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随着人们经济生活水平的不断增长,教育方面也在发生着很大的变化。在教育改革的促进下学校的课堂发生了不一样的改变。越来越多的教师开始在课堂中追求课堂教学的有效性。在小学数学的学习中,比较重要的就是需要学生解决问题,新的课程改革要求培养学生的创新思维。因此小学数学解决问题就需要摆脱过去固定的格式,要用多种思维多种方法来解决问题,培养学生的问题解决能力。培养好学生的问题解决能力,不仅能够使学生对知识有更牢固的掌握,而且还能够培养学生的发散性思维和创造性思维。  相似文献   

问题解决是数学教育的最终目的,是数学教育体系中的核心素养之一。学生必须在数学教育的过程中形成这样的能力,这样学生才能够适应今后的社会与发展。小学是学生奠定基础,形成基础能力的重要时期,为了确保学生能够形成这样的良好能力,教师就必须要在课堂中关注学生的主体地位,开发学生的数学学习兴趣,这是帮助学生建立问题分析、问题解决等能力的重要前提。教师应当转变教育方式,完善教学方法,将高效课堂作为目的,重点探讨解决问题思维的培养方式。本文便以问题解决为根据,讨论培养学生数学能力的具体策略。  相似文献   

李玉红 《亚太教育》2019,(12):25-25
问题解决是小学高年级数学学习中的重难点,本文基于北师大版六年级数学教材内容,对培养学生的问题解决能力做简要分析。  相似文献   

新课程背景下,小学数学教学应创新教学理念,将培养学生问题解决能力作为重要教学目标。为此,联系实际,重点围绕小学数学教学中应如何有效培养学生问题解决能力展开探究,希望能为相关教学工作的开展提供些许帮助。  相似文献   

数学是一门应用型的学科,是现代多种高科技技术和应用的底层架构。小学作为多种能力培养的初始阶段,应更加注重数学的教学,数学的学习将促使学生学会独立思考、独立解决问题。本文将呈现不同的数学教学方式,以培养小学生解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

近年来,我国为了提高教育工作水平,提出了新课程改革的政策要求,为了加强对学生综合素质的培养,更好地激发学生解决数学问题的能力,对小学数学课堂教学也有相应的要求。学生掌握良好的问题解决能力,有利于学习效果的提升,在小学数学课堂教学中怎样培养学生的问题解决能力,这是当前小学数学教学工作中数学教师要重点研究的课题。根据学生问题解决能力与数学课堂教学环境之间的关系,提出一些小学数学课堂中学生问题解决能力的培养策略。  相似文献   

问题解决,强调学生主动探索,重视学习方法的掌握,重视问题解决的过程,鼓励学生自主、合作,提高学生数学学习的兴趣,最终提高学生发现问题、提出问题、分析问题以及解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

在数学课程中最重要的是培养学生解决问题的能力,这种能力对他们以后学习和工作十分重要。本文则针对如何培养小学生解决数学问题的能力提出方法和建议,以便提高我国总体教育水平,培养出越来越多的综合性人才。  相似文献   

小学生数学水平通过解答数学题来考查,因此,小学生数学问题分析与解答能力不容忽视。小学数学问题解决能力包含数学题阅读与分析能力、数学发散思维、数学运算过程检查能力。文章在分析了小学数学问题解决能力的组成后,讨论了小学生数学题阅读与分析能力、数学发散思维、数学运算过程检查能力的培养途径,希望对小学数学教学有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

众所周知,小学是学生学习的起点,数学作为该阶段的主要课程,教师在教学活动开展中,不但要引导学生扎实地掌握基础的数学知识,还要培养学生的问题解决能力,借此促进学生的有效发展。在此立足高年级小学数学教学活动的开展,就如何培养学生的问题解决能力进行详细说明。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the antecedents and consequences of epistemic and activity emotions in the context of complex mathematics problem solving. Seventy-nine elementary students from the fifth grade participated. Students self-reported their perceptions of control and value specific to mathematics problem solving, and were given a complex mathematics problem to solve over a period of several days. At specific time intervals during problem solving, students reported their epistemic and activity emotions. To capture self-regulatory processes, students thought out loud as they solved the problem. Path analyses revealed that both perceived control and value served as important antecedents to the epistemic and activity emotions students experienced during problem solving. Epistemic and activity emotions also predicted the types of processing strategies students used across three phases of self-regulated learning during problem solving. Finally, shallow and deep processing cognitive and metacognitive strategies positively predicted problem-solving performance. Theoretical and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2002,12(2):233-262
The performance of a group of grade 9 mathematics students trained to use a self-explanation procedure during study of a new theorem in geometry was compared with that of students who used their usual study procedures. The processing activities used by the students during the study session and those used in a subsequent problem-solving test were observed. The focus of analysis on both occasions was on the knowledge access, knowledge generation, management and elaboration activities used by students. The self-explanation group showed more frequent use of each type of activity and also obtained higher scores on the problem-solving test. The difference in post-test performance of the groups was greatest on a set of far-transfer items. These items required the students to extend their use of the newly learned theorem to problem types that were substantially different from those presented in the original study material. Of particular note was the carryover effect of self-explanation training to students' processing in the subsequent problem-solving session. The relationships among the processing activities, students' beliefs, prior knowledge and post-test performance were examined using a partial least-squares path analysis procedure. Use of the self-explanation method had an indirect effect on performance, this effect being mediated by associated knowledge access and knowledge generation activity. There was no direct effect of method on performance. The strongest predictor of performance was the level of knowledge generation activity during which students showed evidence of making novel connections, either within the newly presented study material or between parts of that material and their existing geometry knowledge. In the final path model derived from the analysis of student performance, the students' prior knowledge measure had both a weak direct on their problem-solving performance and an effect on that performance that was mediated by relationships with the knowledge access and knowledge generation variables in the model.  相似文献   

化归思想是一种非常重要的数学思想。它通常把待解决的问题通过一定的转化 ,归结到已经解决或比较容易解决的问题 ,从而最终使原问题得到解决。本文通过实例从几个方面谈谈化归思想在解题中的运用。1 有些问题与某个基本结论相似 ,但又不完全具备基本结论的条件 ,这时可通过各种手段 ,把问题化归到具备基本结论的条件 ,再运用基本结论使原问题得到解决问题 1 求函数 y =x3 x- 3的值域。简析 利用“算术平均值不小于几何平均值”这一定理 ,容易得到如下基本结论 :对于任意正数M ,有M M- 1≥ 2。注意到问题 1中x可正可负 ,不具备上…  相似文献   

在数学的发展过程中,对数学成果本身的收集、分析与说明较为重视,发表了许多论著,但对数学思想方法的考察与研究却有所忽略.这在一定程度上影响了数学方法的取得和数学人才的培养.因此,必须对数学思想方法的研究对象及内容等进行深入思考.本文主要讨论了中学数学所涉及的方程思想,首先对数学思想方法的含义进行了解释,引出方程思想并进行阐述;其次举例说明了方程思想在代数、几何和概率三方面的应用;最后总结应用方程思想的关键.  相似文献   

It is the purpose of this article to report upon the early stages of a research project in Mathematical Education, currently in progress at the Polytechnic of the South Bank, London. The project, supported by funds from the Social Science Research Council, is entitled, The Skills and Procedures of Mathematical Problem Solving in pupils of 9–13 years (S.P.M.P.S.) The article explores the background to the need for such a project, both from a mathematical and from a pedagogic point of view.  相似文献   

本回眸数学问题解决的历史,对一些关键性的论题作了探讨,并提出的展望,期待为我国数学创新教育提供参考。  相似文献   

关于学习策略与学生的自主性学习   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
有关学习策略的研究是当今教学心理学中的一个新的研究领域。在分析学习策略的涵义、层次结构的基础上,探讨了学习策略与学会学习的相关问题,并就如何运用教学策略促进学生的自主性学习提出了看法。  相似文献   

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