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阳光教育是教师用爱心关心、理解、激励学生,使其成为性格活泼、自立自强、合群合作的一代新人的教育。作为一种新的教育理念,阳光教育是基于对目前学校体育教育,尤其是中小学体育教学所存在的弊端而提出来的,在体育教育中应贯彻阳光教育理念。  相似文献   


Effective and sustainable strategies for physical activity promotion during childhood are of considerable importance to physical education, sport, and health organisations. Multi-component physical activity intervention approaches for children and young people are firmly rooted within the literature; however, there is a dearth of research evidence pertaining to healthy lifestyle promotion within and beyond the school environment. ‘Promoting active lifestyles in schools’ represents a valuable resource for teachers seeking to integrate health-related learning and encourage physically active students. The essential ingredients within this book are the active pedagogies and the health-related learning strategies for children from the ages of 5 to 16 years. Through a consistent formula, this book positions the longitudinal process of health-related learning at the centre of its practice, by providing age-appropriate learning outcomes, activities and assessment strategies within and beyond the school environment. This review seeks to examine the focus of the book and consider its contribution to the existing empirical evidence base within the fields of physical education, health education and physical activity promotion.  相似文献   

A feature of academic literature on physical education teacher education (PETE) is the expectation that it can and should impact upon student teachers' beliefs and prospective practices in some significant ways. This is despite research over the last 20 years or more alluding to the apparent failure of PETE to ‘shake or stir’ (Evans et al., 1996) what might be termed the (typically conservative and conventional) pre-dispositions of student and early career PE teachers. In this article, we examine the perceptions of PE student teachers in Norway in order to ascertain just what it is that makes them so resistant to change and, for that matter, such infertile ground for sowing the seeds of reflexivity. The study involved semi-structured interviews with 41 PE student teachers from the three routes through teacher education available at Nord University College (Nord UC). Among the main themes identified in the data were the PE students' perceptions of: the purposes (and ostensible benefits) of school PE and PETE as well as the nature of PETE itself (including subsidiary themes of sporting and teaching skills, other ‘competencies’, school placements, mentoring and mentors, PETEs' (physical education teacher educators) teaching styles and the students teachers' relationships with the PETEs). The article concludes that, as far as the students at Nord UC were concerned, the significance of PETE revolved around the programme's efficacy in developing the sporting skills and teaching techniques they viewed as central to their preparation for teaching. The minimal impact of the more theoretical aspects of PETE appeared to be partly attributable to the students' perceptions of PE as synonymous with sport in schools and partly to their particularly pragmatic orientations towards PETE. In this vein, the students viewed experience as the most important, most legitimate ‘evidence’ on which to base their beliefs and practices and were resistant to the ‘theory’ of teacher education, rationalising their tendencies to select the evidence that suited them.  相似文献   

通过调研发现,现行中小学主要从"德、能、勤、绩"四个方面对教师进行评价,不能体现教师工作的特殊性,更不能体现体育教师的工作性质。本研究,采用文献资料法、调查法、特尔斐法,结合中小学体育教师专业和学科特点,构建了体育教师评价指标体系,确立了体育教师评价指标体系的权重系数。  相似文献   

新中国的体育教师教育表现出了比较鲜明的阶段性特征:第1阶段(1949~1990年)强调"培训",关注体育教师数量的增加;第2阶段(1991~2008年)强调"学习",关注体育教师质量的提高;第3阶段(2009年至今)强调"发展",关注教师的专业发展。基于发展观的体育教师教育凸显了体育教师在教育实践中的主体地位。立足于被理论浸润的日常化教育实践是体育教师教育的未来走向。  相似文献   

我国中学体育教材教法存在的问题及改进对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张晓义  高岩 《体育学刊》2006,13(3):106-107
我国对于体育教材教法的研究分为3个阶段:起步研究阶段(1982年之前)、着重于体育教学方法研究阶段(1982~1998年)、着重于体育教材教法的研究(1998年之后)。中学体育教材教法内容存在诸多问题,如与学校体育学的内容体系重复太多,与各运动项目的教材教法内容重复,与体育(与健康)课程标准的基本理念和设计思路不符。认为要重新审视中学体育教材教法的学科定位和内容体系。  相似文献   

新体育课程与教师素质的提升   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
陈作松  季浏 《体育学刊》2004,11(1):138-141
新一轮体育课程改革对体育教师的知识和能力提出了新的要求,其主要表现在专业知识,课程资源开发能力,体育教学组织、监控能力,体育教育研究能力等方面;认为提升这些素质需要树立终身教育的观念、形成学会学习的能力和完善适应新体育课程的体育教师发展的教育机制。  相似文献   

本研究采用文献资料、问卷调查、领队访谈等研究方法,对第一届全国中小学体育教师教学技能大赛进行了现场调查,分析了中小学体育教学技能大赛的价值取向及存在的问题,研究认为,虽然绝大多数群体的价值认同度是一致的,但暴露出的问题也是多元的,如何落实教学技能大赛的初衷,如何更好的搭建起这一载体平台,确立教学技能大赛的逻辑主线,将成为未来一段时期人们值得思考的问题,也才能最终发挥这一载体的应有价值和使命。  相似文献   

Background: The persistent gaps between a largely white profession and ethnically diverse school populations have brought renewed calls to support teachers' critical engagement with race. Programmes examining the effects of racism have had limited impact on practice, with student teachers responding with either denial, guilt or fear; they also contribute to a deficit view of racialised students in relation to an accepted white ‘norm’, and position white teachers ‘outside’ of race. Recent calls argue for a shift in focus towards an examination of the workings of the dominant culture through a critical engagement with whiteness, positioning white teachers within the processes of racialisation. Teacher educators' roles are central, and yet, while we routinely expect student teachers to reflect critically on issues of social justice, we have been less willing to engage in such work ourselves. This is particularly the case within physical education teacher education (PETE), an overwhelmingly white, embodied space, and where race and racism as professional issues are largely invisible.

Purpose: This paper examines the operation of whiteness within PETE through a critical reflection on the three co-authors' careers and experiences working for social justice. The research questions were twofold: How are race, (anti) racism and whiteness constructed through everyday experiences of families, schooling and teacher education? How can collective biography be used to excavate discourses of race, racism and whiteness as the first step towards challenging them? In beginning the process of reflecting on what it means for us ‘to do own work’ in relation to (anti) racism, we examine some of the tensions and challenges for teacher educators in PE attempting to work to dismantle whiteness.

Methodology: As co-authors, we engaged in collective biography work – a process in which we reflected upon, wrote about and shared our embodied experiences and memories about race, racism and whiteness as educators working for social justice. Using a critical whiteness lens, these narratives were examined for what they reveal about the collective practices and discourses about whiteness and (anti)racism within PETE.

Results: The narratives reveal the ways in which whiteness operates within PETE through processes of naturalisation, ex-denomination and universalisation. We have been educated, and now work within, teacher education contexts where professional discourse about race at best focuses on understanding the racialised ‘other’, and at worse is invisible. By drawing on a ‘racialised other’, deficit discourse in our pedagogy, and by ignoring race in own research on inequalities in PETE, we have failed to disrupt universalised discourses of ‘white-as-norm’, or addressed our own privileged racialised positioning. Reflecting critically on our biographies and careers has been the first step in recognising how whiteness works in order that we can begin to work to disrupt it.

Conclusion: The study highlights some of the challenges of addressing (anti)racism within PETE and argues that a focus on whiteness might offer a productive starting point. White teacher educators must critically examine their own role within these processes if they are to expect student teachers to engage seriously in doing the same.  相似文献   

体育课评价所显示的结果,从一个侧面反映了学校体育工作的现状与水平。本文通过对上海市中学体育课评议活动的全面总结,揭示了上海市学校体育工作中的成绩与不足。  相似文献   

高校体育产业化问题探析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
李炳 《体育学刊》2001,8(6):45-46,50
分析在市场经济体制运行的条件下,高校体育改革所面临的经济问题和影响高校体育产业化发展的因素,提出了实施高校校体育产业化应该包括多承办大型运动会,开辟新的体育消费渠道,将运动队推向社会等途径。  相似文献   

高师院校体育教师教育改革下的职业课程设置现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国部分高师院校体育教育专业的职业课程设置进行调查和分析,找出高师院校在职业课程设置上的特点与问题,提出解决对策,以期推动和促进高师院校体育教师教育改革。  相似文献   

向反思型体育教师转变的背景与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘凌云 《体育学刊》2006,13(6):78-81
反思是教师自我发展的重要途径,对于提高教师专业化水平有重要意义。通过对体育教师的“教学生活”进行审视,可以发现体育教师存在着反思的缺失,主要表现在:体育教师的“物化”、体育教学技术化、日常化等。体育教师要成为“反思型实践者”,应该将反思作为一种新的思维方式,渗透于日常学习、工作、生活之中;讲究科学的反思方法;善于记录、剖析关键事件;注重系统的理论学习。  相似文献   

Background: Emotional resilience can be vital to longevity in high-poverty school settings. Equally important to staying the course is the ability to remain motivated despite the unique challenges presented by teaching in high-poverty schools. Students within these schools need teachers who are able to manage their emotions and remain positive and optimistic, persist, remain confident, and continually focus on learning and self-improvement no matter their work environment. This study explored four PE teachers’ perceptions of their resilience teaching in high-poverty schools through the lens of resilience theory.

Research design: This study utilized an exploratory multiple case study design (Yin 2003). The main premise of the case study method is to better understand complex educational and social phenomena, while retaining the holistic and meaningful particularities of real-life circumstances (Yin 2003). Teacher interviews and teacher shadowing were used to examine the experiences of PE teachers in high-poverty schools.

Findings: Results indicate that several psychological factors (relating to positive personality, motivation, focus, and perceived social and administrative support) protected the PE teachers in this inquiry from the potential negative effect of stressors by prompting their metacognitions and challenge appraisal. These processes promoted facilitative responses that proved to be key to developing and maintaining their capacities for resilience. The teachers demonstrated a sustained commitment to self-improvement and student success by implementing effective teaching practices.

Conclusion: The teachers in this study possessed strong individual dispositions and were able to demonstrate behaviors that facilitated an elevated level of resilience. School administrators must establish a strong culture of support to enable teacher resilience. Identifying ways to increase the resilience capacity of physical education teachers has the potential to decrease the concerns surrounding teacher attrition and increase job satisfaction for teachers working in high-poverty schools. Implications also indicate a need for physical education teacher education (PETE) programs to identify candidates with the individual dispositions that aid in resilience and provide them with experiences in high-poverty schools. This partnership may assist in minimizing the effects of reality shock oftentimes experienced by new teachers.  相似文献   

浙江省中小学体育教师对学校健康教育的认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了了解中小学体育教师对学校健康教育的认识、态度与需求,对浙江省122名中小学体育教师进行问卷调查及访谈。结果显示:体育教师普遍认为有必要在中小学开设健康教育课;教学方式以课堂讲授为主,缺少辅助教具;学校师资配备不足;社会各界对学校健康教育工作的重视不够等。  相似文献   

健康与促进:身体运动与教育的目标之一   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
21世纪,追求人类健康是世界范围内一项重要的社会性目标,而教育乃是促进健康的积极手段,因此,健康目标将仍是21世纪教育目标的重要组成部分。运用文献综述,归纳演绎等研究方法,从教育学,社会等视角概述了健康的概念,归纳了健康的影响因素,阐明了健康社会化、身体运动、体育(身体运动教育)与健康促进的关系,以形成对健康、健康教育、体育及相关概念、理论更加深入、系统的认识。  相似文献   

中小学生心理健康现状对体育教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向东 《体育学刊》2007,14(3):92-94
采用心理健康诊断测验(MTH),对河南省12所学校(小学四到六年级、初中和高中)5 812名中小学生进行心理健康调查。结果显示:小学生中高焦虑水平学生检出率为3.8%,内容量表检出率最高的为自责倾向(9.02%),其次是对人焦虑倾向(8.66%)。城乡男女生比较,乡村学生心理健康水平差于城市学生,女生的心理焦虑程度高于男生。建议体育教学过程中针对这些突出的问题开展合作学习、游戏等能够减轻或消除这些因素的体育项目,同时要求体育教师要正确引导心理障碍的学生;加强农村体育师资的培训,使其能够更好地和学生交流,运用体育手段减轻学生的心理障碍;体育教学过程中要重视女生的教育,选择合适的语言、合适的运动项目促进女生的心理健康。  相似文献   

"英年早逝"与高校健康教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陆永庆 《体育学刊》2002,9(4):62-64
从20世纪80年代到21世纪的今天,“知识精英,英年早逝”的现象不但未能缓解,反有愈演愈烈之势,这一现象已经超越了“纯病理学”范畴,具有社会学意义。就中青年知识分子英年早逝的原因剖析,引发对当前高校健康教育的思考,全面实施健康教育是提高高级专业人才身心健康的主要途径之一。  相似文献   

在中等学校体育运动中,篮球运动是一项容易开展又深受广大师生喜爱的运动项目。结合“四人制”篮球赛的特点及其不同于其他形式球赛的独有优势进行研究,通过对其优势的阐述和与其他比赛形式的比较,达到在中等学校大力推广和使比赛正规化的目的。  相似文献   

金燕  季浏  汪晓赞 《体育学刊》2007,14(7):126-128
对江苏等8个省市的144名中小学体育教师进行了体育校本课程开发状况调查。调查发现,83.3%的地市已结合地方实际情况制定地方体育与健康课程实施方案;已有68.4%的学校根据三级课程管理体制要求积极开发体育校本课程;79.2%的教师已经理解《体育与健康课程标准》的精神;影响开发体育校本课程的因素前3位是校领导的支持力度、教师的能动性及场地设施条件。反映出校本课程的开发总体上是好的,但仍然需要充分发挥教师的能动性,注重创新开发出有特色的校本课程。  相似文献   

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