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Knowledge of instructional design principles can help teachers integrate technology such as computers into their classroom instruction. This article describes a required computer literacy course for preservice teachers which was redesigned to include substantial components to teach instructional design. Also described are the results of a study conducted to examine the effectiveness of the instructional design training. End-of-course measures indicated that the preservice teachers learned the essential principles of instructional design and believed that the instruction would help them develop better lesson plans for effective use of computers in their classroom instruction.  相似文献   

Classroom‐based learning has great value, but online classes are becoming quite popular in the academic world because of the tremendous opportunities they offer. This article outlines the author's journey through the planning, development and execution of an online statistics course.  相似文献   

单片机课程设计教学改革与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对目前单片机课程设计存在的问题,为了提高学生的自学能力、实践能力、创新精神和工程意识,探讨了单片机课程设计工程教学改革方法和具体实施过程。实践证明,通过课程设计改革,培养了学生的工程设计意识,提高了学生工程的设计能力。  相似文献   

根据《微机原理及应用》网络课程教学与设计实践,探讨了高职高专网络课程设计原则和体系结构,对网络课程教学内容进行了重组和设计,并讨论了网络课程实训环境和测验环节的设计思路。  相似文献   

This study inquires into the influence of subject communities on the practice of secondary school teachers as they teach a new science and technology course that crosses traditional subject and department boundaries. The study focuses on two teachers from different professional communities—a science teacher and a technology teacher—who were teaching an applied physics course that was piloted in British Columbia. Interview and observational data were collected that illuminate the classroom practices and perspectives of the two teachers. As the teachers taught the course, they both changed their normal teaching practice. Their respective new practices, however, were different in important ways even though they both started with the same course outline, textbooks, and laboratory materials. We interpret these differences in the teachers' practices using sociocultural practice theory and argue that the differences can be understood in terms of the influence of their different professional communities which are shown to provide the backdrops against which the teachers developed their approaches to the course. Recommendations are made that encourage using the subject community as a unit of analysis in educational change studies and using sociocultural practice theory as a theoretical perspective for thinking about educational change and making policy decisions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach, 35: 777–789, 1998.  相似文献   

建筑结构动力实验是建筑结构实验课程重要组成部分。基于门式刚架知识点贯通的理念,在实验课程教学中设计了平面刚架模型的动力特性教学实验,通过课堂教学和实践操作使学生掌握一般结构动力特性的实验方法和数据分析方法,同时引导学生结合前修专业课程"结构力学"和"工程软件应用",分别用理论和数值分析方法获得平面刚架的动力特性,并与实验结果相互验证,学生获得新知识的同时也巩固了已学知识,达到知识的融会贯通。  相似文献   

机械设计基础课程教学改革探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对机械设计基础课程的教学方法、教学手段及实践教学环节进行了改革和实践,提出了具体的改革思路,为培养学生的学习兴趣、自我学习能力和工程素质能力提供了参考途径。  相似文献   

指出了数字系统课程设计教学改革的必要性,并在结合独立学院的实际情况下,给出了教学改革的具体措施,以力求提高这门实践课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

针对DSP技术与应用课程实践性强的特点,引入CDIO工程项目教育理念,设计面向工科学生的知识结构、工程实践能力与素质培养三位一体的课程体系。在多层次、一体化的9个工程项目实践过程中,逐步增强学生的实践动手能力,培养学生的独立思考能力和逻辑思维能力。学生在动手参与项目的过程中,对理论知识也有了更深刻的认识,激发了学生的学习兴趣。项目的开发过程采用团队合作的形式,为培养学生团结协作、沟通交流的人文素养提供有利条件,为学校的综合教学改革实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

试验设计与统计分析是多个学科的重要专业基础课,对试验设计与统计分析课程内容变革、改进教学方法和教学手段及考核办法等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

新课程理念下的教学设计 ,应站在学习者的立场上考虑问题 ,全面整合课程各结构要素 ,充分开发和利用各种课程资源 ,实现学习方式、教学方式与师生互动的同步改革 ,促进学生有效的学习  相似文献   

翻转课堂作为一种创新的教学模式,已成为国内外教育界研究的重点,也为提高我国高等教育的课堂教学质量提供了新的思路。针对网络工程实验教学存在的问题和学生的特点,提出了基于翻转课堂的网络工程实验教学模型。该模型由课前学习、课堂实验和评价反思3个部分组成,在此基础上详细设计了实验教学过程和新的实验成绩评价体系。实践表明,翻转课堂教学模式对于提高学生的实验兴趣度和解决问题的能力有积极的作用。  相似文献   

This paper reports on preliminary findings from ongoing design-based research being conducted in the fully online Master of Arts in Teacher Leadership (MTL) program at a small, Midwest public university. Researchers are using the Quality Matters (QM) and Community of Inquiry (CoI) frameworks to guide the iterative redesign of core courses in the program. Preliminary results from the redesign of one course suggest that such approach can improve student learning outcomes. Results also support the efficacy of the QM and CoI theoretical frames, and the usefulness of design-based approaches in online learning.  相似文献   

提出高职“冲压模具设计与制造”课程以工作任务为导向的教学设计理念.其教学设计是以真实环境中典型的职业工作任务为出发点,以国家三级模具设计师的职业标准为核心,按照工作过程的逻辑关系建构课程内容.每个单元都是一个冲压制件完整的模具设计及其主要零部件制造的过程.  相似文献   

《市场营销学》的教学模式设计与探索   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文在分析课程教学意图与学生实际情况的基础上,对网上课堂的构建和《市场营销学》网络课程设计、面授辅导课的安排以及形成性考核等方面进行了教学模式改革与创新,力求为学生量身定做课程教学设计.并通过整合教学资源,教会学生自主学习的方法。  相似文献   

This article describes a ‘Mastery Rubric’ (MR) used to design both the curriculum and the assessments in a new two‐year certificate programme intended to train physicians in clinical research skills. The MR for clinical research skills is built around a set of core research skills: critical review of literature; articulation of research objective; development of research design; development of analysis plan; implementation of the study; implementation of the analysis plan and presentation of results. Four distinct levels of performance are described for each skill: beginning, novice, competent and proficient. This rubric outlines and provides a path to mastery of the clinical research skills the certificate programme was designed and funded to target. Using the rubric to design the curriculum ensures that courses will provide instruction in key domains, promotes assessment that demonstrates development in the target skills and knowledge, and encourages reflection and cognitive self‐monitoring in the students. It is a flexible, criterion‐referenced definition of ‘success’ for students as well as the programme itself. The criteria are characterised in terms of the skills, habits of mind and organisational principles that can foster excellence in clinical research, but the approach can be generalised.  相似文献   

电子技术课具有很强的实践性,其中电子技术课程设计是非常重要的实践环节。本文分析了传统电子技术课程设计中存在的问题及改革的必要性,并从课程设计的时间安排、内容设置和成绩评定等几方面进行了探索和改革,介绍了改革的具体措施。实践表明,改革达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

《计算机网络》中网络编程部分的内容一直被理论教学忽视,而网络编程部分对于学生理解应用层协议及传输层的服务有着非常重要的促进作用,同时也可以为后续开设的"计算机网络编程"课程提供铺垫。在分析了目前的教学现状情况下,结合自身的特点对"计算机网络"课程的网络编程部分的教学和实验设计进行了探讨,通过对这部分的加强,能够显著提高课堂的教学质量,提高学生的动手能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the evaluation results of using an interactive design model for the development of an online course. Specifically, it examines: (a) how an interactive design model was used to develop collaborative and cooperative learning activities; (b) how activities were structured to promote the level and quality of communications among students, as peers, and between students and the instructors; and (c) how students responded to such interactive design model. The paper also provides information about the delivery process and describes what happened when this interactive model was fully implemented and used.  相似文献   

微格教学课程、教材、教法的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为微格教学这项研究和实践的基础性工作,师范生教学技能培养不是囿于一般课堂教学场面的需要,而是根据初中英语教学目的,学生的学习规律,先进的课堂教学模式和教学原则确定的,通过这些技能训练的新教师使初中英语教学发生了很大变化,微格教学培养了一大批优秀英语教师。  相似文献   

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