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阅读文章有“文眼”,审题立意有“题眼”,探究课文有“课眼”。原因是:紧扣“文眼”提挈全文小学语文教材中有不少课文的文眼点明了文章的中心。教学时可以引导学生紧扣文眼提挈全文,从而领悟文章的中心。例如,指导学生预习《珍贵的教科书》时,教师可以提示学生以“文眼”——“珍贵”为导向,认真阅读四段课文,初步理清文章思路,明确文章主题。预习中要求学生阅读第一段时,抓住盼书,暗示“珍贵”。引导学生感知:战争年  相似文献   

针对当下机械化、程式化的教学方法,模糊教学艺术应该回归到教学“视界”中来。通过教师的“不言之教”、引“惑”为诱和引入“歧路”的教学方式使学生自主地体悟和感受知识:通过教师适当的“蒙娜丽莎”式微笑、蕴藉的手势和躯体曲直的变化使学生能真正感受到启发式教学的快感:通过教师个体启发、暗示提点和顺水推舟的教学方式,来提升和匡正学...  相似文献   

教材解读《北大荒的秋天》是苏教版国标本小学语文教科书三年级(上册)第二单元一篇文质兼美的文章。作者以饱满的感情和浓郁的色彩,为我们描绘了北大荒令人心醉的美景,展示了北大荒的劳动者辛勤耕耘的成果,勾勒了一幅独具魅力的北大荒的秋景图。引导学生在品味文章语言的过程中感受北大荒秋天的景色之美、物产之丰,是本文教学的重点,也是教学之难点。设计理念1.探究式阅读教学理念。以“疑”为主线,让学生的阅读活动从“生疑”开始,让学生的“释疑”过程在阅读中进行,让学生的阅读行为在“存疑”中延伸。2.对话式阅读教学理念。以“读”为载…  相似文献   

刘向编撰的《列女传》在多方面具有“开拓”之功:体现在传记文学方面,开杂传体之先河,更成为中国女性类传的发轫之作;是最早的雏形小说之一,对后世小说产生了很大的影响;开拓了历代正史编撰《列女传》的标准;是中国古代各种女子教训类书籍的先河并产生了一系列类似教科书。  相似文献   

《珍贵的教科书》讲的是1947年春天,在保卫延安的战争环境中,小学生们是怎样坚持学习的故事。全文以教科书为线索,以“珍贵”为中心,着重记叙了张指导员为保护教科书而光荣牺牲的事迹。我在教学时,紧紧抓住文眼“珍贵”,导读全文,在语言文字训练中对学生进行思想教育。一、抓“盼书”,了解国情,暗示“珍贵”课文的第一部分讲在战争环境中,“我们”渴望得到印好的教科书。  相似文献   

“双减”政策背景下,基于教材的“单子式编排”“结论式预置”以及“暗示式钳制”,教师必须有意识地对课堂教学内容进行素材重组、方法重塑和结构重构。重构小学数学课堂教学内容,能扩大学生的数学视野,提升其数学思维能力,促进其正向的学习迁移等。重构小学数学课堂教学内容是“双减”背景下数学课堂教学的应有之义和应然之举。  相似文献   

在中国近代教育史上,杜亚泉是一位引人注目的学者,“其思路之开阔,立论之坚实,见解之深邃。往往难为后人所超迈”,被誉为“中国民主启蒙时期的一个典型学者”。他不仅编撰出版了百余种中小学理科教科书及科学书籍,而且锐意改进,将科学规律融入语文教科书中,编纂《绘图文学初阶》六卷,被认为是“新式教育提倡多年,课本建设摸索多年,至此才大致走上正道”。  相似文献   

商务印书馆新学制教科书是凝聚海洋文化视域与寄托的教科书盛宴,全新的名称与种类展现出教科书的多样与完备,全新的编撰队伍荟萃学术精英,全新的开拓进取精神展现了一场波澜壮阔的文化自信与创新运动。教科书围绕儿童及其生活展开,凸显教育之人性意义;教科书设计问题并且引导探究,积极建构智能之发展;教科书尝试多样类型及编制,满足各种教学之需求。于是,从1903年中国第一套现代意义的教科书的出现到1922年新学制教科书编撰出版,经历黄金二十年,中国现代教科书发展成型。  相似文献   

信息技术教科书是实现信息技术课程目标的核心教学材料,直接指导教师和学生的信息技术教学活动。当前信息技术教材普遍呈现“版本多、品种多、低水平重复”等现象,不利于信息技术教育的健康发展。随着新一轮课程改革的实施与深入,各地又掀起了组编新版(或衔接版)信息技术教科书的热潮。尽早编撰出高质量、适合教师和学生需要的信息技术教科书,是当前推进信息技术教育的第一紧要任务。本文从教学实践的视角对高中信息技术教科书中的任务设计提出了设想。  相似文献   

今年4月3日,由日本“新历史教科书编撰会”编写的严重歪曲历史的中学历史教科书通过了日本文部科学省审定,激起了亚洲国家的强烈谴责和抗议。它不仅否认日本军国主义发动的侵略战争的性质,还肆意鼓吹臭名昭著的“侵略有功论”;它不仅对日本军国主义给亚洲各国人民带来的深重灾难没有任何反省,反而歪曲历史事实,竭力为日本军国主义侵略罪行开脱。这部教科书将严重毒化日本的历史教育,给日本走向未来埋下重大隐患。“新历史教科书编撰会”是1997年由日本一些右翼学者成立的,会员超过1万人。该会成立的目的就是要为日本编纂一本“新教…  相似文献   

文章通过调查研究,揭示了高等专科院校学生中文素养与写作能力等方面存在的问题。指出培养学生中文素养及提高写作能力的主要途径:一是正确认识及理解写作教学中的“本”的问题,即如何在教学中因势引导,充分激发学生学好写作课的内在积极性,唤醒每个学生内心深处对生活、对专业、对未来的生命激情。二是在教学实践中通过改变学生写作观,转变评价标准,激发写作热情,加强阅读等方式落实“本”的意义。三是在实践中加强“本”的应用。  相似文献   


This study took place in a school which adopted a “paperless classroom” policy. The purpose of the study was to examine whether students who learn in a paperless classroom really prefer reading and writing on computers rather than on paper and whether their preferences differ according to contextual conditions and personal differences. The findings show that students’ reading and writing preferences depended on the context in which the reading or writing was performed. The boys preferred to read and write on the computer significantly more than girls. Conversely, the girls’ handwriting skills and preference for handwriting were higher than the boys’. Reading and writing on computer was found to be favored among strong students, while weak students tended to prefer using paper. This research also revealed a rapid decrease in favoring computer over paper in both reading and writing over time. Students who had experienced the paperless classroom policy in this school for three years were less supportive of the use of computers for reading and writing than younger students.  相似文献   

从广州四所高职院校2012年6月份的大学英语四级考试中的作文成绩及对用人单位调查得知,大学生的英语写作能力还比较薄弱,有待于加强培养。从 Krashen 的“输入假说”和Swain等人的“输出假设”理论中得到启示,尝试运用基于“输入与输出平衡”的大学英语写作教学模式来提高大学生的写作能力,实证研究结果表明,这种教学模式能起到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

大数据背景下,大学生阅读不可避免地受到“碎片化”“快餐化”影响。好的书评,能传播馆藏信息、引导阅读倾向、倡导先进价值观。高校图书馆要重视新书通告、文本推介、书海导航、热点点评、“大家”之言、大学生书评等各类书评工作,引发大学生阅读兴趣,推进大学生整体阅读,提升大学生使用图书馆和深层次阅读的能力。  相似文献   

生命课程作为新教育实验的基础课程,着眼于培养学生“真善美”的品格,进而提升其生命高度。新教育实验尊重个体的生命成长,以学生为中心,设置个性化课程,以“十大行动”为途径和主要内容,强调共同体及其愿景的价值,致力于使师生“过一种幸福完整的教育生活”。新教育实验将教师成长作为逻辑起点,构建“职业认同+专业发展”的教师成长模式,引导教师在增强职业认同的基础上,通过专业阅读、专业写作和专业交往,促进自身的成长与发展。  相似文献   

On repeated occasions, observational learning has proved itself to be an effective instruction method. Experimental studies have shown to be effective for complex tasks such as reading and writing for both teachers and students as models. The problem when interpreting the results of such research is that, in observation tasks, several mental activities play a simultaneous role. In this study we therefore set out to identify the effective elements of observation tasks. We focused on two elements of the observation tasks, both aimed at stimulating monitoring activities: evaluation of the model’s performance and elaboration on this evaluation. We have also distinguished between elaboration on the observed products (the models’ written answers), and elaboration on the observed processes (the models’ verbalisations of their mental activities). The data were subjected to a LISREL analysis. First of all, it was observed that subjects who performed “evaluation” and “productelaboration” better, and “process-elaboration” more often in one lesson, also performed these activities better or more often in the subsequent lesson. Next, we observed an effect of aptitude on the learning activities: pre skill scores influence “evaluation” and “product-elaboration”. The most important finding is that “evaluation” and “product-elaboration” contribute positively to argumentative writing skills. It is discussed that these findings confirm the importance of the monitoring, evaluative and reflective activities when learning complex tasks as writing.  相似文献   

诗意作文教学是在审视中小学作文“规训式”教学师主生从、外铄作文技法等不足而形成的教学形态。其实践策略包括如下要点:其一,在师生关系协调方面,主张“准确定位,师生协同”;其二,在情境创设方面,强调“关注心灵,触发感动”;其三,在情怀陶冶方面,倡导“回归图景,复活感性”;其四,教学过程设计,辩证处理教师的“教”、学生的“学”与作文之“文”的三路协同;其五,教学评价方面,采取“个体+合作”的方式,促使评价全程化与全员化。  相似文献   

This article seeks to show that the practices teachers and students engage in—reading, writing, reflection, conversation, teaching, learning—can be spiritually formative. The first part, “Listening to the Voices of the Pages,” explores the monastic approach to reading known as lectio divina, and my own efforts to transpose this ancient method of reading into a twenty-first-century classroom. The second part, “Combining the Letters,” explores the creative power of words to name and bring forth life, and my own efforts to encourage and inspire students to write.  相似文献   

"汉字难"是汉语国际教育的瓶颈。不解决汉字难,汉语国际教育难免会停留在低水平、低层次,不符合汉语国际传播的宗旨。文章尝试更换视角,寻找解决方法。文章首先探讨"汉字为什么难学",指出其原因涉及汉字自身特点和主观因素。文章就主观因素的原因,提出:教学目标定位不当,教学盲区不少,教学方法内外无别,文字理论还不够完备。要改进汉字教学,应该在这些方面加大改革的力度。提出海外汉字教学应该突出"听说读",淡化"写"。减少写字量,增加识字量,尽早形成汉语书面阅读能力。文章建议汉字教学实施"两步走"新模式,设置"汉字预备课程"。最后介绍新型教材《汉字ABC》。这个教材凝聚着对改革汉字教学的一系列想法,核心理念是"汉字教学必须从外国学生的特点出发"。教材的创新之处有:汉字教学新模式;汉字教学新方法——字感教学法;汉字形体新概念——"字域";汉字笔画新理论——"九笔画";汉字练习新题型。  相似文献   


The growing number of students who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) relative to the host university undertaking fieldwork placements raises questions about how to best support their needs and the needs of their fieldwork supervisors so as to maximize the experience for both parties. This research aims to quantify and compare fieldwork supervisors’ perceptions of CALD versus non-CALD students’ performance during placements, the areas and levels of concern they experience in providing this supervision. Placement supervisors from health and non-health courses affiliated with an Australian University were randomly assigned to a survey containing question sets relating to their experiences in supervising CALD (n = 153) or non-CALD students (n = 168). The survey comprised Likert scale questions assessing “pressure points” to supervision and open-ended questions including strategies fieldwork supervisors typically used to assist students. Using univariate ordinal logistic regression analyses, “speaking” (coefficient, 95% CI 2.1 (1.56, 2.65)), “writing” in English (1.69 (1.17, 2.20)), and “adapting to culture of workplaces” (1.20 (0.71, 1.69)) were perceived by placement supervisors as the top “pressure points” in supervising CALD students. Interaction effects demonstrated that “difficulties in assessing CALD students’ competency” (coefficient, 95% CI?1.14 (?2.27, ?0.01), “feeling competent in supervising students for placements” (1.35 (0.26, 2.45)), and the “perception of lack of support” from either the university or employing organization (?1.70 (?2.83, ? 0.56)) were evident within fieldwork placement of health courses only. These results can assist universities and placement organizations to prioritize resources to address the key areas affecting CALD students’ performance on placements, and to improve supervisors’ experience in supervising CALD students on placements in health courses.


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