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许道祯 《成人教育》2022,44(3):8-13
近年来,成人教育研究面临着一些危机和困境,其根源在于研究中工具理性与价值理性的失衡。近代以来,由于中国社会国情因素,工具理性导向逐渐凸显,价值理性衰退。在终身学习背景下,工具理性导向下的成人教育研究已经不能满足其自身发展需要,成人教育功利性价值的追求确实是促进了成人教育进步。若成人教育研究只专注于此,则严重忽视了成人个体所具有的独特存在价值,使成人教育基础理论研究在丰富变化的成人教育实践面前,丧失解释能力和指导能力。显然,需要呼吁价值理性的回归,真正将成人教育视为成人本体自我独立价值的彰显,同时做出超经验性的理论提升。  相似文献   

通过Nvivo11质性分析软件对中央及地方重要终身教育政策文本评价性话语进行编码与分析,发现我国终身教育政策的价值构成要素主要包括对终身教育的界定、对终身教育目标的描述、对终身教育对象的规定、对终身教育原则的厘定四个方面;并以20世纪90年代末期为分界点,发现上述四个方面的具体内容均发生了变迁。进一步分析发现,终身教育政策价值构成背后的逻辑基础为从工具理性转向工具理性与价值理性相统一;其社会基础为我国政府、市场与教育关系的变革和世界范围内终身教育理念的复归。  相似文献   

黄娥 《成人教育》2019,39(9):77-82
非学历教育认证是提高劳动者职业技能和促进终身学习的重要抓手。同时,超越教育的工具理性,推动教育的工具理性和价值理性融合发展,回归人的主体价值。通过分析国外和国内香港、台湾等地非学历教育认证经验,以鼓励人们在工作场所中不断提升职业技能,依托或建立专门认证机构,并建立相应标准和认证制度以保障认证质量。基于对这些经验的思考,建立我国统一的非学历教育认证,可以从非学历教育认证顶层设计制度架构、认证通道、操作路径和方法、认证机构/平台几个方面进行系统设计。  相似文献   

建国初期是我国国民经济恢复和完成社会主义改造的重要阶段,国家政治、经济和社会发展发生了历史性转变。以工农教育为主体的成人教育得到党和政府的高度重视,国家相继出台一系列政策措施,有力地保障了工农教育的广泛、深入开展,干部教育、职工教育、农民教育以及成人高等教育都取得了显著进展,为巩固国家新生政权和恢复经济建设提供了有力支撑。本文在回顾建国初期成人教育的基本政策主张和具体政策措施的基础上,对这一时期成人教育政策目标的阶段性特征、政策价值的工具性特征、政策对象的重点性特征、政策制定的单向性特征以及政策执行的动态性特征进行分析与思考。  相似文献   

西方理性追求的是普遍性的形式理性、工具理性,它导致了西方科学技术教育的发展,东方儒家理性追求实质内容,提出适度原则,它促进了中国古代教育的发展。后现代教育反对现代教育的客观主义知识观和普遍性原则,这些都是由形式理性、工具理性的极权地位所致。此时,作为形式理性、工具理性对立面的儒家实质理性对教育的意义再次在后现代教育中彰显。后现代教育随东西理性的融合而发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the ethnographic case study in education in the context of policy making with particular emphasis on the practice of research and policy making. The central claim of the article is that it is impossible to establish a transcendental epistemology of the case study on instrumental rationality. Instead it argues for the notion of situated judgement that needs to be made by practitioners in context, practitioners being both researchers and policy makers. In other words, questions about the level of confidence or warrant that can be placed in different sorts of research evidence and findings cannot be answered independently of forming a view about the appropriateness of the policy culture that shapes political decision‐making. The article draws a distinction between the general, which is internal to the data as construed by a particular discipline, and the universal, which is the result of embedded human deliberation. This applies to all research findings and not only to case study, although since case study has long had to defend itself against accusations of the lack of generality, it can be a useful starting point for the discussion. This article is not meant to be yet another defence of the case study research genre, although a summary of other defences is offered. Rather it focuses on how use of the case study points to the limits of epistemology as rationality and offers a view of epistemology as ethics.  相似文献   

语文教学中的情感因素越来越受到人们的重视,新一轮语文课程改革就把情感目标提升到课程目标的维度加以阐述.但当前语文教学中,过于强调工具理性导致了情感教育方式的失灵.情感教育的价值取向应摆脱工具理性的“铁笼”,实现价值理性与工具理性的有效融合,从而实现语文情感教育的价值回归与价值实现.  相似文献   

消费社会的来临使得教育消费主义日益兴盛,其根源在于工具理性的过度膨胀和价值理性的式微。工具理性把教育当作可供消费的"物",从而使其陷入远离育人使命的异化境地,走出异化的道路是通过自由教育回归教育的自由精神。  相似文献   

在学理层面上,思想政治教育的价值理性和工具理性可以达到和合统—的应然状态.然而,在高校思想政治教育实践中,由于价值理性的畸变和异化,工具理性的缺失与僭越,致使价值理性和工具理性处于错位与分裂状态.要增强高校思想政治教育的实效性,就必须在价值理性的规约下选择并创新思想政治教育的途径和手段,实现价值理性和工具理性的和谐统一、功能互补.  相似文献   


This article addresses how European policy initiatives in higher education, research and innovation are diffused in the European higher education research and education area. Based on an instrumental and an institutional perspective, specific expectations are developed as to how policy diffusion might unfold, and, through an in-depth analysis of the strategic plans of 19 higher education institutions in Latvia and Norway, the article identifies factors that potentially mediate European policies into the strategic agenda of universities and colleges. The findings show that European Union membership and policy area seems to matter for the attention given to European policy initiatives, while administrative capacity at institutional level have less or quite mixed effects. The article concludes that both instrumental and institutional perspectives are of value in explaining how European policy diffusion takes place.


Despite its ideological saturation, recent neo-liberal education policy has been deeply depoliticising in the sense of reducing properly political concerns to matters of technical efficiency. This depoliticisation is reflected in the hegemony of a managerial discourse and the decontestation of terms like ‘quality’ and ‘effectiveness’, as well as in the apparent consensus around the necessity of particular practices, such as the adoption of ‘standards’ and the implementation of high-stakes testing regimes. The reduction of the political to the technical is not only anti-political but also anti-democratic, with violence often unrecognised behind appeals to consensus, commonsense and ‘rationality’. This study draws on the work of political theorists like Mouffe and Rancière to critique the depoliticisation reflected in recent Australian federal government recent education policy, particularly its notion of an ‘education revolution’ that pre-empts politics through a utopian harmonisation of difference and a reduction of the political to the merely technical and instrumental. This article concludes with some potential starting points for crossing, or traversing, fantasies in education which, along with a recognition of the inescapability of social and political antagonisms, could serve as a basis for a renewed emphasis on the importance of the political in education policy.  相似文献   

邓小平科技教育价值观的基本精神在于工具理性与价值理性的辩证统一。邓小平科技教育观不仅重视工具理性的基础作用,而且十分重视价值理性精神的导向作用。学习研究邓小平科技教育价值观有利于正确认识“科学技术是第一生产力”的深刻内涵,有利于发挥社会主义精神文明的价值性和指导作用,努力培育科技教育的价值理性精神。  相似文献   

This article discusses some of the generalized analyses of adult learning education, mostly informed by technocratic thinking, highlighting perceived trends in adult learning education between CONFINTEA V and CONFITEA VI. Those trends could be understood as challenges. Employing a political sociology of adult learning education as a critique of instrumental reason is advanced.  相似文献   

我国成人高等教育政策的功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对我国成人高等教育政策进行了较全面的梳理,从政策功能的角度对成人高等教育政策进行了分类,对各类成人高等教育政策进行了特征和功能分析,文章最后就如何发挥成人高等教育政策的导向作用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Reason is a heterogeneous word with many meanings and functions. Instrumental reasoning is the ‘useful but blind’ variant that, for Horkheimer, presupposes ‘the adequacy of procedures for purposes more or less taken for granted and supposedly self-explanatory’. The paper argues that the root of instrumental reasoning is to be found in Hume and Weber and suggests that the problems associated with portraying reason as ‘inert’ or ‘formal’ underpin many areas of education policy today. A scrutiny of discourses on managerialism, skills and creativity suggests that they are not only bound by instrumental reasoning but tied to unacknowledged purposes associated with what Marcuse called ‘capitalist rationality’. The paper concludes by reflecting upon Habermas’ notion of substantive reasoning that offers education a way forward.  相似文献   

"三区三州"深度贫困地区深陷教育贫困的状态,扶教育之贫是教育价值理性的要求,是教育扶贫功能发挥需首先解决的问题。教育扶贫的价值理性与工具理性具有内在一致性,主要体现在:以"人的发展"为核心发力点,以"思想引领"为重要途径,以"知识与能力"为直接方式。教育扶贫的实践路径应走上教育工具理性与价值理性有机结合的轨道,即正视教育事业的长效性特征,对教育的基础环节常抓不懈;重视个体对教育回报的期待,以就业为导向,加强应用型人才的培养;准确把握教育事业的系统性特征,构建教育扶贫的系统模式,以保持教育扶贫固脱防返成效。  相似文献   

Adult education programmes developed for or by indigenous communities rarely seem to have addressed gender inequalities. Yet, compared to mainstream adult educational interventions promoting instrumental approaches to ‘functional literacy’, such programmes often appear highly politicised, starting from a standpoint of promoting indigenous peoples’ rights. We look at the reasons for the absence of gender analysis from policy and research on indigenous adult education and highlight key issues within indigenous adult education, when viewed from a gendered perspective, particularly language, assessment, learning structures and programme objectives. Drawing on case studies of indigenous adult education programmes in South and South-East Asia, we emphasise the need for participatory, non-hierarchical processes in adult education that can provide legitimate space for multiple voices within indigenous groups, without enhancing the sense of marginalisation. The principles underlying indigenous adult education programmes can help planners to challenge and respond to gender inequalities.  相似文献   


Denmark has a strong and versatile tradition of adult education. Over a long historical period, adult education for public enlightenment and leisure, for continuing study and for vocational and professional competence have been developed, been made part of state policy and been used by citizens. But in recent years the public and political presence of Danish adult education has changed. While education policy issues generally abound in public and political debates, adult education is given much less attention than earlier. In this article, we trace the causes of this and conclude that it reflects a turn towards focusing on vocational types of adult education and a relocation of adult education policy to networks linking the state and the social partners. Drawing on theories of policy streams, policy networks and the competition state, we provide a historical analysis of Danish adult education reforms during the past two decades and document how the vocational turn has manifested itself.  相似文献   

新中国成立70年来,我国中小学师德政策建设主要经历了"一枝独秀"的规范垦拓期,"多苞并放"的机制探索期与"全面开花"的体系深化期。其逻辑演进遵循"一静三动"的政策范式,即坚守凸显时代性立场、从工具理性走向人文本位、从单极规范走向多元治理以及由模糊笼统走向细致严密。未来我国中小学师德建设的政策完善需要加强政策梳理与理论研...  相似文献   

The development of digital skills for all is a key focus of many educational policies across the globe. Despite the significant attention paid to the nature and suitability of such policies targeted at young people, there has been far less focus on digital skills policies targeted at adults. This article contributes to this literature. It outlines current digital skills policy in England. Having established this background, it analyses 30 interviews with digitally competent adults from lower socio-economic backgrounds about their experiences of learning to use the Internet. In doing so, the article highlights that a narrow and instrumental digital skills agenda is emerging in the education of adults, driven by the needs of the commercial sector, that is in stark contrast to the experiences, motivations and hopes of adults who learn about, and use, digital technologies. Reframing digital skills as part of a broader adult education agenda may offer a way to facilitate the development of digital literacies that individuals seek.  相似文献   

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