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Sexual abuse: somatic and emotional reactions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A chart review and telephone interview of 72 sexual abuse victims was conducted to determine if children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse suffer from symptoms similar to the "rape trauma syndrome," which has been reported in adults. Symptoms similar to the rape trauma syndrome were found in 48 of the 72 abused children and only 26 of the matched control group, p less than .01. Common somatic complaints in the sexual abuse patients included dysuria, vaginal discharge and chronic abdominal pain. Some of the emotional and behavioral problems noted during the follow-up period among the sexual abuse patients included sleep problems, runaway behavior, and suicide attempts. The duration of abuse and age of the victim at the time of abuse significantly affected the frequency of reported somatic symptoms, but the type of abuse and type of assailant did not significantly affect the frequency of reported somatic and emotional reactions. There was no difference in the occurrence of school problems and early pregnancy between sexually abused patients and controls. Since 67% of all sexually abused patients suffered from emotional and somatic reactions, close follow-up of these patients is indicated.  相似文献   

将“中学生物教学法”课程群按教学法专业基础课、专业理论课和应用实践课三大块设置,各块设置的课程分选修课和必修课。通过该课程群的构建和所涉及的各门课程教学内容的改革,以期能形成充分体现师范性的、适应我校特点的教学内容和课程体系,以培养适应基础教育改革的合格师范生。  相似文献   

Cases of rape, particularly date rape, have reached almost epidemic proportaions on college campuses throughout the country. In this article the author describes how he extended his role as a college pscyhotherapist in order to undertake activism in behalf of college date rape victims generally. The author as activist undertook two major courses of action: (1) The author as activist undertook two major courses of action: (1) Testified to the California State Legislature in support of Assemblyman Tom Hayden's bill dealing with college date rape; and (2) Appeared on a television news program that investigated the crime of college date rape. The author later utilized a video recording of the program in conjunction with a series of lectures he conducted on his campus regarding the subject of college date rape.  相似文献   

Nanoscience offers fascinating opportunities for science education as it links the achievements of modern technology to traditional models of science. In this article we present a nanotechnology orientated lesson on oscillations, suitable for physics courses at high schools and universities. The focus of the lesson is in forced oscillations on a cantilever beam used as a sensor in scanning probe microscopy or as an independent micro mechanical force sensor.  相似文献   

大学语文对军校大学生性心理教育的旁涉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于当前大学生性心理不成熟的普遍趋势和军事院校本身的特点,加上军事院校性教育落后的现状,军校大学生性心理教育已成为当前军事教育应该关注的问题,对军校学员的性心理进行教育、疏导,社科类各科课程,尤其是大学语文有着不可推脱的责任,要在可行的范围内大胆尝试。具体表现在:(一)从宏观上陶冶学员情操,健全其人格,增加其性心理的承受力。(二)以课堂作为心理教育的基本阵地,及时巧妙地调节学生的性心理状态。(三)对教材深挖细讲,使之成为引导青年学生性心理健康的成功案例。  相似文献   

Through growing formative research, lesson study has emerged as a powerful practice that affects teachers' practical analysis of learning and teaching. Such research, however, also recognizes challenges to its implementation. In a methods course, lesson study has the potential to provide valuable links between teacher education and practice. In this article the author examines the essential factors in the implementation of lesson study in methods courses for inservice teachers and considers how collaboration, critical field observations, and the practice of teacher reflection emerge from the practice of lesson study. Lesson study challenges and methods of addressing these also are discussed.  相似文献   

简述说课的理论与实践,分析新课改下英语说课自身的特点、内容和意义,比较说课与上课、说课稿与一般教案的异同,并举例说明英语说课稿的写法。同时,指出英语师范教育要增设有关说课的课程,构建合理的教学技能训练模式,提出英语说课应注意的问题。  相似文献   

高等数学是理、工、商、管等专业的基础课程,高等数学学习程度的好坏直接影响后续相关专业课程的学习。为适应高水平本科教育的新要求,该文针对高等数学课程现状,思考与探索在智慧环境下这些问题的解决方式,从而提升高等数学课程的教学质量,将高等数学打造成"金课"。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study sought to gather representative data regarding the length of time women who were raped before age 18 delayed prior to disclosing such rapes, whom they disclosed to, and variables that predicted disclosure within 1 month. METHOD: Data were gathered from 3,220 Wave II respondents from the National Women's Study (Resnick, Kilpatrick, Dansky, Saunders, & Best, 1993), a nationally representative telephone survey of women's experiences with trauma and mental health. Of these, 288 retrospectively reported at least one rape prior to their 18th birthday. Details of rape experiences were analyzed to identify predictors of disclosure within 1 month. RESULTS: Fully 28% of child rape victims reported that they had never told anyone about their child rape prior to the research interview; 47% did not disclose for over 5 years post-rape. Close friends were the most common confidants. Younger age at the time of rape, family relationship with the perpetrator, and experiencing a series of rapes were associated with disclosure latencies longer than 1 month; shorter delays were associated with stranger rapes. Logistic regression revealed that age at rape and knowing the perpetrator were independently predictive of delayed disclosure. CONCLUSIONS: Delayed disclosure of childhood rape was very common, and long delays were typical. Few variables were identified that successfully predicted disclosure behavior, but older age and rape by a stranger were associated with more rapid disclosure. This suggests that the likelihood of disclosure in a given case is difficult to estimate, and predictions based on single variables are unwarranted.  相似文献   


This article explores one group’s use of action research (AR) and lesson study in three US university-level computer science courses affecting 85 undergraduate computer science and engineering students. It offers an overview of three areas including AR, lesson study, and engineering soft skills. The research group identified a problem: undergraduate engineering student soft skill understanding. The group collaborated to enhance participant engagement with this problem by utilizing one lesson focused on soft skills over three research lesson iterations in three distinct university semesters (2017-2018). Field notes were the main data collection method. Observational field notes were recorded in the three research lesson iterations, and themes from the notes were identified. The group valued peer interactions, and the research lesson adaptations as well as pedagogical changes were based on evidence. Four themes were identified, and participant comments were considered as the lessons became more focused . The research group argues that AR and lesson study are separate and distinct ventures based on this yearlong experience, which is counter to some other literature presented. Implications are large for all stakeholders interested in AR, lesson study, soft skill utilization, conflict management, and participant learning impact. Possibilities for enhanced participant engagement exists with honed lesson pedagogy.  相似文献   

基于工作过程的机电一体化专业学习领域课程开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于工作过程的学习领域课程开发主要包括专业岗位需求调研、典型工作任务分析、确定学习领域课程、学习情境的设计、课业设计等5个关键环节。以机电一体化专业的教学改革为例,阐述领域课程的开发过程。  相似文献   

Aina K. Appova 《PRIMUS》2018,28(5):409-424
This paper discusses the ways in which teacher educators can effectively engage prospective teachers (PTs) in lesson study during mathematics methods courses. Evidence from this work suggests that engagement in lesson study provides PTs with opportunities to strengthen their knowledge about mathematics, students, and pedagogy. More specifically, the results demonstrated that lesson study helped PTs to engage in deep and thoughtful discussions about mathematics, reflect on their teaching, and make effective changes to their lessons that showed noticeable improvements in student learning. Recommendations from this work provide specific methods-course suggestions on the implementation of lesson study as a model for PTs' professional and practitioner development, including strategies and guiding questions that teacher educators can utilize to help deepen PTs' knowledge about mathematics, teaching, and student learning.  相似文献   

本文介绍了5个北美名校分析化学网络课程.由于这些网络课程制作者的母语都是英语,因此教学语言不仅规范,而且比较地道,这为我们的双语教学提供了真实的语言环境.从课程目录来看,北美地区分析化学的教学内容与我国的教学内容较为接近,因此能够较好地为我国分析化学双语教学提供充足的教学资源.本文介绍的分析化学网络课程能够提供的双语教学资源有影音动画、电子教案、学生讲义以及试卷库等.  相似文献   

工业产品造型材料与工艺课程教改研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业设计专业的造型材料与工艺课,既要引导学生掌握和运用各种材料与工艺进行设计实践,也要培养其对新材料与新工艺的关注和尝试。本文是在剖析该课程同其他相关专业课程之间相互关系的基础上,进行教学改革研究与实践的,旨在以材料和工艺课程为纽带,充分利用与其他课程的相互关系,加强课程体系的教学效果。  相似文献   

在音乐欣赏课的教学中,新课导入是教学的首要环节,好的导入对教学效果的实现有重要的意义。本文从新课导入的原则入手,阐述了新课导入的形式,并提出了新课导入的方法。  相似文献   

针对机械制图课的特点,从备课要备内容、备学生、备教具、备教法和学法、备习题入手,提出“掌握和熟悉教学内容,研究怎样教的问题,充分调动学生的主动性和能动性”的教学理念,从而通过科学备课,达到机械制图授课的最佳效果。  相似文献   

面授辅导课的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代远程开放教育以课程为基本单元组织教学,面授辅导是电大为学生提供学习支持服务的重要环节之一。面授辅导课设计的基本内容是进行学习指导、解答疑难问题、组织学生讨论、提供助学服务等。还包括辅导教师选择适当的媒体组合形式,来丰富和完善教学内容,提高学习效率。其强调的是辅导教师、学生、媒体三者间的完善结合。因此在进行面授辅导课设计时,应把握学生实际、学生问题、教学方式这三个方面。  相似文献   

课改后的数学课教学首先应充分利用好课内的45分钟,圆满完成教学任务;为此,应注重选择适宜于学生的教学方法,以优化课堂教学效果.  相似文献   

王芳 《德州学院学报》2003,19(3):87-90,108
大学写作课为社会培养合格乃至优秀的写作人才发挥着重要作用。科学技术突飞猛进、市场经济快速发展、基础教育迅速转轨的21世纪对大学写作课的发展提出了更新、更高的要求,为使大学写作课适应时代发展的新要求,本文对大学写作课的教学宗旨、教学内容、教学模式提出了改革设想。  相似文献   

针对机械制图课的特点,从备课要备内容、备学生、备教具、备教法和学法、备习题入手,提出“掌握和熟悉教学内容,研究怎样教的问题,充分调动学生的主动性和能动性”的教学理念,从而通过科学备课,达到机械制图授课的最佳效果。  相似文献   

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