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Undergraduate sociatl work and criminal justice students completed 1 of 4 vignettes that were identical with the exception of the age and gender of the vignette's subject. In each vignette, the subject interacted with an opposite-sex 24-year-old waiter or waitress. Following each vignette, respondents answered 20 items relating to the age, gender, and perceived sexual behavior of the vignette's subject. The multivariate general linear model was significant (F = 174.572, p = .000) by the Wilk's Lambda Criterion. Tests of between-subjects effects yielded 17 significant item variables that focused on perceptions of the age appropriateness of the behaviors, perceptions of the sexual behaviors of the vignette's characters, perceptions of the affability of the vignette's characters, perceptions of characters being lonely, perceptions regarding the waiter's/waitress' financial gain/incentive, and perceptions of social acceptance for the vignette's main character and his/her affiliation with the younger service person. The findings suggest that male characters were perceived as sexually interested more often than female characters. Older characters are more likely to be perceived as nonsexual, particularly older women. Sexual behaviors in older characters were perceived as a gender transgression. While perceptions may be negative surrounding older males who engage in sexual behaviors, judgments appear harsher for older women.  相似文献   

This paper examines sexual prejudice against gays and lesbians by college students. The sample consisted of 325 undergraduate students at a mid-sized Midwestern university. Respondents completed Herek’s Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men scale (short form) to determine levels of sexual prejudice. Comparisons were then made by respondent major to determine whether criminal justice students displayed higher levels of sexual prejudice than other students. Unlike prior research on criminal justice students and sexual prejudice, the criminal justice respondents in this study were not significantly more prejudiced against gays and lesbians. Male and female students scored similarly on their attitudes toward lesbian women, but male students were more likely to have higher levels of prejudice against gay men. Students who had gay friends and/or family members held significantly lower levels of prejudice against both gay men and lesbians than those who had no gay friends or family members.  相似文献   

Higher educational institutions place a priority on the retention and timely graduation of students. Previous literature has identified transfer students to have unique concerns and that these concerns vary by major. While previous retention research has reported factors that influence students’ decision to remain in college, many of these studies treated transfer status as a homogenous group. The university in this study enrolls a high percentage of transfer students, and a large percentage of these transfers students enroll in Criminal Justice classes and become Criminal Justice majors. To determine if there are unique risk factors among Criminal Justice transfer students, this study uses multiple measures of transfer status to identify factors that might impact a students’ (1) university involvement, (2) GPA, (3) satisfaction with and sense of belonging to their university and (4) thereby influence their decision to remain in school. The proposition that transfer students as compared to native (nontransfer) students differ on how they face university challenges was also examined. While several variables were found to be important to students’ adjustment to the University, transfer status does not appear to be significant risk factor. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

杨军 《宜春学院学报》2013,(11):155-158
通过抽取江西2所高校660名大学生,运用BECK绝望量表(BHS)、青少年生活事件量表和大学生复原力量表对其进行,以期了解在校大学生绝望感现状及影响因素,为自杀预防与干预提供参考依据.调查结果显示:①73.5%的大学生存在不同程度的绝望感,绝望感水平在性别、年级上差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);②高绝望感组在生活事件及各因子上得分高于低绝望感组,而在内、外复原力上得分低于低绝望感组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.01);③生活事件既可直接影响绝望感的产生,又可通过心理复原力间接影响绝望感的产生.因此可以得出大学生普遍存在不同程度的绝望感,心理复原力在生活事件与绝望感中具有部分中介效应的结论.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of service learning has led to the implementation of the pedagogy across educational levels and disciplines. Evidence of its utilization in criminal justice education spans two decades, most of which include case studies of service-learning courses or projects. These examples of service-learning implementation seem to serve as a best practices guide for other faculty and researchers interested in adopting the pedagogy. By examining responses to offender populations and policy areas by students (n = 37) involved in a service-learning course, the current research adds to this “best practices” approach and is intended to instigate further examination of the benefits of service learning for criminal justice students and the discipline.  相似文献   

Most universities today require their students to learn about diversity as a part of their degree. Research has examined the effectiveness of diversity courses at changing attitudes toward groups, focusing on sexism or racism, within psychology and women’s studies disciplines. Given the increasing concern over bias in policing, however, this diversity training may be of importance to the study of criminal justice. The current study aims to examine the effectiveness of a diversity course within a criminal justice program at changing perceptions of groups using a survey based on validated measures of attitudes toward women, homosexuality, and symbolic racism. Change in attitudes between the pre-test and post-test are examined. Results suggest that the course is effective at changing attitudes toward homosexuality, but not race or sex. The results also suggest that these perceptions are dependent on group characteristics.  相似文献   

Alumni studies use past graduates of educational programs or institutions to address various types of research aims. While alumni research is common in disciplines such as business, psychology, nursing, and social work, few criminal justice alumni studies have been published in the academic literature. This article reviews the types of alumni studies that are typically conducted, discusses reasons for conducting criminal justice alumni surveys, considers barriers to these surveys, identifies criminal justice‐specific themes that address why alumni studies are rare in the discipline, and suggests strategies for enhancing and expanding this sort of research in the discipline.  相似文献   

为了解学生的职业兴趣,便于学生未来选择适合自己的职业,让教师有针对性地开展学生职业生涯教育,指导学生科学就业,采用问卷调查法分析影响学生职业兴趣的相关因素,并提出相应对策。结果表明:学生性别、专业、家庭背景以及社会舆论都会影响学生的职业兴趣。因此,应充分发挥学校教育的主体作用,教师在对学生开展职业教育、职业生涯规划以及相关职业实践活动的同时,要充分调动学生的个人主观能动性,让学生在校期间积极主动地形成科学和稳定的职业兴趣,提高学生职场竞争力,提高毕业生就业率。  相似文献   

Past research has considered factors that contribute to students’ attitudes about group projects. Much of this research has focused on the influence of demographic characteristics such as gender, race, and age. This study extends that past research and considers whether participating in group projects potentially changes students’ attitudes about group projects. Surveys were conducted with 85 students, 48 of whom had just completed a group project. Results showed that students who just completed a group project had slightly different attitudes about group projects than those who did not. Attention was also given to the total number of group projects to which students were exposed. Analyses showed that those who were exposed to more group projects held different attitudes about group projects than those who had fewer group projects. Implications are provided.  相似文献   

大学生幸福感及其影响因素的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本研究采用开放式问卷调查法和量表法,对593名大学生的幸福感状况进行了调查。结果发现:(1)影响大学生幸福感有七个因素,即自我意识、学校学习、人际交往、恋爱、工作与社会适应、家庭环境、休闲活动。其中,自我意识是影响大学生幸福感的最主要因素。(2)大多数学生心理健康,常能体验到幸福。(3)大学生幸福感在性别、月均消费上差异显著,而在专业、年级上差异不显著。根据调查结果,我们为学校心理健康教育提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

司法不公正是影响社会和谐稳定的一大因素。而司法不公正的原因主要在于司法人员认为“不必公正”、“不敢公正”或者“不愿公正”。因此,实现司法公正必须提升司法权威,改革司法体制,提高司法队伍素质,让司法人员重视公正、敢于公正、愿意公正,真正使司法公正成为维护社会公正的最重要的防线,成为构建社会主义和谐社会的基础性保障。  相似文献   

素质教育是当今中国乃至世界教育改革与发展的主流.倡导健康第一体育理念,养成终身锻炼的习惯,是体育教学改革的重要内容,接受体育教育是大学生培养体育文化素养的途径.但目前高校大学生中存在着十分普遍的体育课厌学现象,严重影响了体育教学的质量.本文从实际出发,在调研的基础上对大学生厌学成因进行了详细的分析,认为主要包括大学生在对体育课认识上存在偏差;体育课的评价体系不科学;体育教师专业教学水平不足等原因,希望能为高校体育教育事业走出这一困境提供借鉴.  相似文献   

以顾客体验为切入点,选取认知体验、情感体验作为移动学习兴趣的影响因素进行分析:将认知体验划分为感官体验、可用性、功能性、内容设计四个维度,编制单选和5级李克特量表,并通过问卷星进行网络问卷调查,对调查所得数据进行信度、效度和结构方程模型分析。研究结果表明:顾客体验对移动学习兴趣具有一定的正向影响,感官体验、认知体验、情感体验属于递进关系,其中,认知体验和情感体验分别对移动学习兴趣产生间接和直接的正向影响。基于此,提出了优化移动学习软件设计的建议。  相似文献   

学习兴趣是人们在学习客观事物时所具有的心理倾向。有关研究证明,学习兴趣对于推动学习活动、提高学习效果具有显著作用。我国当前有关学习兴趣的研究大部分关注的是青少年的学习兴趣,本文则对影响成人学习兴趣的因素加以分析,指出影响成人的学习兴趣的主要因素有遗传和环境、需要、认知和情感因素,并揭示了成人学习兴趣和各影响因素之间的内在关系。  相似文献   

本文运用结构方程模型对中专生的情绪稳定性、自我效能、成就目标与心理健康的关系进行研究。结果表明,①在掌握定向和自我效能上男生显著低于女生;城市学生在心理健康总分、成绩定向上显著低于乡镇学生。②神经质(情绪稳定性)对自我效能有显著的负向关系、与心理健康、成绩定向存在着显著的正相关,与掌握定向虽然也存在着一定的正相关,但不显著。③掌握定向对自我效能有显著的正向关系,对心理健康有一定的负向关系,但不显著;成绩定向对心理健康有一定的正向影响关系,但不显著。④自我效能对心理健康有负向关系,但不显著。  相似文献   

刑事和解是一种以协商性司法的形式恢复原有社会秩序的纠纷解决方式。刑事和解属于协商性司法程序,与传统的诉讼方式相比,刑事和解是合作性的,它不仅保护了被害人权益,使其在接受犯罪人的道歉和补偿中得到慰藉,还有利于矫正犯罪,使主观过错不大的犯罪人重新融入社会,实现犯罪人的再社会化。刑事和解的内在观念与我国法律观念、刑事诉讼模式以及相关的制度设计存在较大的冲突,这些都是阻碍刑事和解制度在我国发展的因素。只有充分考虑阻碍因素,才可以从正反两方面来把握刑事和解在我国的全貌,这是构建可行的刑事和解模式不可缺少的前提。  相似文献   

通过对某高职院校进行问卷调查,采用描述性分析及多元线性回归模型对影响高职学生心理健康状态的因素进行探究.研究发现,高职学生的心理健康受到了家庭环境、个人特征及学校因素等三个方面的共同影响;其中,家庭经济状况、人际关系、情绪状态、专业喜欢程度及网络依赖都显著影响在校生的心理健康状况;心理健康自评较差的学生对心理课程的需求更为强烈.学校应给予贫困学生更多的心理关注,通过开设心理辅导课程、改善学生人际关系对在校生心理健康进行积极干预.  相似文献   

新课程标准在中小学的实施,在很大程度上调动了学生的体育锻炼的积极性,有利于提高学生的身心素质,对学生养成终身体育锻炼的习惯,提高我国国民的整体素质具有重要的现实意义。但由于受我国教育体制的影响,致使学校、家长和学生对体育锻炼的重要意义认识不够等原因,造成我国中学生的体质健康状况连续20年出现下降的趋势,分析出现这种状况的原因并给出相应的一些对策。  相似文献   

In US, the political leadership draws disproportionately from lawyers, thus it is important to understand the political perspectives of students attending law schools across the nation. This study examines these variations in and across race and ethnicity. We ask, “How are student aspirations for careers in public interest law and government and political positions related to race, ethnicity, and social and political ideology?” Data for the study were collected in 2004 from 6,100 law students attending 64 US law schools. Results reveal significant differences in social and political ideologies by race and ethnicity and further demonstrate the correlation between race and ethnicity, political ideology, and career choice. We argue for greater representation of racial/ethnic minorities and individuals with a broad range of social-political ideologies in the nation’s public interest sector and political leadership class, and further, more studies examining the career path of lawyers and law students.  相似文献   

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