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The numbers of UK students choosing to study abroad for a period has increased steadily over the years, with many students citing academic, professional, linguistic and cultural reasons as their key motivations. However, while there is an abundance of literature on the advantage of study abroad (SA) for linguistic learning, there is less known about the academic impact of studying abroad. In addition, because SA is largely a process of self-selection, this makes it difficult to derive unbiased estimates of its impact on academic achievement. Using data on students from a London-based Russell Group university, and categorising SA students as those who participated in credit-seeking SA programmes through Erasmus or bilateral/multilateral agreements with partner universities, this paper uses individual fixed effects to compare the post-SA grades for students who sojourned with their expected grades had they not sojourned, as well as with their non-SA counterparts. The results are quite robust across subgroups and indicate that grades in year 3 are less than expected for the SA group, given their pre-sojourn grades. To tackle the problem of self-selection, outcomes for SA students were compared to the group who applied but did not eventually study abroad, and to the outcomes for students who did not apply.  相似文献   

Education policy in Australia has accelerated its aim to increase participation of under-represented groups in tertiary education including students who are culturally and linguistically diverse and have low socio-economic status. These students generally have not had prior access to privileged academic discourse, which can further disadvantage them in their participation and progress in tertiary education. In this article, we outline a cross-discipline curriculum initiative and pedagogy that draws on critical literacy and the metaphor of discourse community to integrate language and academic skills into community services qualifications. We argue that this – supports the genuine participation of under-represented (non-traditional) students. It aspires to not only support students’ entry into the new academic terrain, but to enable students to adopt a critical stance to the discourses in which they are learning to participate. This we argue is crucial, when expertise is not just a way of meeting its ostensible purposes, but is also a way of exercising power. Although we report on the application of this initiative to entry level curricula (Diploma), we suggest that it has relevance and application to Bachelor levels in a range of disciplines, both in supporting pedagogy and for transition to Bachelor level study.  相似文献   

Nationally, a majority of community college students require remedial assistance with mathematics, but comparatively few students who begin the remedial math sequence ultimately complete it and achieve college-level math competency. The academic outcomes of students who begin the sequence but do not complete it are disproportionately unfavorable: most students depart from the community college without a credential and without transferring to a four-year institution. Interestingly, however, many of these students continue to attend the community college after they exit the remedial math sequence, sometimes for an extended period. One is led to ask why students who do not complete the sequence generally are not finding their way to an alternative credential objective that does not require college-level math competency, such as a career and technical education certificate, sometimes referred to as a vocational certificate. In this study, I explore three possible answers to this question, including difficulty navigating to the alternative credential, declining participation in the community college, and declining academic performance. I find that all three of these explanations contribute (to varying degrees) to explaining the low rate of certificate completion among remedial math students who do not achieve college-level math competency.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of an adjunct English language tutorial program on the academic performance of first‐year Architecture students. With increasing numbers of international students enrolling in Australian universities, language and academic skills programs have shifted from generic to more discipline‐specific models; however, there has been little research on the effects of these programs on ESL students' academic performance. This study uses a mixed‐method approach to evaluate the effectiveness of an English as a second language (ESL) intervention program. Findings indicate that students value a highly discipline‐specific approach to language and academic skills support and that regular participation in a content‐based ESL program can lead to positive learning outcomes for students. Preliminary findings also suggest that there are positive longer‐term benefits on students' academic outcomes. The authors suggest the need for longitudinal studies on the impact of discipline‐based programs for ESL students.  相似文献   

口语课作为留学生汉语教学的主干课型之一,重在培养学习者口头语言交际能力。由于留学生汉语学习受学习目的、方式、时间等限制.与学历教育存在着较大的差异,传统的教学方式效果不尽如人意。将任务型口语教学引入留学生汉语口语教学中。探索一条比较适合留学生学习汉语口语的教学途径,提高留学生汉语口语教学效果就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands internationalization of higher education may lead to an increasing use of a foreign language-for example English-as the medium of instruction. This may raise the issue whether learning in a foreign language affects academic performance, given the language problems international students are faced with when studying abroad. The present article reviews research in this field and presents a study into the academic achievement of 90 Indonesian engineers. These subjects took a one-year English-medium postgraduate course at the International Institute for Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering in Delft. Language proficiency was measured by TOEFL and academic success was defined as the average score on seven written examinations. A most remarkable finding is the observation of a cut-off point in the relationship between English proficiency and academic success. This has led to the hypothesis that there is a range of TOEFL scores within which a better command of English increases the chance of being academically successful. The lower and upper limits of this range may vary according to academic discipline or may even be institution-specific. Additional findings are presented as well as implications and directions for further research.  相似文献   

While there is agreement that participation in online asynchronous discussions can enhance student learning, it has also been identified that there is a need to investigate the impact of participation in online discussions on student course performance. This paper presents a case study based on an undergraduate engineering management unit employing a formally assessed online discussion area. It was observed that while many students read a significant number of discussion postings, generally, the posting of new and reply messages occurred at the minimum level required to qualify for the assignment marks. Based on correlation and multiple regression analysis, it was observed that two variables were significantly related to a student's final unit mark—prior academic ability and the number of new postings made to the online discussion. Each new posting contributed three times as much to the final unit mark as its nominal assessment value, suggesting that the work in preparing their new discussion postings assisted students in the completion of a range of assessable tasks for the unit. The number of postings read was not significantly correlated with the final unit mark, suggesting that passive lurking in this online discussion did not significantly contribute to student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

International experience is said to promote students’ intercultural sensitivity, employability and academic achievement; yet few community college students go abroad during their studies. This study aims to identify which organizational strategies are related to the participation rate in study abroad programs (SAPs). Taking the case of Quebec general and vocational colleges (CEGEPs [collèges d’enseignement general et professionnel]), a group-frequency analysis was performed on data obtained through a survey to which 39 CEGEPs responded (81% of the population). Using Knight’s (1999, 2004) terminology of organizational strategies, findings reveal that institutions with higher participation rates use four strategies to a greater extent: institutional commitment towards internationalization; educative mission statement referring to SAPs; international offices; and funding offered to students who participate in SAPs. A standard regression confirms that commitment and funding are positively correlated with student participation rates.  相似文献   

Who Studies Abroad? Evidence from France and Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article uses data from representative samples of university students in France and Italy in an attempt to investigate the determinants of participation in foreign exchange programmes. Empirical results indicate that selection into these programmes is mainly driven by student's academic and foreign language skills. On the other hand, parents' occupation does not seem to have any significant effect on the probability of studying abroad.  相似文献   

For decades, institutions of higher education have provided study abroad opportunities for college students wishing to increase and expand their intellectual and social skills. While many universities around the country have supported successful international exchange and study abroad programs, there is little research on community college study abroad programs and their impact on student development. Therefore, this article examines specific vectors that impact student development before and after study abroad participation in nine community colleges using Chickering's Theory of Student Development and SAS statistical methods.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to examine the benefits of a learning community created for first-year students enrolled in a criminal justice degree program at an urban community college in the Northeast. Quantitative and qualitative survey data were collected from three cohorts of students in the program-based learning community. Survey questions examined students’ satisfaction with the learning community structure and their perceptions of social networking and academic skills gained from participation in the learning community. Quantitative data from the college’s records were used to compare the academic progress and retention of criminal justice students in the program-based learning to other first-year criminal justice students. Our findings indicate that participants had positive experiences in the learning community reporting satisfaction with the learning community structure and significant social networking and academic benefits from their participation in the learning community. Findings also indicated that program-based learning community students exhibited greater academic progress and were retained at higher rates than other first-year criminal justice students. This study substantiates the positive impact of program-based learning communities on students’ satisfaction, their academic success toward degree completion, and retention.  相似文献   


Despite a great increase in the numbers of students enrolling in higher education, specifically at community colleges, the successful completion rates for these students has remained static since the 1970s. When reviewing strategies to increase student retention and successful completion, the Student Success Course (SSC) has emerged as a promising and prominent strategy for community colleges. Given that, the purpose of this sequential mixed methods study was to determine if participation in a SSC influences persistence, retention, academic achievement, and student engagement on a community college campus. Data were collected from a purposeful sample of 197 SSC participants at a middle sized community college in southeast Texas and compared to a matched sample of 235 non-SSC participants. Twelve former SSC participants were also interviewed in an attempt to build a more empirical understanding of the impact of the SSC on student engagement and, thus, the students’ decisions to remain in college. Results of this study indicate that a relationship exists between participation in the SSC and persistence, retention, academic achievement in English and mathematics, and student engagement. Additionally, participants claim that taking the SSC not only altered their perceptions of the importance of the course, but their social and study skills as well.  相似文献   

Study abroad programmes are characterized, in contrast to individual mobility of students across borders, by a particular set of established arrangements for foreign study between institutions of higher education, namely an ongoing, regular exchange of students; an organisational and educational infrastructure which supports the study experience; and provisions that successful study for some period abroad is at least partially recognized as a substitute for study at the home institution. The paper compares different models of, or approaches to, study abroad programmes and examines the effects of the different types of programmes. The paper draws on an extensive cross-national analysis of study abroad programmes, the Study Abroad Evaluation Project, addressing various support schemes by the European Community and national governments as well as programmes and students from British, French, German, Swedish and U.S. institutions of higher education. Findings show that there are certain logics of study abroad promotion programmes and of national modal types of programmes which shape the goals, attitudes of participants, experiences abroad, and the outcomes of the programmes to a large extent. However, significant exceptions can be pointed out: students themselves might opt for contrasting educational experiences abroad not strongly emphasized in their programme; students might report substantial problems abroad though strong administrative and academic support is provided, recognition of study abroad upon return might remain limited even though students consider their academic progress abroad as higher than that during a corresponding period at their home institution.This study was supported by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. It was presented at the International Seminar on Higher Education and the Flow of Foreign Students, convened by the Hochschul-Informations-System, with support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Science and the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Arts in Hannover, Germany on 26th–28th April 1990.  相似文献   

The relationship between university students’ perceptions of their academic environment, their approaches to study, and academic outcomes was investigated for first and fourth-final year students. The responses of 88 first and 92 fourth year students were analysed using a path analysis model. Students’ perceptions of the learning environment were measured by an instrument based on the Course Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ) and Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) inventories. The Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI) was used to assess students’ approaches to studying. The structure of the ASI inventory was explored by factor analysis. The analysis gave two factors which reflect the deep and surface approaches to studying. Workload does not predict any of the studying approaches and academic outcomes. There was a pattern of relationships between deep approach, perceptions of learning environment which encourage this approach, and outcomes. Assessment methods was the best predictor of satisfaction for all of the students. For the first year students, University grade was not associated with any of the explored variables but the level of satisfaction was predicted by relationships with tutors and fellows. For the fourth year students, good teaching predicted achievement both directly and indirectly through the deep approach to studying. The findings indicate that fourth year students’ perceptions of the current learning environment are a stronger predictor of academic achievement than prior academic ability (university entrance examinations’ grade). The study suggests further exploration of the impact of affect in learning especially for the newcomers.  相似文献   

Although interest in study abroad has grown consistently in recent decades, study abroad professionals and higher education scholars have been unable to explain or rectify the long-standing gender gap in study abroad participation. This study applies an integrated model of the student-choice construct to explore differences between male and female intent to study abroad. Results indicate that, not only can various forms of social and cultural capital predict student decisions about curricular opportunities during college such as study abroad, but gender plays a substantial role in altering the ways in which those forms of capital shape student decisions differently. These findings present a range of implications for researchers interested in better understanding the decision making process of college students as well as study abroad professionals and national policymakers intent on narrowing the gender gap in study abroad participation.  相似文献   


A college degree is often viewed as a key step toward better employment and higher earnings. Many community college students, however, never graduate and cannot reap the financial benefits associated with a college degree. Although existing research suggests that financial aid interventions can modestly improve students' short-term academic outcomes, there is little rigorous evidence on the critical question of whether such interventions improve graduation rates or employment outcomes. This study helps to fill that gap using a randomized controlled trial involving over 2,000 community college students in Ohio. It focuses on a student population composed predominantly of low-income mothers. The study includes four years of post-random assignment data to examine the long-term impact of a performance-based scholarship program—financial aid that is contingent on academic performance—on degree receipt, employment, and earnings. The findings provide evidence that the one-year program made a lasting impact on students' credit accumulation—still evident after four years—and decreased the time it took students to earn a degree, but the study does not provide evidence of impacts on employment outcomes.  相似文献   

Asynchronous online discussion forums are common in blended learning models and are popular with students. A previous report has suggested that participation in these forums may assist student learning in a gross anatomy subject but it was unclear as to whether more academically able students post more often or whether participation led to improved learning outcomes. This study used a path model to analyze the contribution of forum participation, previous academic ability, and student campus of enrolment to final marks in a multicampus gross anatomy course for physiotherapy students. The course has a substantial online learning management system (LMS) that incorporates asynchronous forums as a learning tool, particularly to answer learning objectives. Students were encouraged to post new threads and answer queries in threads started by others. The forums were moderated weekly by staff. Discussion forums were the most used feature of the LMS site with 31,920 hits. Forty‐eight percent of the students posted at least once with 186 threads initiated by students and a total of 608 posts. The total number of posts made a significant direct contribution to final mark (P = 0.008) as did previous academic ability (P = 0.002). Although campus did not contribute to final mark, there was a trend for students at the campus where the course coordinator was situated to post more often than those at the other campus (P = 0.073). These results indicate that asynchronous online discussion forums can be an effective tool for improving student learning outcomes as evidenced by final marks in gross anatomy teaching. Anat Sci Educ. 7: 71–76. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

中国近代留德教育发轫于19世纪70年代,在20世纪20-30年代达到高潮。留德学人多,成就突出。其成因既受国内人才需求、留学政策的推动,也与德国高等教育的学术影响、留德学生的不懈努力密不可分。这一时期留德教育具有学科专业集中、学历层次较高、留学生组织活跃、留学途径多样等特点。1920-1930年代的留德热潮,对中国社会政治、科学、教育、文化、经济的发展产生了深远的历史影响。留德学人英才辈出,涌现出周恩来、朱德、陈寅恪、季羡林、冯至、陈省身、朱家骅、王淦昌等一批著名的政治家、军事家、科学家、文学家、语言学家和历史学家等。国内一些大学汇聚不少留德人才,形成了独特的办学风格和治学传统,以蔡元培、马君武、顾孟余、张君劢等人为代表,留德学者促进了民国时期高等教育与思想文化的变革和发展。民国时期的留德传统,对于当代中国的留德教育产生了重要的积极影响。  相似文献   

Helping students develop the employability skills and professional capabilities they will need to transition into graduate roles is one of the most important mandates for university study. With this context in mind, this paper analyses the nature and implications of Australian university students’ participation in paid work during study. The paper looks at the incidence with which students participate in paid work, and follows this with an analysis of the influence such participation has on academic engagement and outcomes. There are disjuncts, the data shows, between student activity and the support received from institutions. It is suggested that institutions need to embrace students’ off-campus paid work. The findings shed light on practices that institutions can use to support students’ participation and outcomes.  相似文献   

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