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A very important part of Hangzhou, the WestLake is where the provincial government sits.The district occupies an area of 316 sq km witha population of about 700,000. The ZhijiangState Tourism Resort and Hangzhou High-TechIndustry Development Zone are loca…  相似文献   

Xinjiang,once the western frontier of the HanDynasty(206B.C.-220A.D.),now boasts manyrelics of past glories.The stone castle in Tush-kurghan testifies to the past splendor of akingdom that thrived in one part of the westernregions for hundreds of years and then vanishedinto history about 14 centuries ago. The ancient relic perches on the hills north oftoday’s Tush-kurghan city.Towering against theazure sweep of the sky and snow-capped peaksin the backdrop.the castle still retains most of  相似文献   

A century is no more than an instant in the long history ofmankind.A century is,however,an endless flow of time full of hardshipsin its growth and development for Zhejiang University——an institutionof higher learning situated near the West Lake.The planning and preparations for the construction of the presentcampus started in 1952.Now the building area has expandea to 660,000 square meters.The campus,with thick verdant trees and flowersin bloom all the year round,has become a scenic spot of its own style.The present university grew out of Qiu Shi Academy,which wasfounded in 1897.It was the first new-style institution of higher learningin Zhejiang Province.The former site of the institution was Pu CiTemple in the present-day University Road.Its engraved beams andpainted pillars still bear traces of marks left on them by historicalchanges in the past century.Qiu Shi Academy was also one of the ear-  相似文献   

The West Lake in Hangzhou is now undergoing a two-phase expansion project. The eastern lakeside will present a total new face after the completion in the autumn this year and the west lakeside will claim a comeback of its previous territory on the west side.The eastern lakeside, which occupies a total area of 91,500 square meters, is composed of three major scenic sections: the northern hill avenue, the holy pond and the new lakeside. A zigzag avenue hugs the northern side of the lake. After the project, the avenue will retain its trademark plane trees, while flowerbeds, benches, lighting and pavement  相似文献   

A fashion show photography by Yan LongIn the first autumn of the new century, the port city Ningbo of the coastal Zhejiang province staged the Fifth Ningbo International Fashion Festival. The following is what Zhang Wenwei, mayor of Ningbo, says in an interview about the fashion industry in Ningbo.Historically known as the cradle  相似文献   

A 16-meter-tall bronze statue of Yu the Great towers in the Yu Mausoleum. The statue is a landmark of the tourist attraction in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. Located near the entrance to the mausoleum is the Yuexiu Foreign Languages Institute, a well known…  相似文献   

The West Lake World in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province is a new architectural wonder developed and constructed by Hong Kong Ruian Group after its successful project of Shanghai New World in Shanghai. The world on the west lake is actually a grand garden.At present only the first phase of the project has been completed. A few well-spaced black brick houses are neatly scattered in the garden,  相似文献   

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in Frankfurt on the Rhine. I took advantage of the Frankfurt Books Exposition to visit his former residence.The four-storied structure sits on a quiet back street in Frankfurt. A typical upper-class residence of the 18th century, the house has a garden behind it. Born on 28 August 1749, Goethe spent more than two decades there. In 1774 when he was 25 years old, he wrote The Sorrows of Young Weither. Though he later moved to Weimar, he came back to Frankfurt several times. The residence was finally destroyed during Two World Wars. The four-storied house is restored to its original glory, with many of the components being original.  相似文献   

The People's Liberation Army stormed acrossthe Yangtze River in 1949 and surged towardNanjing, capital of the Kuomintang regime. Oneparticular photograph taken during the crossingbest depicts the true nature of the war: the peoplesupported its own army and played a decisiverole in bringing down the Kuomintang regime.In the picture is one of the numerous boatspowering toward the southern bank of theYangtze River. A young girl with a long pigtailstood upright and gave her all to row the boat…  相似文献   

Opening the Jug is a new scholarly talk show on Shanxi TV. The program attracts national attention for its deep probe into events and personages in the Chinese history. Recently the forum was held at Maweipo, Xianyang, Shangxi Province, a center of the ancient central empire for centuries. A tragedy took place at Maweipo in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Involved in the tragedy were an honored concubine of striking beauty, a great emperor, a romance, and a glorious dynasty. The concubine was Lady Yang. Her family members became big court officials because of her prominent position. A rebellion led by An Lushan and Shi Siming, two border generals, erupted. When the rebel  相似文献   

A wetland spreading on the western fringe ofHangzhou, West Creek is typical of the waterscenery frequently seen in areas south of theYangtze River in the eastern part of China. Waterscenic spots in the creek area, only one step awayfrom modern noises of downtown Hangzhou,will serve as important tourist attractions in astrategic plan for the westward expansion of thecity's scenic area.The serene wetland beauty was firstmentioned in a book published in the SouthernSong Dynasty (1124-1276). I…  相似文献   

The four-storied house at 125 of the65th Street along the Central Park hasample justifications to be an officiallydesignated landmark building in NewYork where skyscrapers cluster like flthick forest.A pair of oriental stonelions and the red-painted door add aspecial touch to the ordinary-lookingstructure while embroidered words inChinese and English on a rectangularbanner hanging from the second flooron the fa?ade inform the world of itsmission and pride: “China Institute”and“75 years of Chinese Culture andEducation.”  相似文献   

A French-styled villa sits in a garden at 1843,Huaihai Road Central, Shanghai. The last ownerof this villa was Madam Song Qingling, wife ofDr. Sun Yat-Sen (1866-1925) and honorarypresident of the People’s Republic of China.On the right inside the gate to…  相似文献   

Sun Yat-Sen, father of the 1911 Revolution that toppled the Qing Dynasty and ushered in the first republic in China's history, died in 1925. He wanted to have himself buried in Nanjing where he was sworn in as President of the Republic of China after the revolution succeeded. The construction period of the grand mausoleum spanned from 1926 to 1931. Sun Yat-Sen's Mausoleum does not stand alone. A series of memorial buildings came into being in years after the mausoleum was completed. These buildings include a memorial house where many objects used in the  相似文献   

I delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Tang Tao's Library at the China Contemporary Literature Museum in March this year. The day was also the 90th anniversary of the master's birthday. I said on the occasion that Tang's life was inseparable with books. The theme of the exhibition held on that day in his honor was also titled A Life for Books.This title embodied Tang's life. I got acquainted with Tang (1913-1992) through books. I came to know of him through reading his essays in memory of Lu Xun. His articles about books appealed to me very much. But at that time I did not imagine seeing him in person'let alone seeing his huge collection of books.  相似文献   

Almost anybody in China knows Feng Jicai is a writer, but few know that the author of national renown has roots in Ningbo, a port city in East China's Zhejiang Province. I am among the few who know the secret. That's one of the reasons why I have long since wanted to meet him. I am from Ningbo too.A gray morning this winter, I arrived at Feng Jicai's studio, hidden in a complex of apartment buildings in Tianjin. The studio didn't have any sign on the door. The clerks there were all from Ningbo. Hearing them  相似文献   

Master Qigong passed away on June 30, 2005. A master of Chinese culture, he was honorary president of the alumni association of Fu Jen Catholic University. The volumes of Fu Jen Alumni Messages remind me of his contributions. Qigong and many other alumni …  相似文献   

The new South Lake Revolutionary Memorial, a built-up space of 19,633 square meters in a 2.73-hectare compound,opened to the general public on a trial basis on March 28th,2011. The brand new memorial marks the birth of the Communist Party of China in 1921.The second leg of the first  相似文献   

A Tang Dynasty poem depicts the ancient western frontier in a most impressive way: the lonely beacon smoke went up straight into the sky as the setting sun looked huge and round sinking toward the long river. The frontier splendor has been magnificent since immemorial times.The poem paints so vivid a word picture of the ancient beacon towers that it has been regarded as the most classic and most popular lines about China's western deserts in China's literary history. Today, beacon towers along the legendary Silk Road have become attractions to tourists. These beacon towers witness to a long history of breathtaking glory and exotic legends.  相似文献   

Fans in China date back to four thousand years ago. Cui Bao of the Jin Dynasty(265-420AD) mentioned in Annotations of The Past and The Present, "Shun the Emperor made Five-Ming Fans." The scholar said in the same book that the Emperor Gaozong of the Yin Dynasty(14th-  相似文献   

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