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Working from the premise that public input is essential to science policy deliberations, we analyze how two recent works of public communication about climate change (An Inconvenient Truth and Climate Change Show) draw on the rhetorical resource of apocalyptic narrative explanation to promote scientific fluency and inspire citizen engagement in the issues. By weaving together the proofs of ethos, logos, and pathos within a framework of cultural rationality, these narratives illustrate available means of persuasion for stimulating the public's informed participation in science policy discussions.  相似文献   


Learning and teaching on physical university campuses have been enhanced by digital technology both in formally scheduled learning and teaching events and in the less formal spaces in which the higher education experience unfolds. The digital skills and know-how with which students arrive at university will arguably develop throughout the academic journey, though the extent to which they will underpin students’ growth into digital citizens, that is, confident and competent participants in a broader range of digitally enhanced social and professional communities, is likely to vary. The present article is the outcome of a research project which explored how students experience learning, teaching and communicating through digital technologies on a range of undergraduate courses at a UK university. Focus groups with fifty-five students in different years of study across twenty-three undergraduate courses revealed a nuanced understanding of the notion of ‘digital native’, yet a lack of readiness to link participation in digital spaces to digital citizenship and to articulate attributes of an effective participant in digital communities. The focus groups highlighted inconsistent alignment between personal, academic and professional digital spaces. They clearly signalled a need to explore further the commonalities and points of intersection between the three, moving beyond a skills mindset, and paying particular attention to the way in which participants in higher education construct and take up virtual identities, how they negotiate access to digital environments, the degree of control they are able and ready to exercise over digital spaces, and the contribution that universities can make to facilitate the complex developmental journeys towards digital citizenship.  相似文献   

教师是谁?作为对这个问题的回答,文章在分析了吴康宁教授和学者郭兴举共同关心的“教师是否是社会代表者”的观点的基础上提出:第一,无论是认为“教师是社会代表者”,还是认为“教师是半支配阶层代言人半公共知识分子”的看法,都是在没有对社会制度类型加以分析,在忽视了改革开放以来我国政治、经济体制的转轨所带来的教师社会身份地位的根本变化的逻辑基础上提出的;第二,在现代法治社会中,理论上已不再存在凌驾于法律之上的特权阶层,国家的主体是公民,故教师作为“人之模范”当为模范公民,他们是独立的权利个体。不是什么集团的代理或代表。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法和数理统计法,对许昌市城乡60~69岁老年人参加体育锻炼的目的、时间、频度、场地、项目、形式等进行了调查研究,结果表明许昌市老年人参加体育锻炼城乡差异显著,农村老年人参加体育锻炼的比例远远低于城镇老年人,且锻炼项目单调.建议相关体育主管部门加大科学指导和资金投入力度,逐步消除城乡差距.  相似文献   

有关小学生操行评语写作方面的论文,频频出现在各类教育刊物上,促进、推动了小学生操行评语写作的科学化、规范化。然而,从小学生的性格、心理特征方面研究小学生操行评语写作的论文,却并不多见。因此,本文试图从这方面加以论述。  相似文献   

For the past year we have been developing and implementing a program in which students design and construct remote operated vehicles. In this paper, we report on a pilot study that occurred over the course of an academic year in an inner city high school. Specifically, we have been investigating whether students learn meaningful science content through design activities. Through our teaching experiment methodological stance and analysis we found that (1) student attendance and engagement increased, (2) students learned physics content and recognized connections to their other coursework (3) teachers adopted an organized chaos posture and shifted their role from one of discipline keeper and content gatekeeper to one of coach and facilitator, (4) design projects need to be modularized if they are to be effective urban classrooms, and (5) teachers need to balance the tradeoffs between allowing students to develop aesthetically pleasing designs versus learning content and creating designs that are functional and useable.  相似文献   

This article uses a case study approach to explore the viability and impact of learner-centered, emancipatory pedagogies. The research focuses on the implementation of an Oral History Project with students at a Kenyan secondary school. Findings reveal that the project had a significant impact on participants’ beliefs about teaching and learning, strengthened students’ sense of self-efficacy, and enhanced participants’ perceptions of community knowledge. The study suggests that while learner-centered, emancipatory pedagogies are viable and can have a transformative impact on students and teachers, systematic and sustained instructional support and professional development are needed to ensure long-term success.  相似文献   

This article uses a socio-cultural approach to analyze the formation and implementation of Estonia’s Holocaust Day Policy, a day of both commemoration for victims of the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity, and education about the Holocaust. It investigates both the multi-level development of the policy in light of external pressure (from foreign advocates and transnational groups including NATO and the Council of Europe) and the ways in which policy as normative discourse was constructed and its meanings negotiated between international sources, the national government, and educators. It draws attention to the multifaceted nature of discourse in a post-authoritarian context where power disparities further complicate an already complex trans-national policy environment.  相似文献   

公民道德建设是社会主义核心价值体系建设的主体内容,"沧州好人"评选活动在全市树立起了良好的社会风气,为将道德建设引向深入,还需在思想理论、模式机制等方面再创新。  相似文献   

外来民工的到来,有效缓解了城市经济发展与劳动力后备资源不足的矛盾,同时也带给全国城市300万人以上的义务教育学龄人口。在发达国家工业化的早期,农民进城后迅速转化成为了产业工人。而在当今中国,农民进城后受到种种限制、缺乏知识技能,很难尽快转变成产业工人主力,很难迅速融入城市生活,还因行政区划、地域壁垒、国统指标及其由此诱发的政绩驱动行为,使其子女不能接受基本的义务教育。对此,我们百思不得其解:外来民工劳作于全国的城市、为所在的城市贡献 GDP 和纳税。本来有权享受国民待遇,为什么还要再承担一份额外的教育收费;本是合法公民,本已成为新一代城市移民,为什么在自己祖国失去受教育权?  相似文献   


The relationship between some selected attitudes toward study hall and the criterion of self-reported grades was investigated in a sample of 981 boys and 1019 girls, representative of the national population of high school students. Less time spent in study hall and more time spent doing homework outside of school were associated with better grades. Moderate amounts of time spent doing homework at school tended to be associated with better grades. Unfavorable attitudes and perceived unfavorable attitudes toward study hall were associated with better grades. Preference for serious studying at home was associated with reports of better grades. It was concluded that the better students did more homework; but study hall was neither the time nor the place of their choosing.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen, in the policy arena, a broad global push for children to be treated as active participants in society rather than as the passive recipients of adult decisions and interventions. The topic of literacy learning and teaching has, however, been absent from much of the policy and literature on children's social participation. This paper is an exploratory foray into possible connections between literacy and citizenship from the perspective of young children and those responsible for their education. Drawing from both sociocultural and semiotic perspectives on literacy, this analysis crosses between institutional texts, ethnographic accounts and children's own representations of their places in the world. A hierarchical model of literacy development, which emphasises the teaching of basic decoding skills in the early years, is associated with a view of young children as future citizens rather than as active social participants. Recognising children's agency, and supporting their meaningful participation, requires literacies of social participation.  相似文献   

The opportunity to conduct research in early childhood settings is vital to the growth and further professionalization of the early childhood field (Bowman, 1986; Goffin, 1989). Even though a unique body of research exists within early childhood education, more research in a greater diversity of settings and with a broader variety of groups of children and adults is needed.Mary Kay Helling is a doctoral candidate at Purdue University, Child Development and Family Studies Department; on leave from the faculty of South Dakota State University, Human Development, Child and Family Studies Department. Teresa Hughes is a doctoral candidate, Purdue University, CDFS Department.  相似文献   

This paper describes our efforts in developing the MAGDAIRE framework (abbreviated from Modeled Analysis, Guided Development, Articulated Implementation, and Reflected Evaluation) to transform pre-service science teachers’ roles in a teacher education course: moving pre-service teachers from the roles of passive users of technology, as they themselves learn technology integration, into active designers of technology. The results suggested that MAGDAIRE significantly improved the pre-service teachers’ technology competency levels. Moreover, MAGDAIRE facilitated the pre-service teachers’ critical reexamination of the affordances of technology for their teaching practices from the views of subject matter selection, motivation empowerment, information presentation, activity design, and pedagogy transition.  相似文献   

Disturbed children are trained to be 'psychologists' in order to improve their relationships with peers, reports Dr Harry Rosenberg, director of special education, Visalia Unified School District, California  相似文献   

儿童首先是人,然后才是儿童,而不是相反。因此,从人的视角看儿童,是认识、理解儿童的前提之一。作为人的儿童是具体的,而不是抽象的;是完整的,而不是割裂的;是生成的,而不是预定的。如此看来,儿童教育就是基于具体、完整、生成之人的教育。  相似文献   

政府采购是社会经济发展一种趋势,其目的在于通过政府的统筹规划,集中解决维持政府运作的各类物资的集中采购工作,控制物资采购成本,节约政府开支。但在实践操作中,政府采购工作难度大,存在很多的问题与不足,需要进一步的改进、提高以便实现政府采购的目的。文章以广东河源市政府采购市场发展规范情况的调研为基础,调查了解河源政府采购市场发展规范的基本情况,分析存在的问题,并在此基础上提出发展建议,力争通过深入的调查分析来指导该地区政府采购市场的科学规范发展。  相似文献   

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