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直接、言词规则是大陆法系国家适用的证据原则,传闻规则是英美法系证据法的重要证据排除规则。根据我国法制发展历程、现实国情、传闻证据立法及司法实践状况,比较合理的考虑是,为了促进诉讼证据制度及刑事司法制度的改革,我国可以在不同诉讼法领域有区别地设立建立传闻证据适用规则。  相似文献   

在我国,传闻证据规则本身就有可能成为一种“传闻”的危险。因此,在建构我国传闻证据规则时,应首先将这些“传闻”排除。排除传闻证据的主要理由并不是传闻证据不真实和不可靠,而是若采纳该证据就剥夺了被告人的宪法性权利——对质询问权;传闻证据规则的例外也不应当仅仅是指证人出庭作证不能,至少还包括迟缓的对质询问、先前的对质询问、双方当事人同意等,而且这些例外还必须符合其他特定条件;传闻证据规则的确立无助于解决证人不出庭作证问题,恰恰相反,证人出庭作证是传闻证据规则得以运行的前提。  相似文献   

传闻证据排除规则作为英美法系证据法的重要组成部分,是其区别于大陆法系证据法的显著特征之一。传闻证据在英美法庭上是不能作为认定案件事实的证据材料,但是其中传闻证据排除规则的例外情形之一“违反利益的陈述”却可以作为例外而具有可采性。本文以《加拿大证据法典》中的两个案例为切入点,探讨“违反利益的陈述”的传闻证据为什么可以被采用的原因,进而说明其适用的理论基础及意义。  相似文献   

在加拿大证据法中,按照一般的证据规则,传闻证据一般是不被采纳的。但是,该规则也有例外,也就是说在特定情况下,如果满足特定条件时,传闻证据也是可以采纳的。本文就加拿大证据法中的传闻证据的证据规则从其概念、一般规则、例外规则、例外规则适用程序、传统的例外规则进行了分析。  相似文献   

从传闻证据排除规则的产生发展的历史演变可以看出,诉讼职能的划分是传闻证据排除规则产生的前提,对抗式审判制度是传闻证据规则得以确立、发展的基础,而传闻证据本身存在的缺陷是排除规则产生的直接原因。正如英美学者普遍认为,影响和决定传闻规则的三个关键因素是:陪审团、宣誓和对抗式程序。以下,笔者就试图从几个方面浅谈传闻证据规则的价值根基。  相似文献   

传闻规则是英美证据法的一个重要规则,根据传闻规则,庭外陈述一般不可采纳作为证据使用-我国正在进行刑事诉讼制度的改革,确立传闻规则有利于实现对抗式庭审,有利于正确认定案件事实以及防止非法取证-传闻规则对我国具有借鉴意义,有必要确立该规则-并明确规定一些例外情形.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中采用直接言词原则,形成口头的直接审判,所有证据都通过证人直接呈现于事实的裁判者面前。坚持法官直接发现事实从而使司法程序透明,使法院获得信赖。刑事诉讼证据中的排除传闻规则是为了确保证人证词的可靠性。当诉讼一方在审判中引用证人在庭外的证言作为证据,来证明所提及或指称的事实属实时,这些证言会遭到排除。法律另有规定的情形除外,证人没有出庭所作出的书面证言原则上不能作为定案的依据。证人出庭,确保被告人可以在庭上提出质问,使证言令人信服。  相似文献   

传闻证据在我国有明确规定,在狭义上来说就是指言辞证据,也就是说有挣证人并没有亲自参与到该事件中去,仅仅在审判过程中称述其事实的经过,起作用是代表他人执行陈述事件事实的义务,从广义上来说,还包括了书面证据和非用语言具体表达的行为,也就是说在广义上来说,证明人自己是经历过该事物的,但是没有通过语言能够表达的事情过程,就通过书面和行为表达来实现,但是无论是狭义还是广义上的传闻证据又具有三个层面的意义。对此,笔者对国外法系中对传闻证据的相关规定进行了如下分析,仅供读者参考。  相似文献   

乔迪翘着二郎腿坐在父亲的书桌前,一边呷着冰茶一边凝望着海滩。“快点!”他恳求着旁边的传真机。  相似文献   

何军兵 《考试周刊》2008,(48):238-239
传闻证据有其难以克服的缺陷,需在法庭上予以限制其适用,以保障案件裁判的准确性,但不能完全照搬西方的传闻证据排除规则予以完全排除,应立足我国司法实践,确立符合我国实际的传闻证据规则。  相似文献   

An outline of the background to the provision of psychological evidence within legal settings will be provided, with attention to formal and quasi‐court settings (e.g., tribunals). Key points of relevance to psychologists and to educational psychologists in particular will be illustrated, including guidelines for defendable written and oral evidence. The Civil Procedure Rules and their application to expert witnesses will be used to indicate the standards for witness evidence. The paper will conclude by outlining the significance of distinguishing between process and content. The importance of presenting with expertise both in content (e.g., qualification as an educational psychologist) and court process is highlighted.  相似文献   

中国刑事诉讼证人不出庭作证既是一个法律问题,也是一个社会问题。为此,在完善证人出庭作证制度的基础上,允许在一定条件下书面证言的存在是解决中国目前证人不出庭作证现状的一种理智选择。  相似文献   

证人证言是诉讼活动中是最重要、最普遍运用的一种证据。长期以来,由于我国实行职权主义的诉讼模式,三大诉讼法对证人作证问题只是作了原则性的规定,加之传统文化的影响,表现在司法实践中,证人不出庭作证的现象屡见不鲜。证人不出庭作证的结果,最终影响了司法公正、司法效率价值的实现。为了改变当前证人不愿、不敢出庭作证的现状,就证人作证问题作了些探究和建议,以期对我国建立的《证人作证规则》有所裨益。  相似文献   

文章对我国刑事证人出庭作证制度的现状和原因做了深入剖析.由于立法上的选择性冲突和缺乏对证人出庭的相关保障,从而导致我国刑事诉讼中证人出庭作证制度同刑诉法对刑事庭审方式的重大变革不相协调.文章进一步对建立和完善我国刑事证人出庭作证制度进行了大胆构想,包括立法上的完善、传闻证据排除规则的采用、证人权利保障制度的建立和完善及法制宣传的加强等.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental purposes of educational research is to provide evidence to facilitate effective practice. However, the evidence itself does not have much value for practitioners unless key information about the context from which the evidence was generated is also provided. In this paper, we use the word ‘context’ to refer to factors that are relevant for learning, including the interactions that learners experience with multiple people, artefacts, and environments. Unfortunately, in many educational research studies, either these factors do not get the required attention or information about them is presented in an incoherent structure. The resultant lack of information leads to two significant drawbacks. First, it creates confusion among practitioners who want to apply research evidence in their practice. Second, it leads to research studies that on the face of it are similar, but that in reality have resulted from evidence that has been collected in significantly different contexts being included under the same categories in reviews, meta-reviews, and best-evidence syntheses. In this paper, we draw on the concept of ‘relatability’ of evidence and present taxonomy for collaborative problem-solving (CPS) that can be used to provide the valuable information against which research evidence can be indexed. By addressing the need for more detailed information about the contextual factors from which the evidence is generated to bridge the gap between research and practice in CPS research, we aim to exemplify the approach that is needed in educational research more generally.  相似文献   


This paper discusses, compares, and contrasts 4 different models for bringing evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) into practice and into practical reasoning. I look at what questions the models can and cannot answer, what role they accord to RCT evidence, and what their possible attraction for practitioners might be. The models are those of Philip Davies, Nancy Cartwright, Stephen Toulmin, and Harald Grimen. The first 2 are constructed for the purpose of using evidence in practice, the 3rd is an adapted argumentation model, and the 4th is based on phronesis and represents an alternative to evidence-based education. It is argued that of these, Toulmin’s model has the narrative qualities that make it the most usable and practitioner-friendly model.  相似文献   

对民事非法证据的排除,反映了民事诉讼对程序权利和宪法性权利以及程序正义的关注正日益上升,我国现行民事诉讼法及其司法解释所确定的非法证据排除规则,具有一定的进步意义,但也存在一些不足之处。文章在分析其不足之处的基础上,借鉴国外有益的立法经验,提出完善我国民事诉讼非法证据排除规则的建议。  相似文献   

An increased focus on the use of research evidence (URE) in K-12 education has led to a proliferation of instruments measuring URE in K-12 education settings. However, to date, there has been no review of these measures to inform education researchers’ assessment of URE. Here, we systematically review published quantitative measurement instruments in K-12 education. Findings suggest that instruments broadly assess user characteristics, environmental characteristics, and implementation and practices. In reviewing instrument quality, we found that studies infrequently report reliability, validity, and demographics about the instruments they develop or use. Future work evaluating and developing instruments should explore environmental characteristics that affect URE, generate items that match up with URE theory, and follow standards for establishing instrument reliability and validity.  相似文献   

《非法证据排除规定》的施行是我国刑事诉讼制度的一大进步,但新规定亦存在不足之处。论文从非法言词证据的界定、非法证据排除的程序、证明责任及证明标准等方面做了论述,以期对进一步完善我国的非法证据排除规则能有所裨益。  相似文献   

自证据交换制度颁布实施以来,由于各种主客观因素的限制,制度的使用率、功效、作用,均没有达到预期的效果,究其原因,与制度理念的错位、制度缺乏可操作性等因素有着密切的关系。要改变目前的现状,必须首先转换证据交换制度的设置理念,系统地建立起证据交换制度和相关的配套设施。  相似文献   

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