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《清代学者象传》是中国国家博物馆馆藏书画特色藏品,记录了清代主要学者肖像及传记,是了解清代学者形象的重要文献.关于这套画册的缘起与生成、选录与编纂的标准、画成之后的刊印和发行、传播与影响等,在学术界未能引起足够的关注.本文即在梳理时人与后人文献的基础上,尽可能厘清叶衍兰、叶恭绰等人编著《清代学者象传》的来龙去脉.《清代...  相似文献   

A full bibliography on one of the most active areas of broadcasting —CATV—is long overdue. Don Le Duc originally prepared this compilation while working on his doctorate at the University of Wisconsin. It is based on an extensive clipping file collected by Kenneth Lichty of India, California, and by the author's major professor, Lawrence W. Lichty of the University of Wisconsin. Support for completing the collection came, in part, through a fellowship awarded by the Department of Communication Arts and a travel grant from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Le Duc is a member of the State of Wisconsin and United States Supreme Court Bars, and is on the publications committee of the Federal Communications Bar Association and the communications committee of the American Bar Association. Formerly on the faculty of the University of Maryland, he will be assistant professor in the Department of Speech at the Ohio State University starting this fall.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]合作是美国开放政府计划的三大原则之一,是推动美国政府数据开放运动进程的关键因素,研究美国政府数据开放共享的合作模式,总结美国开展政府数据合作共享的经验,为我国开展政府数据开放共享的合作工作提供借鉴。[方法/过程]采用文献资料调查法和案例分析法,探讨美国政府数据开放共享的3种合作模式:政府间合作、政企合作以及政民合作,结合我国的实际情况对这几种合作模式的成功经验进行总结。[结果/结论]我国可以通过以行政等级为主线统筹政府数据开放工作、构建跨部门的合作组织、加强国际交流与合作、促进数据产业的发展以及鼓励社会公众参与这5个方面来促进我国政府数据开放共享与合作。  相似文献   

Long known as a difficult market for books, the South has become more receptive, largely through the efforts of booksellers. This article reviews the history of some of the South's book retailers and their role in their communities. The often strained relations between booksellers and publishers are discussed, including the role of the publisher's rep. The establishment of regional booksellers associations is described. The impact of wholesalers on retail business practices is reviewed, and the current state of the book trade in the South is assessed. Philip M. Pfeffer has served since 1978 as chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Ingram Distribution Group Inc. of La Vergne, Tennessee. Ingram Distribution Group Inc. is the parent company of Ingram Book Company, the world's largest wholesaler of trade books. Mr. Pfeffer also holds the position of executive vice president and is on the board of directors of Ingram Industries Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.  相似文献   

图书馆如何制定知识共享战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在简要明确图书馆知识共享战略含义的基础上,指出图书馆知识共享需要战略的原因,分析图书馆知识共享战略提出的现实背景。图书馆知识共享战略的核心在于确定图书馆知识共享的方向、目标和计划;制定图书馆知识共享战略需要遵循两个基本法则:独特法则和简单化法则;确定图书馆知识共享方向,一要清晰;二要正确。最后提出图书馆知识共享目标确定的注意事项以及图书馆知识共享计划制定的步骤。  相似文献   

刘修敏 《新闻界》2008,(5):138-140
网络的出现,不仅改变了人类传播秩序,也改变了整个社会的秩序与文化。面对迅猛发展的网络,面对日益凸显的负效应,重建赛博空间秩序以使人们更好地利用网络已经成为社会各界关注的焦点。本文从赛博空间的功能分析出发,分析了赛博空间秩序重建的矛盾与必要性、可能性,并阐述了重建的路径选择。  相似文献   

以"三亚宰客门"事件为案例,应用凸面镜及共振等社会物理学原理,剖析微博传播对该事件形成的作用机理;通过内容分析法,描绘微博传播作用下该舆情事件的"发生→发展→消解"演进模式;采用定量统计与"知微"平台微博传播影响力分析,剖析该事件舆情演进的动因:一是主管部门遮掩事实,成为网民情感负面态势的推动力;二是微博活跃用户的介入,成为舆情产生与发酵的催化剂;三是主动议程设置不当,错失舆情消解的良机。  相似文献   

Salt crystallization is recognized as a major cause of damage to porous building materials, threatening the sustainable preservation of our valuable built heritage. Unfortunately, the crystallization behavior of the detected salt mixtures is complex and not fully understood. While the deliquescence points of single salts are well documented, this is not the case for salts in a mixture where one is confronted with the presence of different cations and anions. In this paper the salt content of the murals and the limestone tracery of the main entrance porch from the sixteenth century church of St. James in Liège, Belgium is investigated and related to the climatic conditions of its environment. Concerning the salt load, the research consists of hygroscopic moisture content measurements, quantitative ion analyses, and the prediction of phase equilibria using the thermodynamic model ECOS/RUNSALT. This model can predict the salt crystallization sequences of a particular ion mixture. The output is mathematically evaluated with collected temperature and relative humidity data, which enables the calculation of the number of salt crystallization–deliquescence cycles. The results show that even small amounts of salts can cause damage over a long period of time when the environment causes frequent cycles of crystallization–deliquescence over time. It is shown how a mixture of small amounts of (double) salts, including hygroscopic ones, can have a significant effect on the decay of historic building materials in the case of daily changing climatic conditions and periods of extreme drought. As a result, the crystallization of double salts and hygroscopic salts such as calcium nitrate cannot be ignored. The scientific method and the results are described.  相似文献   

为切实做好出版物鉴定工作,有必要从类型界分、行为性质、鉴定主体三重视角对出版物鉴定重新审视。发现出版物鉴定的类型界分存在漏洞,需要明确出版物鉴定的类型界分实质上是对出版物能否合理或合法存在的判断,可以考虑从“鉴定类型”到“鉴定方法”的模式转换;出版物鉴定的性质认识存有分歧,需要明确出版物鉴定的性质仍属于行政鉴定,可以考虑转变出版物鉴定意见的解读视角;出版物鉴定主体的公正性面临挑战,而出版物鉴定机构的非独立建构与公正性之间没有必然联系,可以考虑提升出版物鉴定委员会的专业化构造。  相似文献   

Predicting the number of coauthors for researchers contributes to understanding the development of team science. However, it is an elusive task due to diversity in the collaboration patterns of researchers. This study provides a learning model for the dynamics of this variable; the parameters are learned from empirical data that consist of the number of publications and the number of coauthors at given time intervals. The model is based on relationship between the annual number of new coauthors and time given an annual number of publications, the relationship between the annual number of publications and time given a historical number of publications, and Lotka's law. The assumptions of the model are validated by applying it on the high-quality dblp dataset. The effectiveness of the model is tested on the dataset by satisfactory fittings on the evolutionary trend of the number of coauthors for researchers, the distribution of this variable, and the occurrence probability of collaboration events. Due to its regression nature, the model has the potential to be extended to assess the confidence level of the prediction results and thus has applicability to other empirical research.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]用户知识付费行为是受多种因素协同影响的复杂决策过程,探究免费知识获取情况下用户知识付费意愿影响因素的联合作用,对深入理解用户知识付费行为和促进付费问答社区可持续发展具有重要意义。[方法/过程]基于现状偏差理论和理性选择理论构建影响用户知识付费意愿的潜在变量,运用模糊集的定性比较分析方法分析变量间的非对称多重并发因果关系,探讨知识付费意愿的构型。[结果/结论]研究发现,在免费信息获取渠道存在的情况下,付费问答社区用户知识付费意愿是理性和偏见层面的多因素相互作用产生的结果,感知收益是高程度知识付费意愿最为关键的因素,个人免费观念是低程度知识付费意愿的重要影响因素。从条件组合来看,存在影响知识付费意愿的4种构型,根据对构型结果的分析提出促进用户知识付费的针对性策略。  相似文献   

安全问题一直是云计算研究的焦点问题。随着云计算的广泛应用,安全问题更为突出。从某种程度上来说安全问题是信任问题的一种体现。文章从图书馆信息服务参与方的角度对这些由安全问题引发的信任问题进行了分析研究,并通过制定服务等级协议(SLA)的条款来保证信息的安全,从而缓解由安全引发的信任问题。  相似文献   

疑经是指古代儒生对儒家经籍作者和文本真实性、合理性、完整性的怀疑,往往出于经学的视角和思路,与重客观真实的文献学有交叉但并不等同。宋儒疑经尤为显豁,对宋代文献学的影响主要体现在成果、思路和发展轨迹三个方面;宋代文献学对宋儒疑经也有促进和阻碍的反作用。宋儒疑经对后世尤其是清代文献学的发展也有影响,探讨宋儒疑经与文献学发展的关系对研究传统文化有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

赵丽 《兰台世界》2020,(3):54-56
高校学生档案信息安全管理是大数据背景下时代发展的大趋势,也是推动高校工作变革的时代要求。为了适应高校学生档案的现代化管理需要,提高学生档案信息安全性,因此,提出大数据背景下高校学生档案信息安全管理体系构建研究。基于信息安全管理框架的构建,计算信息安全管理风险,再结合信息安全管理战略的规划和组织架构的确定,实现大数据背景下高校学生档案信息安全管理体系构建。实验数据表明,构建的管理体系可以有效降低档案信息风险指数。  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed analysis of a newly developed system for the identification of nanomaterials and nanostructures of an arbitrary nature. The system has been created as a result of the joint work of the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) and the International Council for Science (ICSI). It is shown that at its core the developed system is an extended set of metadata that reflect the conceptual framework of a scientific discipline. Their features include a wide coverage of the sum of the properties and characteristics, as well as the possibility of adding new headings, i.e., support for the evolution of the conceptual scheme that meets the requirements of the subject field. Limitations in the possibilities of the representation of certain categories of nanomaterials, especially of macroscopic objects, are found. It is shown that it is possible to overcome them by the active use of existing ontologies in the field of materials science.  相似文献   

梳理法律法规中档案及文件、记录、数据等属概念界定的方法,认为现行《档案法》《档案法实施办法》中的档案与档案属概念及其具体所指事物之间的范围并不契合,而《〈中华人民共和国档案法〉修订草案(送审稿)》界定档案的方法较好地解决了这一问题。事实证明,法律法规中运用举例型档案概念界定方法比运用定义式档案概念界定方法更为符合立法技术规范和社会现实需要。同时,不应要求其他法律法规中的档案概念与《档案法》中的档案概念完全相同,而应采取归纳、提炼和概括的方法,使其更加符合规范对象的实际,从而不断丰富档案法律体系中档案概念的内涵。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to discuss the role of food preservation science and technology in the conservation of complex food-based installations. By introducing the principles of food science and food preservation into the decision-making process for the conservation of contemporary art, more insight on conservation and presentation possibilities was created. Considering the installation Piece in Ghent (P.I.G.) by Jason Rhoades, which contains French fries, the principles of food preservation science were evaluated. The preservation of the original foods was discussed against the potential of a reproduction of the foods. The context for conservation was determined by analysing the artist's intention, the production method of the artwork, and the degradation processes of the food materials. From the results obtained, guidelines to preserve the ‘original’ foods were proposed, as well as guidelines to reproduce foods that can last longer. The study demonstrated that food preservation science contributed to the development of effective strategies for the conservation of contemporary food-based art.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对高校文献检索课程的教学现状,构建基于翻转课堂的文献检索教学模式,设计文献检索翻转课堂支撑平台,以期促进文献检索教学与学习效果的提高。[方法/过程]以翻转课堂理念为指导,融合微课先进的建设经验,以“文献检索”公共课程为个案,在信息技术和课程融合理论和实践的基础上,结合教学案例说明具体的实施过程,并与传统教学模式进行实践对比分析。[结果/结论]研究发现,翻转课堂的效果十分明显,大多数学生愿意继续尝试这种翻转课堂的教学模式,基于支撑平台的教学模式也基本实现了传统课堂无法实现的教学环节等,为翻转课堂引入图书馆文献检索课教学提供相关理论借鉴和经验尝试。  相似文献   

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