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Today’s students are entering college having been immersed in media to an extent that has not been seen previously. The media-driven influence on college students has led many educators to use non-traditional mediums to engage their classes in meaningful learning experiences. Many educators advocate for the use of music and/or musical lyrics as a non-traditional teaching tool, specifically to illustrate the basic concepts of criminological theory. While many types of songs and lyrics could be used to teach criminological theory to undergraduate college students, the emphasis of this particular paper is on the use of popular music. Included is a discussion of using non-traditional instruction in the college classroom, student examples of theory application to popular music, and suggestions for implementing popular music in the classroom.  相似文献   

Current high school Earth Science curricula and textbooks organize scientific content into isolated “units” of knowledge. Within this structure, content is taught, but in the absence of the context of fundamental understandings or the process of how the science was actually done to reach the conclusions. These are two key facets of scientific literacy. I have developed curriculum from a historical perspective that addresses two particular units of study in Earth Science (“geologic time” and “plate tectonics”). The curriculum traces the evolution of the theory of plate tectonics. It includes contextualized experiences for students such as telling stories, utilizing original historical texts, narratives, and essential questions, to name a few. All of the strategies are utilized with the goal of building understanding around a small set of common themes. Exploring the historical models in this way allows students to analyze the models, while looking for limitations and misconceptions. This methodology is used to encourage students to develop more scientifically accurate understandings about the way in which the world and the process of scientific discovery work. Observations of high student engagement during the utilization of this contextualized approach has demonstrated that a positive effect on student understanding is promising.  相似文献   

音乐教育以音乐为出发点,通过对音乐的感知、体验、想象联想和理解认识,实现教育目标和任务,而归宿点就是发展人、完善人;但如何有效的组织音乐教学,很好地完成教育教学目标,教学方法是关键;方法体现思想与价值,关涉行为和结果;寓教于乐(音乐)是过程、寓教于乐(快乐)是方法,方法就是"玩"与"游戏";为什么"玩"、怎么"玩"、"玩"什么,将是一堂中学音乐课堂教学成败的关键。  相似文献   

智能时代的教学论研究因在“技术”的语境中守护“人性”而表现出一种集体研究心态,即教学论研究的人文情结,表征为追求生命心智发展的教学过程观,凸显非认知性交往的师生关系观和彰显个体精神自由的定制学习观。源于“人性-技术”二分的思维方式,技术偏见导致人性固化、知识育人回应乏力和历史文化根基缺失或是智能时代教学论研究的困境所在。以开放、发展和关注全体生命发展的立场,将技术纳入人性,促进规范升级,根植历史文化,重构智能时代教学论研究的人文追求,不失为一条可取的研究进路。  相似文献   

Recent articles on teaching controversial topics in schools have employed Michael Hand's distinction between “directive teaching,” in which teachers attempt to persuade students of correct positions on topics that are not rationally controversial, and “nondirective teaching,” in which teachers avoid persuading students on topics that are rationally controversial. However, the four methods of directive teaching discussed in the literature — explicit directive teaching, “steering,” “soft‐directive teaching,” and “school ethos endorsement” — make rational persuasion problematic, if not self‐defeating. In this essay, Maughn Rollins Gregory argues that “procedurally directive teaching” offers an alternative to such approaches because it derives from the intention to guide inquiry rather than to persuade. He demonstrates that the conceptual frameworks of perfectionism and antiperfectionism, which have been proposed for directive teaching on same‐sex marriage, can instead be used to generate open questions for student inquiry, as can a third, civil rights framework. Given these considerations, Gregory maintains that pedagogical guidance on this topic should be procedurally directive rather than substantively directive. Further, the fact that legal, political, and ethics scholars disagree about which framework is more appropriate to the issue of same‐sex marriage indicates that such arguments cannot be dispositive of the pedagogical issue of how to frame classroom discussions about it. Rather, students should inquire into this meta‐level framing dispute for themselves.  相似文献   

音乐教学论课程既具有较强的理论性、又具有强烈的实践性,恰当的运用案例教学不失为一种行之有效的方法;在实际教学中,棠例教学既可渗透于理论讲授之中,也可与音乐课堂教学实践相蛄合;既可采用专题性、综合性的案例教学形式,也可采用案例对比性、实践性的案例教学形式;通过案例教学可以改革传统的教学模式,成功地实现音乐教育理论与音乐教学实践的结合,从而使学生获得从事音乐教育教学工作应具备的能力和素质。  相似文献   

For 3years, I have been teaching neuroscience courses by using computer conferencing to complement the traditional lectures. Typically, the conferencing involved local, on‐campus students, although one semester the class was combined from on‐campus and off‐campus students. For most of my 33‐year teaching career, I had used the teaching approach that most professors use, which is what educational theorists call “instructivist.” Critics call that “stand and deliver.” Lecturing is an efficient way to dispense organized information, but it does not ensure learning nor is it very effective in showing students how to learn on their own.

Instructivism can be enriched by complementing it with “constructivist” approaches. Constructivists argue that there is a direct relationship between the amount of learning that occurs and the extent to which the environment provides a rich source of engaging experiences in which students construct their own knowledge and understanding. I have found that such an environment is readily provided by computer conferencing.

In my teaching of neuroscience, I have used a network software system (FORUM) for small student groups to conduct a variety of constructivist learning activities. Within weekly deadlines, students worked in groups at their own pace and time of convenience. My impression of the advantages of such conferencing for constructivist activities include the promotion of socialization in “cyberspace,” providing an environment for team learning, the reduction of social problems in face‐to‐face instruction, increased teaching and learning efficiency, more comprehensive means for assessing student learning, and improved quality of student work.  相似文献   

农业振兴靠人才,人才培养靠教育。当前高等农业院校思想政治理论课亲和力面临着学校“重智轻德”、教师“重农轻文”、大学生“即时满足”的现实困境。高等农业院校亟须构建具有高度亲和力的思想政治理论课。文章立足于大学生视域,结合马克思主义理论基础,以江西农业大学为例,围绕“讲”“育”“结合”三方面探究提升高等农业院校思想政治理论课亲和力的创新路径。切实提高思想政治理论课的实效性,真正实现高等农业院校的育人要求。  相似文献   

“气沉丹田”与“字正腔圆”是民族声乐传统的技术标准和审美原则,如何将之运用于民族声乐演唱也是民族声乐艺术及其教学中的重要问题。本文对民族声乐艺术中的这两个重要概念加以研究辨析,认为声乐艺术最基本的原则应是从实际内容出发,而不是从概念出发。实践性、技术性、理论性的统一正是声乐教学过程中的规律。  相似文献   

翻译教学在过去几十年的发展归因于理论与教学实践密切联系.文章讨论不同翻译理论的提出者如何实施课堂教学,为何理论对翻译教学很重要,并关注理论的性质.在此基础上探讨对译者的职业培训.翻译学员应该研习受不同理论学派启发且与它们联系的各种翻译途径,以灵活应对文本在实际应用中学习理论.  相似文献   

Responding to the growing diversity of students within North American schools today, educators have recognized the value of social inclusion as an important goal, supporting both social-emotional and academic success for all students. This special issue explores how teachers play a significant role in promoting inclusive classes by understanding the social dynamics that operate in educational contexts. Addressing a number of different forms that diversity can take (gender, ethnicity, physical and/or mental exceptionalities), these articles rightfully focus attention on group processes that promote inclusion versus exclusion and their impact, and underscore the need for teacher training in such efforts. Supporting and extending this discussion, we present an overview of recent efforts to promote “universal design for learning” in education, which focuses on academic as well as social inclusion, in hopes that educators consider even broader approaches to celebrating diversity and teaching students to relate to others with acceptance and respect.  相似文献   


Modeled after Horace Miner's classic article “The Body Ritual of the Nacirema,” an explanation of modern day Nacirema undergraduates as “academic deviants” is used as a pedagogical tool for negotiating criminological theory. Similar to the question, why do people commit crime, this paper asks why are some students “criminal”, i.e., poor students?  相似文献   

Arguments about learning commonly toss the buck back and forth between theory and practice, the pure and applied, the objective and subjective. Most such arguments have tried to find a reliable technical method to explain how we learn. Hermeneutics, with its roots both in sixteenth century theory of linguistic interpretation and modem phenomenological approaches to meaning, denies the claims of method ‐ rationalist or empiricist. It proposes instead to clarify the conditions in which practical understanding can take place. Unlike other approaches to learning, hermeneutics makes human language the core. It is in language that what I call in this paper the four major quadrants of understanding are realised. First, understanding is structured historically in the traditions, prejudices and institutional practices that come down to us. Secondly, understanding depends upon trying to find the unity in all the conditions that pertain to learning, in reconciling the whole with its parts. Third, hermeneutics reconceptualises the nature of practical application to emphasise the constitutive part played by individuals in modifying what is learned, such that to understand is to change as a person. Finally, understanding arises not from a solipsistic encounter between learner and material; it takes the form of a dialogue between a student and all those “others” who constitute the world of learning. In sum, both “cognitive” and “student‐centred” approaches to learning are transcended and fused in a wider horizon of understanding.  相似文献   

在沟通类课程的教学过程中,由于该课程本身存在实践及应用性强的特点,对教学实施及效果评价造成了一定的困难。通过在教学设计、实施、评价环节引入“话剧项目教学法”,使学习不简单局限于识记,而是在对课程内容解构后,重新编排,根据不同的沟通理论技巧,选择不同的话剧项目节段,将理论学习融入话剧项目。再通过话剧形式让学生将所学理论展示出来,教师与其他学生作为话剧观众,构成“沟通观察共同体”,对不同学生在沟通中存在的问题提出改进意见,从而帮助学生将理论学习融入应用,并进行教学效果测评。  相似文献   

教学空间不仅是包含教学器具、教室建筑等的自然性空间,也是关涉师生交往、角色定位等人与人间关系的社会性空间。福柯的空间理论是从空间和政治权力关系以及政治统治策略出发对空间生产机制进行的微观层面研究,为理解和看待教学空间如何参与到教育教学中提供了一个强有力的解释性视角。面对从传统教学空间到线上教学空间的转变,教师由于沿用原有的权力控制模式遭到了学生行为变量无法得到有效观察、学生学习效果无法得到及时评估以及课堂教学规范作用无法得到充分发挥等教学方面的挑战。据此,提出从观察“行为”转向观察“认知”、从进行“终结性评价”转向进行“表现性评价”、从构建“教”的规范转向“学”的规范三条路径以实现线上教学空间中权力的运作和控制,提高教育教学质量。  相似文献   

新时代党的政治建设理论,是习近平总书记在继承马克思主义政党建设理论、立足中国共产党新的实际、准确把握新时代执政党建设规律的基础上,形成的内容丰富、系统完整、逻辑严密的管党治党的理论体系。这一理论体系沿着"为何建""建什么""怎么建"的逻辑进路,深刻回答了新时代政治建设的一系列重大理论与实践问题,丰富和发展了马克思主义党的建设理论,拓展和完善了新时代中国共产党建设总体布局,具有鲜明的创新价值。  相似文献   

新时期以来,以增强学生的理论实践性为目的的教学改革,成为文学概论课程教改的一个重要方向。文学概论课程的实践性教学包含了学生理论认知实践和理论应用实践两个方面,无论哪个方面的改革努力,都必须强化"以学生为中心"的教学理念,力求以一种开放、民主、多元、对话的态势,切实调动学生自觉学习、能动学习的积极性,从而增强学生的理论理解能力和文学批评实践能力。  相似文献   

乐理是音乐学中的一门基础理论课程,是从事音乐工作的必备知识,特别是师范院校的教师和学生更为重要,他直接影响到自己和下一代人的音乐学习和音乐理论的准确传递。就乐理教学的知识范围,它与其他学科的关系,概念的准确性,教学的科学性,教育的职业化、民族化等问题作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

乐理是基本的音乐理论课程,是所有音乐专业学习的必修科目。高职学校生源音乐基础差、底子薄,而且学生在音乐理论课的时候往往不用心,不努力,课堂内外不能形成浓厚的学习氛围。教师则喜欢照本宣科,没有吸引力。因此,如何加强基本乐理的教学,提高教学质量,引导学生学好这门课显得犹为重要。  相似文献   

“三位一体”语文阅读教学共同体是指以学生为“中位”(中心)、以教师为“主位”(主导)、以家长为“辅位”(辅助)、以阅读任务为客体(对象)、联通课(校)内外的一种课堂教学组织形式。它是在学习共同体理论启发下,为改变语文阅读小组合而不作的情况,促进学生语文核心素养的全面发展而提出来的。“三位一体”语文阅读教学共同体以合作学习为形式,共同提高为目的,超越了时空的限制,组织上具有自主性和灵活性,阅读过程具有平等性和自由性,内容上具有开放性和多样性。这些特性赋予了“三位一体”语文阅读教学共同体新功能,为构建立足课堂、融通课内外的语文阅读教学共同体提供了理论依据。“三位一体”语文阅读教学共同体需从教师、学生、家长等多方面进行构建。  相似文献   

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