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学习的目的具有三个层次,即功利性、道德性和人格性。功利性的学习直接注重学习所产生的利益,即主要注重学习内容的可用性。道德水平的学习超越学习的功利性,学习不全是为了满足人的做事的需要,而是从更高的社会需要的层面上去完善自己,让自己成为可以被社会接纳的人。人格性的学习是学习的最高目的,学习者努力追求自身的完善,成为一个人格完美的人。  相似文献   

Conflicting research results have stirred controversy over the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) compared to direct instruction at fostering content learning, particularly for novices. We addressed this by investigating effectiveness with respect to recognition learning and transfer and conducting an aptitude-treatment interaction analysis. We also examined how students' goal orientations may moderate learning in PBL and lecture/discussion environments. Participants included 197 preservice teachers in an undergraduate educational psychology course. Controlling for GPA, students in the PBL condition performed significantly better than students in the lecture/discussion condition on a transfer measure (p <.001, partial η2 =.271) and equally on a recognition learning measure (p =.530). We also found an aptitude-treatment interaction for recognition learning (p =.012, partial η2 =.034) but not transfer (p =.088). Results of goal orientation on learning outcomes were inconclusive.  相似文献   

计算机对数学学习活动的三种支持水平   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
计算机对数学学习活动的支持存在3种水平:静态演示工具水平、动态演示工具水平以及数学实验工具水平.数学实验工具水平最有利于学生主体性的发挥和探究学习精神在数学课堂中的渗透,是运用计算机辅助数学课堂教学的重点.在教学中,计算机的应用需要达到哪种水平,由这个知识点本身以及学情、师情决定,教师应灵活安排.  相似文献   

This study examined how goal orientation and interest together affected students' use of learning strategies. Ninety-three Grade 11 students participated in this study. This study was a 2 × 2 between-groups factorial using a post-test-only control group design. There were two independent variables, Goal orientation and Interest. There were three dependent variables: Total Main Ideas, Use of Other Cognitive Strategies, and Metacognition. There were significant main effects for Interest and Goal Orientation on the main-idea selection measure: high-interest students selected more main ideas than low-interest students, and rewarded students outperformed learning goal-oriented students. There was a main effect for Interest on Metacognition: high-interest students reported using more metacognitive strategies than low-interest students. Interpretation of these results is discussed from a theoretical perspective and practical applications are offered as well.  相似文献   

采用目标定向理论,以问卷调查的方法考察了数学课中的目标定向对大学生的学习动机和学业成绩的影响.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate students’ perceptions of classroom interaction and goal orientation in association with academic achievement, school non-attendance, and disobedience among students in lower-secondary schools. The sample contained 1975 students from grades 8–10 (age 14–16) in 11 Norwegian lower-secondary schools. The results generally supported the theoretical model in which classroom interaction is significantly associated with goal orientation, which in turn is associated with academic achievement, school non-attendance, and disobedience. However, some grade-specific relations were observed.  相似文献   

以456名3-9年级听障学生为被试,采用问卷调查法考察了听障学生学习投入现状以及学习投入与成就目标定向、学业自我效能感之间的关系.结果发现,绝大多数听障学生学习投入状况较好;学业自我效能感在成绩趋近目标和学习投入关系之间发挥完全中介作用,在掌握回避目标和学习投入关系之间发挥部分中介作用,在成绩回避目标和学习投入关系之间...  相似文献   

人的全面发展是现代教学目标的价值取向,它的理论依据是马克思的人的全面发展学说。它的基本内容包括德智体美劳全面发展,个性充分、自由的发展以及创新精神和实践能力的培养。通过发展科技教育事业,推进素质教育,树立终身学习观、个性教育观以及与生产劳动相结合等途径保证这一现代教学目标的实现。  相似文献   

In 1957, Van Hiele published his study on levels in learning mathematics. In this article we present an elaboration of the theory on levels in learning and an illustration of this theory based on empirical results. We distinguish between three levels: The first is the formation of an image out of a range of familiar examples or experiences. Second, on the basis of the image a schema can be built, which includes all kinds of interrelated details. Third, a theory can be developed with basic assumptions, definitions, and logical inferences. Before entering the next level, the learner should be sufficiently experienced on the actual level. It is shown that the theory on levels in learning can be integrated with other learning principles, such as notions from constructivism.  相似文献   

中学生考试焦虑与成就目标、学习策略及学业成绩的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
问卷调查与研究显示:中学生的考试焦虑在性别、年级和学校类型上均无显著性差异,且普遍存在中度以上焦虑;重度考试焦虑对学业成绩有显著削弱作用;学生的成就目标定向和自我调节学习策略对其考试焦虑的干预具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目标定向理论在篮球教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对浙江省部分高校篮球专选大一、大二410名男、女学生的任务定向和自我定向进行2个月的测试,结果表明:篮球专选的大学生在专选课过程中任务定向均值较高,而自我定向均值较低,但大二学生的自我定向比大一要高,而大二学生的任务定向比大一学生的要低。造成此现象的主要原因是:现代大学生对篮球运动项目理解有差距,对自己身体能力了解不够,盲目追求分数,体育专选项目的评分标准不规范。  相似文献   

高校办学定位的目标选择是高校发展中不可回避的问题.文章从定位理论的基本范畴入手分析了我国高等学校定位中出现的问题,并在此基础上系统地提出了高等学校在定位的目标选择上可以采取的策略.  相似文献   

21世纪我国教育的发展对中学骨干教师的培养工作提出了新的更高的要求。笔者通过调查研究认为,其培养工作的目标应该是:为建设支持教育发展所需的一支高素质的中学教师队伍而培养一大批学科、层次、年龄、学历与职称结构都比较合理的高水平的中学骨干教师。  相似文献   

当前高职教育存在功利主义和工具主义倾向,过分强调以市场与就业为导向,忽视了职业人的可持续性发展,这已经成为职业教育的一种"近视症"。正确解读高职教育培养目标定位的内涵,注重培养学生的人文素养,让学生树立终身学习的态度,把理论知识的拓展、技能的提高和工作身份的提高整合起来,同时对未来的职业生涯进行思考,才能切实培养出"高素质、技能型"人才。  相似文献   

新建地方高校的目标定位与实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李振峰 《教师教育研究》2006,18(2):18-22,32
高校扩招以来的新建地方高校,存在着对自己所处的位置认识不清、定位不准、忽视自身优势、贪大、求全、追高的倾向,影响了学校的健康发展。其目标定位要坚持能级原理,确定自身服务类型;立足现实,面向市场,找准服务切入点;坚持多样性与突出特色相结合三大原则。日标的实施要注重突出教学中心,调动教师积极性,办出特色,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

The Contributions and Prospects of Goal Orientation Theory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the last two decades, goal orientation theory has become an important perspective in the field of achievement motivation, and particularly in academic motivation. However, as research in the theory has proliferated, the use of multiple methods to assess goal orientations seems to have contributed to theoretical vagueness, especially with regard to the origin, development, and stability of these orientations. This review article starts with a critique of methods used in goal orientation research. The article then suggests six possible theoretical models of goal orientations that seem to be suggested by the literature, including the perspectives of goal orientations as emerging from: situation-schemas, self-schemas, self-prime, needs, values, and situated meaning-making processes. The article concludes with pointing to convergent findings, implications for practice, and persisting as well as emerging issues for future research.
Avi KaplanEmail:

终身学习目的论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在信息时代和终身教育的社会背景下,学习成为人类的生存之道,从而要求对学习的根本目的予以重新审视。终身学习应当超越学会认知、学会做事、学会共同生活、学会生存这些基本的目标,其终极目的应当致力于通过贯穿一生的学习来获得个体生存与发展的自由,包括认知的自由、行动的自由、做事的自由、生活的自由、做人的自由。在学得自由的同时,也要学会承担责任与义务,把学习作为生存的方式贯穿一生,并获取终身学习的自由。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of personality traits, goal orientation and self-efficacy on high school teachers’ participation in learning activities in the workplace (i.e. experimentation, informal interaction with colleagues, self-regulation and avoidance behaviour). A convenience sample of 95 teachers from six high schools in Flanders (Belgium) participated in this exploratory study. They completed a questionnaire consisting of different instruments to map their personality (NEO-FFI), goal orientation (adaptation of Achievement Goal Questionnaire), self-efficacy (Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale) and participation in learning activities (adaptations from different scales). Results of multivariate regression analyses indicate that conscientiousness, extraversion and openness have a positive effect on teachers’ participation in learning activities in the workplace. However, learning orientation and self-efficacy are found to be better predictors for participation in experimentation, informal interaction and selfregulation. Analysis using structural equation modeling reveals an indirect relationship between extraversion and self-regulation, mediated by self-efficacy. Learning orientation mediates the impact of conscientiousness on informal interaction. As teachers’ goal orientation and self-efficacy can be influenced, school policy makers should reflect upon ways on how teachers’ goal orientation and self-efficacy can further be enhanced.  相似文献   

研究考察新课程改革对高中生成就目标定向和学习策略的影响,结果发现除掌握目标定向外,新课程改革对成就目标定向均有显著影响;在预习策略、复习策略和精加工策略方面,新课程改革提高了学生学习策略的有效性;性别对高中生的成就目标定向和学习策略有显著影响,女生的成就目标定向和学习策略要优于男生;成就目标定向和学习策略相关显著。  相似文献   

成就目标定向理论及其教育启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
成就目标定向理论是近年来动机领域研究的热点问题之一,Dweek(1978)在一项关于小学生对待学业任务失败的研究中,提出成就目标定向(achievementgoalorientation)的两种方式:学习目标定向(learninggoalorientation)与成绩目标定向(performancegoalorientation)。这一新的范式改变了早期研究中将认知与动机分离的局面,成为社会认知取向在动机研究领域中的前沿性课题。  相似文献   

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