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This inquiry poses the question: How can white college students be induced or incited into recognizing themselves as racially marked and privileged people? The author examines white resistance to racial self-understanding by analyzing the relation between white racial identity development theory, appeals to racial discourses and themes, and the psychic need to defend against perceived threats to identity. By situating an analysis of these relations within the current crisis of whiteness, the author illustrates the psychosocial dynamics of white racial identity development. The aim of the study is to develop a conceptual approach that can inform the thought and practice of antiracist educators who seek to develop effective instructional strategies for teaching white students about racial privilege.  相似文献   

彭静 《物理教学探讨》2006,24(15):38-39
“你是大摆,我们是小摆,你怎么摆我们就怎么摆,我们和你发生共振,学好物理,实现心中的梦想。”这是我在上完共振后学生写在作业本上的话。这使我又一次深刻的体会到:作为物理教师,必须清楚地认识到,要好好利用物理学本身提供的事实与方法,有效的结合辩证唯物主义观点,在物理的课堂教学中,在适当的时候,适当的时机有意识渗透人生观的教育,就会取得良好的效果。1共振教学的感悟发生共振的条件是:当外界策动力的频率与物体的固有频率越接近时,物体的振幅就越大,也就是从外界获得的能量就越多,当外界的策动力频率等于固有频率时,物体的振幅达到…  相似文献   

As an unintended consequence of the Civil Rights Movement and the integrationist vocabulary that it engendered, otherwise progressive thinkers have been unable to describe the adverse impact of actions, attitudes and policies that are not necessarily intended as racist, but function that way nonetheless. Because racism has come to be popularly understood as the product of individual irrationality—aberrant behavior that society abhors—supposedly race neutral actions, attitudes and policies that systematically and predictably benefit whites and adversely impact people of color escape effective critique. This has created a problem on college campuses, where many black students continue to feel alienated and mistreated because of their race. This article argues that issues of race and racism remain important considerations in the lives of black students on predominantly white campuses.  相似文献   

In David Long’s article, Scientists at Play in a Field of the Lord, he studies the discourse between a network of regional scientists, atheists, activists and evolutionists at the opening of The Creation Museum on Memorial Day, 2007. This review essay examines the teaching of evolution through the teacher’s ‘lens of empathy’ and also considers a ‘pupil centeredness’ approach. As a practicing science educator, I have found it paramount to take into consideration my students’ backgrounds and their families’ beliefs in order to understand their preconceived notions about the origins of life. By teaching evolution as ‘a theory with both facts and fallacies’ only then does it become an opportunity for critical thinking that fosters growth and risk taking in a safe environment. Most times students hear evolution preached as a one-sided lecture by teachers who believe it’s “my way or the highway” and leave little or no room for dialogue. I believe that a teacher’s job is to stay updated with current research on the theory of evolution and then present all the information to students in a way that creates personal opportunities for them to adjust their existing schema without demeaning them, their ideas, or their faith or belief system. This not only shows value, compassion and tolerance for them as thinking humans, but also allows them opportunities to develop critical thinking, which helps to shape whom they become as adults.  相似文献   


In this article, we introduce our special issue, ‘Second-Wave White Teacher Identity Studies: Toward Complexity and Reflexivity in the Racial Conscientization of White Teachers.’ We characterize white teacher identity studies as a developing field with important implications for education research and teacher education. Early work in this field focused on documenting, how white teachers denied and evaded the significance of race and white privilege in their work and lives. The articles in this special issue exemplify a second wave of white teacher identity studies which builds on and responds critically to this earlier work. Crucial concerns of this second-wave work include attending to the nuances and complexities of white racial identities, as well as examining the pedagogical, curricular, and institutional contexts within which these identities are taken up.  相似文献   

情感体验是通过实践性的音乐活动,使音乐与人的生理、心理相互作用产生内在音乐感受。只有当音乐中的关感因素被体验,音乐的审美功能才起作用。音乐是情感的艺术,它通过情感的直接抒发和体验来达到审美目的。  相似文献   

语文教学更需要运用和体验情感,从教材、教学手段,从教师自己做起。  相似文献   

The following research delivered a web-based module about plagiarism and paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism in both a blended method, with live instruction paired with web presentation for 105 students, and a separate web-only method for 22 other students. Participants were graduates and undergraduates preparing to become teachers, the majority of whom were pursuing certification in elementary education. After the module, students practised paraphrasing with their own written example, then took a Likert-scale survey about their perceptions of the module and provided demographic information. The majority of students expressed a high level of satisfaction with not only the module itself but also their own increased knowledge about paraphrasing and plagiarism. Graduate students and students in the live group felt that pairing an instructor with the module furthered their understanding of paraphrasing. Students who identified themselves as having cheated felt that they had better learned how to paraphrase from the module compared with students who reported themselves as never having cheated. Responses from the web group were low considering the amount of students invited to participate. Students in the live group who had instructor-led discussion felt it contributed to their understanding of paraphrasing, while students in the web group wished for more instructor-led interaction. Outcomes on the student-written paraphrase were weaker than anticipated, with only half of the group producing good or excellent paraphrases.  相似文献   

直觉思维就是在早已获得的经验、知识的基础上,凭借思维的“感觉”直觉地把握事物的本质及其规律的心理过程。其特点表现为:依附性;非逻辑性;潜意识性;创造性。语感教学的功能既体现了语文教学改革的方向,又是语文能力的核心,语文教学必须重视对学生语感的培养,其途径与方法多种多样,而通过直觉思维训练来培养语感则是一个行之有效不可忽视的重要环节。  相似文献   

直觉思维就是在早已获得的经验、知识的基础上,凭借思维的“感觉”直觉地把握事物的本质及其规律的心理过程。其特点表现为依附性;非逻辑性;潜意识性;创造性。语感教学的功能既体现了语文教学改革的方向,又是语文能力的核心,语文教学必须重视对学生语感的培养,其途径与方法多种多样,而通过直觉思维训练来培养语感则是一个行之有效不可忽视的重要环节。  相似文献   

阅读是语文教学的一个主要内容,而情感是其中的重要因素。如何培养与激发学生的情感因素,注重情感的特点在语文教学中的运用,充分挖掘教材的情感因素,培养和谐的师生情感是语文教学应着重研究的课题。  相似文献   

课堂教学是学校教育得以施展的基本环节,师生感情交流对于提高教学质量尤为重要.现实教学中种种原因导致了师生感情交流的不足和缺失,应该加强交流以利于提高教学质量.  相似文献   

Sustained Dialogue, used in the past to ease international tensions, is finding its way into colleges and universities that wish to change unhealthy race‐based attitudes and behaviors. The campus approach brings small groups of students from widely different backgrounds together for a year of deep conversation.  相似文献   

The impact of the racial composition of neighborhoods, rather than race per se, is examined in this study. The sample includes 1027 families with children attending 5 of the 11 former school districts in New Castle County, Delaware. Questionnaires were sent to these families in the spring of 1978, prior to school desegregation, and again in the spring of 1979, at the end of the first year of desegregation. Scales were developed to measure attitudinal variables for both parents and students. These included racial attitudes, attitudes toward school desegregation, and attitudes about education. Results show that attitudes both before and after desegregation varied according to the neighborhood racial composition. Thus it is important in future studies of racial attitudes to examine neighborhood racial characteristics as well as the race of the individual.This research has been supported by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, Division of Social Sciences.  相似文献   

Nigeria’s diverse cultures, religions and political parties appear to be unified by a strong taboo against homosexuality and gay rights. This has affected academic research, HIV/AIDS programmes, and sexuality education, all which commonly show evidence of heterosexism, self-censorship and even explicit condemnations of homosexuality. Yet a dissident discourse in Nigeria, as well as research from elsewhere in the region, suggests that this appearance of unity may belie greater openness to the issues than assumed. Indeed, research shows that (1) many African societies are traditionally more accommodating toward non-normative sexualities than contemporary nationalist or cultural claims would allow, and (2) secretive ‘bisexuality’ is more common in practice (and tacitly acknowledged) than previously understood. Is it possible then that the presumption of homophobia and the fear of backlash that has clearly contributed to heterosexism and self-censorship in scholarship around homosexualities in Nigeria are exaggerated? Is it possible that Nigerians may be more open to consideration of scientific evidence and international best practices around sexual diversity, rights, and health than is commonly assumed in the literature? A trial intervention at a small state university in a predominantly rural area of Nigeria tested these questions by introducing wide-ranging, frank and non-judgemental (science-based) discussions of same-sex sexuality in several classes. Analysis of the students’ feedback finds that stigmatising attitudes toward homosexuality were indeed present among the students. However, there was also a high degree of curiosity, awareness of the existence of secretive homosexualities in Nigeria, desire for education, and confidence that traditional cultures and Nigerian democracy could accommodate individual freedom and sexual rights. The conclusion is that well-prepared researchers and educators could be less anxious and self-censoring around the topic of homosexuality than prevails at present. Careful attention would need to be paid to local sensibilities, but sexuality and HIV education programmes could probably be brought closer into line with world guidelines on best practices and comprehensive approaches to human sexuality education and sexual health.  相似文献   


In a course entitled “Policing and In/Justice” we elicited stories about police-citizen encounters through a narrative-based writing assignment. The assignment required students to identify competing perspectives of the story's events. Building on these perspectives, students engaged in assessment and evaluation of police decision-making. We suggest similar assignments may be relevant to courses with students anticipating or engaged in policing careers. The growing emphasis on community policing raises expectations that officers be creative problem-solvers, not just law enforcers. In addition to establishing the significance of the assignment, we explain how we accomplished it, and report on what students gained from it.  相似文献   

当前,初中学生作文水平普遍偏低,畏难情绪遍及师生。作文是用语言恰当表达感受的过程,应该实实在在地在教学中突出三个要素——感受、语言、技法。这三个要素,教师要在生活中强化,在情境中强化。主要有三个情景:生活情景、诵读歌咏情景、"规定情景",与之相联系的是三种积累:生活感受积累、语言积累、技能积累。在反复感受与训练中形成能力,在实践中提高素养,在强化中达到质变。教师优化并强化学生的感受、语言、技法,必须善于积累,着眼长远。这三者的积累、运用、提升若能在师生所创设的情境中进行,效果会更明显,作文教学也就能走出高耗低效的困境。  相似文献   

Three decades of neo-liberal education in western countries, particularly English-speaking countries, have not served most children well. The evidence is mounting that the neo-liberal experiment has been a failure on many grounds, not least because of its deprofessionalizing effect on teachers. The disciplinary effects of neo-liberal policy frameworks on education remain powerful, but there are numerous teachers and schools who have resisted the regime of managerialism and accountability. This paper celebrates such activists. It argues that the internal focus on the delivery of instruction and test-taking inside schools ignores the point that the major influences on the school performance of children exist outside rather than inside the school. The paper argues that young people who have been ‘othered’ and put at a disadvantage by the neo-liberal education system deserve to be treated in a more dignified, engaged and respectful manner than seems to be the case within the ideology of accountability and top-down managerialism.  相似文献   

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