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Four white character types—the pathetic dupe, the southern buffoon, the savage exploiter, and the would‐be ally—are identified in recent black American drama, and their rhetorical functions are analyzed.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):128-134
This paper provides the rationale for a systematic study of regional patterns of communication in the United States (US). Regionalism is conceptualized, regional influences on communication are examined, and their significance is established. Next, the regional development of the US is described through an account of regional history and an examination of forces that cause the decay, maintenance, and reestablishment of distinct regions. Finally, a program of regional research on US communication is proposed. Deficiencies in prior research are examined, rudimentary research efforts are considered, boundaries are described, and future research directions are provided.  相似文献   


The research attempted to clarify the “ideal newscaster” concept. Only newscaster gender contributed to a significant difference, and only on physical attraction. Findings are discussed with regard to their implications for viewers’ selective exposure to news broadcasts.  相似文献   

The limited research that has directly addressed the effects of verbal and nonverbal competencies on interviewer perception treats oral communication superficially during the employment interview process. This study was designed to test the effects of two oral communication competencies (content and vocal delivery) on evaluators' assessments of interviewees during a simulated employment interview. These data reveal that the consistency between the quality of content (what is said) and the quality of vocal delivery (how it is said) has a strong impact on evaluators' assessment of personality and evaluators' hiring preference.  相似文献   

This study investigated the amount and type of information sought during impression formation. Under conditions of either ambiguous or specific context, each subject interacted with a confederate whose background was either congruent or incongruent with the specific context. Analyses revealed de finite contextual eßects. More information, especially demographic or role information, was requested in the ambiguous context than in the specific context. Specific evaluations reflected the differences between the confederates’ background while overall evaluations did not discriminate as well. These results are interpreted as supporting a dvelopmental theory of acquaintanceship in which information seeking is integral to uncertainty reduction in interpersonal interaction.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):161-183

Perhaps the most well‐known finding in the study of interpersonal relations is that attitude similarity leads to attraction. Recent research has found that the similarity‐attraction effect is diminished after informal social interaction. The mediating effects of verbal and nonverbal behaviors in attenuating or strengthening the effects of similarity on attraction have not themselves been studied. The present experiment tests the similarity‐attraction relationship in a conversational setting while investigating the effects of kinesic and vocal behaviors as mediators. Forty dyads, with similar and different attitudes who were newly acquainted or well known to one another, participated in 30 minute, non‐directed conversations. Their conversations were videotaped and coded for several vocal and kinesic indicators of involvement. After taping, subjects filled out attraction and satisfaction measures. Analyses revealed that attitude similarity affected attraction and satisfaction, even after an intervening interaction. Attitude similarity affected posture and orientation as well as similarity in gaze and adaptors; relationship stage affected vocalizations and discrepancies between partners’ speech rate and posture behaviors. Finally, it was found that senders’ smiling, speech rate, and postural orientation explained variance in partner attraction and satisfaction beyond that due to initial attitude similarity‐dissimilarity; certain measures of behavioral similarity accounted for attraction and satisfaction outcomes, reducing the effects of attitude similarity.  相似文献   

We propose a method for performing evaluation of relevance feedback based on simulating real users. The user simulation applies a model defining the user’s relevance threshold to accept individual documents as feedback in a graded relevance environment; user’s patience to browse the initial list of retrieved documents; and his/her effort in providing the feedback. We evaluate the result by using cumulated gain-based evaluation together with freezing all documents seen by the user in order to simulate the point of view of a user who is browsing the documents during the retrieval process. We demonstrate the method by performing a simulation in the laboratory setting and present the “branching” curve sets characteristic for the presented evaluation method. Both the average and topic-by-topic results indicate that if the freezing approach is adopted, giving feedback of mixed quality makes sense for various usage scenarios even though the modeled users prefer finding especially the most relevant documents.  相似文献   

以郑州市为例,介绍了区域图书馆一体化建设中管理体制、管理系统、操作规范方面采取的具体对策和措施。  相似文献   

引言--从档案学反思说起 经过几代学者的努力,我国档案学在建国以后成为了一门具有成熟体系的学科.无论从学科自身的品质以及与实践的关系,都显示出档案学与时俱进的时代特点.  相似文献   

信息公开为保障公民权利提供了途径。但由于目前我国尚处于探索阶段,离完善的制度建设以及公众的期望还有相当的距离。本文首先依据有关法律法规剖析档案开放利用中有关开放时间、依申请开放和法律适用等公民权利实现的瓶颈问题表现及其背后的制度缺陷,然后分析了造成上述冲突脱节的四方面原因,认为法律将大部分的权力授予信息的形成和管理机关,这必然增加公众实现知情权的难度,提出这种冲突将成为信息公开制度变迁的动力。  相似文献   

RFID的整体性应用会对图书馆的内部业务变革、学科发展产生影响,并可能推进图书馆与其他行业的融合,从而进一步强化图书馆的服务功能。  相似文献   

观念体制行业风气--关于图书馆职业资格制度的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章从历史追寻探讨实施职业资格制度的必然性,认为应尽快建立、完善有关制度,促进行业空气净化。另就职业资格制度的法治环境和实施策略陈述了看法。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):131-137
Much empirical evidence suggests that explanations for innovation outcomes should be located in an understanding of users' responses to innovations (Ashford, 1988; Fulk, 1993; Lewis &; Seibold, 1993; Miller, Johnson, &; Grau, 1994; Poole &; DeSanctis, 1990). Unfortunately, researchers have neglected to pursue systematic studies of behavioral responses to innovations in accounting for particular innovation outcomes. The investigation reported draws on previous research that isolated three dimensions of interaction‐based coping responses: favorableness, decidedness, and focus (self vs. other). The present study tests the relative effects of several antecedents to users' (N= 216) behavioral coping responses to quality programs in four organizations. Results of hierarchical regression analyses indicated that users' attitudes, concerns for performance, normative influence, and uncertainty, and their perceptions of the context of change affect each of the three dimensions of their behavioral coping responses.  相似文献   

该文在分析当前我国档案利用信息反馈工作存在的基础上,提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

五种图书馆学情报学核心期刊部分评价指标比较分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
冯新民  杨海平 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(2):37-39,47
以《图书馆工作与研究》、《情报资料工作》、《图书情报知识》、《图书馆》和《图书馆论坛》这五种期刊2004年全年为样本,从栏目设置、载文分析、作者职称或学历情况分布、作者年龄分布、期刊出版时间等方面,进行统计分析。  相似文献   

编辑流程中对专家审稿意见的分析、反馈与核查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王昕  王有登  骆瑾 《编辑学报》2008,20(1):22-24
由于专家审稿意见所具有的评价鉴定与优化完善功能,以及审稿意见本身的多样性和涉及内容的广泛性,使得对专家审稿意见的落实贯穿于编辑流程的各个环节,不同环节有不同侧重点:定稿过程重仔细分析审稿意见;文稿加工过程重认真反馈审稿意见;复审文稿过程重跟踪核查作者对审稿意见的答复与处理情况.认为:通过分析、反馈、核查,使专家审稿意见真正落实到文稿中,以增强审稿信息的利用率,从而达到提高文稿质量和刊物质量的目的;强化编辑学术意识、发挥编辑主动性是保证这一过程得以实现的前提.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):327-330
Traditional definitions of the glass ceiling perpetuate gender‐biased organizational practices and quick‐fix solutions. By creating an illusion of opportunity for women, they prevent critical assessment of contemporary organizational practices and of gendered communication. This article engages in feminist research as praxis first by discussing how current organizational practices fail to alter power imbalances. To create awareness of unjust organizing processes, these ways we ordinarily “do gender” are juxtaposed against contrastive contexts: alternative settings (organizational forms), processes (community‐as‐dialectic), and organization members (women). These alternatives enable us to visualize how language creates and sustains gender divisions that emerge in glass ceiling processes and effects. The second stage in research as praxis calls for action. I discuss implications for research and for change that challenge the gendered motif of organizational life.  相似文献   

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