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A considerable fraction of college students and bachelor's degree recipients enroll in multiple postsecondary institutions. Despite this fact, there is scant research that examines the nature of the paths – both the number and types of institutions – that students take to obtain a bachelor's degree or through the higher education system more generally. We also know little about how enrollment in multiple institutions of varying quality relates to postgraduate life outcomes. We use a unique panel data set from Texas that allows us to examine in detail the paths that students take toward a bachelor's degree and estimate how enrollment in multiple institutions is related to both degree completion and subsequent earnings. We show that the paths to a bachelor's degree are diverse and that earnings and BA receipt vary systematically with these paths. Our results call attention to the importance of developing a more complete understanding of why students transfer and what causal role transferring has on the returns to postsecondary educational investment.  相似文献   

Patterns of time use are tangible representations of individual identity and the meaning of age groups in the life course. How do young people allocate their time to multiple domains of involvement, including the school, workplace, family, and peer group? Drawing on longitudinal data from the Youth Development Study (N = 1,010), a person-centered analytic strategy was used to describe configurations of time use through the high school years. Over half of the students were engaged in many domains, although a substantial percentage of students focused their time on one or two domains outside the school. Students who were highly engaged in multiple domains tended to remain so across grade levels, whereas students focused on one or two domains frequently changed their commitments. Plans for school, grade point average, future orientations that emphasize marriage and good citizenship, and gender significantly predicted time-use patterns. These findings elucidate connections among school, work, and other contexts through the high school years.  相似文献   

The degree of stereotypy in the movement patterns of 3 pigeons during noncontingent and contingent periodic food reinforcement was quantified by analyzing the distribution of turning angles, and by using information and Fourier analyses. The results indicated that (1) movement patterns were less stereotyped during noncontingent than during contingent reinforcement, (2) a reversal to noncontingent reinforcement resulted in a degree of stereotypy comparable to that during the first phase of noncontingent reinforcement, (3) movement patterns were maximally stereotyped immediately after food withdrawal and generally became less stereotyped as reinforcement approached, regardless of whether reinforcement was noncontingent or contingent, and (4) higher frequency movements generally accounted for more variance in the movements during contingent than during noncontingent reinforcement. Greater stereotypy in the movements during contingent reinforcement was likely due to a greater probability that similar movements were reinforced during contingent reinforcement. Momentary changes in the stereotypy of the movements within the interfood interval might reflect changes in the level of arousal.  相似文献   

This paper explores what it means to engage as an ethical researcher in the conduct of critical ethnography. During the years in which this critical ethnography of new language learners in a midwestern high school, the ethnographer actively participated in the life of the site. This paper poses the question of what such active involvement means for research ethics. Much of the literature on research ethics deals with Internal Review Boards standards, but this paper takes a reflective, ethnographic look at the researcher's own ethical practices in order to articulate and examine the underlying principles entailed in the decisions to intervene or not in the ongoing life of the site.  相似文献   

从分布形状、趋中度以及离散程度来看,反应时都具有区别于其他数据类型的非常鲜明的特点。因此,反应时数据的统计分析处理往往也有不同的技术要求和门槛。基于R语言的混合效应模型为反应时分布上的正偏斜、各数据点之间强关联以及异常值等问题提供了很好的解决方案。本文在回顾传统的反应时数据分析方法后,以一项具体的研究为实例介绍了使用“混合效应模型”来拟合反应时数据的基本原理、概念内涵以及如何拟合最佳模型等问题。  相似文献   

随着www的广泛应用及相应的Web技术的出现,数据挖掘的研究进入了基于Web的新阶段.文章阐述了web数据挖掘的特点,Web数据挖掘的类型以及Web数据挖掘的技术在搜索引擎、电子商务、网络设计中的应用.  相似文献   


Dynamic assessment (DA) is appealing to educational psychologists (EPs) due to: its flexibility, allowing EPs to adjust materials and processes to fit the assessment context; its usefulness, revealing ideas about how the next steps for learning might be achieved; and its focus on strengths. In Feuerstein’s words, “it is the instances of success of the individual that are the focal point for analysis for the reasons of success and failure”. Given the appeal of DA, it is frustrating that it has not been taken up more by practitioners. This paper will explore what DA is, and what it is not, summarise its advantages, consider why it is not more widely used, and introduce one way in which EPs can receive support for DA; using video of an EP “doing” DA within supervision in order to reflect on “good” DA.  相似文献   

Grade 9 subjects learned the evolutionary sequence of dinosaurs and to classify them by type. Instruction was by menas of flow diagrams that showed the evolutionary sequence running across the page either from left to right or reversed from right to left, with or without drawings of dinosaurs. It was found that subjects seeing left-right ordered diagrams scored better on tests of sequence and classification than those seeing reversed diagrams. Also, the addition of drawings helped subjects identify dinosaurs by type. Verbal ability predicted learning as a function of treatment. Spatial ability did not. However, some evidence was found that high-spatial low-verbal subjects could classify the animals equally well from normal-order or reversed diagrams, while high-verbal subjects who were also low-spatial could classify them better if they had seen normal-order diagrams. These results suggest that diagrams provide different types of information and that learners may process each type differently.  相似文献   

To use a symbolic object such as a model, map, or picture, one must achieve dual representation; that is, one must mentally represent both the symbol itself and its relation to its referent. The studies reported here confirm predictions derived from this concept. As hypothesized, dual representation was as difficult for 2 1/2-year-olds to achieve with a set of individual objects as it was with an integrated model. Decreasing the physical salience of a scale model (by placing it behind a window) made it easier for 2 1/2-year-old children to treat it as a representation of something other than itself. Conversely, increasing the model's salience as an object (by allowing 3-year-old children to manipulate it) made it more difficult to appreciate its symbolic import. The results provide strong support for dual representation.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Open data has potential value as a material for use in learning activities. However, approaches to harnessing this are not well understood or in...  相似文献   

While schools and systems across the globe promote data-driven decision making, teachers often struggle to use data, especially from external assessments, to inform daily instruction. In this paper, we examine teacher capacity building for a less typical form of data use - evidence on student thinking. We draw on data from a longitudinal, in-depth qualitative study involving middle school math teachers who were engaged in an instructional improvement project. Findings show that data use occurred when evidence from student thinking was introduced as part of the instructional planning process. This shift was facilitated by an instructional coach whose capacity building efforts with teachers focused on coherence, specifically planning high quality instruction and using data effectively, while also meeting district pacing and unit planning goals. When teachers put new strategies into practice, feedback from formative assessment data allowed teachers to identify and address misconceptions in student thinking. Learning how to use data as part of instruction helped teachers build capacity to reflect on their own practice. Implications for theory, practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

图案艺术作为一个民族文化、意识的反映,它流露出来的是一个民族的真情实感。藏民族在漫长的历史发展中,在创造自己民族文化的同时,学习并吸收了其他民族的优秀文化,在吸收消化的过程中,又注入了自己本民族的人生观、价值观和审美观,使之成为具有本民族心理、地理、生理特点的文化瑰宝。  相似文献   

Although the suffrage movement in Britain and the United States shared a common goal and collaborated in an international effort to enfranchise women, they differed in rhetorical tone and protest tactics. This essay examines the ideological and material conditions that led to the strategic use of militancy by the British suffrage movement and non‐violence by its American counterpart. It further explores the role of class in shaping early women's movement rhetoric.  相似文献   

This commentary focuses on the use of the eye-tracking methodology to study cognitive processes during multimedia learning. First, some general remarks are made about how the method is applied to investigate visual information processing, followed by a reflection on the eye movement measures employed in the studies published in this special issue. It is argued that global eye movement measures indexing attentional and encoding processes during the entire learning period should preferably be complemented with more fine-grained analyses that are either time-locked to important events taking place in an animation or that by other means provide information about the time course of learning. As nicely documented in the present set of studies, it is also of importance to complement the eye-tracking data with offline measures indexing the end product of learning. Such a complementary approach is likely to yield important new insights into the process of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

Intelligence gathering, or data collection, is a preliminary and critical stage of decision making. Two key approaches to intelligence gathering are “discovery” and “idea imposition.” The discovery approach allows us to learn about possibilities by gathering intelligence in order to identify and weigh options. The idea imposition approach limits intelligence gathering and focuses resources on promoting a solution. The purpose of this study is to explore the intelligence‐gathering stage of organizational leaders during decision making from both of these perspectives and to begin to identify themes as they relate to the data considered, types of decisions and outcomes sought, and level of confidence in decision‐making success.  相似文献   

In this research note we explore how children construct their identity in the context of a literacy practice: developing written and audio-visual texts in small-group situation to be published on the Internet. Through their dialogue, a shared identity is growing on the context, and every children create an identity as member of a community in which is included [Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice. Learning meaning and identity. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press].Methodologically we have adopted, on one hand, an ethnographic perspective (Atkinson et al., 2001) and, on the other, an action-research perspective [Reason, P., & Bradbury, H. (Eds.) (2001).Handbook of action research. London, Thousand oaks Sage]. We analysed the data collected in five groups in an after-school workshop, during a one-month period with eight two-hour sessions. It is particularly important to compare the history of every group creates a different identity for its page.Our findings illustrate how the participants, with their multiple identities [Gee, J.P. (1999). An introduction to discovers analysis. Theory and method. London, NewYork: Routledge], generate a collective identity orientated to a common audience writing as a group, and negotiating during their dialogue. We analyse how these multiple identities turn into a shared identity that, finally, is shown in the product (the Web site).The discussion of our results reveals how the process of creating the web pages, in the situation described above, depends on the shared construction of meanings among the participants. Writing on the Internet about the media facilitates multiple dialogues and provides opportunities to educate children in the use of multiliteracies.  相似文献   

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