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《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):221-320

This paper proposes and illustrates the application of a non‐metric multidimensional scaling approach to recovering the structure of judgments of communicator credibility: solutions are proposed to certain recurrent problems in the application of factor analysis to such research.  相似文献   

A scholar can be identified with his citation list and a scholar ranking is a complete order on the set of scholars. We characterize those scholar rankings that admit a measure representation.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):112-156
Psychological reactance theory suggests that a persuasive message which is perceived as a threat to a receiver's attitudinal freedom will produce attitude change away from the recommended position. Prior research has demonstrated that the boomerang effect is prominent particularly among receivers in extreme disagreement with a persuasive message. This experiment focused on the extreme opponent and explored a method of attenuating the boomerang effect. Some subjects were given the opportunity to argue in support of their initial opinions prior to exposure to a threatening message, while others were not afforded this opportunity. It was assumed that prior bolstering would amount to an exercise of the opinion freedom to be threatened by the forthcoming message, and thereby eliminate the otherwise expected negative effects. Results strongly supported this assumption. The threat variable reduced persuasivness only among subjects who did not bolster their initial opinions. In contrast, no boomerang effect was observed among subjects given the chance to exercise their attitudinal freedom prior to exposure to a threatening message.  相似文献   

Internet上的目录服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目录学在20世纪历经两次飞跃,随着Internet的发展,目录学在应用方面有了新的发展,即网络目录服务,它在Internet中起十分重要的作用,最后阐述了Internet上现有的几种目录服务。  相似文献   


BLEEDING KANSAS, by Alice Nichols. … 5 5/8” × 8 5/8”, $4.50 …. Oxford University Press

ESSENTIALS OF DISCUSSION AND DEBATE by Halbert E. Gulley, University of Illinois … March 1955, 160 pages, paper‐bound, probable price $1.50 … Henry Holt and Company.

THE FUNK &; WAGNALLS BOOK OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE, by Lawrence W. Bridge, Certified Parliamentarian, Member of the National Association of Parliamentarians … 192 pages, 5 1/2 × 7 5/8, charts, tables, index, $3.00 … Funk &; Wagnalls Company.

HOW TO THINK CREATIVELY, by Eliot D. Hutchinson … 237 pages, $2.75 … Abingdon Press

HOW TO SPEAK—HERE, THERE, AND ON THE AIR, by John Dixon … 249 pages, $2.75 … Abingdon Press.

TELEVISION BROADCASTING, by Howard A. Chinn: Chief Engineer, Audio‐Video Division, General Engineering Department, Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. … 695 pages, 6x9, 342 illus., $10.00 … McGraw‐Hill Series in Speech.

SPEECH IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, by Mardel Ogilvie: Assistant Professor of Speech, Queens College … 318 pages, 6 × 9, 22 illus., $4.50 … McGraw‐Hill Series in Speech.  相似文献   

东北林业大学名人数据库的建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
数字化图书馆的基础是数字资源的建设,专家数据库的建设对开发和利用人才资源是很重要的一项工作.文章结合建设名人数据库的过程,重点讨论了如何建设好一个特色数据库.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):17-19
Objective: To address cultural diversity within the context of informative speaking Type of speech: Informative Point value: 15% of course grade Requirements: (a) References: 3 (1 reference must be an interview); (b) Length: 5–6 minutes; (c) Visual aid: Optional; (d) Outline: Yes; (e) Prerequisite reading: Chapters 3, 18 (DeVito, 2003); (f) Additional requirements: No more than six note cards (i.e., 4"×6") can be used during the speech College students need to be aware of the ways in which diversity can affect their personal and professional lives. This assignment is one way instructors can assist students in realizing the inherent links between communication and culture. Addi tionally, this assignment provides an often much-needed refreshing change from the otherwise traditional topics students choose for informative speaking assignments.  相似文献   

清代辑佚的繁兴是和当时社会的政治、经济、文化等因素密切相关的,但具体到每一位学者而言,他们辑佚的缘起又有所不同。文章从为学术研究、重视某类文献、不满已有辑本、重应用、因师承家学五个方面对清儒辑佚的缘起进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is to explore how research scholars of University of Delhi integrated Social Networking Sites (SNSs) into their daily communication for research work. A structured questionnaire was designed and personally distributed 160 respondents. Most used SNSs for “lurking” while few used such sites for promoting one’s research. Additionally, most respondents preferred the SNS Facebook and ResearchGate for academic purposes. Collaborative and peer-to-peer learning were common benefits from SNSs while some expressed concern regarding cyber-bullying and privacy. Finally, a majority of respondents said using SNSs may be a waste of time.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is to explore how research scholars of University of Delhi integrated Social Networking Sites (SNSs) into their daily communication for research work. A structured questionnaire was designed and personally distributed 160 respondents. Most used SNSs for “lurking” while few used such sites for promoting one’s research. Additionally, most respondents preferred the SNS Facebook and ResearchGate for academic purposes. Collaborative and peer-to-peer learning were common benefits from SNSs while some expressed concern regarding cyber-bullying and privacy. Finally, a majority of respondents said using SNSs may be a waste of time.  相似文献   

学术名人泛指在社会科学和自然科学领域取得重要研究成果,具有一定地位和较高声望的人士.学术名人文献资源则指学术名人在学习、工作、社会活动和个人生活中所形成的具有收藏和研究价值的相关文献资料.这些文献具有重要的科研价值和史料价值,同时具有社会教育功能,对图书馆发展特色化馆藏、开展主动服务、提升自身形象都有重要意义.文章对国内各类型图书馆开展学术名人文献资源建设的情况进行了简单的介绍和分析,并对其建设、开发和利用提出若干建议.  相似文献   

通过与传统的文字目次的对比,论述科技期刊图像目次的主题性、可视性、美学性和选择性特征以及选择目次图像的原则,给出了目次图像的选择方式,明确了作者在选择目次图像中的主导作用及编者的协同作用。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):229-233

A general paradigm of a rating error theory is presented with a study testing relationships from the theory. The study aimed to discover the effects of source credibility, attitude valence, and task sensitization on trait errors in the evaluation of speeches. The main hypothesis of the study was an interaction effect on trait errors in the speech ratings. The results indicate a significant triple interaction, suggesting that when speech raters are sensitized to the task and are in favor of the view of the speaker, their trait errors on “ideas” will favor a low credibility speaker. The results are explained in terms of attraction and similarity.  相似文献   

As scientific collaboration has become more common with increased representation of female scholars, the effects of inter-gender collaboration have attracted more attention. However, scholars have not reached a consensus on the relationship between inter-gender collaboration and research performance. Empirical evidence at the scholar level has also been rare. Therefore, based on the ratio of the opposite sex in collaboration partners, this study reveals the influence of participating in inter-gender collaborations on research performance for scholars. Grouped regression was employed to test gender differences in this effect. The effect of partners’ academic levels was also investigated to account for potential gender differences. The results indicated that inter-gender collaboration had a positive effect on research performance for scholars. Grouped regressions also showed that collaborating with more inter-gender partners exerted a significantly negative effect on the research performance of female scholars, while it had a positive effect for male scholars. The negative effect on female scholars were found to be strengthened if the partners were at a high academic level. This study is helpful to understand inter-gender collaboration in depth, and further reveals the gender differences in scientific collaboration.  相似文献   

新闻点评是大众传媒呈现的新闻产品之一。大众传媒和专家学者之间的关系,并非如新闻点评所呈现出来的那样简单、可靠。本文认为,双方的关系中隐含了各种力量的抗衡,从而产生了不同的互动模式。双方在这些模式中扮演不同的角色,共同造就呈现在受众面前的新闻产品。本文试图描绘新闻生产背后的运作过程,并且分析不同模式的意志归属。据分析,在这些互动模式中,大部分是双方关系异化的表现。而产生异化的原因,归根结底是新闻场和学术场之间的结构性矛盾。本文呼吁摈弃合谋的不正当状态,强调建立独立的知识分子评价体系、独立的新闻生产体系及富有专业精神的正当合作。  相似文献   

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