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Why do some students avoid seeking help in the classroom when they need it? When students do not seek the help they need, they put themselves at a disadvantage for learning. We discuss how students' personal motivational characteristics relate to their avoidance of help seeking. In particular, we discuss our work regarding perceived academic and social competence and achievement- and social-goal orientations. We also discuss how various dimensions of the classroom context relate to help avoidance. Specifically, we discuss rules and norms of classrooms as well as our work examining the achievement goal structure and social climate of classrooms. We conclude by discussing how new developments in achievement goal theory distinguishing between approach- and avoidance-goal orientations might add to psychologists' understanding of help avoidance. We also consider how students' strivings for autonomy and different aspects of the social climate might be incorporated into theories of students' help avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

论学业求助及其培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生在遇到学业困难的时候,是消极等待,还是干脆放弃;是盲目坚持,还是适时的寻求帮助;在寻求帮助时,是希望别人完全替他解决,还是借助他人的力量以达到自己解决问题的目的,是学习策略优劣的重要表现。近年来,越来越多的教育心理学家认为,学生因在学习过程中遇到自己无法克服的困难而向他人请求帮助的行为,是一种适应性的学习策略,而非依赖性的表现,在课堂中,将他人作为一种  相似文献   

以258名大学一、二年级的学生为被试对象,对在体育教学情境下学生学业求助态度进行了研究,结果表明,自我效能,内在动机,任务定向目标等动机因素和课堂环境对学业求助态度呈显著正相关,自我效能,内在动机,任务定向目标,课堂环境对学业求助态度构成显著的回归效应,可解释学业求助态度76.3%变异。  相似文献   

个人求助作为一种私益行为尚未被纳入法律调整范围,不受《慈善法》规制。互联网的发展使个人网络求助呈现出高效、便捷、门槛低等优势的同时,也面临着网络诈捐、善款余额处置不当、信息不透明等风险,从而引发社会信任危机。基于此,需要及时采取风险防范措施,通过建立有效的信息披露制度、专门的善款管理制度和相应的追责办法,以及引导个人网络求助与慈善组织合作来降低风险,从而使个人网络求助成为公益募捐的有益补充。  相似文献   

Design and evaluation of computer-based open problem solving environments is a non-trivial task. Definition of a design framework, which involves a strong field-evaluation phase, has been the subject of the research described in this paper. This framework is based on the concept of student task modeling. Tools to support design and evaluation have been built and used in the frame of this study. The framework and the developed tools have produced promising results during the evaluation of an open problem-solving educational environment.  相似文献   

In the context of the complexity of today’s organizations, help seeking behavior is considered as an important step to problem solving and learning in organizations. Yet, help seeking has received less attention in organizational literature. To increase the potential impact of help seeking on learning, it is essential to understand which mechanisms affect help seeking. The present study questioned whether the characteristics of the relationships that employees have in the workplace are related to help seeking behavior. This study draws on a social network perspective to investigate the employees’ relationships within their professional network. In particular, the role of accessibility, awareness of expertise, trust, and hierarchy in help seeking was explored. Results indicated that the perceptions of the help provider’s expertise, accessibility and trust were positively associated with the likelihood to seek help, frequency by which help is sought, and perceived quality of the help. Moreover, employees seem more likely to seek help upward from higher status individuals and less likely downward from lower status individuals. Employees perceived the help of higher status individuals as more useful and constructive. These results highlight the importance of investing in the strength of relationships, ensuring the accessibility of expertise and fostering a work environment, in which employees trust and respect each other. Furthermore, the results suggest valuable and promising avenues for future research and practice.  相似文献   

This study examined Asian American and Asian international college students' attitudes toward seeking online professional psychological help as well as traditional face‐to‐face professional psychological help. Results suggest that students had less favorable attitudes toward seeking help online than toward seeking help by traditional face‐to‐face means. Implications for counseling center services for Asian American and Asian international college students are discussed.  相似文献   

以广西高校683名本科生为被试对象,采用问卷法考察其学业求助和学习倦怠之间的关系。结果表明:大学生执行性求助和回避求助与学习倦怠及其各维度正相关,工具性求助与学习倦怠及其各维度为负相关。进一步阶层回归分析显示,学业求助中的工具性求助行为对大学生的学习倦怠具有显著的负向预测作用,执行性求助和回避求助对大学生的学习倦怠有显著的正向预测作用。  相似文献   

解题教学是培养学生数学思维能力的重要一环,本介绍了深化解题教学的几条途径。  相似文献   

马克思主义从需要出发来认识利益的概念及其含义 ,认为利益是发展到一定阶段、足以促使人们进行社会实践的需要。需要的产生包含主观欲望和客观环境刺激两个因素 ,利益也包括了主观动机和客观物质手段两个方面。代表最广大人民的根本利益就必须做到一方面充分发挥人民的主动性、积极性和创造性 ,另一方面为人民实现自己的需要和愿望创造良好的客观条件 ,始终保证社会发展与人的发展的一致性。  相似文献   

如何引导大学新生适应高校环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何引导帮助大学新生适应新的高校环境 ,是新生思想教育的重要环节。从大学与中学的比较入手 ,找到新生的思想特点 ,有的放矢地做好大学新生的思想引导 ,将大大缩短新生们在大学的适应期 ,为整个大学时期学生的思想教育工作打下良好的基础  相似文献   

陈用芳 《南平师专学报》2001,20(3):16-20,24
马克思主义科学实践观的确立,使马克思主义哲学的思维方式成为实践论的思维方式。由于实践论思维方式合理地阐释了人与自然的辩证统一关系,在科技高度发达的今天,其真理性和价值性对于人类的生存和发展势必会产生久远的历史魅力。当今在新的历史条件下,这种思维方式的新发展体现在我们党的“实事求是”这一思想路线的确立上。  相似文献   

西部远程开放学习者的网络学习环境的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过对中国西部远程开放学习者的网络学习环境的考察和分析,指出探索具有本土化特色的网络远 程开放教育模式是西部广播电视大学所面对的一个重要的文化教育主题。  相似文献   

本文要解决机器人避障行走的最短路径和最短时间问题.主要研究了在一个区域中有12个不同形状的小区域是机器人不能与之发生碰撞的障碍物,机器人从区域中的O点出发避开各种障碍物到达最终目标点的最短路径和最短时间数学模型.我们对问题1采用初等数学中的解析几何和三角函数知识,建立基本线圆结构求路径的数学模型,分内公切线、外公切线和经过定点的动圆三种情形讨论,对动圆我们采用将圆形障碍物的半径增加r,或把切线转角用由定圆心到定点连线的夹角近似代替,都分解为基本线圆结构数学模型来求解,用穷举法结合matlab编程算出可能的走法的总路径的最小值.对问题2我们采用建立时间与行走转弯半径的数学模型,用搜索法结合matlab编程,求出最短时间.结果是:O→A的最短路径为471.0372.O→B的最短路径为858.6000.O→C的最短路径为1093.7000.O→A→B→C→O的最短路径为2783.7000.O→A的最短时间为94.5649.  相似文献   

This investigation tested the psychometric properties of the Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale-Short Form (ATSPPH-SF; Fisher and Farina [Journal of College Student Development, 36, 368–373, 1995]) in a sample of 338 Mainland Chinese college students. Using back-translation, the ATSPPH-SF was translated into simplified Chinese. Confirmatory factor analysis did not support the original one-factor model. Subsequently, exploratory factor analysis suggested a 7-item, two-factor model; however, the new factor structure yielded poor reliability coefficients, below .60. Results suggest that the help-seeking construct as operationalized by the ATSPPH-SF may not be valid for the Chinese population. The importance of designing indigenous instruments for help-seeking attitudes is discussed.  相似文献   

高校网络远程教育学习环境的调研与设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
网络远程教育学习环境是67所教育部试点高校开展网络远程教育学习活动过程中赖以持续的情况和条件,是远程学生学习的最基本、最重要的依托。本文通过问卷调查,了解了目前高校网络远程教育学习环境的现状,并对网络远程教育学习环境的设计原则、物质条件和非物质条件设计的主要内容做了详细地分析:网络学习环境的物质条件要适应远程教育的特点和规律,是一个有信息反馈、可及时监测和控制的闭合系统;非物质条件主要是人际环境,它包括教师网上指导、交互活动的设计、学习氛围的营造等。  相似文献   

微博为话语自由表达在公共领域建构方面的作用有目共睹,但由于其自身管理体制的不规范以及对公众素养要求不够到位,谣言却也时刻伴随着。谣言的恶性传播使微博的传播、沟通环境遭到严重破坏,阻碍着微博舆论平台的健康发展,甚至危及公共领域建构的进程。如何妥善规避微博传播中的谣言、不断完善微博传播平台,从微博自身管理机制以及对公众的素养要求等方面的考量,提出建立完善的事实和身份审核机制以及呼吁公众理性表达、监管部门适度引导,以期制止微博谣言传播,创造一个纯净的微博沟通环境。  相似文献   

Focus groups of 9th graders were conducted to obtain their views of preferred characteristics of school-based adults to whom they would turn for help with a personal concern and to determine their perception of barriers to seeking help from adults in their schools. Students identified several positive characteristics of adult helpers such as "nonjudgmental,' "makes self available," and "relates to teens." Barriers to seeking help included "dual roles," "psychologically inaccessible," and "too busy." Responses reflected qualities of school-based adults, conflicting adult roles, and characteristics of secondary schools that may affect help seeking. The results have implications for increasing the accessibility of school-based adults as a central protective factor for adolescents.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to develop the scale for Attitudes Toward Seeking Psychological Help (ASPH). Four dimensions of ASPH were determined by using factor analysis, which was conducted with 356 participants. The dimensions were named as confidence for getting psychological help; beliefs about the functions of psychological help; endurance against labelling, and self-disclosure. Reliability coefficient was found as satisfactory in the scale (.88) and subscales (.76, .77, .76, and .68). Test-retest reliability was .99. Validity of the scale was examined by using discriminant validity analysis and it was observed as sufficient. The results of the study showed that ASPH has an identifiable factor structure and it is a reliable and valid scale.  相似文献   

要编写出优秀教科书,需要处理好一系列复杂关系,其中最基本、最重要的是求真与求善的关系。教科书承担着传播真理、揭示谬误的重任,也担负着引领良善、鞭挞丑恶的使命,前者是求真的体现,涉及教科书的科学标准;后者是求善的体现,涉及教科书的道德伦理标准。同时达成真和善两个标准,是所有优秀教科书必备的两种品质。在理论和实践中,教科书对真与善的追求是可以达到平衡的。只是平衡并不容易,普遍的现象是相互冲突。在教科书中,善优先于真。优先善的追求,是教科书文本的教诲性的要求,是教科书文本之内容选择性和容量有限性的体现。对善的优先追求一定要高度警觉,因为这有可能带来莫大的风险:主观色彩浓,易生分歧;容易被利用,以善的名义行不善之实;容易以善抑真,弱化求真的努力;可能成为教科书枯燥灌输的理由。  相似文献   

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