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During the last 10 years, there have been significant changes in LIS education in the United Kingdom. In this paper we have analysed the current provision of education for information professionals at 16 universities in the United Kingdom and set this against the trends and changes of the past decade. In addition to documentary sources, we have conducted a brief survey of the LIS education providers. We conclude that there has been a shift towards postgraduate education for information professionals. We also note that there has also been significant expansion of undergraduate education in information management, almost none of which has been in the form of courses accredited by the principal UK professional body, CILIP.  相似文献   

基于知识管理的图书情报学教育变革   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
知识管理态势下,图书情报专业人员的职业定位可以是知识挖掘者、知识组织者、知识导航者和知识经纪商。同时,新形势要求图书情报专业人员的知识结构中包括技术知识、管理知识、文献信息知识和研究方法知识。因此,基于知识管理的图书情报学教育课程设置可以模块化,即将课程分成必修的核心课程模块与选修课程模块,以培养复合型人才。  相似文献   

Technology has altered the traditional academic library beyond recognition. These dramatic changes have impacted significantly on the knowledge and skills requirements for LIS professionals practising in this environment. While there have been studies in other parts of the world which have investigated the knowledge and skills requirements for the digital era academic library environment, to date no comprehensive study has ‘drilled’ down into this area in the South African context. This paper reports on a preliminary study which is part of a wider study aimed at developing a comprehensive skills statement which would provide an objective framework against which professional LIS practitioners in the modern academic library environment in South Africa may both measure their existing competencies and also identify the need for further skills acquisition. The research question guiding this preliminary investigation was: What key knowledge and skills are required for LIS professionals to effectively and efficiently practise in a digital era academic library in South Africa? The triangulated findings (using content analysis of job advertisements and semi-structured interviews) from this preliminary investigation are used to ascertain an initial picture of key knowledge and skills sets required for LIS professionals in this environment. These preliminary findings also proved useful in teasing out some of the parameters for the wider study targeting the development of a comprehensive skills statement for higher education libraries in South Africa. The study reported here has relevance for the academic library context in other parts of the world as well.  相似文献   


Although the field of crisis management has grown considerably, academic curricula do not seem to have kept pace. This study investigates how library and information science (LIS) programs are addressing the need to provide adequate and relevant crisis management course content, so as to better empower librarians and other information professionals during community-based disasters and unpredictable circumstances. Twenty-eight ALA-accredited MLIS programs were evaluated. A four-phase model for evaluating crisis management content in LIS education (CM-LIS) has been developed. Crisis management topics were identified and categorized under the four phases: landscape survey, strategic planning, crisis management, and organizational learning. Six broad LIS subject modules were also identified to analyze the percentage of coverage of these topics. In the 264 course syllabi evaluated, curricula indirectly prepare librarians on how to meet and respond to crises and disasters within their communities; however, in many cases, this is given low priority. There is not a strong consideration for natural disasters and the societal calamities and unrest that dominate the media and occupy the minds of individual communities. This study gives insight into crisis-management education within LIS graduate degrees and should stimulate additional research to further investigate the preparedness of librarians and other information professionals to interact with communities in need in times of crises.  相似文献   

围绕LIS教育所处的环境、面临的挑战及应对思路,对2005年以来国际图情教育改革的研究成果进行总结,发现近几年来该领域的研究主题主要集中在以下几个方面:iSchool及其评价、LIS教育模式及其变革、LIS课程体系建设、LIS教学方法的研究及各国LIS教育进展和国际合作的研究。研究者多由LIS领域的教学科研人员组成;观察、问卷调查和网络调查、访谈等实证方法广为应用;新的理论和研究工具被引入该领域的研究,开辟了新的研究思路。2005至2010年间,LIS教育领域的研究成果数量众多,国内外研究人员在很多问题的基本观点上表现出一定的共性。  相似文献   

Information explosion, development and applications of ICTs, changing dynamics of information users, and evolving trends in library and information services have promoted the discussion of continuing education (CE) in Library and Information Science (LIS) domain. ICTs are increasingly changing the landscape of libraries and challenging the traditional prevailing roles of LIS professionals. LIS professionals find it hard to remain in context in this technological era. They require the new set of skills and knowledge to address the challenges and issues of their professional life.The purpose of this study was to explore the opinions of LIS professionals to make an assessment about CE needs and the role of library schools to address these needs. The study opted sequential mixed methods of research. In first phase, an online survey was conducted to meet the objectives of the study. Data was collected by using a structured questionnaire. A total of 144 responses (70% male and 30% female) were received. In 2nd phase, a focus group was conducted to collect the qualitative data. The meta inferences were drawn on the basis of inferences of both QUAN and QUAL strands. The findings of the study revealed that respondents perceive a very active and instrumental role of LIS schools in their continuing education. Workshops, post-master certificate, and post-graduate diplomas were preferred formats of continuing education programs. The respondents preferred week long and 1–6 months long CE programs. In terms of the timings, weekends programs were most preferred. The respondents recommended that course instructor should be based on the contents of the course and a blend of teaching faculty and practitioners may be productive. The study also identified core areas of CE offerings.The findings of the study are helpful for LIS schools, professionals, trainers, funding bodies and policy makers. The study has the potential to bridge the gap by providing insight about the CE needs and recommend the concrete suggestions to act upon.  相似文献   

This article examines historical developments and current trends in Ukrainian library education. It gives a synthetic overview and comparison with US library education, based on a review of the Ukrainian literature, a survey of Library and Information Service (LIS) curricula and interviews with senior figures in Ukrainian LIS education. Ukraine became an independent state only in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Previous to independence, Ukraine's LIS education was integrated within the Soviet system. After independence the system evolved slowly, but with the recent Orange Revolution, reform efforts have increased pace. Ukrainian LIS education remains more vocational than in the US, with a two-year non-degree certificate as the most common training, and a four-year bachelor's degree offered by elite institutions. One emerging trend in LIS education stresses the new opportunities for librarians and information professionals opened by Internet technologies. Another is part of a more general shift, inspired by a new Ukrainian higher education law, stressing the country's independent culture and formalizing standards for different degrees. LIS education has now reached a turning point, as reformers grapple with the limited resources, power of inertia, and remnants of Soviet culture in their efforts to meet current challenges and prepare a new generation of information professionals.  相似文献   

Recent studies show a growing sense of frustration for new library and information science (LIS) graduates who struggle to gain employment, as well as for hiring libraries who find the skills of entry-level employee candidates to be lacking. This study endeavors to discover the origins of this troubling juxtaposition by examining the perceptions of recent LIS graduates. The researchers administered a large-scale survey with over 575 respondents, analyzed and coded the data, and compared codes using a Cohen's kappa calculation. The responses indicate that LIS graduates feel that their LIS education would have been more valuable had it given them more opportunities to gain experience, more courses in technology and instruction, more guidance in which courses to take, and more mentoring opportunities with practicing information professionals.  相似文献   

英国的图书馆学情报学教育在经历了一系列改革之后 ,其培养目标、课程体系设置、课程内容、教学方式都发生了重大变化。对我国的借鉴意义在于 :培养方向上 ,实现培养目标的社会化和综合化 ;课程体系上 ,借鉴英国的模块化教育 ;课程内容上以信息技术贯穿整个教育始终 ,注重理论与实践的结合 ;采取多样化教学。表 1。参考文献 8。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the state of the interactive environment in the context of developing countries and relates this to the library and information service (LIS) professionals' ethos on freedom of information. It highlights the role of LIS professionals in adaptive integration of the concept of “leap-frogging,” in support of the struggle for equal access to information for citizens. Drawing from the literature of developed countries, the paper then focuses on ethical issues to which LIS professionals in developing countries need to be sensitized. It encompasses freedom of information, copyright and privacy of information. It concludes by recognizing the need for the reinforcement of education on ethical issues for LIS professionals in developing countries and the role of library associations in sensitization efforts.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the state of the interactive environment in the context of developing countries and relates this to the library and information service (LIS) professionals' ethos on freedom of information. It highlights the role of LIS professionals in adaptive integration of the concept of “leap-frogging,” in support of the struggle for equal access to information for citizens. Drawing from the literature of developed countries, the paper then focuses on ethical issues to which LIS professionals in developing countries need to be sensitized. It encompasses freedom of information, copyright and privacy of information. It concludes by recognizing the need for the reinforcement of education on ethical issues for LIS professionals in developing countries and the role of library associations in sensitization efforts.  相似文献   

This paper defines cultural competence and cultural humility in the context of library and information professionals. Though cultural competence has been the standard of late within LIS, cultural humility is an important next step for information professionals to have the ability to work with the changing multiculturally diverse population throughout the world. Through evaluation of work published within the medical and social work fields, cultural humility frameworks are discussed before describing frameworks that are applicable for information professionals. Cultural humility is a lifelong process that requires education and extensive self-reflection and evaluation. Within the paper is a list of actionable questions that professionals can answer throughout their career that look at their perception of self, fellow professionals, and the communities that they serve. Within the appendix is an individual and organizational level assessment that can be completed to assist in reflection on cultural humility by the professional and organization.  相似文献   

Multimedia documents (MMDs) are connected to education in two different ways: future professionals have to be educated to perform the complex task of multimedia creation, and multimedia is also successfully used in various phases of the educational process. This paper focuses on education for multimedia from the point of view of four of its different aspects: technology, design, purpose and content. The present status of education for multimedia is illustrated by an analysis of the academic scene in Serbia and neighboring countries, as well as through some other illustrative examples. The results of this analysis show that the content aspect of multimedia is covered mainly in the Library and Information Science (LIS) curricula. We present the place of the obligatory course Multimedia Document in the LIS curriculum at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. It is organized as a team project of a whole generation of students in the last year of their studies, where each generation has to tackle a different topic important from the perspective of preservation of cultural heritage and present it in a multimedia form. In this paper, we show how successful this approach has been, both from teachers' and students' point of view.  相似文献   

健康信息学是实践性很强的交叉学科。随着大数据技术及数字医疗产业的快速发展,加强健康信息学教育,培养具有大数据知识与技术应用能力的健康信息学队伍,是“健康中国”时代和国家战略发展的必然需求。文章通过网络调研和内容分析法,以7所经过美国图书馆协会(ALA)认证的美国图书情报学院(LIS学院)为研究样本,讨论大数据时代健康信息学(Health Informatics,HI)教育在大数据相关课程方面的开设特点;分析加入iSchools联盟的中国6所LIS学院健康信息学教育状况,并与美国7所LIS学院进行比较,对我国开展包含一定数量大数据相关课程的健康信息学教育提出建议。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(40):89-106
The current national education crisis makes it imperative for educators to identify relevant research and development on new and innovative instructional techniques. The United States Department of Defense (DOD) has significant education and training responsibilities that could be useful in providing instructional technology for transfer to civilian applications. However, we propose that there is a gap between the holdings of ERIC, the primary education database, and NTIS, the main database for information on the activities of Federal government agencies, including the DOD. Much information with a Federal derivation may not be cited in ERIC. We develop a series of search statements based on these propositions. These are applied to each database and the results analyzed. Findings substantiate at least a limited gap that must be recognized by educators and information professionals and that has implications for testing holdings of other databases.  相似文献   

Library and Information Science (LIS) education in Ethiopia started in the late 1950s, passing through several ups and downs. In an attempt to assess the status of LIS education in Ethiopia, the reasons for the closure of the first Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) program, review of strengths and weaknesses of existing LIS programs, the reasons for discontent of employers on the services provided by LIS professionals as well as the reasons for the dissatisfaction of the LIS professionals were investigated. Interviews (for LIS employers) and questionnaires (for LIS employees) were administered at selected organizations. Some of the general findings of the study are that the BLIS program at the Addis Ababa University was changed to a pure Information Systems program due to university-wide curriculum review initiatives; the current BLIS program at Jimma University is the strongest in addressing the limitations and expectations identified by LIS employers; and the reasons for the dissatisfaction of LIS professionals are pay, promotion, benefits, rewards, procedures and communication aspects of their job. LIS professionals believe that their qualifications are inadequate for performing their job.  相似文献   

印度已经将图书情报学确立为一门学习与研究性的学科。计算机网络的发展与普及对信息服务提出了更高的要求,需要图书情报学专业人员树立终身学习的理念,不断更新现有的知识,掌握新的技能。为此,印度努力通过远程开放式教育、电子学习、论坛研讨等方式帮助图书情报人员实现终身学习。  相似文献   

For higher education institutions in the United Kingdom there is a growing focus on improving student retention, encouraging academic engagement, and easing transition into university life. This article reports on the creation and outcomes of Head Start, a pre-induction online course created to provide students with a level of understanding of academic literacies including information literacy to aid preparation for university study. Information literacy librarians have reported that there has been a marked improvement in the confidence and information literacies of new starters taking the module. The article is of value for others wishing to support students at pre-entry.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the confusion and threat of library and information science education in China and the United States. It compares the similarities and differences between the two countries and explains the reasons for the confusion. It suggests that a small number of American schools of library and information science (LIS) did not adjust their direction during the early period of development of the American information industry. Alternatively, Chinese library education seized the opportunity at the right time and turned its academic direction to incorporate aspects of the emerging information industry. It now has a strong position in the information job market. This turn may provide direction for world LIS education.  相似文献   

This study examines the way in which libraries in Canada approach the issue of the evaluation of international credentials (ICs) held by internationally trained librarians (ITLs) and the eventual short-listing and hiring of such individuals. In the United States and Canada, librarianship, a non-regulated profession, is to a large degree governed by the American Library Association (ALA), but the ALA's statements regarding ICs and ITLs are often ambiguous. It is therefore frequently left to individual libraries to decide how best to deal with ICs and ITLs. Based on a questionnaire sent to managers of large academic and public libraries in Canada, this study concludes that a significant percentage of Canadian libraries, especially academic libraries, are open to hiring ITLs insofar as these libraries and their managers do not consider an ALA-accredited degree to be mandatory for an applicant to be short-listed for a job position. At the same time, these library managers possess very little information about the state of LIS education in countries other than the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, thus making their decisions about hiring ITLs problematic. Governing bodies of librarianship may wish to consider establishing nation-wide guidelines and/or bridging education programs to facilitate the integration of ITLs with ICs into the North American workforce.  相似文献   

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