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双语教学在医学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双语教学非常适合在医学教学中运用。它是通过英语教授医学专业知识,用英语进行课堂学习之间的交流和互动的一种教学模式。教学过程中,与单纯的英语教学相比,用汉语介绍一些相关的背景知识,可以帮助学生理解教学内容,以降低学生在英语理解上的难度。另一方面,在每节课结束时让学生用英语对所学的内容进行总结发言更能激发他们学习的主动性,进而提高他们用英语来表达和交流医学专业知识的兴趣和水平。  相似文献   

双语教学目前已经是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,但是由于双语教学开展时间短,不同学科和学校间课程设置的差异性,导致双语教学的目标、定位和双语教学实施中存在一些不同的认识或误区。结合"地球科学"双语教学的实际经验,本文分析了双语课教学的定位,同时根据"地球科学"的专业特色,总结了双语教学实施过程中就如何组织教学内容、激发学习兴趣,拓宽视野,改变思维方式进行的一些尝试。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of students' ability and type of instructional program, structured and unstructured, on easy and difficult posttest items. Seventh-grade students worked through 14 instructional activities in The Geometer Sketchpad, a dynamic geometry program, and accessed a Geometry tutorial developed to parallel the state geometry standards. Low-ability students scored higher in the less structured program, whereas high- and medium-ability learners performed better in the structured program. High- and medium-ability students outscored low-ability learners by a greater margin on the difficult items than on the easy items. Although their overall performance was poor in both programs, that low-ability learners performed relatively better in the less structured, less traditional, mathematics activities is an encouraging finding for mathematics educators and designers of open-ended learning environments.  相似文献   

The paper explores the relationship between education reform and Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) for Bolivia's majority indigenous peoples, as this has evolved since the 1990s into the era of Evo Morales, Latin America's first indigenous president, elected in 2005. In order to bring out the significance of the new Education Bill awaiting approval in parliament since 2006, the paper examines in detail the recent historical relationship between education reform and IBE, the role of the country's indigenous social organisations in evolving this relationship, and the ideological underpinnings of the new education reform legislation.  相似文献   


We studied 36 students identified as “educationally disadvantaged” who scored above average on standardized achievement tests and completed a program to reinforce their academic skills in either language arts or mathematics. We pretested and posttested an additional (control) group of 28 students who received no instructional intervention. We found a significant effect of the instructional intervention for both achievement and aptitude test scores in language arts as well as mathematics. Gains in mathematics were significantly greater than in language arts. After instructional intervention, the majority of students were eligible and academically qualified for challenging gifted‐talented programs. These findings are consistent with two other similar research projects using the same instructional program and model, suggesting stability of results. We discuss implications of this study for identifying and developing academic talent in such a population.  相似文献   

国外教学设计理论经过了产生期、形成期、盛行期、革新期等发展阶段,其生成一是依赖于社会需要的促动,二是取决于认识论、学习心理学和教学设计的整合,三是信息技术的革命性影响。国外教学设计理论在本土化过程中存在诸多问题,如基于本土的教学设计创新不足、缺乏心理学等基础学科与信息技术的支撑、教师自身缺乏教学设计观念与能力等。要解决这些问题,必须正确认识与评价国外教学设计思想,促进教学设计的本土创新;构建研究共同体,促进教学设计理论与实践的结合;增强教师的教学设计观念与能力;构建以"学习者"为中心的教学设计模式。  相似文献   

This article presents a critical reflection of the author's 14 years of experience in the Teacher Training Programme for Intercultural Bilingual Education in the Amazon Basin, developed by the indigenous confederation AIDESEP and the Loreto state teacher training college in Peru. The first part of the article offers an overall view of the particular approach towards intercultural bilingual education adopted by the AIDESEP/ISPL Programme and presents a critical outlook on some of the conceptual challenges the Programme has faced during its development and their relation with ongoing theoretical debates and with the demands of the indigenous movement. The second part of the article is centred on a discussion of the ethical, political and pedagogical challenges that intercultural education raises regarding curriculum decision-making and practice. The author bases her reflection on an analysis of the way in which the Peruvian Ministry of Education and different intercultural bilingual teacher training programmes have dealt with this issue during the last two decades.  相似文献   

拉美双语教育在20世纪80年代完成制度化后仍处于教育体系边缘,发展始终步履维艰,不容乐观。一方面政府当局未充分调动各方资源驱动改革,另一方面土著民族缺少必要资源推进改革。困境的根源来自于拉美主流意识形态中单语和单文化主义及种族主义对双语教育的压制和束缚,其背后反映的是土著民族现实诉求与殖民主义历史遗留这一根本性冲突。  相似文献   

Recent technological advances now make possible the full integration of sound in instructional software. Sounds may gain and focus learner attention, reduce distracting stimuli, and make learning more engaging. In addition, they may help learners condense, elaborate on, and organize details, highlighting inter connections among new pieces of information and making connections to preexisting knowledge. Thus, sound may hold great promise for moderating acquisition, processing, and retrieval “noise” in instructional software. Unfortunately, interface and instructional design guides almost completely ignore sound, and research suggests many promising instructional uses remain largely unexplored. This paper explores information-processing and communication theoretical foundations for sound's systematic use in the instructional communication system and proposes a framework for a program of research on instructional software's use of sound. MJ is assistant progressor in the Educational Technology program at Lehigh University, and Ward teaches instructional design and interface design and coordinates the Educational Technology program there.  相似文献   

Research was conducted at Purdue University with the primary goal to compare a newly developed self-instructional CAI/multimedia computer program with traditional instructional methods for use by youth enrolled in a farm tractor and machinery safety program. Seventy-two subjects selected from three 8th and 9th grade agricultural education classes and one group of middle school-aged youth (grades 6–19) involved in a 4-H tractor and machinery-related program were randomly divided, with half of each group receiving traditional instructor-based training using printed materials, videos, and demonstrations, and the other half receiving self-instruction with a computer program. A pretest and post test evaluation revealed that there was not a statistical difference in knowledge gained between the two instructional strategies. However, an analysis of low, middle and high achievement youth, based on knowledge gain, did reveal significant difference between the two instructional strategies. Subjects from the computer-based instructional method dominated both high and low achievement groups, while the traditional instructional method subjects tended to fall into the middle achievement group.  相似文献   


Fifty-two low performing schools were randomly assigned to receive Spatial-Temporal (ST) Math, a supplemental mathematics software and instructional program, in second/third or fourth/fifth grades or to a business-as-usual control. Analyses reveal a negligible effect of ST Math on mathematics scores, which did not differ significantly across subgroups defined by prior math proficiency and English Language Learner status. Two years of program treatment produced a nonsignificant effect. Publication of evaluation results from large-scale real-world supplemental mathematics instructional implementations such as this one can provide a realistic view of the possibilities, costs, and limitations of this and other computer aided instruction supplemental interventions.  相似文献   

Four graduate students were tasked with creating a real-world solution to a problem faced by the instructional technology masters program in which they were participating. While taking an online course in multimedia instructional product development, part of East Carolina University??s Masters of Science in Instructional Technology degree program, a team of students faced the challenges of being physically separated, lacking some software and hardware tools, and the relatively brief development period of a semester??s time, to produce supplemental instructional content for students new to the masters program. Working from locations scattered throughout North Carolina, the production team found the time and resources, and relied on the strengths of individual team members, to produce an online orientation for students new to the instructional technology masters program.  相似文献   

Process-oriented instruction is defined as instruction aimed at teaching thinking strategies and domain-specific knowledge in coherence. This new conception of instruction is derived from psychological research on the way students learn and on the interplay between self-regulation and external regulation of learning. In the research reported here the learning effects of a process-oriented instructional program for university students were empirically studied. The instructional program consisted of a diagnostic learning style instrument, a learning guide and tutorials. The results showed that the majority of students reported significant general, knowledge, insight and application learning effects. The program effects were typified more by integrating and making usable metacognitive knowledge already present, than by increasing knowledge about new subjects. Evidence for transfer effects was obtained because participants in the program scored better than non-participants on two exams of another course. The learning effects were higher than the effects of an preliminary version of the program implemented with students from an open university. These results support the importance of the process-oriented instructional model. The linking of a thorough diagnosis of personal learning styles to individually tailored instructional measures, turned out to be a powerful way to activate students to reflect on their learning and to develop their mental models of learning.  相似文献   

双语教师应具备的专业素养是基于我国双语教育的特点的理论探讨以及我国双语教学实践的调查提出的.我国的双语教育有其自身的特点.它是单语制国家里的、汉语/英语分属两种不同语系的、以提高学生英语应用能力为目的的、非少数民族语言/汉语的双语教育.因此,双语教师需具备具有双语教育特点的专业素养:独特的双语教育知识结构、科学的双语教学机智以及崇高的双语教育职业理想.  相似文献   

Automated Writing Evaluation(AWE) program is designed to provide instant scores based on automated writing scoring engine along with diagnostic feedback. Five main AWE programs are introduced, four invented by foreign companies and one by Chinese native company for Chinese students. This paper reviews studies on AWE home and abroad from perspectives of its validity and instructional application. These studies have shown that AWE program should be used as an instructional tool to improve writing skill rather than only as a scoring and feedback engine. So how to implement and integrate AWE program into instructional context and to achieve more desirable learning outcomes while avoiding potential harms should be the focus of study for the future research.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of type of instructional control and program mode on the achievement, option use, time in the program, and attitudes of higher-ability and lower-ability university students. Ability level was determined using participants' Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and American College Testing Assessment (ACT) scores. Participants were randomly assigned to four versions of a computer-delivered instructional program within higher-ability and lower-ability groups. The four versions of the instructional program were created by crossing the two control conditions (learner control, program control) with the two program modes (full, lean). Participants in the full program scored significantly higher on the posttest than those in the lean program, and higher-ability students scored significantly higher than lower-ability students. Learner-control participants chose to view 68% of the optional screens in the full program but only 35% in the lean one, and participants also spent significantly more time in the full version. Participants had more favorable attitudes toward learner control than program control.  相似文献   

浅谈财务会计课程的双语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双语教学是进行素质教育探索的一个新的突破口,它对当今的学校教育,开辟了新的天地,也提出了新的挑战。对财务会计课程双语教学的探索,是符合现代教育理念也是适应未来社会对双语人才的需要。文章拟就财务会计双语教学中的课程定位、具体实施做一探讨。  相似文献   

A total of 117 subjects were randomly assigned to a group receiving instructional objectives, or not doing so, and to a logical or random instructional sequence. Performance measures, as well as test and state anxiety scores were obtained. Regression analysis indicated that, as expected, objectives had no effect, whereas the logical sequence reduced program errors and increased achievement. Test anxiety was related to program errors, but not to achievement. Expected interactions among objectives, sequence, and anxiety were not significant.A prior version of this paper was read at the American Educational Research Association annual convention in New Orleans, La., March 1973.This study was completed while the senior author was on leave at the CAI Center, Florida State University. The present paper was completed at the City University of New York.  相似文献   

Thirteen Ecuadorian indigenous nationalities follow the Intercultural Bilingual Education Model in Ecuador (MOSEIB). This paper analyses the present situation of MOSEIB, the challenges to it and future prospects. First, in order to understand how MOSEIB today has relieved the intercultural tensions of the past it is necessary to look at the history of Ecuadorian education. Second, in order to explore the particular characteristics of the MOSEIB model and the challenges of implementing intercultural education in non‐intercultural societies we ask how and to what extent the intercultural education policies and practices in Ecuador differ from those developed in other Latin‐American countries. Third, we consider curricular diversity, seeking to clarify how the MOSEIB curricula relate to the reality of the Kichwa indigenous nationality and its communal environment, rituals and agricultural schedules. We conclude with comments on future prospects and remaining challenges to the establishment of a truly intercultural society inside a multicultural country.  相似文献   

开展“中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目研究工作,是边疆少数民族地区加速高等教育发展,尽快缩小与发达地区的教育发展水平差距的有效途径,但由于存在缺乏办学经验、理论依据不足等困难,教学模式改革必须从当地实际出发,研究和探讨适合边疆少数民族地区实际的教学模式,为远程开放教育教学实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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