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宽恕定义——对冒犯自己的人,不计对方态度如何,都不会怨恨、反击、报复,甚至索取赔偿。目标当他人冒犯我时,我要做到:不怨恨他人。不报复他人。当自己冒犯他人时,要主动寻求对方的宽恕。品格小故事森林徒步穿越树墩子学校的同学们终于盼来了学校一年一度的春季野外穿越活动。按照传统,树墩子学校的同学们将被分成小组.每个小组将抽到一张路线图。按照路线图成功穿越的小组将成为年度穿越冠军。今年的越野赛,哼哼龙、小鹿阿美、  相似文献   

你能用英语讲故事吗?你能用英语描述你的生活吗?我们的《故事园地》专栏将给你展现一批或轻松幽默、或生动活泼、或温馨感人的小故事,希望你利用这一平台,学习写故事的本领,锻炼自己的领悟故事内涵的能力。本栏目由首师大英语少年文学项目组主办,欢迎你参与我们的活动。  相似文献   

宽恕或许是神圣的,但是,没有人认为宽恕是件容易的事。有人深深伤害你时,你很难做到不记恨心头。然而,如果心存宽恕,这点就不难做到,它会为你的身心健康带来意想不到的益处。《宽恕的好处》一书的作者弗  相似文献   

<正>Forgiveness is for you and not for anyone else.The practice of forgiveness has been shown to reduce anger,depression and stress and leads to greater feelings of hope,peace and self confidence.Forgiveness is very important because when we carry around resentment and anger,guilt and shame,it hurts our health,happiness and our relationships.By releasing all of that,you can repair relationships with yourself and everyone in your  相似文献   

Forgiveness Forgiveness is a conscious choice It must begin first in your head In an aware and planned way Sometimes change engenders dread Sincerity involves the heart Need to realize time to let go Monsters live and thrive in the dark Pain involved in h…  相似文献   

宽恕的功能,是建立一块弹性的人际关系带,防止报复的恶性循环并且润滑社会良性运行,并使受害者解除愤恨性痛苦;它的类型多样;它的发生率有赖于一定的文化条件;宽恕声明的正当权利主体,依情况之异,只能是受害者或宗教的所谓上位神;宽恕还有正当性限度。  相似文献   

继承开始之后,由于种种原因,继承人的继承权会受到非法侵害,为保护继承人享有的继承权,制裁侵权行为人的民事违法行为,维护正常的社会秩序和公民的合法权益,各国法律均赋予继承人以继承回复请求权。  相似文献   


This article compares Enright's cognitive-developmental model of forgiveness (Enright et al., 1989, 1991, 1992, 1994) with a model of forgiveness based on communication between the wronged and the wrongdoer. While unilateral forgiveness is unconditional and is a process which happens wholly within the person who has suffered an injustice, negotiated forgiveness requires of the wrongdoer (1) confession; (2) ownership; and (3) repentance for their actions. Unilateral forgiveness is built upon the principle of identity; in contrast, negotiated forgiveness begins with, and extends Piaget's principle of ideal reciprocity. Enright's highest stage of forgiveness reasoning is one in which considerations of social context are transcended; in the model of negotiated forgiveness, such understanding of context is central. Whereas unilateral forgiveness is a wholly intraindividual phenomenon, negotiated forgiveness is quintessentially social and dynamic. Using the example of truth and reconciliation commissions, the article examines the implications for the relationship between justice and forgiveness, according to each model.  相似文献   

关于宽恕的人格因素的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宽恕(forgiveness)是在一个人遭受了侵犯之后发生的一系列亲社会的动机变化。宽恕者往往更具有宜人性、情绪稳定性、宗教性和精神性的人格特质。宽恕的过程包括时犯错者的移情,时侵犯行为和犯错者的慷慨归因和评价,反思侵犯行为。本文采用现代特质理论解释了影响宽恕的人格因素以及人格时宽恕的影响机制。  相似文献   

在公写作中,请示与报告混淆的现象较为普遍,已成为现今写作教学中一个亟待解决的严峻问题。本对这两种实用公体作了比较与分析,并从写作学的角度,对这两种体的重点、难点及教学实践中应重视的一些重要问题,作了探讨。  相似文献   


The analyses undertaken in this article refer to the harm experienced in close relationships, where the lack of forgiveness and the breakdown in the relationship can be a source of additional suffering for the victim. Referring to the discussion conducted in the Journal of Philosophy of Education in the years 2002–2003, I assume that one of the most difficult challenges for the injured individual is to determine whether change made by the perpetrator of evil encourages the individual to trust the perpetrator or whether forgiveness can actually be understood as consent to further harm. Another challenge is that the injured person must make a decision about forgiveness when s/he perceives change in the perpetrator if lack of forgiveness is not to become the cause of a definitive breakdown in the relationship. I propose the thesis that a person—by reference to acts of self‐forgiveness—can learn to identify the moment when forgiveness is possible and necessary. After explaining what self‐forgiveness is, what act it relates to and what its moral value is, I show how self‐forgiveness and reflection on the process of self‐forgiveness can benefit education for forgiveness of another person.  相似文献   

为了解男、女大学生宽恕行为及相关影响因素的差异,为大学生心理健康教育提供依据,通过采用《宽恕倾向量表》、《自尊量表》、《多维——多向归因量表》、《艾克森人格问卷》和《症状自评量表》分析男、女大学生宽恕行为及相关影响因素的差异。总体上来说,男生的宽恕水平受到自尊、情绪性以及人际失败三个因素的影响;女生的宽恕水平受到自尊、情绪性、外内向以及偏执四个方面的因素影响。  相似文献   

大学生宽恕的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,宽恕这个主题被越来越多的研究领域所关注。对宽恕的概念和类型进行概述,并系统梳理了国内外关于自尊与宽恕以及正义与宽恕的研究后,发现:宽恕与认知可塑性,积极情感和分心呈正相关;宽恕与沉思,报复和敌意呈负相关;大学生宽恕与心理症状呈负相关;自尊与宽恕之间既有正相关,又有负相关,还有没有显著相关;复合正义与宽恕的相关程度大于报复正义与宽恕的相关。  相似文献   

本文尝试从总结宽恕教育的涵义出发,探讨教师的宽恕行为在教育活动中对于学生身心发展,教师自身素质提高的重要意义。提出教师在教育工作中应该学会利用共情、责任归因、提高人格等方法宽恕学生的过失,最终建立和谐良好、互信互爱的师生关系。  相似文献   

二元函数极限的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于变量个数的增加,二元函数极限的求解比一元函数复杂得多,但二元函数极限的运算法则与一元函数是一致的,因此可将一元函数的计算方法推广至二元函数.  相似文献   

分析了行政公文报告、请示、请批函几个文种经常错用的原因 ,并从行文目的、写作时间、主送单位、写作方法等方面区别其异同 ,提出了正确使用方法。  相似文献   

崇高的道德理想固然美好,而实际人们要面对的往往是纷繁复杂的现实世界,是世俗甚至幽暗的人性基础。在人性受到极大关注的当今,道德作为一种规范,不能仅眷留于对理想的守望,而应当最大限度地照顾到人的自然本性和现实状况,给人们的行为以道德宽容,给人们选择道德行为留下足够的自由空间。  相似文献   

Forgiveness education has demonstrated psychological, social and academic benefits; however, it has not been discussed as a means of promoting character development for children and adolescents. In this paper, we discuss forgiveness as a moral concept and explain how forgiveness can contribute to current discussions of character education. After reviewing relevant literature we describe how a forgiveness programme can be an effective form of character education and attempt to clarify the contributions the forgiveness literature can make to the field of character education. We argue that forgiveness provides those interested in character development with a programme that can enhance educational initiatives and advance the character education research agenda.  相似文献   

谁没有犯过错?谁从来没有对别人做错过事儿?"人非圣贤,孰能无过."国际原谅日,给你一个机会反思过去,学会放松、谅解与宽容.  相似文献   

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