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A key assumption of equity policies in Australia, as in many countries, is that pathways from lower-status, vocationally oriented ‘second’ tiers of tertiary education to ‘first’ tier higher education are able to act as an equity mechanism. This is because students from low socio-economic backgrounds are over-represented in former and underrepresented in the latter. The assumption that pathways support equity is tested in this paper through an analysis of the socio-economic profile and institutional destination of student transfers from vocational education and training to higher education in Australia. It finds that educational pathways deepen participation in education by existing social groups but do not effectively widen participation for groups that do not have equitable access. This is as a consequence of the hierarchical structuring of qualifications within VET as well as in higher education.  相似文献   

【新课程要求】本单元主要学习用have对物品的所属进行问答,要学会用let's...提建议;学会谈论自己喜爱哪些球类运动,不喜欢哪些球类运动及原因。【课程导入】当我们谈论球类运动时常这样问答:  相似文献   

Are certain controversial issues, even though being part of the public debate, more open to discussion than others? We asked 80 French 6, 8, 10 and 12 graders respond to two letters. These letters dealt with either integration of immigrant students at school, or the right to smoke in public places. In France, there is a politically “correct” (officially dominant and valued) social position regarding immigration which could limit a person's willingness to discuss the issue. In contrast, the smoking issue is widely open to discussion, and most ideas and opinions related to it are socially acceptable. The analysis of certain textual operations characterizing the referent degree of openness to discussion (counter-argumentation, conditional modifiers, …), as well as the number of arguments produced, demonstrated the referent influence on the argumentative text. The non debatable referent, target of reigning socially dominant and politically “correct” position, resulted in an impoverished discourse containing few arguments (primarily ones that support the dominant opinion) in which the speaker distanced himself/herself from his discourse by the use of enunciative position (I think that…) and restrictions (only in a case where…). Referents open to discussion, not limited by social pressure, were conducive to a rich and nuanced discourse. In this case, the arguments were numerous and varied, and the speaker openly took a stand and expressed personal value judgments.  相似文献   

Universities in many countries increasingly value talent, and do so by developing special honors programs for their top students. The selection process for these programs often relies on the students’ prior achievements in school. Research has shown, however, that school grades do not sufficiently predict academic success. According to Renzulli’s (1986) three-ring model, student characteristics relating to intelligence, motivation and creativity are the most important predictors of excellent achievements in professional life. In this paper, we will investigate whether honors students differ from non-honors students in terms of these characteristics. By means of a questionnaire, more than 1,100 honors and non-honors students at Utrecht University were asked to assess themselves on six characteristics: intelligence, creative thinking, openness to experience, the desire to learn, persistence, and the drive to excel. The results showed that the honors students differed significantly from the non-honors students in terms of the combined variables as well as for the separate variables, with the exception of ‘persistence’. The strongest distinguishing factors between honors and non-honors students appeared to be the desire to learn, the drive to excel and creativity, whilst there was little difference in terms of intelligence and persistence. However, the profiles of these differences varied according to the study program. While Law and Humanities honors students differed from their non-honors peers in terms of their drive to excel, Physics honors students were primarily more eager to learn than their non-honors peers, while the LA&S honors students scored higher on creative thinking than non-honors students.  相似文献   

Language and reading outcomes at age 13 were examined in a sample of 22 children who were late talkers as toddlers. The late talkers, all of whom had normal nonverbal ability and age-adequate receptive language at intake (24-to-31 months), were compared to a group of 14 typically developing children similar at intake on age, SES, and nonverbal ability. Late talkers had significantly poorer vocabulary, grammar, reading/spelling, and verbal memory skills at age 13, although as a group, they generally performed in the average range on most language and academic tasks. The findings suggest that slow early language development reflects a predisposition for slower acquisition and lower asymptotic performance in a wide range of language-related skills into adolescence.  相似文献   

How Do You Do?     
Hello!Hello! Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? My name is Fred. I'm a bear. How do you do? How do you do?  相似文献   

Do the eyes have it? Inferring mental states from animated faces in autism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of individuals with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) to infer mental states from dynamic and static facial stimuli was investigated. In Experiment 1, individuals with ASD (10- to 14-year olds; N=18) performed above chance but not as well as controls. Accuracy scores for mental states did not differ between dynamic and static faces. Furthermore, participants with ASD gained higher scores when the eyes conveyed information than when this region remained static and neutral. Experiment 2 revealed that those with ASD (11- to 15-year olds; N=18) were as successful as controls in recognizing mental states when the eyes were presented in isolation or in the context of the whole face. Findings challenge claims that individuals with ASD are impaired at inferring mental states from the eyes.  相似文献   

单元学习目标及学习指导:Hi!Nice to meet you.通过第四单元的学习,你将:1.能用have对物品的所属进行提问和回答;2.能用Let’s…提建议;3.与朋友谈论自己喜爱的球类活动和不喜欢的球类活动,并说明原因;4.谈论怎样和自己的朋友度过一段愉快的时光。5.本单元的重点句型有:  相似文献   

Scatter on the five specific scales in the McCarthy was examined for the standardization sample to explore the types of ability profiles exhibited by normal children. Contrary to the common stereotype of “flat” profiles, normal children aged 21/2 to 81/2 years evidenced much variability in their performance on the various cognitive and motor dimensions.  相似文献   

罗俊 《中学生英语》2007,(10):25-27,45
[新课程要求]本单元主要学习用have对物品的所属进行问答,要学会用let’s…提建议;学会谈论自己喜爱哪些球类运动,不喜欢哪些球类运动及原因。[第一段]  相似文献   

<正>Ⅰ.The Analysis of the Textbook1.The status and function of the textbook The topic in this unit is closely related to students’daily life and thereby it’s easy to arouse students’interest and curiosity.Students will continue to learn simple present tense,which appears frequently in English language learning.Having a good command of  相似文献   

Do bacteria age?     
Aging, a progressive deterioration of the physical functions necessary for survival and fertility, resulting from deleterious changes, is one of the most fundamental features of Eukaryotes. Bacteria are thought to be examples of organisms that do not age. They divide by binary fission, which is assumed to be a symmetrical division, such that both daughter cells produced from the parent bacterium have the same constituents with no obvious deterioration. The two daughter cells can continue the process apparently indefinitely giving an impression of immortality. But this thinking has come under scanner in recent years. The following new observations argue that bacteria do age: occurrence of morphologically asymmetric cell division; differential cell behavior during the stationary phase of bacterial growth; and asymmetric inheritance of an older pole by one of the daughter cells during cytokinesis. Is there a loss of fitness when a bacterium eventually divides into two daughter cells? Do they initiate ageing to increase fitness under special circumstances? These issues will be the focus of this article which attempts to resolve this controversy based on current evidence.  相似文献   

Do you know?     
众所周知,在第27届悉尼奥运会上共设有28个比赛项目,而热血的中国体育健儿获得了28金、16银和15铜的好成绩,奖牌总数排名世界第三。更加令人高兴的是中国申办第29届奥运会成功,中国人百年梦寐以求的愿望实现了,让我们高呼“Warmly celebrate the success of Beijing in bidding for 2008  相似文献   

Do you know?     
在一些英文报纸的报道中.常用各亩政府机构所在地或其建筑物的名称来代替相应的办事机构。你知道以下建筑物代替什么吗?1.whlte封ouse白宫(美国政府)2.Bue火一ngham palaee白金汉宫(英国政府)3.Downing street唐宁街(英国首相官邸)4. Flee七Stree七舰队街(伦狄新闻界)5.eaPlto一美国国会大厦6.七he pentogon五角大楼(美国国防部)7.WOlls七reet华尔街(美国金融界)8.Elysee爱丽舍宫(法国政府) (颜萍辑).Do you know?@颜萍…  相似文献   

Do you know?     
Ⅰ.What will the weather be like? What will the weather be like? Some people say they can know what the weather will be like from birds.When they see birds fly high out to the sea,they know it is a nice day,because birds don't like to fly out when it will rain.When the weather will be bad,the birds come back to the beach.A big wind may come with a rain.Birds do not like to fly in a big wind.They may sit in a tree when rain is coming.Other animals can also tell the weather.If it's a cloudy day and the rain is coming,chickens aren't quiet,and they are running here and there.Frogs(青蛙) are making big noise in the pool.If it is a nice day,the frogs will come out of the water.  相似文献   

Do You Konw?     
(1)Q:What is the Milky Way? 银河是什么? A:It is a huge mass of gas and stars in the universe and it can be seen clearly as a band of light across the night sky. 它是宇宙中一大堆的气体和星星,有如一条光带横越夜空,清晰可见。  相似文献   

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