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赵伟 《职教通讯》2022,(12):25-32
采用问卷调查法研究中职生的社会适应能力、父母心理控制和自我控制的现状及相互关系,重点探究了自我控制作为中介变量在父母心理控制和社会适应能力之间的中介效应。研究发现,父母心理控制与中职生社会适应能力呈显著负相关,自我控制与社会适应能力存在显著正相关,父母心理控制通过自我控制影响中职生的社会适应能力。在研究影响中职生社会适应能力机制的基础上,提出三方面的心理教育策略:一是发挥父母教育的支持作用,积极运用认知重评策略;二是建立平等的家庭对话关系,锻炼中职生的思维能力;三是采取适度的行为控制,减少中职生的外化问题行为。  相似文献   

为探究幼儿教师离职倾向的心理机制,本研究采用情绪劳动量表、情绪耗竭量表、职业幸福感量表和离职倾向量表对2608名幼儿园教师进行测查。结果显示:离职倾向与自然行为、幸福感显著负相关,与表层表演、情绪耗竭显著正相关。中介效应的分析结果显示:自然行为主要通过降低情绪耗竭或者提高职业幸福感,抑制离职倾向;表层表演对离职倾向有直接正向作用,同时也可以通过提高情绪耗竭,促进离职倾向;深层表演可以通过促进职业幸福感,抑制离职倾向。说明幼儿教师情绪耗竭和职业幸福感在情绪劳动和离职倾向中起到中介作用。为降低幼儿教师离职倾向,幼儿园应充分保障工作资源,支持教师生存发展;积极接纳情绪冲突,引导教师内化法则;及时提供情绪疏导,提升教师幸福体验。  相似文献   

情绪智力是与班主任离岗意愿相关的重要的个体性情绪因素,为探讨情绪智力对班主任离岗意愿的影响,采用情绪智力、情绪劳动、情绪耗竭与班主任离岗意愿量表对587名中小学班主任进行测评。研究发现:情绪智力显著负向预测班主任离岗意愿;情绪劳动的表层扮演与深层扮演维度,以及情绪耗竭在情绪智力与班主任离岗意愿之间起部分中介作用。在对上述研究结果进行探讨的基础上,就降低班主任离岗意愿提出了建议:提高班主任的情绪智力水平;提高班主任工作认同感与保障水平;探索影响情绪劳动与班主任离岗意愿之间效应的调节变量。  相似文献   

文章主要考察大学生亲社会行为的影响因素,解释心理弹性在家庭氛围与亲社会行为之间所起的作用。依据系统家庭动力理论,对712名大学生进行问卷调查,研究发现:在控制大学生的性别、年龄后,家庭氛围与心理弹性呈显著正相关,且二者都与亲社会行为呈显著正相关;家庭氛围可以通过心理弹性的中介作用对亲社会行为产生影响。同时,积极的家庭氛围有利于促进亲社会行为,提升心理弹性水平可以提高大学生的亲社会行为水平。  相似文献   

为探讨情绪调节困难在无法忍受不确定性与抑郁倾向间的中介作用和调节作用。采用无法忍受不确定性量表、情绪调节困难量表和抑郁量表测量500名大学生,随后检验各量表之间的相关系数,以及情绪调节困难在无法忍受不确定性与抑郁间的中介和调节作用。结果发现:无法忍受不确定性、情绪调节困难都与抑郁呈显著正相关;情绪调节困难在无法忍受不确定性和抑郁间起部分中介作用而非调节作用。 无法忍受不确定性不仅能直接影响抑郁,还能通过情绪调节困难的中介作用间接影响抑郁。  相似文献   

为了探讨心理弹性在青少年情绪和生活满意度之间的中介作用,本文采用简式POMS问卷、青少年心理韧性量表和生活满意度量表,对四所初级中学的620名学生进行调查。调查显示:青少年生活满意度与积极情绪显著正相关(p0.01),与消极情绪显著负相关(p0.01);心理弹性各维度与积极情绪显著正相关(p0.01),与消极情绪显著负相关(p0.01);心理弹性和生活满意度各维度之间都存在着显著正相关(p0.01);青少年积极情绪和消极情绪可以预测生活满意度,心理弹性在该路径中起着中介作用。结论为心理弹性在青少年情绪与生活满意度之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

龚婕 《教学与管理》2022,(36):37-42
以中学教师为研究对象,通过情感劳动量表、情绪耗竭量表和自编成就感量表对来自十五省市的初中和高中教师进行调查,研究发现:不同学校性质、不同学历水平和不同身份的教师的情绪劳动存在显著差异;三种情绪劳动策略均能显著预测教师的情绪衰竭,其中,表层行为正向预测情绪耗竭,深层行为和自然行为负向预测情绪耗竭;成就感在表层行为与情绪耗竭之间和在自然行为与情绪耗竭之间存在显著的调节作用,而在深层行为与情绪耗竭之间的调节作用则不明显。基于此,未来教师考核应建立多元评价体系、教师培训体系应加入情绪管理策略相关内容、相关部门应着力提高教师社会地位待遇以提升教师的职业成就感。  相似文献   

特殊教育教师的离职问题是困扰特殊教育发展的突出问题。为了探讨特殊教育教师情绪智力对其离职倾向的影响,以及情绪劳动和情绪耗竭在其间的链式中介作用,采用整群随机抽样法对406名特殊教育教师进行调查。结果表明:情绪智力对特殊教育教师离职倾向具有负向预测作用;情绪劳动是情绪智力与离职倾向之间的中介变量;情绪耗竭是情绪智力与特殊教育教师离职倾向之间的中介变量;情绪劳动和情绪耗竭在情绪智力与特殊教育教师离职倾向之间起链式中介作用。鉴于此,建立以“情感氛围”为导向的交流模式,提升特殊教育教师的情绪智力;重塑特殊教育教师的情感表达,加强对情绪劳动扮演的规范管理;厚积情感能量资源供给,缓解特殊教育教师的情绪耗竭。  相似文献   

目的 探讨工作时间压力与幼儿园教师工作投入的关系及其作用机制。方法 采用便利取样法,使用工作时间压力量表、幼儿园教师工作投入问卷、情绪耗竭量表、领导支持量表,对浙江省宁波市、杭州市、金华市235名幼儿园教师进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷202份。结结果果工作时间压力显著预测幼儿园教师工作投入;情绪耗竭在工作时间压力与幼儿园教师工作投入间起中介作用,且该中介作用存在“遮掩效应”;领导支持在工作时间压力与幼儿园教师工作投入间起调节作用。结结论论情绪耗竭是工作时间压力对工作投入产生损耗效应的中介路径,领导支持是工作时间压力对工作投入产生潜在积极作用的条件,体现了工作时间压力的双刃剑效应。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to apply the Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) technique to multi-wave Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) measures in modeling academic growth and assessing its relations to student- and instruction-related variables. HLM has advantages over other statistical methods (e.g., repeated measures ANOVA, Structural Equation Modeling) in modeling academic growth. The advantages include allowing more flexible research designs in collecting multiple data points and estimating growth rates and their relations to correlates in more reliable, accurate ways. CBM, as a multi-wave progressmonitoring system, also has distinctive psychometric features that facilitate longitudinal research on academic skill development. These features include provision of multiple data points within short time periods, good validity and reliability, and sensitivity for detecting small degrees of change. Finally, research questions related to assessing the academic growth of students with learning difficulties and using assessment results to improve educational practices for them are discussed  相似文献   

硕士学位点的发展情况直接决定了我国硕士研究生教育的规模和结构,是我国以硕士学位授权体系为核心的硕士研究生教育发展规模的最直接反映.本文以我国31个省级行政单位硕士学位点随时间变化的发展情况为研究对象,采用多层线性模型(HLM)分析技术,构建了区域硕士学位授权体系发展模型,并基于追踪数据进行了实证分析.所得结论如下:第一,我国各省硕士学位点的发展情况表现出显著的差异性.第二,我国各省硕士学位点的发展随时间变化呈现非线性增长趋势(曲线),且该趋势的具体特征表现为减速增长.第三,经济发展水平对各省硕士学位授权体系发展的差异程度存在显著的影响,且对其硕士学位点的增长率也存在显著影响.最后,还存在其他因素对我国以硕士学位点为基础的区域硕士学位授权体系发展差异产生影响.  相似文献   

表面粗糙度对摩擦影响机理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了表面粗糙度对摩擦的影响机理。结果表明:(1)聚合物试验中,在达到稳定摩擦值后,这一现象导致摩擦对表面粗糙度不敏感;(2)金属摩擦实验中,存在一最佳表面粗糙度级别,在此级别下,摩擦副的边界摩擦系数最小,耐磨性最好。  相似文献   

1IntroductionSince a non-noble bulk metallic glassy alloy was dis-covered byInoue ,et al.[1]in 1988 , many stable amor-phous alloy systems with higher glass-forming abilityand lower critical cooling rates have been developed .Among them, Zr-based metallic glassy alloys are in-tenselyinvestigated because of their wider supercooledliquid region and other favorable thermodynamic andmechanical properties .In general ,surface morphologyof amorphous alloy parts is veryi mportant forindustri-al and …  相似文献   

In this study, the surface chemical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and carbon nanofibers (CNFs) grown by catalytic decomposition of methane on nickel and cobalt based catalysts were studied by DRIFT (Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform) and transmission Infrared (IR) spectroscopy. The results show that the surface exists not only carbon-hydrogen groups, but also carboxyl, ketene or quinone (carbonyl) oxygen-containing groups. These functional groups were formed in the process of the material growth, which result in large amount of chemical defect sites on the walls.  相似文献   

The near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technique has been applied in many fields because of its advantages of simple preparation,fast response,and non-destructiveness.We investigated the potential of NIR spectroscopy in diffuse reflectance mode for determining the soluble solid content (SSC) and acidity (pH) of intact loquats.Two cultivars of loquats (Dahongpao and Jiajiaozhong) harvested from two orchards (Tangxi and Chun'an,Zhejiang,China) were used for the measurement of NIR spectra between 800 and 2500 nm.A total of 400 loquats (100 samples of each cultivar from each orchard) were used in this study.Relationships between NIR spectra and SSC and acidity of ioquats were evaluated using partial least square (PLS) method.Spectra preprocessing options included the first and second derivatives,multiple scatter correction (MSC),and the standard normal variate (SNV).Three separate spectral windows identified as full NIR (800-2500 nm),short NIR (800~1100 nm),and long NIR (1100~2500 nm) were studied in factorial combination with the preprocessing options.The models gave relatively good predictions of the SSC of loquats,with root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) values of 1.21,1.00,0.965,and 1.16 °Brix for Tangxi-Dahongpao,Tangxi-Jiajiaozhong,Chun'an-Dahongpao,and Chun'an-Jiajiaozhong,respectively.The acidity prediction was not satisfactory,with the RMSEP of 0.382,0.194,0.388,and 0.361 for the above four loquats,respectively.The results indicate that NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy can be used to predict the SSC and acidity of loquat fruit.  相似文献   

This article focuses on exploring initial teacher trainees' experiences and perspectives on the role of the teaching assistant (TA) in mainstream primary contexts. A backdrop of shrinking school budgets coupled with a ‘mainstream for all’ political agenda is contributing to growing uncertainty about the role of TAs in education. This article presents the results of a small-scale empirical study, involving 75 initial teacher trainees at the University of Cambridge. Trainees' perspectives regarding the roles/responsibilities that TAs have been seen to undertake and perceptions regarding the impact of the TAs they worked with were ascertained, with the aim of exploring how well current ITT content prepares students for an effective teacher/TA working relationship. Concept modelling was used as an analysis tool, to present visual representations of these perceptions. Trainees emphasised the administrative, pedagogical and pastoral roles that TAs were perceived to undertake and specifically highlighted the perceived ability of TAs to support students displaying needs relating to social, emotional and mental health. The findings highlight that the vague nature of current ITT content in relation to the role of TAs continues to serve as a barrier to students building coherent and consistent understandings of the successful deployment of TAs in English primary contexts.  相似文献   

Objective: The beneficial effect of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has been well established, but there is the problem of no-reflow phenomenon which is an adverse prognostic factor in primary PCI. In the present study the effect of a distal protection device (PercuSurge GuardWire; GW) on epicardial blood flow and myocardial perfusion was evaluated. Methods and Results: Patients with AMI were randomly divided into 2 groups, the GW and the control groups. The GW group included 52 patients with AMI who underwent primary PCI with GW protection and the control group included 60 patients who underwent primary PCI without GW protection. Epicardial blood flow in the infarct-related artery (IRA) and myocardial perfusion were evaluated according to the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) flow grade and the myocardial blush grade (MBG). We found TIMI score of 3 was obtained significantly more frequently in the GW group (96%) than in the control group (80%). The MBG score of 3 was obtained also significantly greater in the GW group (65%) than in the control group (33%). Conclusion: Primary PCI with GW protection can significantly improve epicardial blood flow and myocardial perfusion.  相似文献   

目的探讨CD40-CD40配体相互作用对体外培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)增殖及迁移的影响。方法采用Ⅱ型胶原酶消化法培养人脐静脉内皮细胞,以3H-胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷(3H-TdR)、3H-亮氨酸(3H-Leu)掺入法分别测定HUVEC增殖,内皮细胞的迁移采用琼脂糖凝胶刮取法,倒置显微镜观察。结果CD40-CD40配体相互作用能明显促进HUVEC3H-TdR、3H-Leu的掺入,两者具有时间、剂量依赖性,CD40-CD40配体相互作用随CD40L浓度的增加及刺激时间延长(30h内),能明显增加内皮细胞迁移率,an-ti-CD40单克隆抗体能明显抑制上述效应。结论CD40-CD40配体相互作用能促进内皮细胞增殖、迁移。  相似文献   

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