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本文聚焦数字新闻实践与舆论极化的关系,从数字新闻的本质出发,发现数字新闻生态系统极易形成观点集中的景象,成为滋生舆论极化的绝佳土壤,造成极端观点的泛滥。在剖析数字新闻生产助推舆论极化的具体机制的同时,本文也探讨了约束舆论极化的可性能路径。文章进而提出应从舆论极化的症结和成因出发,从新闻价值和新闻生产文化两个角度实现对传统新闻生产理论的革新;而数字时代的新闻生产理论的建构应该以媒体、平台和用户的协同进化视角为核心理念。  相似文献   

作为一种新闻失范现象, “标题党”屡禁不止.近来国家网信办出台相关规定,强化对这一现象的治理与规范.文章从新闻生产、网络文化与媒介管理三个方面,详细分析了“标题党”现象的根源、影响与治理路径.文章重点讨论了媒介技术变革对新闻生产的改变、“标题党”与网络文化的关系,并对管理新规作出一定的分析.文章丰富了“标题党”现象研究的视角.  相似文献   

新冠疫情给全球出版业带来了巨大冲击,实体书店的销售码洋大幅下降.后疫情时代,政府、出版机构、书店从三个维度合力弥补书店损失,措施包括政府扶持、出版机构帮扶和书店自救.为了摆脱困境,需要落实扶持政策,推动书店发展;改进线上营销,重视新型人才;小众即为大众,培养定向客流.未来,实体书店将转变理念,创新经营,表现在O2O模式转型升级,全场景阅读迅速延伸,书店下沉和乡村书店的兴起,进而实现高质量发展.  相似文献   

图书馆越来越广泛地收集图书、数据、图表、图像、音乐视频等资料,尽可能提供给读者全面快捷方便的服务,但与此同时也产生了与著作权的冲突。本文借鉴了国外著作权的一些解决方法,提出了应如何正确对待图书馆的自由获取与著作权,对图书馆的发展会有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

重拾信任:后疫情时代传播治理的难点、构建与关键   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
喻国明 《新闻界》2020,(5):13-18,43
人心的凝聚、社会共识的达成对社会发展来说至关重要,而信任是社会交往和社会协同中最为关键的粘合剂。但在疫情期间,不信任的病毒与新冠病毒一起流行蔓延,信任重建成为后疫情时代社会治理的重要任务。必须认识到,传播格局的改变让传统的传播和舆情治理模式失效:传统主流媒介压舱石作用式微,撕裂与信任丧失成为现实;泛众化传播时代到来,但在管制压力下个性表达退回圈层,隔阂引起偏见与冲突;互联网关系赋权强调情感共振,但目前主流话语的内容表达缺少对关系表达元素的有效利用,传播效果有限。重建信任的后疫情时代亟需传播与舆情治理范式的转型:转变专业媒介和专业传播工作者传播的专业角色,将复杂性范式作为未来传播和舆情治理的基本范式以及创新网络治理的顶层设计。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the use of digital information in India for the purposes of poverty alleviation, the marketing of farm produce in rural areas, responsive governance, and provision of access to official records and information. The paper also seeks to identify better ways of using information and communication technology for Indian national development.  相似文献   

This study highlights the importance of parent-child communication of sensitive health-related issues, specifically the importance of cancer prevention discussions. For females, communication about breast cancer has been desensitized; yet, testicular cancer is not being discussed among males, even though it is highly curable when caught early. Testicular cancer primarily impacts males ages 15–40, so introducing the conversation early is important. In this exploratory study, mothers (N = 22) participated in three focus group discussions and described communication with their sons about general health issues and testicular cancer. While the mothers discussed a number of health issues with their sons, they did not mention testicular cancer and believed their sons knew very little about testicular cancer. Mothers' communication about testicular cancer with their sons was characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity. Findings from this study shed light on how little mothers know about testicular cancer as well as the need for comprehensive testicular cancer campaigns that target intervening publics.  相似文献   

This paper contends with how postbroadcast television branding subsumes viewers’ affective interactivities with place to produce brand value. Focusing on the HBO series Treme, I argue that Treme engendered HBO's postbroadcast brand mutation by producing “passionate engagement,” where viewers were invited to interact with the show by touring New Orleans, thus adding place to online interactivity and multiscreen engagement as a means of constructing an “authentic” brand identity. The desire for viewers to connect to New Orleans’ culture is thus transformed into a vehicle for profit making for HBO and an assurance to shareholders that the brand still holds value.  相似文献   

网络直营书店开拓实体运营路径,强势推进网络经营模式;传统实体书店打开网络销售渠道,实体空间向文化体闲消费功能转化.互联网时代的深化推动着实体书店发展样态的多元化变革,渠道融合与复合化经营已成普遍趋势,功能区分与多元化经营方式则凸显定位及模式差异.  相似文献   

Digital piracy, although negatively altering the recorded music market, has a positive impact on other segments of the music market, such as live music or ancillary goods, because it generates a positive externality benefiting those activities. Through a 2-player strategic game between a record company and an artist, this study shows that a renegotiation of music contracts could allow the internalizing of this positive externality, while being welfare-improving for both record companies and artists. This study also shows, however, that pervasive piracy is not desirable for an artist.  相似文献   

网络信息时代叙词表的编制与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
统计我国叙词表的编制情况,分析在网络时代叙词表的发展趋势以及编制和应用特点。认为在叙词表编制方面,将会实现利用海量的数字信息资源,通过计算机抽取相关的专业术语和词间关系,在领域专家人工辅助干预下,建立适合现代网络信息资源特点和大众化的领域用户使用的叙词表。叙词表主要用于计算机系统后台的标引和检索,用户主要为使用网络检索专业信息的普通用户,数字界面和可视化将是叙词表的主要表现形式。  相似文献   

刘莎 《新世纪图书馆》2012,(1):19-22,18
论文通过透视编目的发展演变和网络时代的编目趋势,分析MARC应用于网络资源编目的优势与不足,比较其与众多元数据方案的异同,提出改进方案和优化措施,预测MARC在网络时代的命运。  相似文献   

As the Director of the Institute for the Future of the Book, Bob Stein has been involved with several endeavors to create a technological solution that will meet the evolving needs of information dissemination in the digital age. His experiences working with Encyclopedia Britannica and later creating an interactive media company, The Voyager Company, have led him in this direction. This talk seeks to raise questions about how books are evolving, what the end product should be, and who is responsible for getting them there.  相似文献   

周葆华 《新闻大学》2020,(3):84-106,120
随着移动互联网的发展,"永久在线、永久连接"成为当代受众的新生活方式,也挑战了传统的受众与效果研究范式。本文从理论上阐释"永久在线、永久连接"概念,并运用一个全国性的随机抽样调查数据,首次实证描述中国受众"永久在线、永久连接"的行为与心理现状,并分析其影响因素。研究发现:移动互联网的技术可供性显著正向影响永久在线与连接行为,价格敏感、时尚国际、积极进取、稳定悠闲等生活方式对永久在线与连接具有不同方向的显著影响,错失恐惧对"永久在线、永久连接"的行为及心理均有显著的正向影响。本文在此基础上对研究的理论与实践意涵进行了讨论。  相似文献   

徐琨 《兰台世界》2017,(15):51-53
大数据环境下信息资源的"云存储"和"云计算"为高校学生档案管理工作带来了新的机遇,同时也面临着来自大信息积累和大应用服务两方面的四大挑战。为应对这些机遇和挑战,高校学生档案管理部门应搭建学生档案大数据管理平台、完善学生档案数据采集分析、发挥学生档案数据利用功能、防范学生档案数据管理风险,树立起"资源至上""、价值至上""、学生至上"和"安全至上"四种理念。  相似文献   

人工智能技术引入并应用到新闻传播领域,在给新闻业带来技术性革命的同时,也给这一内部和外部组织结构相对稳定的传统行业带来了前所未有的挑战并滋生次生矛盾,这些矛盾主要表现为冰冷数据与人性关怀、新闻同质与独家报道、自动生成与议题设置、精准推送与信息茧房、岗位退场与阵地坚守等之间的矛盾和纠葛.面对这些次生矛盾,人类社会任何悲观、纠结、恐慌和逃避的心理和心态都是不可取的,只有理性对待、认真分析、寻找对策、调适矛盾才是积极的应对行为.以新媒体为平台,以智媒为终端,人类记者与人工智能机器人“共谋”“合谋”和“人机协作”将成为新时代媒介的新景观.  相似文献   

This study examined the ameliorating effects of intergroup contact with Asian Americans on negative stereotypes, perceived threats, and harmful discriminatory behaviors toward them. The results of multivariate regression analyses indicated that intergroup contact with Asian Americans adversely predicted negative stereotypes (i.e., excessive competence and deficient sociability), perceived realistic and symbolic threats, and active and passive harmful discriminatory behaviors toward them. The findings highlighted the utmost importance of intergroup contact in improving intergroup attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

Three emotion work themes were displayed in the discourse of individuals who lost their jobs and of their family members. Foregrounding-backgrounding of emotions indicated not only how some individuals and family members exerted effort to express positive emotions, but also why they would do so (for deep authenticity). In the construction of normalcy, respondents made an effort to portray and enact their lives as similar to the way things were before the job loss. By (re)instituting traditional masculinities, the men who lost their jobs were able to be "real" men in an emasculating situation. Taken together, these findings offer possibilities for further theoretical development and for communication interventions that can be applied by human resource professionals, career and outplacement counselors, family members, friends, and the individuals themselves.  相似文献   

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