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Counselor educators are well‐equipped to serve as academic leaders, yet little is known about what factors influence their engagement experiences. This grounded theory provides a theoretical model of academic leadership engagement based on interviews with 20 counselor educators with academic leadership experience. Implications for facilitating academic leadership engagement are provided.  相似文献   

Academic language, which is characterized by the words and structure of the language of schooling, is an important teachable component of academic achievement. When compared to other strong predictors of academic achievement (e.g., decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension), academic language is not as well understood or explicitly taught in schools. The purpose of this literature synthesis is to identify the instructional practices that currently have the best evidence to improve academic language and broader academic achievement outcomes. The most prolific study of academic language instruction occurs with English learner samples. In the current study, we sought high-quality empirical intervention studies conducted with English learners. We describe the components of instruction that explicitly address academic language skills, and we describe the impact on outcomes for English learner students as well as their English-only peers.  相似文献   

The context of Macedonian higher education has changed dramatically in the last fifteen years. A rapid increase in the number of public and private institutions and a greater diversity of higher education degrees have not been associated with improvements in quality. The research output of academic staff is modest; academics contribute little to the society's development. Academia in North Macedonia is under pressure due to chronic underfinancing of higher education and research, and an underdeveloped system of quality assurance, as well as growing expectations for relevance and internationalisation. This article presents an original empirical study on academic staff. It examines how 388 faculty at higher education institutions in North Macedonia perceived changes in the environment of the academic profession, and how changes in their working conditions potentially influence their academic identity and wellbeing. The results are compared to European data. Findings show that about half of research participants believed that the overall conditions for work and the quality of teaching, learning and research have deteriorated in recent years. This contributes to a perception of the academic profession as stressful and unattractive which results in lower levels of overall academic wellbeing which constitutes a threat to academic identity amongst the staff. Consequently, we expect further decreases in motivation, work ethic and productivity in the academic profession, as well as an increase in the desire of academics to leave Macedonia.  相似文献   

随着企业之间对技术资本和对学术人才的竞争,也随着学术人才与其它学术力量进入到企业,美国知识密集型企业越来越多地采用传统上只属于学术型组织的学院式组织形式,采用学术型组织的制度化措施来提高他们在现代竞争环境中的地位。这一过程带来了企业的机构与制度的重大变化,使美国现代企业,尤其是现代知识密集型企业的发展,出现了组织功能、组织规范和组织结构上的学院化趋势。  相似文献   

This article examines the tensions created by academic freedom and grading in universities between academic staff and academic administration. Additionally, the impact of grading and academic standards on students' academic freedom is addressed, as well as the impact of corporatisation in the academy. By reviewing the existing literature and case law related to academic freedom and grading, this article aims to clarify the importance and impact of grading in universities, particularly as it relates to policy development and the application of academic standards.  相似文献   

研究生学术不诚信现象是由社会风气浮躁、科研考评体系不尽合理、研究生扩招、监督制度不严以及研究生急功近利思想等多种因素造成的。建立研究生学术诚信保障体系不仅必要,而且具有重要的现实意义,应当遵循自律与他律相结合、惩罚与教育相结合、学校制定与学生参与相结合、学校与社会诚信保障体系相结合的原则,在内容方面,应当包括学术不诚信标准的确立、学术不诚信的处理结果、处理程序、申诉与司法程序等。  相似文献   

本文为《英汉翻译教程》简评,主要从全书的内容简介和观点创新和学术特色几方面评介此书。指出该书是在传播学观照下,视野开阔、论证清晰,具有较大学术价值的翻译研究成功教材。  相似文献   

Interventions to increase the endorsement of the growth mindset (the belief that intelligence can be improved with effort) have been successfully implemented in schools. However, they rarely target children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), a group who are more likely to endorse a fixed mindset, experience lower academic self‐concept and academic resilience, and be at risk of negative stereotyped attitudes. This quasi‐experimental study implemented a 10‐week PSHE programme as well as dedicated lessons with adapted classroom practices, for example, task framing and feedback, to promote the growth mindset message to young people with SEND (N = 18). Analyses of pre‐ to post‐intervention measures demonstrated moderate evidence for the intervention having increased students’ endorsement of the growth mindset, as well as anecdotal evidence for increased academic self‐concept, academic resilience and positive attitudes to disability. However, these effects were not sustained in follow‐up measures conducted 7 weeks post‐intervention. The intervention did not improve students’ academic performance. Although preliminary, findings demonstrate the viability of growth mindset interventions for children and young people with SEND, but suggest that interventions should be maintained for longer‐lasting effects.  相似文献   

This article shares the findings of a study investigating institutional policy definitions of plagiarism at twenty English-speaking Canadian universities. The types of primary sources consulted for this study included: (1) university academic calendars for 2016–2017, (2) institutional policies on academic misconduct, and (3) student academic codes of conduct. Sources were analyzed in comparative tabular and narrative form. Results show wide variation in institutional definitions of plagiarism as a specific subset of academic misconduct. The conclusions call for a coordinated effort among Canadian universities to develop a common framework of academic integrity that includes clear and explicit definitions for plagiarism, as well as other forms of academic dishonesty, that are consistent across provinces.  相似文献   

This paper discusses four well‐attested criteria by which a given “subject area” might be judged to be or not to be an “academic discipline.” What can be said of “gerontological studies” under each of these criteria? In what ways might “gerontological studies” benefit from being more generally accepted as an “academic discipline?  相似文献   

高校学术人力资源的内涵与本质属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术人力资源是大学所有资源中最具有创造力的资源;是以学术活动为中心,创造积累物质、精神财富,开发和利用物质、信息等资源从而促进高校教学和科研发展的人才智力的总和,它直接影响着受教育者的灵魂和思想、影响着社会的发展和进步。学术人力资源具有主观能动性与独立性、过程性与发展性、品质的综合性与资源的流动性、学术性和专业性、较强的创造性与增殖性等本质属性。  相似文献   

创业型大学的内蕴与组织特色探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业型大学是在自主创新精神的统领下,以"创业遗传代码"铺设与"学术资本主义"运作为行为特征的一类大学。它强调以学术为核心,以学术引领市场,进而形成学术源与市场流的良性互动。作为国内大学求新求变的一种特色化选择,创业型大学并不是研究型大学的专利,也不是所有大学的共享模式。创业型大学应具备三大组织特色,即具有激活学术创造力与转换力的组织架构,善于进行冲突管理并处于开放创新的精神状态。  相似文献   

史学巨擘陈寅恪对于其自身治学历程与学术理路,生命感慨与世事洞察的不少自述,均散见于为他人著述所做的的序言,以及略征旧籍参证的跋文、“书后”当中。这些文字既是在对原作者“了解之同情”基础上对其作品意义的深入阐发和推许,也是陈寅恪夫子自道以告慰友朋的一种途径。从而成为理解陈氏学术路径、治学精神与人生价值的重要资料。本文通过对收入《陈寅恪集》的数十篇这类文字进行解读,进而讨论陈寅恪的史学方法与史学精神,试图梳理出另一种可能近乎陈寅恪其人及其学说的解释模式。  相似文献   

大学生的专业学习热情不仅关乎个人发展,也关乎各行各业专业人才供给数量和质量。以某“双一流”建设高校工科平台本科生小鑫的专业学习热情变化故事为切入点,结合情感社会学视角和16位大类平台本科生的访谈资料,探究大类培养背景下大学生专业学习热情变化的发生机制。研究发现:大学生的专业学习热情受到其学习期望与体验一致性的直接驱动;自我核心认知与情感是影响学生期望和学习情境定义的内在动力;学习情境是激发学生学习期望和学习情境定义的外部因素;防御机制的激活状态进一步影响学生的专业学习热情。未来,可重点从重视生涯发展与规划教育、优化专业分流及配套方案、建立学生学习情绪台账等方面激发大学生专业学习热情。  相似文献   

贝京 《湘南学院学报》2005,26(3):20-24,40
目前对于归有光在他的时代树立其文章家地位的经解学术性文章的研究,完全是一个空白,这类散文对理解归有光的成就而言,实际上是除事关天属类散文外最重要的部分之一,归有光的经解学术文基本上承继了吴澄的学术观点,试图拨去后世儒者的附会及象数、阴阳学派的神秘玄虚论,这是难能可贵的。  相似文献   

本文试图从社区学院兼职教师的规模、年龄结构、学历、职称、教学质量、工作满意度、收入、地位以及归属感出发,对社区学院兼职教师特点做比较全面、系统的分析,使人们加深对社区学院兼职教师的认识和了解,并从中获取某些有益启示。  相似文献   

李商隐及其诗文研究在宋元明三代几百年间备受冷落和鄙视。但到了清代却出现了一个长达200多年的李商隐研究热潮,研究内容既有对李商隐生平经历和政治归属的考证,又有对其诗文的年系考辨、笺注、解说与评点,还有对其无题诗、锦瑟等作品进行新的诠释。研究者众多,著作迭出,成果丰硕,使李商隐及其作品的价值得到广泛的认可。对清代李商隐及其作品研究进行梳理、总结,有利于我们对其研究的总体把握,为后来学者提供有益启示。  相似文献   

A longitudinal modeling approach was utilized to determine the existence of latent classes with regard to academic intrinsic motivation and the points of stability and transition of individuals between and within classes. A special type of latent Markov Chain model using Mplus was fit to data from the Fullerton Longitudinal Study, with academic intrinsic motivation measured from ages 9 through 17. Model fit using the Bayesian Information Criterion index was examined. The best fit involved a 3-class model, with classes designated as motivationally gifted, intermediate, and at-risk. Transitions between classes occurred mainly during childhood, whereas stability ensued by age 13. Methodological contributions are discussed, as well as theory and applications of the findings with regard to academic intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

The primary characteristics of the three programs are used to compare participants to each other and to a group of students in the regular curriculum: (1) development of logical thought, (2) broader educational development, and, (3) career development, as well as selected academic characteristics (grades academic aptitude). The programs and their evaluations are described. The outcomes claimed for each program occurred more frequently in that program than in the comparison groups. The absence of differences in grades, despite differences in academic ability and in extent of program involvement, is interpreted as further evidence of the insensitivity of grades. The question of generality of the results is explored briefly.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between various protective factors with academic outcomes of Latina/o high school students. We use two groups of protective influences, individual and family, and their relationship to 12th grade mathematics achievement, dropout rates, and enrollment in post-secondary education. Latent class analysis was used to identify academic protective profiles, or latent groups/classes, among high school Latina/o students (N?=?1610) and assess group differences with respect to gender, SES, immigrant status, student’s native language, preschool attendance, and 10th grade mathematics. Results indicated the presence of four academic protective groups, which differed with respect to academic discussions with parents, and attitudes about mathematics. The four classes are compared with respect to academic outcomes and differences are discussed as well as implications for practice.  相似文献   

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