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Researchers generally accept that victims may experience revictimization in the criminal justice system when they relive victimization experiences while recounting the victimization to criminal justice officials. In addition, scholars have drawn attention to the need to be sensitive in victimology courses and other courses focusing on victimization. In this study, the authors examine whether victims experience forms of revictimization when learning about victimization in college courses. Attention is also given to whether learning about victimization promotes self-identification as a victim. Our findings suggest that minor forms of revictimization may occur. A sizeable portion of the students reported learning that they were victimized in the past as a result of the course material. Implications for teaching victimology are provided.  相似文献   

With the significant increase in online education, particularly in the field of criminal justice, guidance on migrating instruction from a face-to-face format to an online format is needed. This is especially the case for courses focused on topics with the potential to elicit a strong emotional reaction from students, such as victimology. This article presents a framework for teaching a victimology course that allows for the full discussion of ideas in a manner that is supportive of victims of crime and does not inflict additional harm. It shares tips on what to include on a syllabus, guiding discussion and responding to student disclosures of victimization. In doing so, this contributes to the emerging pedagogy on teaching about trauma and victimization.  相似文献   

The presentation of sophisticated atomic theory (quantum mechanics) in secondary chemistry texts is not accompanied by sufficient evidence or applications to promote its rational acceptance as determined by a model of conceptual change. Eight secondary chemistry texts were analyzed for four elements associated with a conceptual change model: dissatisfaction, intelligibility, plausibility, and fruitfulness. These elements were not present in sufficient quantities to promote conceptual change, i.e., to have quantum mechanics rationally accepted over simple atomic models such as the Bohr theory. Recommendations include modifying future textbooks to include conceptual change elements; having secondary chemistry teachers emphasize these elements beyond the presentation in their textbooks; and using the conceptual change model to analyze other instructional materials, especially those presenting scientific theories. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 535–545, 1997.  相似文献   

阚国坤 《高教论坛》2002,(6):126-128,131
我国现代语文教材经过近一个世纪的发展,其内容体系已基本形成了知识、课文、练习、导学、图表五个部分的科学化、系统化格局。语文教育革新家王森然于20世纪20年代在语文教学实践与理论方面进行了探索,提出了自己的语文教材内容观,为语文教材内容体系的形成做出了突出的贡献。  相似文献   

英语教科书的开发是实施基础英语素质教育的基础工程。自2001 年新课程改革以来,国家审定通过了多套中小学英语教科书,但对一线英语教师的调查发现,现行教科书在趣味性、系统性、知识性等方面存在问题。笔者全面分析了产生这些问题的原因,并结合调查结果和相关理论,提出并重点讨论了编制英语教科书应该遵循“有趣”、“有意”和“有理”的选材原则。  相似文献   


This article advocates the use of case studies to illustrate the importance of victimology in the criminal justice curriculum. The case study of a particular victimization introduces emerging issues in criminal justice, and illuminates the responsibility of the criminal justice system to prevent and react to crime. Academic programs are challenged to develop and maintain students' interest in this theoretical framework. Case studies in victimology promote interdisciplinary knowledge, critical thinking and precise writing skills. They also provide students with experience in research, investigation and integration of information.  相似文献   

以《科技汉语阅读教程》系列教材为例,探讨专门用途汉语教材的编写问题。教材借鉴西方应用语言学及专门用途外语教材编写的理论,在教材定位、编写原则、课文及练习设计等方面作了一些探索,以唤起对外汉语教学业界更多同行对科技汉语乃至其它专门用途汉语教材编写的关注。  相似文献   

Within the field of victimology, teaching can occur at many levels: from on-the-job training of victim assistance practitioners; to agency-specific training, usually for one week to learn basic job competence; to more formal teaching for two years at the undergraduate level; or for four years at the baccalaureate level at a university; and finally, to advanced graduate work, leading to either a master’s degree or a doctorate degree in victimology or a related discipline. The dynamic evolution of victimology and victim services beginning in the early 1970s was followed by the education of university students interested in understanding victims and victimization, as well as the training of practitioners wanting to help relieve victim suffering and facilitate victim recovery. Victimology education and training offers a bright prospect both for those interested in studying victims, those hoping to find social solutions to interpersonal conflicts, and those wanting to help their fellow human beings.  相似文献   

语文课程标准实验教科书识字教材的发展与问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》颁布后,已经有12套小学语文课程标准实验教科书相继面世。这些教材低段识字内容的编排思路主要有:以汉语拼音学习为基础的拼音识字;从汉字自身的造字用字规律出发的韵语识字、看图识字和随文识字几种。12套教材一轮实验下来成绩斐然,但也有几方面问题需要探讨:一是趋同与创新,二是汉字与拼音,三是优秀与平庸,四是新假说与新实验。实验教育学认为,识字教学实验研究应该提倡假说的多元与创新,避免各种各样的"独子恋"情结。课标实验教材采取韵语识字、看图识字、随课文识字诸方面虽取得了长足进步,但汉字的学习有难有易,要探讨化难为易策略。同时,要避免趋同、坚持创新,争取优秀减少平庸,多方假设,再行实验,期望通过新一轮的教科书修订,识字教材有更大进步。  相似文献   

Some prominent parent education theories in the United States and other Western countries base their educational viewpoint explicitly on democratic values, such as mutual respect, equality and personal freedom. These democratic parenting theories advocate sharing power with children and including them in family decision making. This study presents a textual analysis of two such theories, the Adlerian model of parent education and the Parent Effectiveness Training (PET) model, as they are embodied in two original bestselling textbooks. Through content and argumentation analysis of these influential texts, this study examines the paradoxes inherent in these two theories when they articulate how to implement fully democratic principles within the parent-child relationship. We discover that in spite of their democratic rationale, both books offer communication practices that guide the child to modify misbehaviour, enforce parental power, and manipulate the child to make decisions that follow parental judgment, and thus do not endorse the use of a truly democratic parenting style. We suggest, as an alternative to the democratic parenting style, that parents be introduced to a guardianship management style, in which they do not share authority with children, but seek opportunities for enabling children to make more autonomous decisions and participate in more family decision making.  相似文献   

According to the observance of ELT(English Language Training)classes in China,the selection of reading materials becomes a big problem.Most teachers there are in a traditional way of following the textbooks,and regard texts given in those books as the sole resource of teaching materials.However,those texts are not ideal for all situations,and when there are problems,we need to make improvements instead of sticking to the authority of textbooks.In this paper the author will illustrate the necessity of adapting reading textbooks mainly in a Chinese ELT context and set forth some corresponding suggestions about adaption in different cases.  相似文献   

文章对近15年使用影响较大的10本中高级阅读教材进行比较分析,梳理出了目前我国对外汉语阅读教材的编写特点、发展趋势,以及阅渎教学的基本理念。同时指出了目前阅读教材编写中存在的图式、语篇理论缺失,阅读特点不够突出等问题。提出,今后的教材编写不仅要考虑到理论性,也要关注教学的可操作性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present findings from a systematic analysis of elementary-school science textbooks. Comparisons of content domains and vocabulary are presented for the Merrill (1982) and Silver-Burdett (1985) science programs, grades 1–5 as well as the fourth-grade Holt (1980) and fifth-grade McGraw-Hill (1974) texts. Analyses of how each publisher presents information, types of questions, and various text characteristics reveal striking differences between programs. Systematic comparisons of content domains between programs also reveal few instances of “inconsiderate” texts. The textbooks analyzed were selected because they are used in the three school districts participating in our longitudinal study. Results are discussed in light of the differences found between programs regarding textbook content and opportunity to learn, the greater amounts of text and activities within each program, and teachers' probable uses of textbooks, the long-term results of students' exposure to various textbooks, and the need for careful examination of materials in order to determine their quality.  相似文献   

Presenting results from a Norwegian empirical study of student texts and moral education textbooks, this article contributes to the evaluation and development of contextual approaches to moral education. Theoretical perspectives from Seyla Benhabib and Mark Tappan are discussed in the light of empirical data. In particular, while textbooks focus primarily on norm aspects of morality, student texts display interactions between relation‐oriented and norm‐oriented cultural tools, indicating a possible synthesis of care and justice aspects of morality, as suggested by Benhabib. A hegemony of a ‘language of justice’ over a ‘language of care’, as suggested by Benhabib and Tappan, is possibly reflected in the uneven distribution of ethical perspectives in textbooks. Student texts, however, show close interactions between relation‐oriented and norm‐oriented aspects of morality, and also indicate a female superiority in the mastery of both norm‐oriented and relation‐oriented language.  相似文献   

世界文学是美国初、高中阶段语文教学的一项重要内容。五种美国中学的世界文学教科书共选录中国文学作品71篇,包括先秦典籍、中古诗词、现当代作品、民间故事、美国华裔文学等。教科书对中国文学评价很高;在选录时,重视中国文学中能够反映普世价值的作品。教材或以主题编目,或以区域和时代划类。陶渊明的《形影神》三首、张洁的《爱是不能忘记的》的教学案例很好地体现了五种教材强调的整体语言艺术教学方法。美国的中国文学教学特点表现在:具有系统性,强调整体性;具有广度、深度,而且注重有意义的主题教学;注重从作品的思想性、文学性、语言表达技巧、语体风格等各方面去讲解所选作品;注重激发学生思考创作。  相似文献   

公共教育学(简称"教育学")教学面向未来教师,培养批判性思维具有长远的意义。批判性思维包括批判精神和批判性思维技能,批判精神的人格特质可以在培养批判性思维技能的过程中形成和强化。围绕教科书的观念和言说,教育学教学可以从四个方面指导学生思考教科书文本,发展批判性思维。  相似文献   

Textbooks are an essential component of student education, often forming the basis for all information presented in a given class. Introductory texts cannot possibly cover all relevant material, but what is included speaks volumes. Given the prevalence of stalking and cyberstalking in society, this is an important issue for inclusion in introductory criminology and criminal justice classes. An analysis of 20 criminology and 12 criminal justice textbooks is done to determine what students are learning about this prevalent social problem. Specifically, we aim to evaluate whether stalking and cyberstalking are covered, determine the theories associated with the issues, and assess the textbook location in which the issue is covered. Results indicate slight coverage of stalking and cyberstalking in introductory texts.  相似文献   

Abstract Elementary and middle school science texts were analyzed for the presence of evolutionary protoconcepts, which are defined as topics that prepare students to study evolution in later years. Elementary and middle school texts were content-analyzed for protoconcepts in both life science and earth science. Seventeen concepts considered important for student understanding of evolution were gleaned from the misconception literature and used to review the life science texts. Concepts used to analyze other texts were chosen by exploring all texts used in the analysis for any topics that might qualify as evolutionary protoconcepts, thus generating grounded theory. Coverage of evolutionary protoconcepts varies considerably among published textbooks. We recommend using this analysis when considering textbooks for adoption and for supplementing texts currently in use. We also recommended this type of analysis of textbooks for inclusion of other topics of interest to science education research.  相似文献   

课文是语文教材的核心,课文的选编不仅反映编者的鉴赏水平、审关情趣和价值取向,而且直接映射着时代的课程理念和教育理念。文章以课文为切入口,对人民教育出版社新课改前(1992年版)和新课改后(2001年版)初中语文教科书从课文的语言形态(白话文与文言文)、文章形态(实用文章与文学作品)、选文国别与选文题材等方面进行比较与分析,探讨新课改后语文教科书所体现的课程理念。  相似文献   

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