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Fast bowling is categorised into four action types: side-on, front-on, semi-open and mixed; however, little biomechanical comparison exists between action types in junior fast bowlers. This study investigated whether there are significant differences between action-type mechanics in junior fast bowlers. Three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic analyses were completed on 60 junior male fast bowlers bowling a five-over spell. Mixed-design factorial analyses of variance were used to test for differences between action-type groups across the phases of the bowling action. One kinetic difference was observed between groups, with a higher vertical ground reaction force loading rate during the front-foot contact phase in mixed and front-on compared to semi-open bowlers; no other significant group differences in joint loading occurred. Significant kinematic differences were observed between the front-on, semi-open and mixed action types during the front-foot contact phase for the elbow and trunk. Significant kinematic differences were also present for the ankle, T12-L1, elbow, trunk and pelvis during the back-foot phase. Overall, most differences in action types for junior fast bowlers occurred during the back-foot contact phase, particularly trunk rotation and T12-L1 joint angles/ranges of motion, where after similar movement patterns were utilized across groups during the front-foot contact phase.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of shaft flexibility on the performance of junior golfers and to determine whether there is a relationship between golfers' physical characteristics (16 anthropometric measures, age, experience, strength), performance and shaft flexibility. We assessed the performance of 30 male golfers, aged 7–10 years, with three 7-iron golf clubs of different shaft flexibility at a driving range. The performance parameters measured for equipment evaluation were ball distance achieved, shot dispersion and impact position of the ball on the clubface. The results suggest that there is no particular shaft flex suitable for the age group considered and that experience, strength and arm span are the significant factors when selecting optimal shaft flexibility for children.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect stride length has on ankle biomechanics of the leading leg with reference to the potential risk of injury in cricket fast bowlers. Ankle joint kinematic and kinetic data were collected from 51 male fast bowlers during the stance phase of the final delivery stride. The bowling cohort comprised national under-19, first class and international-level athletes. Bowlers were placed into either Short, Average or Long groups based on final stride length, allowing statistical differences to be measured. A multivariate analysis of variance with a Bonferroni post-hoc correction (α = 0.05) revealed significant differences between peak plantarflexion angles (Short-Long P = 0.005, Average and Long P = 0.04) and negative joint work (Average-Long P = 0.026). This study highlighted that during fast bowling the ankle joint of the leading leg experiences high forces under wide ranges of movement. As stride length increases, greater amounts of negative work and plantarflexion are experienced. These increases place greater loads on the ankle joint and move the foot into positions that make it more susceptible to injuries such as posterior impingement syndrome.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of shaft flexibility on the performance of junior golfers and to determine whether there is a relationship between golfers' physical characteristics (16 anthropometric measures, age, experience, strength), performance and shaft flexibility. We assessed the performance of 30 male golfers, aged 7-10 years, with three 7-iron golf clubs of different shaft flexibility at a driving range. The performance parameters measured for equipment evaluation were ball distance achieved, shot dispersion and impact position of the ball on the clubface. The results suggest that there is no particular shaft flex suitable for the age group considered and that experience, strength and arm span are the significant factors when selecting optimal shaft flexibility for children.  相似文献   

In this study we analysed technique, ball speed and trunk injury data collected at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) from 42 high performance male fast bowlers over a four year period. We found several notable technique inter-relationships, technique and ball speed relationships, and associations between technique and trunk injuries. A more front-on shoulder alignment at back foot contact was significantly related to increased shoulder counter-rotation (p < 0.001). Bowlers who released the ball at greater speeds had an extended front knee, or extended their front knee, during the front foot contact phase (p < 0.05). They also recorded higher braking and vertical impact forces during the front foot contact phase and developed those forces more rapidly (p < or =0.05). A maximum hip-shoulder separation angle occurring later in the delivery stride (p = 0.05) and a larger shoulder rotation to ball release (p = 0.05) were also characteristics of faster bowlers. Bowlers suffering lower back injuries exhibited typical characteristics of the 'mixed' technique. Specifically, the hip to shoulder separation angle at back foot contact was greater in bowlers who reported soft tissue injuries than in non trunk-injured bowlers (p = 0.03), and shoulder counter-rotation was significantly higher in bowlers who reported lumbar spine stress fractures than non trunk-injured bowlers (p = 0.01). The stress fracture group was also characterised by a larger hip angle at front foot contact and ball release, whereas a more flexed front knee at ball release characterised the non trunk-injured group.  相似文献   

This study investigated ball release speed and performance kinematics between elite male and female cricket fast bowlers. Fifty-five kinematic parameters were collected for 20 male and 20 female elite fast bowlers. Group means were analysed statistically using an independent samples approach to identify differences. Significant differences were found between: ball release speed; run-up speed; the kinematics at back foot contact (BFC), front foot contact (FFC), and ball release (BR); and the timings between these key instants. These results indicate that the female bowlers generated less whole body linear momentum during the run-up than the males. The male bowlers also utilised a technique between BFC and FFC which more efficiently maintained linear momentum compared to the females. As a consequence of this difference in linear momentum at FFC, the females typically adopted a technique more akin to throwing where ball release speed was contributed to by both the whole body angular momentum and the large rotator muscles used to rotate the pelvis and torso segments about the longitudinal axis. This knowledge is likely to be useful in the coaching of female fast bowlers although future studies are required to understand the effects of anthropometric and strength constraints on fast bowling performance.  相似文献   


Lower back injuries, specifically lumbar stress fractures, account for the most lost playing time in professional cricket. The aims of this study were to quantify the proportion of lower trunk motion used during the delivery stride of fast bowling and to examine the relationship between the current fast bowling action classification system and potentially injurious kinematics of the lower trunk. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected from 50 male professional fast bowlers during a standing active range of motion trial and three fast bowling trials. A high percentage of the fast bowlers used a mixed bowling action attributable to having shoulder counter-rotation greater than 30°. The greatest proportion of lower trunk extension (26%), contralateral side-flexion (129%), and ipsilateral rotation (79%) was used during the front foot contact phase of the fast bowling delivery stride. There was no significant difference in the proportions of available lower trunk extension, contralateral side-flexion, and ipsilateral rotation range of motion used during fast bowling by mixed and non-mixed action bowlers. Motion of the lower trunk, particularly side-flexion, during front foot contact, in addition to variables previously known to be related to back injury (e.g. shoulder counter-rotation), should be examined in future cross-sectional and prospective studies examining the fast bowling action and low back injury.  相似文献   

Lower back injuries, specifically lumbar stress fractures, account for the most lost playing time in professional cricket. The aims of this study were to quantify the proportion of lower trunk motion used during the delivery stride of fast bowling and to examine the relationship between the current fast bowling action classification system and potentially injurious kinematics of the lower trunk. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected from 50 male professional fast bowlers during a standing active range of motion trial and three fast bowling trials. A high percentage of the fast bowlers used a mixed bowling action attributable to having shoulder counter-rotation greater than 30 degrees. The greatest proportion of lower trunk extension (26%), contralateral side-flexion (129%), and ipsilateral rotation (79%) was used during the front foot contact phase of the fast bowling delivery stride. There was no significant difference in the proportions of available lower trunk extension, contralateral side-flexion, and ipsilateral rotation range of motion used during fast bowling by mixed and non-mixed action bowlers. Motion of the lower trunk, particularly side-flexion, during front foot contact, in addition to variables previously known to be related to back injury (e.g. shoulder counter-rotation), should be examined in future cross-sectional and prospective studies examining the fast bowling action and low back injury.  相似文献   


Cricket fast bowlers are at a high risk of injury occurrence, which has previously been shown to be correlated to bowling workloads. This study aimed to develop and test an algorithm that can automatically, reliably and accurately detect bowling deliveries. Inertial sensor data from a Catapult OptimEye S5 wearable device was collected from both national and international level fast bowlers (n = 35) in both training and matches, at various intensities. A machine-learning based approach was used to develop the algorithm. Outputs were compared with over 20,000 manually recorded events. A high Matthews correlation coefficient (r = 0.945) showed very good agreement between the automatically detected bowling deliveries and manually recorded ones. The algorithm was found to be both sensitive and specific in training (96.3%, 98.3%) and matches (99.6%, 96.9%), respectively. Rare falsely classified events were typically warm-up deliveries or throws preceded by a run. Inertial sensors data processed by a machine-learning based algorithm provide a valid tool to automatically detect bowling events, whilst also providing the opportunity to look at performance metrics associated with fast bowling. This offers the possibility to better monitor bowling workloads across a range of intensities to mitigate injury risk potential and maximise performance.  相似文献   

根据中国冰球发展现状,齐齐哈尔先期派5名冰球运动员赴加拿大学习深造。通过冰上专项能力的测试,看到我国冰球运动员与同年龄段加拿大运动员的差距。必须提高教练员的水平,提高冰球运动员的综合素质。  相似文献   

In slo-pitch softball, the ball is delivered in an arc trajectory with a moderate velocity; hence, batters have time to adjust their stride technique based on the pitched ball location. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of stride technique and pitched ball location on the mechanics of slo-pitch batting. A two-way ANOVA of two locations of pitch (inside and outside) x three strides (open, parallel, and closed) repeated measure study was conducted in this study. The results showed that the stride technique and pitched ball location did not have a consistent impact on the participants across different batting conditions, so the study recommends slo-pitch batters to explore different stride techniques when striking the ball. Further, to better understand the generalizability of the findings, the results indicated that participants were quite homogeneous as a group. Hence, coaches and educators may apply the findings from this study to other players with similar skill level.  相似文献   

There have been few reports of advanced body composition profiles of elite fast bowlers in the sport of cricket. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine total, regional and unilateral body composition characteristics of elite English first-class cricket fast bowlers in comparison with matched controls, using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Twelve male fast bowlers and 12 age-matched, non-athletic controls received one total-body DXA scan. Anthropometric data were obtained as well as left and right regional (arms, legs and trunk) fat mass, lean mass and bone mineral content. Fast bowlers were significantly taller and heavier than controls (< 0.05). Relative to body mass, fast bowlers possessed greater lean mass in the trunk (80.9 ± 3.7 vs. 76.7 ± 5.9%; = 0.047) and bone mineral content in the trunk (2.9 ± 0.3 vs. 2.6 ± 0.3%; = 0.049) and legs (5.4 ± 0.5 vs. 4.6 ± 0.6%; = 0.003). In the arm region, fast bowlers demonstrated significantly greater unilateral differences in bone mineral content (10.6 ± 6.6 vs. 4.5 ± 3.9%; = 0.012). This study provides specific body composition values for elite-level fast bowlers and highlights the potential for muscle and bone imbalances that may be useful for conditioning professionals. Our findings also suggest beneficial adaptations in body composition and bone mass in fast bowlers compared with their non-athletic counterparts.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in performance and technique that occur during maximal effort bend sprinting compared with straight-line sprinting under typical outdoor track conditions. Utilising a repeated measures design, three-dimensional video analysis was conducted on seven male sprinters in both conditions (bend radius: 37.72 m). Mean race velocity decreased from 9.86 to 9.39 m/s for the left step (p = 0.008) and from 9.80 to 9.33 m/s for the right step (p = 0.004) on the bend compared with the straight, a 4.7% decrease for both steps. This was mainly due to a 0.11 Hz (p = 0.022) decrease in step frequency for the left step and a 0.10 m (p = 0.005) reduction in race step length for the right step. The left hip was 4.0° (p = 0.049) more adducted at touchdown on the bend than the straight. Furthermore, the bend elicited significant differences between left and right steps in a number of variables including ground contact time, touchdown distance and hip flexion/extension and abduction/adduction angles. The results indicate that the roles of the left and right steps may be functionally different during bend sprinting. This specificity should be considered when designing training programmes.  相似文献   

Fast bowling in cricket is an activity that is well recognised as having high injury prevalence and there has been debate regarding the most effective fast bowling technique. The aim of this study was to determine whether two-year coaching interventions conducted in a group of elite young fast bowlers resulted in fast bowling technique alteration. Selected kinematics of the bowling action of 14 elite young fast bowlers were measured using an 18 camera Vicon Motion Analysis system before and after two-year coaching interventions that addressed specific elements of fast bowling technique. Mann-Whitney tests were used to determine whether any changes in kinematic variables occurred pre- and post-intervention between those who had the coaching interventions and those who didn't. The coaching interventions, when applied, resulted in a more side-on shoulder alignment at back foot contact (BFC) (p = 0.002) and decreased shoulder counter-rotation (p = 0.001) however, there was no difference in the degree of change in back and front knee flexion angles or lower trunk side-flexion. This study has clearly shown that specific aspects of fast bowling technique are changeable over a two-year period in elite level fast bowlers and this may be attributed to coaching intervention.  相似文献   


This study examined the influence of pitch dimensions in small-sided soccer games in shaping opportunities for performers to maintain ball possession, pass to teammates and shoot at goal. Fifteen amateur standard male participants (M = 21.87, σ = 1.96 years) played 5 v 5 small-sided soccer games in three varying pitch conditions (28 m × 14 m, 40 m × 20 m and 52 m × 26 m). Thirty sequences of play in each condition were selected for digitisation using TACTO software, allowing the capture of bi-dimensional displacement coordinate data of all players and the ball. The values of interpersonal distance between all attackers and immediate defenders and the relative distances of defenders to intercept a shot and a pass were computed as dependent variables. Results showed existence of fewer opportunities to maintain ball possession on smaller pitches, compared to medium and larger pitches. Conversely, the different dimensions set to the pitch did not influence opportunities for players to shoot at goal, or to perform passes to other teammates. By examining the specific spatial–temporal relationships of players and key-task constraints, the data from this study explain how effects of manipulating pitch dimensions of small-sided games might enhance opportunities for acquiring specific movement and decision-making skills.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the associations between lower limb biomechanics and ball release speed in 15 high-performance (HP) and 15 amateur fast bowlers. Kinematic and kinetic variables of the lower limbs collected in the laboratory environment with a 3D Vicon motion analysis system were compared between groups, as well as their associations with ball release speed. HP bowlers had a significantly higher run-up velocity at back foot impact but this difference became non-significant at ball release. Front knee kinematics were not statistically different, however effect sizes revealed medium-large differences with the HP group displaying a more extended knee joint at maximum flexion (d = 0.72) and ball release (d = 0.76). Only front hip positive power was significantly higher in the HP group and it was suggested that the probable cause was the HP bowlers having less knee flexion after front foot impact. From a joint power analysis, the extensor muscle groups of the hip and knee were shown to be important in developing ball release speed. This highlights the need for lower limb/core strength programmes to be multifaceted and focus on the muscles associated with both power and stability.  相似文献   

速滑运动员要想掌握正确的弯道滑跑技术,就要从少年儿童时期抓好全面身体素质的训练.在此基础上还要进行密切结合专项特点的身体技能和肌肉力量等基本功的训练,为掌握正确的弯道滑跑技术和将来创造优异成绩打好基础.  相似文献   

Coaches have identified the batter's weight shift as a critical component for promoting proper timing and balance in a baseball swing. Analysing the weight shift through maximum horizontal (Fx) and vertical (Fz) ground reaction forces (GRFs) of professional batters (N = 29; height = 185 +/- 6 cm; mass = 92 +/- 9 kg), the purpose of this study was to compare GRFs among swings against fastballs and changeups. General linear models were used to compare three conditions of interest: successful results against fastballs, successful results against changeups, and unsuccessful results against changeups. Batters had a similar loading mechanism and initial weight transfer from back foot to front foot regardless of pitch type, but peak front foot GRFx and GRFz occurred with significantly different magnitudes and at significantly different times, depending on the pitch type and hit result. Peak front foot GRFs were greater for successful swings against fastballs compared to both successful and unsuccessful swings against changeups. Peak front foot GRFs of unsuccessful swings against changeups occurred, on average, 15-20 ms earlier than successful swings against changeups and 30-35 ms earlier than successful swings against fastballs, quantifying how a changeup can disrupt the coordination of a hitter's weight shift.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an official basketball match on repeated sprint ability indices in male junior players. Ten (16 ± 1 years old; 183.6 ± 7.0 cm; 76.6 ± 8.0 kg) starting players for their teams performed three repeated sprint ability tests, before, at half-time and immediately after an official match. Each repeated sprint ability test consisted of 10 shuttle-run sprints of 30 m (15 + 15 m) separated by 30 seconds of passive recovery. The matches were video-taped to determine the frequency of eight types of movement patterns, and blood lactate concentration was measured before and immediately after each repeated sprint ability test. Differences in total time, ideal time and percentage decrement between tests was assessed by a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures, while a two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to identify differences in blood lactate concentration. The main results indicated a significant decrease in total movement frequency (-9.9%), high-intensity activity frequency (-13.3%), run frequency (-13.0%) and sprint frequency (-23.3%) in the second compared to the first half, and significantly worse total time and ideal time at the end of the match, compared to the start and half-time (differences ranging from -2.1% to -2.9%, P < 0.05). The practical implications of these findings suggest that regional basketball players should participate in conditioning sessions that focus on the improvement of repeated sprint ability.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse the association of morphology as well as functional outcomes during a paddling test with ranking position (RP) of competitive junior surfers. Ten male surfers (age, mean 17.60, s=2.06 years) performed a maximum incremental test on a modified ergometer (Ergo Vasa Swim, USA) to determine, per unit of weight, the relative heart rate at lactate threshold (RHRLT) and at onset of blood lactate accumulation (RHROBLA) and the relative power output at LT (RWLT) and at OBLA (RWOBLA). Anthropometrics were weight, height and sum of six skinfolds (subscapular, triceps, supraspinal, abdominal, anterior thigh and calf) and Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotypes. A stepwise multiple regression was constructed to model and predict RP. Surfers shared a relative short stature and light weight, with a broader range of skinfold thickness (174.30, s=0.07 cm; 66.73, s=5.91 kg; 57.03, s=12.29 mm) and mean somatotype was ectomorphic-mesomorph: 2.20–4.36–3.09 (Category 2). Two model equations were possible: (A) RP = ? 244.550 RWOBLA+262.787; (B) RP = ? 217.028·RWOBLA+31.21·endomorphy + 169.16 with 63.1% and 83% of variance explained, respectively. A hierarchical cluster analysis on the Euclidean distances of the variables in model B also distinguished between upper and lower ranking groups. RWOBLA was more useful than endomorphy, anthropometric measures and also than the other functional outcomes to predict RPs. RWOBLA and endomorphy should be considered important variables that may influence the success of these young competitive surfers.  相似文献   

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