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女子短跑运动员月经周期运动能力的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用“双盲”实验的方法,对短跑运动员在月经周期中运动能力的变化情况进行了研究。发现运动员的运动能力与体内孕酮的浓度呈正相关;与雌二醇的浓度呈负相关。在月经周期三个阶段运动能力在排卵后期最强,其次是月经后期,而排卵期则较差。  相似文献   

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea participated in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London with 51 athletes. They won a total of six medals and finished 20th in the overall medal table. However, most observers of the London 2012 Olympics will not remember North Korea's athletic successes but the flag blunder that kicked the Games off with a diplomatic row. On the first day, the South Korean flag was accidentally displayed next to the faces of the North Korean women's football team on the stadium's huge screen. Although there have been several flag controversies and blunders in the context of the Olympic Games, this incident must be considered as one of the most embarrassing and high-profile as, technically, North and South Korea are still at war having signed only an armistice at the end of the Korean War in 1953. This paper deals with three interrelated issues: first, it outlines the development of inter-Korean political and sporting relations since the 2008 Beijing Olympics before, second, it focuses on the political significance of the 2012 London Games. Third, it summarises key themes and ideological messages emerging from a qualitative analysis of the state-controlled North Korean media coverage of the 2012 Olympics. The Korean Central News Agency appears to pursue a dual strategy: it aims to increase the popularity of outstanding North Korean athletes and create home-grown stars, and also attempts to encourage an alternative discourse about the country abroad. All these issues need to be analysed in wider context of significant political changes in both Koreas, particularly in the North, where Kim Jong-un, who came to power in December 2011, has started to carve out a distinct identity and forge his own leadership style.  相似文献   

Sports injuries are common among baseball players and may result in abnormal movement patterns, increased risks of future injury, and unsatisfactory performance. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS?) has been developed to detect abnormal functional movement patterns and can be used for predicting risks of sports injury. However, whether FMS? scores are associated with athletic performance remains unclear. The goal of this study was to determine the association between functional movements and athletic performance in elite baseball players. Core stability, muscular strength and flexibility of the lower extremities, and FMS?, as well as athletic performance in sprinting, agility, and balance tests were assessed in 52 male collegiate Division I baseball players placed into two groups based on FMS? scores. The high-scoring group demonstrated better athletic performance than the low-scoring group, with a shorter duration of the agility test. No group differences were found in core stability, muscular strength, or muscle flexibility, except for rectus femoris flexibility. Thus, the FMS? score is associated with sprinting and agility performance in elite baseball players. These findings indicate that the FMS? may have a role in predicting athletic performance and thereby help determine the goals of training regimens or return-to-play strategies.  相似文献   

It is argued here that Margaret Stansfeld, as Principal of Bedford Physical Training College from 1903 to 1945, succeeded in developing a strong and distinctive 'female tradition' which was widely disseminated by her students. She was realistic in recognizing the strength of opposition from a male-dominated society to women's participation in sport and physical exercise, and steadily overcame it. She achieved this partly by insisting on acceptably 'ladylike' behaviour from her students in conventional social situations, and also by bringing the work of the college into the public arena, through displays of gymnastics, through the use of elementary schools for part of the student teaching experience, through the running of a physiotherapy clinic where treatment was given free of charge, and through the use of students in the outpatients ward of the local hospital. Stansfeld herself was PE organizer for Bedford from 1923. But she was not afraid to fight against prejudice which was demonstrably based on false premises, e.g. medical opposition to women taking part in strenuous physical exercise, or to insist on appropriate clothing for women, however indecorous some might have considered it. The college's long-term success resulted from a series of factors: its curriculum and ethos, the networking process it fostered, the quality of the teachers it produced, the strength of the Old Students' Association, Stansfeld's willingness to embrace new ideas, and the growing academic respectability of the subject. The pivot of the whole process was Stansfeld herself - autocratic, austere, but an inspirational teacher - feared and loved. Students who succeeded were empowered - 'She prepared us for LIFE!' The success of her Old Students was the most important feature, e.g. Phyllis Colson, originator and director of the Central Council of Physical Recreation. Hundreds of others, less well known, in schools all over Britain and abroad, gave their pupils pride in themselves, not only through the experience of games, gymnastics and dance, but through moral example - 'fair play' - and many brought the newest innovations into schools (e.g. Elizabeth Swallow was the first to introduce Laban into a maintained school in 1939). Stansfeld's indomitable spirit was always in evidence, even at the end of her life - she returned to the office of Principal in 1948 at age 88, three years before her own death, after the unexpected death of her successor. It was this strength of will and character above all else which empowered her students as women and as teachers, and which enabled them in their turn to empower their own pupils, and so to replace the myth that physical activities were damaging to women with the growing realization that sport and physical recreation are as beneficial to women as they are to men. Stansfeld was justifiably recognized in her time as a pioneer in the advancement of women's PE, e.g. by the McNair Report (1942), which argued that nothing comparable had been achieved for men. She was the last survivor of the originators of women's PE, and the most influential. It is ironic that the rise of feminism in the second half of the century coincided with the dissipation of the female tradition, epitomised by Stansfeld, as physical education for women, developed by women, in the first half of the century increasingly came to be controlled by men in the second half. It is perhaps the ultimate demonstration of the success of Stansfeld's work that, despite this, at the beginning of the twenty-first century women are free to participate in and enjoy sport and physical leisure in a way that would have seemed impossible at the beginning of the twentieth.  相似文献   

Edmondo De Amicis (1843–1908) was one of Italy's most popular writers, and perhaps more than any other figure in post-Risorgimento Italy, he reflected the common hopes, dreams and prejudices of his countrymen. De Amicis was particularly interested in gymnastics and physical education, and he wrote about them frequently. His most famous work on these subjects is his novella Amore e ginnastica [Love and Gymnastics] (1892) which explores female fitness, sexual stereotypes and gender roles in nineteenth-century Italy. This opus, along with two others (a lecture and a magazine article), can help modern readers understand the role of female sport and gender expectations in post-Risorgimento Italy. In addition to exploring women's gymnastics, De Amicis was also interested in female mountain climbing. By examining the activities and physical appearance of lady mountaineers, the author reveals his personal criteria for the perfect woman. When these are combined with the gymnasts in the earlier work, we can distill the writer's own particular attitudes toward gender and female perfection. For De Amicis a woman was required to be athletic, beautiful, modest, faithful, loving and with just a soupçon of uncertainty about her sexuality to make her interesting.  相似文献   

在人类色彩斑斓的文化园地里,竞技是最为瑰丽耀眼的花朵之一,然而竞技体育是非生产性的,其本质是游戏,其最终目的是增强人们体质。因此根据世界竞技体育发展趋势,文章在竞技体育软化的时代背景、体育文化对竞技体育软化的影响方面,论述了当今社会竞技体育软化势在必行,进而为实现竞技体育软化而提出一系列措施。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe majority of injuries reported in female basketball players are ankle sprains and mechanisms leading to injury have been debated. Investigations into muscular imbalances in barefoot versus shod conditions and their relationship with injury severity have not been performed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of wearing athletic shoes on muscular strength and its relationship to lower extremity injuries, specifically female basketball players due to the high incidence of ankle injuries in this population.MethodsDuring pre-season, 11 female collegiate basketball players underwent inversion and eversion muscle strength testing using an isokinetic dynamometer in both a barefoot and shod conditions. The difference between conditions was calculated for inversion and eversion peak torque, time to peak torque as well as eversion-to-inversion peak torque percent strength ratio for both conditions. Lower extremity injuries were documented and ranked in severity. The ranked difference between barefoot and shod conditions for peak torque and time to peak torque as well as percent strength ratio was correlated with injury ranking using a Spearman rho correlation (ρ) with an α level of 0.05.ResultsThe ranked differences in barefoot and shod for peak eversion and inversion torque at 120°/s were correlated with their injury ranking. Ranking of the athletes based on the severity of injuries that were sustained during the season was found to have a strong, positive relationship with the difference in peak eversion torque between barefoot and shod (ρ = 0.78; p = 0.02).ConclusionIt is possible that a large discrepancy between strength in barefoot and shod conditions can predispose an athlete to injury. Narrowing the difference in peak eversion torque between barefoot and shod could decrease propensity to injury. Future work should investigate the effect of restoration of muscular strength during barefoot and shod exercise on injury rates.  相似文献   

浅论英雄崇拜对体育文化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英雄和英雄崇拜是人类历史长河中一个经久不衰的话题 ,它从人类诞生的那天起就伴随着人类的发展而不断地发展变化。英雄的强大力量对人类的发展起着推波助澜的作用 ,当然这不是说英雄史观的再现 ,而是说英雄的存在能使人们有了自己的航线 ,不停地把整个社会推向前进 ,使人类社会更加有组织地发展。随着人类的发展 ,英雄崇拜的类型和方式也在不停地发生变化 ,在对人类影响巨大的体育领域出现了体育明星崇拜现象 ,体育明星也是体育界的英雄 ,对体育明星的崇拜使得体育人才辈出 ,尤其是竞技体育领域不断演绎着一部精彩的进行曲。以对体育英雄的崇拜现象为出发点 ,阐述它对体育文化的影响 ,以及如何利用这种现象促进体育事业的发展。  相似文献   

通过雅典奥运会男子竞技操24枚奖牌的归属,分析了雅典奥运会男子竞技体操的发展趋势,并就1992年以来世界男子竞技体操实力格局进行了分析,总结了其发展态势。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine age-related differences in muscular strength and muscular endurance among 73 female masters swimmers aged 24 to 71 years. Each subject was assessed on measures of body size, grip strength, peak isokinetic torque of shoulder and knee flexion and extension, and endurance of shoulder and knee movements. Although swim training appears to have resulted in higher strength values for these swimmers than for less active women, an age-related decline in muscular strength values was nevertheless apparent. The results fail to reveal a similar age-related trend for muscular endurance, suggesting that swim training influences muscular endurance more than muscular strength among adult women.  相似文献   

Evaluation of a lower-body compression garment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aims of this study were to determine how custom-fit compression shorts affect athletic performance and to examine the mechanical properties of the shorts. Ten male and 10 female track athletes on a university's nationally competitive track team, specializing in sprint or jump events, participated in the study. Testing utilized the compression shorts with loose-fitting gym shorts as the control garment. Several significant effects were revealed for the custom-fit compressive garment. Although 60 m sprint time was not affected, hip flexion angle was reduced. Skin temperature increased more and at a faster rate during a warm-up protocol. Muscle oscillation was decreased during vertical jump landing. Countermovement vertical jump height increased when the participants were wearing the custom-fit compression garment. In materials testing, the elasticity of the compressive garment provides increased flexion and extension torque at the end range of extension and flexion, respectively, and may assist the hamstrings in controlling the leg at the end of the swing phase in sprinting. The compressive garment significantly reduced impact force by 27% compared with American football pants alone. Through various mechanisms, these findings may translate into an effect on athletic performance and a reduction in injuries.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine how custom-fit compression shorts affect athletic performance and to examine the mechanical properties of the shorts. Ten male and 10 female track athletes on a university's nationally competitive track team, specializing in sprint or jump events, participated in the study. Testing utilized the compression shorts with loose-fitting gym shorts as the control garment. Several significant effects were revealed for the custom-fit compressive garment. Although 60?m sprint time was not affected, hip flexion angle was reduced. Skin temperature increased more and at a faster rate during a warm-up protocol. Muscle oscillation was decreased during vertical jump landing. Countermovement vertical jump height increased when the participants were wearing the custom-fit compression garment. In materials testing, the elasticity of the compressive garment provides increased flexion and extension torque at the end range of extension and flexion, respectively, and may assist the hamstrings in controlling the leg at the end of the swing phase in sprinting. The compressive garment significantly reduced impact force by 27% compared with American football pants alone. Through various mechanisms, these findings may translate into an effect on athletic performance and a reduction in injuries.  相似文献   

为了探索神经肌肉电刺激技术在赛艇运动训练中的实际应用,我们对浙江女子赛艇队的6名队员进行了为期6周的实验研究,其中3人以治疗腰肌劳损为主要目的,另3人以发展背阔肌力量为目的。经与同期进行正常训练不接受电刺激的对照组8人比较,发现实验组的力量训练效果皆优于对照组,且腰肌劳损组的平均最大卧拉力增长大于背阔肌组。  相似文献   

为实现我国运动训练理论与体系的发展变革,进一步发挥理论对实践的先导作用,通过文献资料调研、辩证思维等方法,对我国运动训练理论进行了较为系统的梳理,并提出了新世纪基本完成了运动训练理论量变的过程并孕育着质变的发端,新时代打下了运动训练理论质变的坚实基础,新变革将有力地推进运动训练理论质变并孕育新的一轮发展变化。特别指出了从自主创新上突破,发展具有自身特色与优势的运动训练理论的基本思想、基本问题和基本内容架构,对一般训练理论初步提出了篇、章、节所研究的基本问题,建议建立与丰富竞技运动大项、小项的专项运动训练理论和个案运动训练理论。  相似文献   

中国竞技体育"阴盛阳衰现象"探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,中国女子竞技体育运动以发展快、项目多、实力强、潜力大的特点,优于男子的发展,出现了众所周知的体坛“阴盛阳衰“现象.通过对中国社会制度、国外竞技体育背景等几个方面研究,揭示产生这一现象的主要原因有历史发展、中国传统文化、政治需要、举国体制、项目等原因.  相似文献   

文章通过对中美两国体育后备人才培养体制和优秀运动员商业开发模式的比较,发现我国的体育明星带有明显的"公有"性质,体育明星在进行商业价值开发时,国家利益与个人利益之间存在冲突。如何对运动员进行管理成为管理部门亟待解决的问题。建议改变我国目前的运动员培养体制,并建立专业化的商业开发队伍,以实现国家和个人利益双赢的局面。  相似文献   

Background: High-performance sport has been described as a formative environment through which athletes learn sporting skills but also develop athletic selves. Within this process, career movements related to selection for and de-selection from representative teams constitute critical moments. Further, retirement from sport can be problematic as the athletic self becomes ‘obsolete’. This dilemma is acute in sports that demand an early entry, extreme time investments and a high risk of retirement before adulthood. Women's artistic gymnastics (WAG) is such a sport.

Purpose and scope: This article considers an artistic gymnast's (Marie) experiences of movement into and out of this sport. Marie's construction and reconstruction of her athletic self when she entered gymnastics at the age of six, relocated to a different city in order to train with the national team at the age of 15, and retired from the sport one year later receives particular attention.

Method and theoretical perspective: An in-depth biographical interview was conducted with Marie. Further, the first author's personal knowledge of this gymnast's career experiences was used for contextualisation. The analysis of data involved the identification of learning outcomes during her time in high-performance WAG and post-retirement. Storied accounts surrounding the key learning experiences were compiled. In order to understand Marie's learning, cultural perspective of learning developed by education scholars and the respective metaphors of ‘learning as becoming’ and ‘horizons for action’ and ‘horizons of learning’ are employed.

Findings: Marie's choice of relocating to train with the national team involved her assuming a temporary orientation towards the requirements of the high-performance WAG context she entered. To achieve this, Marie suppressed the dispositions she had brought to this setting and adjusted her training philosophy, relationship with her coach, diet and socialising. Further, despite Marie intending to only momentarily adjust to the practices of the high-performance context, her learning was deep. Upon retiring from gymnastics, she could not leave the high-performance gymnastics self behind. The subsequent process to adjust to life without gymnastics was difficult and testing, and could only be realised with professional treatment.

Conclusion: Learning in sport is not limited to athletic skills. Athletes’ selves are formed in interaction with sporting contexts and actors. This embodiment can become durable and cause significant conflict when moving out of sport. To handle life without sport, adjustment may be challenging and lengthy.

Recommendations: Sporting cultures should allow for more interactive learning and athlete diversity. Coaching practices that allow athletes to voice difficulties should be provided. Athletes should be encouraged to reflect upon their sporting experiences and upon leaving high-performance sport, should be (professionally) supported.  相似文献   

德国统一前后竞技体育发展的社会学分析和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
操纵德国现行竞技体育的发展机制是什么?究竟是前东德体制优于西德,还是西德体制更胜于东德?德国人潜在的价值背景如何?是本文探讨的中心问题。笔者认为:民主德国竞技体育的一度兴盛,曾象征社会主义制度优于资本主义制度。联邦德国竞技体育的自然发展,标志着竞技体育的象征意义宣告结束。德国人潜在的价值观将使德国高水平竞技运动再度称雄于世界。  相似文献   

一个时代有一个时代的文化,一个时代有一个时代的偶像。当今社会,不同领域的偶像不断地充斥着整个社会。反观中国武术,虽然它蕴含着厚重的文化底蕴,有着众多的爱好者,然而却面临着缺少明星、偶像的局面,这给中国武术的广泛传播带来了一定的困难。随着偶像时代的来临,中国武术何去何从让我们拭目以待。  相似文献   

运用录像分析法、文献资料法,结合2005~2008年女子竞技体操评分规则,对当今世界女子体操发展进行分析讨论。难度大、质量高、多变化、力与美完美结合的总趋势没有改变,但格局已发生较大变化。中、美两队的崛起,成为了最有力的竞争者。中国队要战胜美国队必须在个人全能上有所提升,同时要有创新,夺回在高低杠和平衡木上的传统优势。  相似文献   

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