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南非1969年颁布《国家文化促进法案》,该法案历经2次修改,于1983年被《文化促进法案》替代。迄今为止,《文化促进法案》又历经3次修改,并受到了其他文化法律的影响。《文化促进法案》与《国家文化促进法案》在文化范围、培育对象、实施主体上均有明显不同。《文化促进法案》立法目的是促进南非文化的保存、发展、培养和拓广,主要在国家和省两个层面上实施。在省层面上,以西开普省为例,文化促进活动主要是通过制定《西开普文化委员会和文化组织法案》、设立西开普文化委员会、开展文化促进活动等加以实现。  相似文献   

美国《儿童网络保护法案》事件与《爱国者法案》事件是关于国家立法影响图书馆权利的典型案例。这两个案例涉及了自由平等利用图书馆的权利与用户隐私权及智识自由,同时体现了美国图书馆员的职业道德与职业精神,为我国图书馆界提供了借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

Abstract In the early 1990s, Colombia developed a highly sophisticated constitutional and judicial framework. The Constitution of 1991 offers two sets of principles: First, the rights granted to minority groups so they might guide their lives according to their traditions and the recognition of the multicultural character of the nation. Second, the values of unity and sovereignty and universal human dignity, the minimum denominator that unites the Colombian people. In the context of a multicultural nation, what is the role of museums in supporting demands of minorities and disenfranchised groups? This paper looks at the issue of differentiated rights for Afro‐descendents through analysis of Wakes and Live Saints among Black, Afro‐Colombian, Maroon and Islander Communities at the National Museum of Colombia (2008). This exhibition was chosen because Afro‐Colombian activists and scholars have strongly demanded that the National Museum respond to claims of historical reparation.  相似文献   

澳大利亚国家图书馆与国家图书馆法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍澳大利亚国家图书馆近年发展概况以及国家图书馆立法情况,以期对我国图书馆专门法的制定提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Since the devolution of political authority was introduced to Wales, the museums and culture sector has been increasingly influenced by the political sector. One aspect of the culture sector to become a focus for Welsh politicians has been the idea of establishing a National Gallery for Wales. This has increased pressure on the National Museum Wales, the body which would be responsible for creating a National Gallery, to revisit its approach to the display of national art collections and associated narratives. However, in an effort to create something resembling a National Gallery, has National Museum Wales ultimately fallen short in achieving wider goals of developing a Welsh narrative through the nation's art holdings? This paper explores how effective the National Museum has been in exploring national narratives through its displays, by focusing on audience engagement with exhibitions. A visitor study, conducted between 2012 and 2014, explored the way in which visitors engaged with works of art that might be classified as being “Welsh.” Following this three year period, it became clear that visitors were not viewing Welsh art work as a viewing priority, and tended to not enter the one exhibition area to present a strong Welsh narrative connected to the display of art. In a context where visitors appear to systematically disengage with a national narrative—a narrative seen to be a priority by Welsh politicians and the museum hierarchy—why is this failure occurring? How might it be confronted? And ultimately does, or should, this emphasis matter in the first place?  相似文献   


Librarians with an interest in electronic reserves were, for the most part, disappointed by The Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act). The Act provided classroom instructors with relatively clear guidelines as how they could use copyrighted materials online classes without violating the law. Mention of libraries, however, was conspicuously absent and the Act offered no direct guidance for what sort of library materials could be placed on the Internet. The guidance it offers though is more indirect. It gives some sense of how the legislative branch views the rights and responsibilities of educators in the use of online materials. It will offer guidance to the judiciary when, inevitably, a copyright dispute involving electronic reserves ever goes to court. It is important that librarians understand the TEACH Act and what it meansto education.  相似文献   

The National Library of Medicine Extramural Program, utilizing the authorities of the Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965 and the Public Health Service Act, includes support for library construction, improving and expanding basic library resources, research and development, man-power development, publications, and support for the operation of regional health sciences libraries.The program objectives relating to these various activities have been outlined. A $4,000,000 supplement has been appropriated by the Congress for fiscal year 1966 to implement the authorities of the Act. With the construction provision available in fiscal year 1967, over $13,000,000 has been requested for the second year of the program. The Medical Library Assistance Act is intended to catalyze and stimulate expanded support of medical libraries by their host institutions. Bold and imaginative plans by the medical library community are essential to the full success of the endeavor.  相似文献   

The Federal Register Act statutorily mandated an official gazette for the Federal Government to provide better accountability for administrative regulations, rules, and orders, and greater transparency in the creation of such law. The later establishment of the Code of Federal Regulations and the enactment of the Administrative Procedure Act added enhancement and incentives to the original act. The National Archives and Record Administration recently celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of this publication. The overview of the origins, development, and legacy of the Federal Register provided here was prepared as a background text for an invited lecture by the author at National Archives headquarters marking the creation of the Register and its heritage.  相似文献   

Excerpts from “Employment Outlook in Radio and Television Broadcasting Occupations,”; a 16‐page reprint extracted from the Occupational Outlook Handbook, 7957 Edition, of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, pp. 554–64. The reprint was issued as the Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 1215, 1958, and is available upon request from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   


This article is an examination of electronic privacy, specifically as it relates to e‐mail and related communication issues in the computer environment. Since the passage of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (U.S. C. 18, §§ 2510–2711), there have been questions raised as to whether the Act goes far enough in protecting privacy.

The article attempts to clarify the status of e‐mail privacy under the ECPA. It examines current law and the paucity of definitive case law that until now has left the ECPA untested. A review of cases and literature suggests there is a gap in the existing ECPA that allows for potentially abusive electronic monitoring and interception of e‐mail, particularly in the workplace. “Electronic Mail, Privacy, and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986: Technology in Search of Law.”;  相似文献   

The paper considers the unique conditions that describe the National Museum of the Saharawi People, its relationship with visitors and its representation of the rights of residents of the refugee camp where it is located. In 1998, a National Museum of the Saharawi People was created in one of the several Saharawi refugee camps established in Eastern Algeria in the mid‐1970s. The museum was designed to provide knowledge about the cultures of the Western Sahara and to disseminate information about the challenges faced in the Saharawi territory. In 2006, a new curatorial investment was made and new exhibits mounted following a devastating flood that destroyed a substantial portion of the museum. In 2013 the Museum was remodelled. This case study undertaken after the 2013 reinstallation explored comments in the visitor books to understand how the museum contributed to cultural heritage, participated in the process of social cohesion, and supported the political struggle of a people demanding their right to self‐determination after decades of exclusion as residents in a refugee camp.  相似文献   

丹麦公共图书馆   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨翠英 《图书情报工作》2006,50(12):142-144
介绍丹麦公共图书馆,如何以国家图书馆法案为保障,通过庞大的网络系统、现代化的科学管理、以人为本的服务理念,为创建和发展信息型社会、知识型社会以及和谐型社会提供其强有力支持和保证的具体措施。认为丹麦公共图书馆的立法情况、数量分布情况、管理和服务的细节等也对其他国家创建和发展公共图书馆有一定的借鉴意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

In response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the USA PATRIOT Act greatly expanded the ability of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to use National Security Letters (NSLs) in investigations and the contexts in which they could be used by relaxing the standards under which NSLs could be employed. NSLs allow investigators to acquire a significant amount of information about the subject of an investigation, and the range and frequency of uses of NSLs has risen dramatically since the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act. An outstanding question with NSLs is whether they are being used in a manner that violates the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution. This article explores the relationships between NSLs, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the Constitution. The paper reviews the legislative history of NSLs, synthesizes the First and Fourth Amendment issues and key judicial decisions related to NSLs, and analyzes the extent to which the USA PATRIOT Act Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 adequately addresses challenges to the constitutionality of NSLs. The paper concludes with an examination of NSLs within the greater information policy context in the United States, as the expanded usage of NSLs—even if entirely constitutional—raises the possibility of chilling the freedom of expression.  相似文献   

The Medical Library Resource Grant Program of the National Library of Medicine is reviewed as it was administered under the Medical Library Assistance Act and as it is now administered under the Medical Library Extension Act of 1970, and program objectives are discussed. The "project" concept and the "general support" approach for library assistance are considered, as is the relationship of the Regional Medical Library Program. In the context of the evolving Biomedical Communications Network, recommendations are made for improving the effectiveness of the grant program through coordinated efforts of intermediary libraries.  相似文献   

The straw that broke the camel's back of the Radio Act of 1912 with respect to broadcasting was the Zenith‐WJAZ case and the “chaos” that followed the overturning of the regulatory agency's authority by the court. This chaos, in the form of interference from stations frantically searching for a clear frequency, led to the greatly strengthened Radio Act of 1927 and to the present Communications Act of 1934. Marvin R. Bensman is assistant professor in the Department of Speech and Drama of Memphis State University, and earned his Ph.D. in 1969 from the University of Wisconsin.  相似文献   

This study provides an experimental test for the conclusions of the Allen and Preiss (1997) meta‐analysis that statistical evidence is more persuasive than narrative evidence. This investigation extends that finding to consider the case where a message combines statistical and narrative evidence to determine if a combination of evidence is more effective than a single form of support. This investigation using 15 messages and 1,270 participants finds that a message combining narrative and statistical evidence is more persuasive than a message using either narrative or statistical evidence alone.  相似文献   

Abstract Under the Human Rights Act, the Human Rights Commission is responsible for education and advocacy about human rights in New Zealand. In order to reach more people and ensure human rights education is ongoing, the commission initiated a human rights community development approach, creating the Taku Manawa (My Human Rights) program. Representatives from key community organizations were selected for a regional pilot program. These representatives were then trained in the knowledge and ability needed to undertake human rights advocacy and implement this advocacy in their communities. This paper explains how the Waikato Museum was first identified as a key community organization or a “human rights museum.” Exploring the relationship with the Human Rights Commission and leaders from local and national community organizations, this paper also examines how Taku Manawa has encouraged positive social change and greater awareness of human rights issues through the Waikato Museum’s community events, public programming, and exhibition planning.  相似文献   

Conclusion For publishers or authors’ estates holding rights to 2003 Works or Post-2003 Works, time is running short. The Copyright Act provides an opportunity to extend the copyright in these works, but the deadline for doing so is neither flexible nor far distant, and copyright owners who fail to take advantage of this opportunity will not likely get a second chance.  相似文献   

Abstract EGO‐TRAP is a cellphone‐facilitated interactive narrative game created at the Experimentarium in Copenhagen. Designed to support scientific literacy among students from upper secondary schools, the project is part of a reform that has increased focus on educational methods and alternative learning resources in Denmark since 2005, and that explores the educational potential of museums and science centers outside formal school settings. EGO‐TRAP can be called a “digital narrative” or Augmented Reality (AR)—a digital extension of a physical setting.  相似文献   

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