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作为神圣叙事和认知模式的神话与史前宗教信仰、仪式活动、历史叙事同态共生,是文化的基因编码和文史哲的共同源头。早期历史与典籍叙事呈现出鲜明的"神话历史"特征,神话、仪式与历史叙事的会通视野是重新解读上古中国礼仪活动本源和根脉的重要门径。本文即以冠礼仪式圣地"东房"的本源象征探究为例,说明神话历史对礼制文明探源的重要意义。  相似文献   

仪式的合法性与神话的解构和重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现代神话学史上有影响的神话-仪典学派进行了反思和检讨。通过探讨民间庙会在近20年来复兴的过程中,为谋求更充分的合法性而对神话或者神话要素进行的解构和重构,认为神话与仪式的联系并非机械不变,实际上双方都处在不断变迁和重建的过程中,所以其关系应当在“动态的互动过程”中予以考察;神话的解构和重构是各地庙会谋求合法性的策略之一,其方式多种多样;“民间”并非一个均质的整体;追求政治合法性的过程,主要只是民间精英与官方政策之间的对话、协商与较量。  相似文献   

Viewing the American Dream as two myths, both essential to the identity and destiny of America, this essay argues that the 1972 presidential election required an endorsement of Nixon who represented a materialistic myth or of McGovern who personified a moralistic myth, that the outcome of this quadrennial ritual signified the way Americans want presently to conceive of themselves and suggests the way the American experiment may be going.  相似文献   

In this article the author looks at the image of journey and its archeform, quest, and finds two spiritual concepts: that of movement to the center followed by a return, and the concomitant understanding that all that has arisen and reached maturity must return to renew itself. Four journeys, the shamanic journey of soul, the hero's journey of spirit, the pilgrimage of community, and the allegorical journey of the labyrinth, are viewed from this persepctive. These journeys are formulated into a context of myth, ritual, symbol, and story which places them at the heart of religious education as bearers of religious tradition and meaning.  相似文献   

“神话”概念的厘清是中国神话传说研究中一大关键问题。对于“神话”概念的认知必须紧扣“神圣性与真实性”的基本限定,这样既有利于与国际学术话语进行有机衔接,也有利于选择适切的中国神话传说的具体材料和相关论题在中国文化的具体语境中展开论述。其中,神话与仪式、传说、故事等相关概念的区分也是进行神话研究的重要前提。  相似文献   

曾胜 《成都师专学报》2009,(5):31-34,43
仪式思维是反对二元对立模式、强调"中介阶段"的反结构主义新型思维方式,它具有"过渡"、"模拟"和"无神话的仪式"三大特征。近期中国先锋电影在仪式思维的影响下,运用反结构隐喻的方式阐释性、死亡和世界等人类生存状态,使中国先锋电影产生一种深刻的话语嬗变。  相似文献   

天地会是有清一代反社会性秘密社会组织。仪式行为建立并夯实了家族伦理秩序的组织结构,确立起价值观充分整合的文化同质性组织。仪式行为藉由民间信仰的宗教话语表达,促成组织结构、组织行为与组织价值整合的世俗话语落地。  相似文献   

Making the students understand the theoretical concepts of digital logic design concepts is one of the major issues faced by the academics, therefore the teachers have tried different techniques to link the theoretical information to the practical knowledge. Use of software simulations is a technique for learning and practice that can be applied to many different disciplines. Experimentation of different computer hardware components/integrated circuits with the use of the simulators enhances the student learning. The simulators can be rather simplistic or quite complex. This paper reports our evaluation of different simulators available for use in the higher education institutions. We also provide the experience of incorporating some selected tools in teaching introductory courses in computer systems. We justified the effectiveness of incorporating the simulators into the computer system courses by use of student survey and final grade results.  相似文献   

壮族的花婆神话,以花为始源,解决了个体与族类灵魂的栖居问题;其人类繁衍的继嗣链接,蕴含着深刻的生命循环原理.花婆祭仪展演出的,是壮族跨越族类生存--生育危机的必然的逻辑体系;而花婆认同,所表现出的弹性整合度,推动着壮族大地伦理的历史建构.因此,花婆神话,是壮族跨越危机,建构民族认同的生态伦理体系的形象展现.  相似文献   

"谟"体是生成于诸侯朝聘天子之礼的.<皋陶谟>是春秋时人面对当时诸侯朝聘天子之礼的崩坏,而欲建构新的政治组织结构,托之于上古的舜与大禹、皋陶的一次朝聘之礼,以君臣问对的方式对西周诸侯朝聘天子之义的当下诠释,体现出了周公礼乐为治的精神和原则.  相似文献   

This essay endeavours to reframe current discussion of the relationship of religion to education by highlighting an often seriously neglected element of contemporary educational thought: the changing, post-secular understanding of childhood in the globalised age. Drawing upon recent ethnographies of childhood, and an older anthropological scholarship, the essay seeks to illuminate the place of religion and religious experience in the education of the young by interrogating prevailing and competing perceptions of childhood that often implicitly underpin the discussion of the relationship of the ‘post-secular’ to both liberal and critical-constructivist accounts of educational purpose. In rehabilitating this core concern with childhood, the essay also seeks to recover the ‘pre-secular’ child of folklore, myth, fairytale and romantic aesthetics in order to propose that current Western conceptions of the child are constitutively implicated in these living legacies.  相似文献   

塔婆是哈尼族神话传说中生育众物、传承人种的大母神形象,广泛存在于哈尼族口传文学、父子联名谱系及其节庆活动之中;而女娲则是中华主体民族汉族神话传说中的女始祖,她造人、补天、治水、置婚姻、作笙簧,创造了诸多历史功绩。但和塔婆比较,女娲虽然声名显赫,却不具备现实意义和生命力量,而且,因为经过了父权文化的精心改造,女娲形象和塔婆形象相比,缺乏真实性、原始性和兼容性。  相似文献   

Understanding the influences upon curriculum formation is an ongoing challenge for adult educators. This discussion describes one approach to curriculum analysis—the aspirational myth—based on the notion that instructors and learners co‐construct an idealized identity representing the end point of learning. The aspirational myth is described with reference to an empirical case study of a training programme, and implications for teaching and research discussed.  相似文献   

Teaching Mathematics: Ritual, Principle and Practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the criticisms of standard teaching practices is that they support merely 'ritual' as opposed to 'principled' knowledge, that is, knowledge which is procedural rather than being founded on principled explanation. This paper addresses issues and assumptions in current debate concerning the nature of mathematical knowledge, focusing on the ritual/principle distinction. Taking a discussion of centralism in logic and mathematics as its start-point, it seeks to resolve these issues through an examination of mathematics as a community of practice and the teacher's role as epistemological authority in inducting pupils into such practices.  相似文献   

"生命超越"主题的原型发端于巫术仪式中征服自然力、支配自然力的愿望,形成于神话世界中不死的神和死而复活神的记录.其核心含义在于:超越死亡.这一原型经过置换变形反复出现于世界各民族文学作品中,就形成了两个基本内涵:超越时间意义上的死亡--追求永恒;超越空间意义上的死亡--追求自由.  相似文献   

嵌入式系统开发过程中使用的语言种类很多 ,但仅有少数几种语言得到了比较广泛的应用。论文选择了Java、Ada、C/C + +、Modula -2作为讨论对象 ,对它们的发展过程、趋势和技术性能特点进行了比较。  相似文献   

生殖崇拜是人类对男女生殖器官执以宗教的崇拜与祭祀的一种文化现象,是人类最原始的信仰,也是最具特色的信仰。生殖崇拜首先体现在女性崇拜中,女性崇拜体现在各民族原始宗教信仰的各个方面。葫芦作为一种特殊的生殖符号是人类原始母性崇拜的重要遗存和祭奠,体现了人类对于葫芦与自身关系的探求和信仰,在传统文化中潜移默化地发挥着作用。从洪水神话中的葫芦形象出发,揭示以葫芦为象征的母性生殖崇拜,对于重新审视和挖掘女性崇拜的文化地位,具有不容忽视的学术意义和当代价值。  相似文献   

论述了模糊性是希腊神话故事的根本特征,认为神话故事的模糊性使故事本身和其中的神话人物具有了被多重再现和诠释的可能。作为古希腊最广为流传的神话之一的俄狄浦斯故事便是神话模糊性的典范,从俄狄浦斯故事的历史演变可以看出神话的模糊性就是神话生命力的体现。  相似文献   

为了提高育人质量,改善教学环境,高校普遍利用多媒体计算机进行课堂教学.阐述了多媒体教室授课的作用、现有多媒体教室的构建方法及运行管理与维护的方式.分析了新形式下教学对多媒体教室计算机的需求与现有管理的几个矛盾及问题产生的原因.最终,给出了运用虚拟机软件进行多媒体计算机的管理与维护的新方法.  相似文献   

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