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大众传媒的勃兴大大扩展了文学批评的空间和覆盖面,为文学批评带来了新的发展形态。同时,大众传媒的肆虐却又使得具有精英品性、人文素质和启蒙意识的学院批评被边缘化,其生存空间日益逼仄。因而,在大众传媒与学院批评互相对话、监督和激励的基础上,建构一个多元共存的公共空间,对于重振学院批评,进而引导文学批评在大众传媒语境中发挥应有的价值和功用显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

本文提出了图书馆信息系统的四层体系架构,它基于.NET平台开发,利用ASP.NET,C#等技术的新特点结合IBATIS.NET、AJAX等关键技术,实现了C/S与B/S混合模式的图书馆信息系统。系统具有扩展性强,交互效率高,易维护等特点。  相似文献   

中国马克思主义意识形态包括毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论,其核心话语大致经历了革命核心话语、建设核心话语、全面发展核心话语3个阶段,折射出马克思主义在中国社会演进的路径和趋势。变迁中的马克思主义意识形态核心话语具有时代性、大众性和民族性的特点。在意识形态的话语变迁中我们要始终坚持马克思主义的基本观点,要始终立足于社会主义实践为本位,要处理好政治话语、学术话语和大众话语的关系。  相似文献   

This article answers critical and theoretical calls for the study of ordinary talk by analyzing a transcribed speech in which Alvertis Simmons, a member of the Denver, Colorado, African American community, engaged a panel of school board officials on the topic of racial stereotypes in an elementary school science experiment. Simmons's discourse can be shown symbolically to reorganize features of integrationist and nationalist ways of speaking-two dominant strands of mid- to late-twentieth century African American public address. Building a theory of "oratorical influence" from these intertextual relationships, this essay concludes that the force of public discourse may reside less in a speaker's ability to persuade an audience than in an audience's willingness to recycle and revise figural aspects of a speaker's discourse in their everyday talk. An interpretive stance such as this can encourage rhetorical critics to expand their objects of critique, to include more ordinary ways of speaking that follow after highly styled public texts.  相似文献   

服务环境是图书馆服务的重要组成部分。公共图书馆的服务环境设计和营造应当坚持以人为本、功能第一、灵活、注重回归自然这四项原则,并根据公共图书馆的特点,对图书馆的室外环境及室内环境中的声、光、通风、温度、湿度等各个环境要素进行科学的设计和合理的布局,同时还要重视图书馆良好心理环境的营造。  相似文献   

在回顾公共图书馆书目情报服务的发展特点的基础上,指出当前书目情报服务在馆藏书目库建设、网络数据库资源建设、服务主动性上存在着不足,并针对性提出了完善书目情报服务的具体建议。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》的颁布为图书馆的发展带来了新的机遇。采用网络调查法,对我国除港澳台地区的31个省级公共图书馆进行了网络调查,发现这些图书馆存在着政府信息公开服务的栏目名称不一致、服务层次低和政府信息资源收集不全等问题,并针对这些问题提出深化和改进政府信息公开服务的具体建议。  相似文献   

通过对中国现状的简要分析,认为当今知识分子应该关注处于社会最边缘的阶层,帮助他们在公共话语领域发出自己的声音,同时站在社会主流意识形态的批判者的立场上,倡导多元,尊重差异,为营造中国的公共空间做出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

《莽原》周刊由鲁迅主编作为《京报》的附刊发行,其产生缘由,主要是近代报人邵飘萍的促进作用、渴望获取话语权的青年人围绕在鲁迅周围提供了人才条件和鲁迅对刊物现状的不满。莽原社随着《莽原》周刊的发行而形成,作为一个松散的同人组织,莽原社的解散也在所难免。  相似文献   

Jürgen Habermas argues that principles of justice should be decided through rational agreement as opposed to force or coercion. Christopher Martin argues in this essay that the success of such a project presupposes sufficiently developed capacities for discursive agency equally distributed within a diverse public sphere. This epistemic presupposition is not explicitly recognized in Habermas's current formulation of his theory and as such the theory implicitly excludes the interest that future citizens have in the development of their own capacities for competent deliberative engagement. Martin argues that this omission is serious enough that Habermas's principle of universalization (U) should be modified, and he articulates this modification in terms of a prohibition against “developmental coercion.” Martin concludes by elaborating on the concept of developmental coercion, and he points to the implications of this addition to discourse ethics for the institutionalization of deliberative democracy.  相似文献   

在宏观构架下建立语篇宏观信息结构研究的新模式,在此模式下,信息结构的研究可以分为两个部分:一是对制约信息结构的宏观因素和微观因素的分析,二是对信息结构的句法实现做深入的探讨。通过这两部分的研究与分析,我们可以很清楚地看到制约信息结构生成的内在机制和句法实现的认知语用过程,从而为语篇信息结构的进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

学校公共生活并非先行于学生生活,而是在对学生学校生活的引导、发现和扩展中建构起来的.话语是学校公共生活扩展的基本形式.在话语中开启公共生活,启迪公民认同,乃是在想象中开启个人的公共价值视野,启迪公民德性.学校公共话语实践包括基于教材的植人性公共话语与学校本土生成的公共话语.以学生为中心的公共话语实践包括演讲、辩论、办报等形式.持续性的保持公共空间开启还需要公共事件的不断叙述.学校教育就是在不断地以开放、鲜活的话语实践中开启公共空间,明辨公共价值,启迪公共意识,历练学生的公民品格.  相似文献   

This performance testimonio is the result of collaboration between two U.S. Latina graduate students/ university instructors: a Latina of Puerto Rican descent and a white Chicana. It is a dialogue in which the authors “come together to engage our differences, face-to-face, and work to find common ground” (The Latina Feminist Group, 2001 The Latina Feminist Group. 2001. Telling to live: Latina feminist testimonios, Durham, NC: Duke University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], p. 1). We offer this performance testimonio to interrogate and be accountable for our performances of hybrid/assimilated identities, as we strive to recognize the ways we produce, maintain, and resist dominant and oppressive cultural paradigms. To do this, we draw on the models of resistance found in Latina/Chicana feminist discourse and performance autoethnography. The text was created to be performed before an audience.  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了比较图书馆学的概念、发展以及研究方法,以高校图书馆和公共图书馆为例,从资源建设、自动化技术、馆员素质、服务等方面进行比较研究,并指出比较图书馆学是图书馆学理论研究体系中的重要部分。  相似文献   

This article examines the relation between the rise of neoliberalism and accountability in education. I argue that the contemporary accountability system of high-stakes standardized tests and privatized school choice is a manifestation of the neoliberal project of cultural reconstruction and moral reform. This study situates neoliberalism in the context of the accountability movement that emerged in the United States around 1970, and examines the implications of the philosophy, culture, and ethos of neoliberalism for educational thought and practice. I argue that resisting neoliberal forms of accountability is crucial, not only to defending the right of students to a genuine and equitable public education, but to refusing the extension of market values and culture to education. I conclude that neoliberal accountability fails to engender the cultural ideals it professes to value, and that this failure makes it possible to challenge the self-evident nature of neoliberal discourse and practices.  相似文献   

图书馆事业是一项公益性事业,追求公共利益是发展公共图书馆事业的基本目标。公共图书馆是属于公众的,为公众服务的,具有鲜明的公益性。图书馆公益性是图书馆社会性的派生与具体体现,反映出社会进步与公共图书馆事业的发展程度与水平。所以,公益性是公共图书馆的基本精神和立馆之本。随着我国经济的发展,观念的更新,公共图书馆的条件会越来越优良和宽松,公共图书馆的公益性更能充分发挥。本文结合实际情况分析了我国图书馆事业的公益性,指出我国图书馆事业应坚持公益性的根本原则,并提出具体的思考与分析。  相似文献   

发挥公共图书馆的社会效益是公共图书馆建设的基本指导思想,本文主要论述了公共图书馆在发挥其社会效益方面应该采取的积极措施。  相似文献   

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