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This paper provides an overview of the ongoing controversy pertaining to the issuance of presidential signing statements, with a focus on the constitutional basis for, and historical usage of, these instruments. In addition to evaluating the nature and substance of signing statements that have been issued by presidents since the Reagan Administration, this review will address the issue of judicial reliance on signing statements in statutory interpretation, as well as the potential for signing statements to alter the balance of power between Congress and the executive branch. The ultimate goal of this review is to illustrate that the current political controversy surrounding the signing statement as a presidential instrument is almost entirely misplaced and has largely drawn attention away from substantive consideration of the expansive view of executive authority that characterizes the signing statements of President George W. Bush.  相似文献   

Continual changes in information technologies over the past three decades have wrought substantial changes in library services and in information-seeking behavior among the general public. Thus the necessity for libraries to utilize the internet to communicate with stakeholders is even more important for academic libraries, as the rate of internet usage among those with college degrees continues to outpace that of the general population. The online availability of a well-crafted mission statement is therefore crucial. This analysis of the web sites of 113 ARL academic libraries—an update of Kuchi's (2006) study—considers the inclusion (availability) and placement (accessibility) of mission statements on library web sites and provides insights into the academic library's use of such statements for communicating mission and purpose to different stakeholders.  相似文献   

港澳台高校图书馆网站用户隐私政策的显示方式和表现形式不尽一致。港澳台高校图书馆网站隐私政策的制定皆有法可依,隐私政策的内容包括个人资料的采集、使用和安全声明,用户和图书馆的权利,以及免责声明。隐私政策在实践中有得有失,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   


This study examines the search tactics used by Web users to start their searches and deal with search problems such as too many postings and no relevant postings. Four search topics were developed to allow for comparison of search tactics used in four types of searches. The tactics analyzed include search statements, number of search statements, starting points, and tactics to solve the two search problems mentioned above. Search statements were searched in Alta Vista to determine their success and their nature was analyzed. With regard to the tactics used to address search problems, t-tests and chi-square tests found no difference between searches for texts and searches for graphic information, and between known-item searches and subject searches. Some of Web users' search tactics were similar to those for online searching or online catalog searches, but several tactics were unique to Web searching.  相似文献   

Various studies show that the display of a privacy statement on an organization's website can be a potent, but simple way of acquiring clients' and users' trust, which results in the completion of transactions with the organization through its website. Empirical studies that analyze the contents of privacy statements on commercial websites are profuse, while privacy statements posted on the websites of non-commercial organizations have been largely ignored by researchers. In this study, the contents of privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites are analyzed. Using the important provisions of the Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (WBP) or the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act, the study also looked into the conformity of the contents of privacy statements with the existing law on privacy protection in the Netherlands. We also looked into the availability and findability of privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites. Three important findings resulted from this study: first, not all municipal websites bother to post privacy statements on their websites; second, most municipalities do not ensure that their online privacy statements are findable; and third, privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites emphasize diverging assurances and promises—with some privacy policies containing all the important provisions of the WBP, and others offering only general, and sometimes rather vague, guarantees.  相似文献   

The exchange of information and of member preferences are two different avenues for social influence during group discussion with potentially differing implications. The goal of the study was to evaluate the impact of three factors proposed to influence the relative proportion of preference and reason statements during group problem-solving discussion. As hypothesized, groups beginning in consensus discussed relatively more preferences than groups beginning in disagreement. Contrary to expectation, judgmental and intellective tasks did not differ in proportions of preference and reason statements. Opposite of prediction, the opportunity to form a pre-discussion preference resulted in a smaller proportion of preference statements than the absence of this opportunity.  相似文献   

美国馆藏说明标准有近40年的历史,已较为成熟且修订经验丰富,其发展历经了新旧标准的更迭、两个标准的统一、标准的多次修订及再确认的复杂而漫长的过程。本文以美国馆藏说明标准原始文本为基础,结合翻译过程中的扩展研究与思考,从美国馆藏说明标准的发展历史、主要内容和特点、与其他标准之间的关系及数据项和数据元四个方面进行系统的梳理与分析,以期为我国馆藏说明标准的完善提供有益参考。  相似文献   

This study examined academic library employees' experiences during “strengths education,” a process of learning about individual strengths during a positive psychology intervention. Participants took the Clifton StrengthsFinder test, attended a workshop, and then were interviewed about what they considered to be the effects of the strengths training. The focus of the qualitative analysis was the interviewees' statements about the intrapersonal and interpersonal effects of learning about their strengths. We categorized and coded these statements as cognitions formed, emotions experienced, and applications envisioned. Our findings raise interesting implications for job satisfaction and employee self-esteem, especially during times of change.  相似文献   

杨珠 《编辑学报》2017,29(6):544-546
在中国知网上检索2006-2015年工程类期刊有关自身更正声明的文献,分析我国期刊更正声明的现状:数量逐年增多,但是与国际期刊相比,差距尚较大;各个期刊更正声明的撰写各有其特色,但部分期刊的更正声明不规范;更正被检索与被利用的程度较低.建议:期刊应增强更正的理念;从题名、关键词以及期刊数据库等方面提高更正的可检索性;在题名、正文和落款上规范更正声明的撰写.  相似文献   

陈利 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(4):169-171,174
通过对CALLS联合目录西文丛编规范标目的整理,详细分析了CALLS联合目录西文书目数据丛编著录中存在的质量问题,并提出了正确著录的方法和改进西文图书丛编著录质量的措施。  相似文献   

The first step in journalistic fact-checking of political discourse is identifying whether statements contain “checkable facts” (i.e., not opinions). This randomized controlled experiment investigated how different demographic factors (age, gender, education, profession, and political affiliation) are associated with the ability to discern if statements contained checkable or noncheckable facts, as well as what impact training in identifying checkable facts can have on overall outcomes. A total of 3,357 participants identified checkable and noncheckable statements from a fictional political speech extract containing eight statements. Overall, participants were able to correctly identify an average of 69% of statements. Specific demographic factors (being male, young, and university educated) were positively associated with increased performance as well as working in professions that commonly analyze data, such as research. Participating in a short training session significantly increased participants’ performance. Initial political affiliation slightly reduces the ability to assess whether statements made by named politicians contained checkable facts.  相似文献   

杨珠 《编辑学报》2019,31(4):377-380, 385
以中国知网的撤销论文声明为样本,调查我国当前撤销论文的主体构成,并与国外的撤销声明主体进行对比,分析我国撤销论文声明的特征。调查表明:截至2018年12月,中国知网撤销论文声明的主体为:编辑部64%,作者13%,无署名11%,编委会9%,其他3%。撤销的多为学术不端论文,撤销主体以期刊方为主;作者、作者机构、社会团体等其他主体在撤销论文中的作用还急需增强。提高各个主体的参与度,并建立撤销论文制度,将促进我国论文撤销的合理开展。  相似文献   

中国科协科技期刊数字出版版权问题调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
问卷调查结果显示,2011年中国科协所属1 050种科技期刊中有64.3%与作者签订了书面的《版权转让协议》。对从期刊自建网站上下载的265份中文版《版权转让协议》的分析结果表明,有关"信息网络传播权"的条款表述的准确率较低,许多协议书中缺少有关"信息网络传播权"的许可使用代理权条款和支付"信息网络传播权"报酬的条款。  相似文献   

美国图书馆协会伦理规范及其他   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要介绍了美国图书馆协会的伦理规范,美国图书馆人权法案及阅读自由三项声明。另外讨论了在纽约公共图书馆内部伦理政策中所列举的八个例子。在结论部分,作者从三个声明中筛取了其中的核心价值。这些核心价值是将图馆服务推向更高层次的必要装备。  相似文献   

This study applied the Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse to 118 political advertisements (television spots, newspaper ads, direct mail, and WWW pages) from 1998. Acclaims (self‐praise; positive statements) were the most common function (84%), followed by attacks (criticism, negative statements; 15%). Defenses (refutation of attacks) were relatively infrequent (1%). There were some differences by medium (WWW pages had the most acclaims, while television spots had the most attacks; no defenses occurred on WWW pages or in direct mail) but these functions are consistent both across media and with prior research on presidential campaign advertising. Incumbents produced more acclaims than challengers, who attacked more than incumbents. Finally, policy utterances were more common than character utterances in all media but www pages. The overall consistency in Junctions and topics across media and across levels of campaigns (presidential and non‐presidential) strongly suggests the existence of important situational influences on political campaign advertising. These findings can be useful for practitioners, theorists, and critics of campaign discourse.  相似文献   

按需出版是一种新型的出版理念与出版方式。文章研究了按需出版的具体运作、实施的具体模式,分析了目前存在的问题,指出了进一步发展按需出版的策略。  相似文献   

Though seldom read or consulted, privacy statements are often the only means for users to know how their personal data will be used by collecting organizations. While the length and the legalistic nature of most privacy statements are often blamed for people's reluctance to consult such documents, studies on the factors that influence users' intention to read privacy statements are still non-existent. For this survey, respondents from the Netherlands were presented with the situation of registering a child for a basic school through their municipalities' websites. The scenario was selected since it was assumed that it would be one that would require a significant amount of personal data from registrants, and not just the usual contact information. Results of the conducted online survey reveal that although not all users consult a privacy statement on a municipal website before they would disclose personal data, the availability and the ease of finding them on a municipal website strongly contribute to users' belief that a municipality can be trusted with their personal data whenever they are shared for a particular online transaction. This study also shows that users' perceptions of the risks involved in the online disclosure of their personal data influenced their intention to read online privacy statements on municipal websites. Older users were also more likely to consult privacy statements than their younger counterparts, while those with lower levels of education and internet experience expressed a higher tendency to read such online documents than those with higher levels of education and internet experience.  相似文献   

U.S. federal websites are required to be accessible for people with impairments. However, despite the existing regulations and guidelines, many federal websites continue to be inaccessible, and accessibility policy statements available on federal websites often do not provide any useful information. This paper provides three contributions to the research literature: (1) an accessibility evaluation of 100 federal home pages using both human and automated methods, (2) a content analysis of existing website accessibility policy statements, and (3) a discussion of the relationship between actual Section 508 compliance and the existing accessibility policy statements on a website. The paper concludes with recommendations for improving policy related to Section 508 compliance for websites.  相似文献   



Based on the authors'' shared interest in the interprofessional challenges surrounding health information management, this study explores the degree to which librarians, informatics professionals, and core health professionals in medicine, nursing, and public health share common ethical behavior norms grounded in moral principles.


Using the “Principlism” framework from a widely cited textbook of biomedical ethics, the authors analyze the statements in the ethical codes for associations of librarians (Medical Library Association [MLA], American Library Association, and Special Libraries Association), informatics professionals (American Medical Informatics Association [AMIA] and American Health Information Management Association), and core health professionals (American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, and American Public Health Association). This analysis focuses on whether and how the statements in these eight codes specify core moral norms (Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-Maleficence, and Justice), core behavioral norms (Veracity, Privacy, Confidentiality, and Fidelity), and other norms that are empirically derived from the code statements.


These eight ethical codes share a large number of common behavioral norms based most frequently on the principle of Beneficence, then on Autonomy and Justice, but rarely on Non-Maleficence. The MLA and AMIA codes share the largest number of common behavioral norms, and these two associations also share many norms with the other six associations.


The shared core of behavioral norms among these professions, all grounded in core moral principles, point to many opportunities for building effective interprofessional communication and collaboration regarding the development, management, and use of health information resources and technologies.  相似文献   

Some academic libraries use service philosophy statements to strengthen the quality of their service culture. A service philosophy statement communicates directly to users what they can—and should—expect from the library. This article describes a study in which the authors applied qualitative content analysis to service philosophy statements. The objective was to examine the form and content of these statements and identify themes, trends, and ideas in order to determine how and what they communicate about a library’s commitment to service. The results of the study found that statements in the sample varied significantly in strength and purpose.  相似文献   

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