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The author argues that disabled women are kept out of the mainstream of education by the design and lack of representation on decision‐making bodies. A project in Surrey, a model of good practice, is described, where resources were attracted to disabled women's needs.  相似文献   

教育选择权源自于市场化导向要求,教育公共经费匮乏,社会多层次需求,对义务教育的总的原则,教育机会平等的原则及学习机会平等原则对教育公平问题产生不利的影响,国家推行教育选择权时必须保证公共教育的品质。  相似文献   

Connell et al. (1982) distinguish between ruling class schools which are articulated with their clients through a market and working class schools which are articulated with their clients through a bureaucracy. These distinct kinds of articulations between schools and clients feature in a subsequent explanation of inequitable distributions of educational benefits which explanation suggests certain equalitarian policies. However, the explanatory model is too simple. There is a significant third category of articulation which this paper identifies and describes. Indeed, this third category is the means by which government schools are co‐opted by the professional classes and transformed into the functional equivalent of almost totally subsidised private schools. This paper provides a case study of an instance of this third kind of articulation and exposes the various and subtle processes in which the articulation consists. It is also argued that the existence of this third category of articulation in government schools positively harms pupils in government schools articulated bureaucratically.  相似文献   

Part 4 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended) came into force in September 2002. The Act covers Great Britain but, in relation to schools, is implemented through different special educational needs legislation in England and Scotland. This article by Sheila Riddell, Professor of Social Policy (Disability Studies) at Glasgow University and Director of the Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research, explores the key differences in these legal frameworks, and discusses their implications for delivering consistent anti-discrimination policies north and south of the border. Professor Riddell argues that there is a need for close monitoring of the implementation of Part 4 of the DDA in English and Scottish schools. If major differences in implementation of the legislation emerge over time, there may be a need to consider the case for devolving responsibility for equal opportunities to the Holyrood Parliament or amending national education legislation to make it more consistent. This article will be of interest to anyone concerned with the implementation of Part 4 of the Disability Discrimination Act in England and Scotland.  相似文献   

教育公平是我国进一步改革的方向。但是在“初级阶段”,中国绝对的教育公平,还只是一件“奢侈品”。当我们谈论或制定教育公平的有关政策时,一定不能脱离中国教育现状及其最迫切需要解决的焦点难题,千万不能因为有部分人不能拥有“名校”学位,而走向把全部名校卖掉的政策导向。因为在今天,不管谁入读名校,谁入读大学,都仅仅是一小部分人。中国教育首先要发展,要大发展,才有公平;假如“公平”成为教育大发展的阻力时,就只能是“公平”的极大遗憾了。  相似文献   

By typical definitions in the special education world, inclusion would not be recognizable as it exists at Memorial Elementary. Memorial is responding to a widely documented trend in public schools: over-representation of students of color, particularly Black and Brown students, in high-incidence special education categories, including emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD). I conceptualize EBD as unacknowledged suppression of hauntings from transgenerational trauma—legacies of institutional racism, poverty, and attempts at dehumanization. My primary hypothesis is that Memorial’s practice and ethic of unconditional belonging has been a transformation afforded by being haunted. I argue that haunted trauma narratives affirm and reconstruct the personhood of students of color with ghosts of trauma. Through narrativizing, students of color and educators rebuild inclusion from difference-as-allowed toward Martin Luther King Jr.’s (2001) “beloved community” (p. 458). That is, Memorial has redesigned school structures, educators’ beliefs and practices, interactions with children and their families, and other aspects of everyday systems to be organized around the intersections of race, trauma, identity, and community. Though dreaming is undeniably difficult, Memorial also illustrates the transformative power of affective forces from ghosts that demand hope, justice, and healing.  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展与进步,人人享有平等的受教育权利成为可能。但是,一个人享有这种权利并不表示同时获得了与他人平等的发展机会。研究发现,现今的课堂教学在课堂空间资源、师生交往、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价等方面存在着不公平,大量课堂学习资源向优势学生倾斜。其原因既与外部社会因素有关,也与教育自身的因素有关,更与教师因素、学生个体差异紧密相关。课堂教学中存在的不公平既影响了学生和教师的发展,又影响了教育民主化和社会民主化的进程。因此,必须充分认识课堂教学公平的意义,探索现阶段实现课堂教学公平的策略,使每个学生都享有平等的受教育机会,实现学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

薛娜  严佳 《海外英语》2011,(8):271-272
网络语言作为日常话语的一种新型方式,成为日常交流的重要交际媒介,也给广大网民带来了前所未有的平等性。批评语篇分析对网络语言的研究甚至是日常话语的研究很少,该文以网络聊天室为研究对象进行批评语篇分析,分析网络中话语权的平等性。指出网络聊天室的话语权是不平等的,必须要有话语权利机制的保障。  相似文献   

学校适应水平的高低对听力障碍儿童的健康成长以及社会适应有着非常重要的影响和意义,但听力障碍儿童由于自身、家庭、学校等因素的影响产生了学业、行为、情绪、人际、环境等一系列学校适应上的问题。为了提高听力障碍儿童的学校适应水平,特殊教育学校和教师应该了解听力障碍儿童的身心特点,加强与家长的沟通,提供良好的环境支持,为听力障碍儿童提供适切的服务。  相似文献   

学校道德教育是我们所共同关心的热点问题,尤其是在当前社会转型时期。本文从学校道德教育中忽视学生个体性的现象入手,以一种平等的理念探究了师生平等关系的重要性,力图使道德教育在师生平等的对话中促进学生个体的发展。  相似文献   

This paper argues the importance of moving beyond the state of affairs that makes victims either of children or of teachers by exploring the conditions of possibility for the idea of a victimless school. The argument is developed drawing data from a study being conducted by the authors into the impact of risk management on teacher work and identity in a number of Australian primary schools (McWilliam, Singh & Sachs, 2002 Managing Risk in Primary Schools: Teachers professional Identity and Work Practices, ARC Discovery Project Funded by the Australian Research Council). The argument put is that risk minimisation as a system of management and surveillance (including self-surveillance) is producing some effects (whether intended or not) that are counterproductive for teachers and, indeed, for children, the very group they are purported to protect. In order to counter the more pernicious effects of this logic, teachers need actively to engage in seeking ways to optimise child protection and staff protection simultaneously.  相似文献   

教育公平视野下义务教育“择校”问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“择校”是我国义务教育领域的一大热点问题,有“收费择校”“关系择校”和“权利择校”之分,尤其是“收费择校”,教育理论界对此褒贬不一。从教育公平的角度,综合分析各家之言,以期对90年代以来我国择校问题的研究进展有一个相对全面的认识。  相似文献   

In teaching practice,the author find that middle school students have various disability in learning English.Based on the communication with students and teachers,the author analyzes the causes of English learning disability and puts forward some suggestions to improve their English learning ability.  相似文献   

教育机会均等问题也就是通常所说的“教育平等”的问题,它是平等问题在教育领域的反映。在不同时期教育机会均等的涵义有所不同,现代比较有代表性的观点是科尔曼提出的,他认为教育机会均等有四个标准:进入教育系统的机会均等;参与教育的机会均等;教育结果均等;教育对影响生活前景机会的影响均等。现在,人们对教育机会均等概念的理解一般包括以下三层涵义:(1)就学权利平等,即每个人不论其种族、性别、家庭出身、经济地位、宗教信仰如何,都有平等的接受教育的权利;(2)就学机会均等,即不同社会出身的组别,有相同比率的人数,能得到同样的教育机…  相似文献   

教师队伍是学校发展的根本所在,是学科建设的重中之重,一所好的学校必须有一支高水平的教师队伍。要实现电大人才培养的目标,必须提升教师的职业素养。同时,也要注重挖掘学生的自身潜能,提升学生的自信力,切实有效地培养学生勇于面对困难、正视困难、解决困难的能力。  相似文献   

"就近入学"与教育公平   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来随着人民物质生活的改善、教育水平的提高和独生子女的增多,基础教育的发展中出现了一些诸如择校的不和谐之音。一贯的“就近入学”原则遭到了少数人的怀疑,“择校”现象愈演愈烈,这已在教育实践中造成比较严重的后果,因此在理论上探讨该问题极具现实意义,本文试图以基础教育的均衡化发展来解决这一问题。  相似文献   

高等教育公平与高中入学机会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
穿校服,在当今城镇的中小学生中是非常普遍的事了。许多学校的学生校服(一般按照当地教委统一规定,也有的是学校各自规定)一般包括春夏秋冬四季的套装。男、女生之间的服装颜色、质地一样,夏装样式上有差别。另外,有的学校会给学生订购运动装,上体育课时穿。学校要求学生每天到校都得穿校服,否则加以批评并扣班级操行分数。  相似文献   

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