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教师的知识生产具有社会性,高校艺术类青年教师不仅承担着知识的传承与知识传播,还是知识生产的参与者,研究高校艺术类青年教师的知识生产与个人职业成长,发现艺术学科的知识生产规律。 研究发现高校艺术类青年教师普遍重视艺术创作,对高校的科研评价方式并不认同,青年教师的艺术创作呈现功利性与效率性特点。 艺术类青年教师应正确认识实践性知识生产与学术研究的关系,通过学术研究和总结艺术创作规律,指导个人艺术创作,实现实践性知识生产与学术研究的互补。  相似文献   

This article draws on social realist approaches in the sociology of knowledge and in light of them constructs three scenarios for the future of education in the next decades. The primary focus of the article is on one of the most crucial questions facing educational policy makers — the relationship between school and everyday or common sense knowledge. The different possibilities for how the school/non-school knowledge boundaries might be approached are expressed in three scenarios —'boundaries treated as given', 'a boundary-less world' and the idea of 'boundary maintenance as a condition for boundary crossing'. The curriculum implications of each are explored and the article makes the case for the third scenario. The factors likely to make one or other scenario dominate educational policy in the next 20–30 years are also considered.  相似文献   

布迪厄的实践社会学在知识生产方面具有以下特点:在研究对象的建构方面,他倡导研究关于实践的总体性社会事实;在知识生产的思维方式上,他强调关系性主义;在知识生产的概念工具方面,他发展了惯习、场域和资本等重要概念;在知识生产方法论方面,他强调方法的"适配"性;在知识生产者的伦理方面,他强调反思性.布迪厄的实践社会学有助于妇女研究中研究领域的拓宽、研究方法的创新和开放,并有助于促进知识生产中的反思性.  相似文献   

李梅 《铜仁学院学报》2008,10(4):118-120
在知识经济时代,传统的管理体制束缚着高校图书馆的发展。高校图书馆要生存发展,就要转变经营理念;建立文献资源数据库,实现资源共享;联合社会力量,共建高校图书馆;建立信息服务社会化运作的机制等措施,为社会经济建设服务。  相似文献   

邓小平理论的许多观点与知识经济的要求相吻合,对发展知识经济具有很重要的指导意义,其中“科学技术是第一生产力”的科学断把握了知识经济的精髓,“尊重知识、尊重人才”科学论断把握了知识经济的动力机制,提出的科教兴国战略思想是迎接知识经济挑战的重要举措。  相似文献   

知识社会视野中的大学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识社会是一个知识高度丰富、知识价值大大提高的社会。在知识社会中,随着知识生产模式的转型,大学将不再是唯一的,甚至也不再是主要的知识机构。为了适应这种新情境,现代大学要么转型,要么被淘汰。在知识社会,办好大学理念、办学制度,需要更新组织边界需要重构,组织功能,需要精简在与其他知识机构的竞争中取得优势。  相似文献   

本文在整合布迪厄与默顿关于知识生产动力机制相关理论的基础上,运用深度访谈和文献研究的方法,考察了量化考评制度对两所地方性大学44名学术人知识生产实践和观念的影响.文章认为,由于我国的"期刊承认"并未得到大部分学术人的真正认同,已非"共同体承认"的有机组成部分,"期刊承认"与"共同体承认"之间的冲突导致了我国学术知识生产动机机制的失灵.  相似文献   

大学社会批判:知识、政治与道德   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学知识的高深性、专门性、公共性与游移性,是大学社会批判的可能性前提。大学社会批判不可避免地遭遇知识的真理性、纯洁性与知识的现实性、实践性的矛盾,只有坚持从学术立场、良知和正义优先原则出发,才能保证大学社会批判的道德要求。  相似文献   

This paper elaborates a typology of universities in which each university is characteristically associated with (i) diverse missions, (ii) different ways of producing knowledge and (iii) contrasting pedagogical configurations. Four university forms are identified, analysed and illustrated, namely the expert university, the non-elite university, the entrepreneurial university and the revolutionary university. It is suggested that the typology and the analysis of university forms offered here provide insight into the current positioning of universities in relation to the wider world and have potential in prompting new forms of university for the twenty-first century. The paper further advances another possible university for the future, namely the complex university. The complex university is part of and respectful of diverse ecosystems. It creates new frameworks to understand the world and, in that way, supports social transformations.  相似文献   


We discuss democratizing knowledge production and dissemination in education illustrated in two parts that challenge the current knowledge monopoly. Our discourse includes (a) problematic cultivation of the status quo in the hierarchy of knowledge value in the U.S. as a component of civic illiteracy and (b) the need for more evidence through developing practice-based research evidence as a counter to the fixation with evidence-based practice in education. We point out a cultivated state of complacency with regard to the societal expectations of the roles of educational practitioners in the U.S. and discuss developing a new status of practitioner research for knowledge democracy. A virtual space for mentoring practitioner researchers with a goal to help them produce and disseminate their research was included as an example of knowledge democracy.  相似文献   

在来自于国家的公共经费日益紧缩的背景下,西方各国的高等教育机构之间在各项资源的争夺上也更为激烈,各种类型的高等教育机构开始尝试向企业组织借鉴和学习能有效提高组织效率和竞争力的经验,企业化大学应运而生。这类既保持了大学的学术传统,又整合了企业精神的新型高等教育机构在市场化生存中所展示出的活力和教训,将会为大学在全新生存环境中的组织转型提供有益的经验。  相似文献   

高等院校肩负为社会培养高素质人才的重任。人才全面素质的提高离不开思想政治工作,知识经济为高校思想政治工作开辟了全新的领域,呈现出新的特点。本文针对这些特点,提出了思想政治工作的对策。  相似文献   

知识的新生产及其对大学的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在西方,随着全球化影响的加剧和后福特主义的来临,一种新的知识生产模式出现了。它与启蒙以来的知识生产几乎在每一个方面都存在着区别,并对主要建立在这种传统知识生产模式基础上的现代大学提出了挑战。因此,在知识新生产的前提下,如何对现代大学进行重构,是涉及到21世纪未来大学的一个核心问题。  相似文献   

新媒体技术的发展使各种信息的传播极为便利,而有些未经验证的信息极大地扰乱了人们的生活。树立科学精神,引导健康的生活理念,已经使社会科学普及工作的重要性在新时期越发彰显。传统的单纯由政府推动的社会科学普及工作已不适应新时代的要求。在新媒体环境下,高校应更多地履行社会责任,发挥自身优势,激励与引导高校教师主动走出去、融入社会、与时俱进地做好社会科学普及工作,实现高等学校传播科学知识、服务地方经济的社会责任。  相似文献   

结合国情 ,阐述对“新经济”的认知与对策  相似文献   

文章从考察地方本科院校经济类专业实践性教学的现状出发,以地方社会经济发展需求为导向,通过构建全新的实践教学体系,采用多种教学手段、教学方法及教学形式,形成一个社会与高校双向反馈的动态实践课程体系与模式。  相似文献   

理科主导型大学专业学位研究生教育存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了理科主导型大学专业学位研究生教育在发展中存在的若干突出问题,并从现代大学的神圣使命、理科主导型大学的比较优势等方面探讨了理科主导型大学发展专业学位研究生教育的根据;结合存在的问题,从明确目标定位、严格招生纪律、突出教育特色、追求管理创新、促进学科发展等五个层面提出解决的对策。  相似文献   

自由行推行九年,其积极作用不容置疑,但也引发了国人对"自由行"的反思:自由行的开放步伐是否走得太快?在开放的同时,是否应该加强相关配套措施的完善?以后它的走向如何?为什么澳门没有出现香港情况?香港的经验有什么借鉴作用?本文就自由行在澳门推行的情况,以及它今后的走势进行分析,并就自由行政策在澳门的实施提出建设性建议。  相似文献   

The future of Western universities as public institutions is the subject of extensive continuing debate, underpinned by the issue of what constitutes valid knowledge. Where in the past only propositional knowledge codified by academics was considered valid, in the new economy enabled by information and communications technology, the procedural knowledge of expertise has become a key commodity, and the acquisition of this expertise is increasingly seen as a priority by intending university students. Universities have traditionally proved adaptable to changing circumstances, but there is little evidence to date of their success in accommodating to the scale and unprecedented pace of change of the Knowledge Economy or to the new vocationally-oriented demands of their course clients. And in addition to these external factors, internal ones are now at work. Recent developments in eLearning have enabled the infiltration of commercial providers who are cherry-picking the most lucrative subject areas. The prospect is of a fracturing higher education system, with the less adaptable universities consigned to a shrinking public-funded sector supporting less vocationally saleable courses, and the more enterprising universities developing commercial partnerships in eLearning and knowledge transfer. This paper analyses pressures upon universities, their attempts to adapt to changing circumstances, and the institutional transformations which may result. It is concluded that a diversity of partnerships will emerge for the capture and transfer of knowledge, combining expertise from the economy with the conceptual frameworks of the academy.  相似文献   

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