. It came in the form of amateur sport, with values of modernity and a civilizing sensitivity which were diametrically opposed to activities such as bullfighting that had such great support from the Spanish public. Amongst the urban middle classes, sport developed as a kind of amateur practice, used for the formation of a more civilized character and the expression of individuality; on the contrary, amongst the working classes, sport spread primarily in its professional form, by way of mass spectator sports (football and boxing), representing a civilizing spurt in severing the link between entertainment and death which was central to bullfighting.  相似文献   

采用文献资料等研究方法,在体育文化的社会发展进程中探讨这一具有社会意义的自我发展运动,体育文化只有形成具有社会意义的需求、形成追求健康的生活方式、形成终身体育观念时才会赋予社会新的发展动力。随着科学技术的进步和物质文明的发展,体育文化将成为人们日常生活中必不可少的有机组成部分。  相似文献   

文章以套路及散手为研究对象,运用文献资料法、比较分析法等研究方法,从武术的产生过程入手,探析了套路与散手及表现特点,认为套路与散手是武术的两种不同表现形式,将两者的打与练有机结合起来,武术最真实的表现形式才能得以体现。  相似文献   

上海市实施体教结合培养竞技体育后备人才的审视与思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
上海市体教结合经过20年的发展,其制度建设得到进一步完善,运动项目布局、梯队结构趋于合理,教练员业务水平明显提高,经费紧张局面得到一定缓解,人才培养初显成效。但也面临着“路径依赖”的强势惯性、体教两家工作着力点不尽相同、专业体校吸引力不断下降、人口基数低导致体育后备人才匮乏等问题。在后奥运时代,运动员文化教育应全面纳入国民教育体系、高水平运动队建设要融入“科教兴市”主战略,全社会动员全方位结合实现竞技体育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

体育课中,各种教育理念有着广泛关联性,身体运动理念不可能孤立存在,多元教育理念正是着眼于把多元教育理论引入体育课堂,建立多元体育课,改变传统以身体训练为单一目的的体育课堂,最终还体育以快乐,还学生以多元发展,还学生以成功体验,从而产生对学生体育理念的影响与变迁。  相似文献   

现代体育运动竞争激烈,在足球运动中球场上的暴力事件层出不穷,足球运动员在比赛中攻击和暴力行为也频频出现。本文通过对体育竞赛中攻击性行为和暴力行为的概念以及攻击理论的分析研究,归纳了足球运动员在比赛中攻击性行为和暴力行为产生的因素,以及对此现象的控制和预防措施,以期在足球比赛中运动员尽量避免不文明行为的发生,净化赛场风气。  相似文献   

文章运用文献综述法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,以山西省部分高校体育社团(51个、21种)的社团会员为研究对象,对社团会员加入社团动机、对社团活动的态度、加入社团后的感受以及影响社团会员工作成效及满意度的因素进行研究。  相似文献   

该研究通过问卷调查等方法,以集群行为理论为基础,运用集群行为整合模型分析足球球迷暴力行为发生的心理过程。结果表明:(1)对354名足球球迷的问卷调查结果显示,足球球迷具有鲜明的集体身份认同,球迷暴力行为是情绪与认知共同作用的结果,这一结论与van Zomeron与Thomas的观点一致;(2)由集体身份认同、愤怒情绪和暴力行为意愿形成的路径是足球球迷暴力行为心理过程的情绪通路,集体身份认同、集体效能和暴力行为意愿形成的路径是足球球迷暴力行为心理过程的认知通路,两条通路在足球球迷暴力行为心理过程中起到了重要作用;(3)对于足球球迷暴力行为的心理过程,集群行为的社会认同理论模型(SIMCA)和社会认同封存模型(EMSICA)都具有一定的解释性,但是SIMCA模型应该更加适合具有群内相吸、群外排斥特点的足球球迷群体的心理过程。  相似文献   

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