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试论伊朗“Twitter革命”中社会媒体的政治传播功能   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文试图通过伊朗Twitter革命的个案研究,来观察和分析社会媒体在国家危机中发挥的政治传播功能与效用,特别是在发达国家具有先发技术优势的背景下,社会媒体与国际政治力量结合对发展中国家可能产生的消极影响。  相似文献   

传播政治经济学诞生于20世纪40年代末,对上个世纪初以来的媒体改革运动的关注和主张是传播政治经济学社会实践性的表征,表明传播政治经济学非一般性的学术自足性研究。面对新的实践背景,需要对传播政治经济学的社会实践性做出评价。  相似文献   

Drawing on a national survey of 1,157 South Korean adults, the present study finds that social media use for political news is positively associated with knowledge about political issues, but not with knowledge about political processes. Professional media use for political news is significantly associated with both political issue knowledge and political process knowledge. The impact of social media for news on political issue knowledge increases with the additive role of professional media news use. This study also finds that political talk strengthens the positive association between social media use for news and political issue knowledge.  相似文献   

本研究在全球政经大变革的背景下,选择以中国和印度两个第三世界国家对社会冲突的媒体再现为例,结合内容分析和话语分析的方法,考察在不同的媒介体制下,政治制度和市场驱动如何错综复杂地影响媒介产制和媒介内容。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to conduct a bibliographic investigation and meta-analysis of the full body of social media scholarship produced over eight years, since the domain's emergence in 2004. A total of 610 journal and conference papers were carefully reviewed and subjected to bibliometric and meta-analysis techniques. A number of research questions pertaining to country, institutional, and individual productivity, as well as research design and data practices in the social media field, were proposed and answered. Our results reveal two main challenges faced by the field. First, the social media domain displays limited intellectual diversity in terms of productive and impactful actors—individual, institutions, and countries—as well as publications that have hitherto skewed the domain's focus in a limited direction. Second, the research design approaches and data practices characterizing the domain seem to reflect methodological singularity characterized by a strong tendency for cross-sectional, individual-level, survey or case-based studies. Furthermore, speculative and anecdotal evidence, based on personal opinions and armchair hypotheses, is extremely widespread and stand in the way of the domain's methodological and theoretical advancement. These challenges not only help to improve one's understanding of the identity and intellectual core of social media as a distinct scientific field but can also further prompt academic debate and careful (re)examination of the domain's scholarly practices and assumptions to ensure its future advancement in the most productive manner.  相似文献   

Nagging is a persistent tactic students use to persuade instructors. The purpose of this study was to compare student (n = 280) and instructor (n = 97) perceptions of student nagging in the classroom, and to examine the relationship between student nagging and instructor satisfaction. Results show that instructors perceive students as using four nagging strategies with significantly greater frequency than students do. In addition, students perceive all seven nagging strategies to be significantly more effective and appropriate than instructors. Finally, there is a significant relationship between particular nagging strategies and instructor satisfaction.  相似文献   

媒介的“下沉”与奠基——媒介化社会的政治经济学批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨馨 《新闻界》2020,(2):60-68
在媒介化社会逐渐成为现实的今天,媒介化理论的重要性日益突显。夏瓦将媒介化视为基于媒介制度的社会结构化转型,库尔德利则将媒介化视为媒介成为人类社会"元资本"的实践化进程,但他们的理论或是面临着坠入结构功能主义窠臼的风险,或是面临着"意识形态批判"的指责。在媒介已经下沉为一种经济基础的今天,只有对"媒介化社会"进行政治经济学批判,才能更好地理解媒介化力量对人类社会生活的奠基与形塑。  相似文献   

情绪管理论是西方传播学一个重要的理论,旨在从调节情绪的角度来解释个体选择性接触新闻和娱乐信息的动机。该理论可追索到50年代中期费斯廷格(Festinger)提出的认知不协调理论,之后在80年代中期由兹尔曼(Zillmann)、布赖恩特(Bryant)等学者正式提出,并在之后的几十年间不断被检测和完善。本文将详细展示这个理论的发展演变过程,以及该理论是怎样被检测和应用的。这为我们了解西方传播学经典理论的形成过程提供了一个观察的窗口,同时也为我们的理论创路径提供一些启迪。  相似文献   

More recently, many scholars have lamented the decline of social capital, civic and political participation in American society. This study attempts to clarify the concept of social capital and its major components. We differentiate two dimensions of social capital: trust and social connectedness. In addition, we investigate the differential effects of a full range of media use on civic and political participation.

Analysis of data from a telephone survey in Clarksville, Tennessee in 2002 showed that people's social connectedness enhances both civic and political participation. Time spent in reading newspaper and watching public affairs on television was positively correlated with political participation whereas frequency of Internet use and entertainment TV viewing was not. The results also showed no correlation between media use and civic participation. Implications of the findings for future research on democratic citizenship were discussed.  相似文献   

A sizable body of research has examined BIRG, or Basking in Reflected Glory, as the psychological process of associating with the successes of others. A sample of 253,188 tweets related to the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum were collected leading up to and following the vote. Results support BIRG processes on the part of anti-independence tweeters, and Cutting Off Reflected Failure (CORF) responses by those favoring independence. Evidence does not support the notion that CORF was attenuated by high involvement.  相似文献   

传播政治经济学与另类媒介——以韩国与委内瑞拉为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
另类媒介的兴起、运作条件与脉络,以及其成就与局限的评估,具有重要的理论与实践意义,传播政治经济学重视人的动能、强调历史变迁与学术介入,本文因此引述与讨论韩国及委内瑞拉的另类传播现象,舍弃互联网而专注于研讨传统媒介的另类空间。  相似文献   

While much research documents the influence of self-efficacy on enactment of health behaviors, relatively less attention has been given to the factors that influence self-efficacy. To enhance our understanding of the various sources of self-efficacy, this study integrated social identity theory into this context and proposed and tested a model, which describes a process through which social identity can influence self-efficacy of engaging in health-related behaviors. Consistent with the proposed meditational model, the findings showed that individuals who had stronger social identity with a given social group perceived greater social support from the group, which in turn predicted higher self-efficacy of engaging in a health-related behavior advocated by the group, and ultimately predicted greater behavioral intention. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, the need to study the communication challenges schools face during crises has become essential. The current study included semi-structured interviews with 56 crisis team members from 21 P–12 districts. Participants identified the social media challenges and strategies districts employ during crisis events. Implications for scholars and P–12 administrators are discussed.  相似文献   

The figure of the NASCAR dad emerged in the 2002 and 2004 campaign seasons to signal the importance of white, male Southern voters to politicians and their political parties. Analysis of television news coverage of NASCAR dads shows that it privileges patriarchal masculinity, the Republican Party, and corporate consumerism—all of which were propelled to high visibility by the NASCAR Corporation's place in these stories. Television news produces NASCAR dads as an “emotional brand,” a population of citizen-consumers representing the appropriation of patriotism, Christianity, and fatherhood, deployed in a politically conservative fashion.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):235-258
The purpose of the current study was to investigate face and facework during conflicts across four national cultures: China, Germany, Japan, and the United States. A questionnaire was administered to 768 participants in the 4 national cultures, in their respective languages, to measure 3 face concerns and 11 facework behaviors. The major findings of the current study are as follows: (a) self-construals had the strongest effects on face concerns and facework with independence positively associated with self-face and dominating facework and interdependence positively associated with other- and mutual-face and integrating and avoiding facework; (b) power distance had small, positive effects on all three face concerns and avoiding and dominating facework; (c) individualistic, small-power distance cultures had less other-face concern and avoiding facework, and more dominating facework than collectivistic, large-power distance cultures; (d) Germans had more self- and mutual-face concerns and used defending more than U.S. Americans; (e) Chinese had more self-face concern and involved a third party more than Japanese; and (f) relational closeness and status only had small effects on face concerns and facework behavior.  相似文献   

Although adoptees are often stigmatized for their nonnormative identity, adopted individuals must communicate with nonfamily members to integrate their adoptive identity into their definition of self. In the current study, adult adoptees (n = 25) were interviewed about their processes for disclosing their adoptive status in their social networks. Drawing upon communication privacy management (CPM) theory, inductive analyses demonstrated that adoptees created motivational and contextual criteria to enact privacy rules surrounding adoption. Adoptees maintained privacy to avoid messages of “difference,” insensitive comments, imperviousness, and negative opinions about adoption. Adoptees disclosed about their adoption to build relational closeness and to educate/advocate for adoption. These privacy decisions were undergirded by the societal assumption that families are biologically linked or the discourse of biological normativity (Suter et al., 2014).  相似文献   

中美官方西藏主题新闻发布的政治修辞分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以西藏民主改革50周年为研究主题,对2000年以来中美官方以西藏为主题发布的政治话语进行修辞分析。研究发现,中美两国官方对周年纪念的诠释,在纪念日的命名、隐喻的运用、话语的结构上均存在较大分歧。其中最值得关注的是,中国官方以经济发展为主线的农奴解放话语与美国官方以信仰自由为主线的被迫出走话语的对抗。西藏主题在西方以与中国几乎完全对抗的解读方式而流行,其修辞意义在于,所谓自由、信仰和被迫出走在西方具有相比于经济发展更为深厚的文化认同基础,而中国的农奴在西方的历史上甚至很难找到一个对应的概念指向。  相似文献   

Social networking sites are considered a valuable resource to maintain existing friendships even over considerable distances. The present study emphasizes tie strength as a crucial determinant for the use of interactive and passive features among 302 active Facebook users and friends of different relational closeness (close friends vs. casual friends vs. acquaintances) as well as a moderator for the impact of physical distance. As expected, tie strength affected direct interaction linearly, whereas social surveillance followed a quadratic trend. Furthermore, moderation analyses revealed less frequent direct interaction between close friends and stronger surveillance of casual friends’ profiles as physical distance increases. These results indicate different functions in relationship maintenance for both behaviors as direct interaction aims at nurturing current relationships, while surveillance serves as a catalyst for promising future communications. As a consequence, physical distance influences direct interaction adversely due to emerging constraints but also contains informational value encouraging information-seeking behaviors.  相似文献   

社交媒体减弱政治参与——“沉默螺旋”假说的再研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Web2.0时代的社交媒体的兴起,并没有按照很多人预期的那样提高公众的政治参与度,而是让人们的政治参与度下降了.文章从中国和外国两个维度,讨论梳理社交媒体上网民政治参与减弱的原因.  相似文献   

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