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There has been a steady stream of research exploring the impact of scholars' research within criminology/criminal justice journals (CCJ), but only a small number of studies have examined the impact of female scholars in particular. Extending that line of work, the present study identifies the most productive sole and lead female authors published in eight top-ranked CCJ journals between 2000 and 2010. Findings reveal that individual ranks of the female scholars are relatively stable when adjusting for frequency and journal impact factor. However, there is more movement in the ranks when they are adjusted based on the year the PhD. degree was earned. Consistent with previous research including both males and females, a handful of female scholars, in particular Robin Engel, Beth Huebner, Jodi Lane, and Nicole Leeper Piquero appear to be responsible for a large portion of work in the selected eight elite CCJ journals.  相似文献   

诉讼做为一种谋求公正的手段,需要诉讼成本。本则试图从改革现有的诉讼制度尤其是人民陪审制度及诉讼救济制度着手,探索一条扶助弱势人群最大限度地获得诉讼公正的途径。  相似文献   

Alumni studies use past graduates of educational programs or institutions to address various types of research aims. While alumni research is common in disciplines such as business, psychology, nursing, and social work, few criminal justice alumni studies have been published in the academic literature. This article reviews the types of alumni studies that are typically conducted, discusses reasons for conducting criminal justice alumni surveys, considers barriers to these surveys, identifies criminal justice‐specific themes that address why alumni studies are rare in the discipline, and suggests strategies for enhancing and expanding this sort of research in the discipline.  相似文献   

刑事和解与恢复性司法理念相伴而生,是一种新的解决刑事纠纷的方式,是刑事纠纷解决的国家领域和民问领域的中间地带,公诉案件引入刑事和解符合现代刑事司法理念的要求,有利于被害人利益的保护和被告人重新回归社会,亦有利于司法资源的节约和诉讼效率的提高,最终有助于和谐社会的建构。  相似文献   

The law plays an important role in society generally and the criminal justice system in particular. Without the law there would be nothing for the police to enforce and no need for courts to adjudicate offenders and impose criminal sanctions. But while the significance of the law and, by implication the courts wherein the law is enforced, is great, the academic discipline of criminal justice has not given law and courts the attention they deserve, either in the classroom or research. In this essay I lay out the case for why the teaching and study of law and courts is so important to academic criminal justice, and how the discipline has failed its students and the public in the way it deals with the law and courts.  相似文献   

Cohn and Farrington’s work in citation analysis has examined scholarly influence within criminological research for over 25 years. The current analysis tracks the ten most-cited scholars and each scholar’s most-cited works in four international criminology journals and six American criminology and criminal justice journals over twenty-five years and five time periods—1986–1990, 1991–1995, 1996–2000, 2001–2005, and 2006–2010. This approach extends the traditional approach to citation analysis by documenting increases and decreases in individual citation careers as well as in the most-cited scholarly contributions of the most-cited scholars during a period of significant growth in criminology. The most-cited works mostly fall within the areas of developmental and life-course criminology and criminal careers, reflecting the importance of these topics in criminology.  相似文献   

宽严相济的刑事政策是我国在维护社会治安的长期实践中形成的基本刑事政策,其实质就是对刑事犯罪区别对待,做到既要有力打击和震慑犯罪,维护法制的严肃性,又要尽可能减少社会对抗,化消极因素为积极因素,做到既严厉打击严重刑事犯罪,又减少社会对抗,增加社会和谐因素,维护社会的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

在大部分卡通片中,主角几乎都是完美的化身(当然Shrek除外),而配角们却总有着这样那样的小毛病。然而小人物也可能成为大英雄,总是有那么几个小配角会不甘寂寞地跳出来,调皮捣蛋,插科打诨,抢尽了风头,也带来了欢笑。也许它们的存在就是为了告诉我们,如果你也是小人物,只要坚持做自己,总有一天你会此主角更光彩。  相似文献   

This is a report of an action-research project undertaken in tandem with the development of a new freshman seminar in criminology and criminal justice. In the freshman seminar the goal is to teach the research, critical thinking and writing skills that are the underpinnings of scholarship and good citizenship. Utilizing a unique approach, this class focuses on resources available through the University library and is taught by a professor, two librarians and a graduate teaching assistant. We hypothesize that freshmen who experience this seminar will show improvement in critical thinking skills, and that this will contribute to greater levels of academic success. This report describes the educational innovation (seminar) in sufficient detail to make replication possible, and presents preliminary findings that indicate the seminar enhances research and writing skills, fosters ability to think critically, and has a positive influence on students’ academic careers.  相似文献   

Attempts to define the core body of knowledge in criminal justice have provided diverse and disparate explanations of what could be considered as central to the discipline. Previous efforts have focused on frequently cited authors and works, required learning for students and the personal beliefs of individual scholars. The present work adds to this body by examining the works considered by an elite sample of criminal justice educators as classics in the field. Based on a survey of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Presidents, Fellows and Bruce Smith Award winners the classic books in criminal justice are identified. Results show that a wide range of works and authors is identified, with relatively little consensus either across the sample or with previously identified works and authors. Comparison of presently identified works with those frequently cited and commonly required for doctoral students shows that only a minority of works identified by others are also considered classics by our elite sample.  相似文献   

民意自古以来就直接或间接地影响着法律的运行,被认为是评定司法公正和社会正义的双重标尺。在罪刑法定的刑法基调下,民意在司法运行中陷入了困境,这一切主要是源于我国所构建的封闭的刑法理论体系。鉴于司法机关传统的独白式刑法解释论,民意的理性引导和适当的介入便显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

The initial transition to graduate school provides a critical opportunity for promoting a positive educational experience among incoming students. This study discusses the importance of this transition and then describes a novel student-led orientation approach to facilitating successful entry of new students into criminology and criminal justice graduate degree programs. Results from an evaluation of this approach are presented. Analyses of focus group and student survey data indicate that graduate students matriculating into a criminology and criminal justice program in a southern state felt welcomed and found the information, guidance, and social networks that they developed to be helpful. At the same time, students identified ways the orientation could be improved for future cohorts. A student-led orientation, along with evaluation of it, provides a promising strategy for criminology and criminal justice graduate programs to create positive educational and professionalization experiences for their students.  相似文献   

As educators, we recognize that students often come to the classroom with preconceived notions about the criminal justice system that shape their subsequent learning. One such notion revolves around the effectiveness of the “war on crime” model of the criminal justice system. Many students feel that this model is the best way to achieve “justice.” Teaching peacemaking represents an opportunity to introduce the students to a new way of thinking about the criminal justice system. This paper explores how experiential learning strategies can facilitate students’ learning of peacemaking. Suggestions also are made about how peacemaking can be implemented into the pedagogy of criminal justice professors.  相似文献   

The most significant change to impact the pedagogy of criminal justice students in recent years has been the development of online classes. Online coursework is now a commonly accepted method of accessing criminal justice students and the sustained growth in online classes is expected to continue in the future. However, there is currently a lack of research that focuses on online classes in criminal justice. In response, we present and assess the modest literature regarding criminal justice online classes and highlight important themes. This leads into a presentation of important considerations along the following pedagogical continuum: Planning the online course (i.e. asynchronous timing, technological developments), implementing the online course (i.e. maintaining an online presence, managing student interactions and expectations), and identifying effective means to measure learning outcomes (i.e. measuring success, quality matters). Policy implications for online coursework that are likely to impact future criminal justice educational practices are then discussed.  相似文献   

Peer review is the bedrock of the scientific enterprise, yet it enjoys scant validation. The federal government’s CrimeSolutions.gov initiative provides a unique opportunity to address this limitation. As part of the initiative, trained experts evaluate criminal justice evaluation research on several of the same criteria editors use to make publication decisions. Data from a sample of articles published in Social Sciences Citation Index journals were obtained from the CrimeSolutions.gov database, then used to model publication quality, operationalized as the product of the journal’s five-year impact factor and article citations per year (an article-level measure). The model explained only five percent of the variation in publication quality, raising several questions about the validity of peer review in criminal justice evaluation research.  相似文献   

This study assesses the authorship of legal scholarship within 20 criminology and criminal justice (CCJ) journals from 2005 to 2015, examining trends over time and variation across journals in the prevalence of sole-authorship and the mean number of authors and identifying the most prolific authors of legal scholarship published in CCJ journals. The study thus sheds light on the extent of collaboration among CCJ legal scholars and identifies CCJ legal scholars who have remained largely invisible due to their focus on a marginalized subfield.  相似文献   

This study seeks to shed light on the informal process of knowledge production in criminology and criminal justice by examining acknowledgements in journal publications. Studying the structure of research collaboration among scholars may enhance our understanding of the discipline’s organization. We test hypotheses derived from prior research by analyzing acknowledgements in 786 articles from five journals in criminology and criminal justice over the last five years. As anticipated by the “invisible college” hypothesis, criminology and criminal justice scholarship contains a small group of individuals who receive a disproportionate share of acknowledgements. Additionally, we find that higher ranked and more productive scholars are awarded more acknowledgements than their lower ranked and less productive counterparts. Integrating acknowledgements as an unofficial assessment tool may improve the collective endeavor of contemporary science in our field. Overall, the influence of the “invisible colleagues,” measured by acknowledgements, demonstrates the value of collaboration in the process of knowledge production.  相似文献   

A recurring concern within criminology and criminal justice (CCJ) is how to best investigate criminological theory and criminal justice policy. To assess the current state of research, we conducted a content analysis of articles that appeared in seven CCJ journals over a two-year period (2013–2014). We then examined types and frequencies of data sources, analytic techniques, methodological approaches, and subject matters. Findings demonstrate that articles are predominantly employing quantitative methodologies and data where there is no participant contact. From these findings, we discuss the current state of research and how this could be used to guide graduate education, by recommending a variety of subject matters that graduate schools should emphasize in training new academics.  相似文献   

吴敬梓《儒林外史》人物原型、故事本事、创作时间等都有考证的余地。如有关严贡生、严监生、成老爹、“添四客”等人物之若干重要情节各有所本,而由吴敬梓曾一度为塾师等可推论《外史》成书当在乾隆七年至十四年(1742-1749)之间,首尾8年。虽杂凑成文,但放眼广阔的文化背景深研一书,便可以从小处见大,有所收获。  相似文献   

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