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Various factors are making faculty leadership challenging including the rise in part-time and non-tenure-track faculty, the increasing pressure to publish and teach more courses and adopt new technologies and pedagogies, increasing standards for tenure and promotion, ascension of academic capitalism, and heavy service roles for women and people of color. This article focuses on describing actions taken by institutional agents and aspects of campus environments which are supportive of grassroots faculty leadership. While there are many conditions which inhibit faculty leadership (i.e., part-time and contingent faculty trends, rising publication standards, etc.), our study demonstrated certain campus conditions or characteristics can overcome the forces of change including counting leadership as service, creating campus networks, addressing dysfunctional department dynamics, fostering role models, supporting faculty who question or challenge decisions, ensuring flexibility and autonomy, and altering contingent faculty contracts to include service and leadership.
Jaime LesterEmail:

"新课标"告诉我们:义务教育阶段的物理课程应贴近学生生活,通过探索物理现象,揭示隐藏其中的物理规律,并将其应用于生产、生活实际,培养学生终身的探索乐趣、良好的思维习惯和初步的科学实践能力。这就要求我们在物理教和学中,创设学生感兴趣的生活情境和社会情  相似文献   

日常生活审美化,是现代社会生活中出现的一种新的重要现象。对这一现象的思考应该进入社会理论的视野中。社会理论的实践性、反思性和批判性为研究日常生活审美化提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

浅谈园林树木对改善日常生活环境的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
园林树木可以净化空气、减少辐射、改善空气湿度、调节光线、降低噪音等,在改善人类日常生活环境中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

谢妮 《教育学报》2006,2(6):91-94
通过把微观的学校日常生活场景和宏观的社会结构联结起来分析的方式,从教育社会学的角度考察了盛行于小学日常生活中约束身体的规矩及规矩的意涵;规矩如何渗透在活动、时间与空间中对身体进行规训;学校日常生活中的规矩与社会结构之关系及身体规训的社会控制意义。发现学校教育的实质是通过身体规训来达到“教育人”的目的,小学教育对社会控制的最大贡献就在于通过身体控制把个体初步整合进社会结构中。  相似文献   

2000年被联合国命名为"世界数学年"."'世界数学年'的一个主要任务是让全社会特别是让普通老百姓了解数学对世界的意义.  相似文献   

阿格妮丝.赫勒在其著作《日常生活》中对日常生活做了比较深刻的分析。赫勒通过对"个体再生产"、"人类条件"和"‘自在的’类本质对象化"的逐层次分析,比较清楚地揭示了日常生活的基本内涵。在此基础上,赫勒分析了"‘自在的’类本质对象化"领域的三个组成要素的特殊属性及共同特征。  相似文献   

言语交际中的误解现象   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
误解是指在具体的言语交际过程中,接受者对发送的信息发生理解偏差的现象。言语交际过程中信息传递的几个环节(编码、传递、译码)的任一环节出现问题都会造成误解。  相似文献   

傅向颖 《南平师专学报》2006,25(1):142-143,165
日常生活是人成长的基础,一切宏观理论形成和树立都是立足于这个基础之上,并且因这个基础的变革而形成生命力的。大学生作为从家庭走向社会的过渡性群体,对他们的思想政治教育必须与他们的日常生活的环境联系起来。因而,在学生管理中既要为他们提供自由的空间,又要建立生活秩序的规范和相应的制度。引导青年学生养成良好的行为习惯和道德准则。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of two different investigations about the attitudes and opinions of the Finnish schoolchildren towards technology and engineering. One investigation was made with a written questionnaire answered by 2000 gymnasium students in age group 16–19 years; the other is a content analysis of the 707 writings in a national technology competition 1988. The writers were in the age group 13–19 years. These investigations were made to get information for recruiting students into engineering. Special emphasis was paid to find the difference between boys and girls.  相似文献   

日常生活世界是胡塞尔提出的一个概念。它是人们在日常行为和实践中所接触到自然状态下的世界,是可直观的、主观的、原初性的存在。日常生活世界对科学具有重大意义,它是科学的基础和归宿。胡塞尔对科学与日常生活世界关系的探讨,既为我们展现了理解科学的新维度,又为现代科学的发展指明了方向。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,一种容纳各种理论观点的社会网络理论(social network theory)越来越成为社会学中的显学而为人所关注。社会网络理论广泛吸纳了结构功能主义的结构、微观社会学的意义互动以及新左派的社会资本等概念和理论,试图从现实的人际关系即社会网络的角度来对社会现象提供解释,按清华大学罗家德的说法就是试图在个人行动选择与社会制约、微观行为和宏观现象之间建立一座桥梁。尽管这个“桥梁”的架设并没有超越西方学术界主流由理性人假定到人的行动取向的可计算偏好,但它委实对于我们重新审视社会人与人之间的关系,以及这种关系对…  相似文献   

暮省,指的是学生每天在完成学业以后,思考与反省自己一天的生活,并且用随笔和日记等形式记录下来,同时师生之间也可以通过日记、书信、批注等手段,相互编织有意义的生活.  相似文献   


The main thesis of this article is that resistance and subversion are part of everyday life in most cultures, and that they are integral to the process of development. Many of our theories of social and moral development either fail to account for resistance, and treat it largely as anti-social, or view it as unusual activity sometimes undertaken by those who have reached a high level of development. Several examples are presented to illustrate that resistance and subversion are common among people in positions of little power in the social hierarchy--especially on the part of women in patriarchal societies. Moreover, research has demonstrated that social conflict and resistance based on moral aims occur in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Especially among adults, conflicts occur over inequalities embedded in the structure of social systems that allow greater power and personal entitlements to some groups (e. g. social hierarchies based on gender, socio-economic class, ethnic or racial status). In their everyday lives adults come into conflicts with others and resist moral wrongs embedded in cultural practices that serve to further the interests of those in higher positions in the social hierarchy. Resistance frequently entails deceptive actions aimed at transforming aspects of the social system judged unfair and detrimental to the welfare of groups of people.  相似文献   

This article describes a means of introducing the elementary concepts of sampling with practical class based discussions to a group of first year students in a four year degree programme in Statistics and in other Science courses at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. This class is equivalent to the Advanced level course and the students are usually of ages between 17 and 19 years.  相似文献   

日常生活审美化与美学的复兴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自上世纪五六十年代到现在,中国经历了三次美学热潮.第一次是上世纪50年代到60年代初的"美学大讨论",以"美的本质"和"形象思维"为讨论话题,以建立社会主义的意识形态、在中国发展马克思主义美学为中心任务.第二次是上世纪70年代末到80年代的"美学热",以对西方美学的引进为主要内容,以克服"文革"影响,解放思想为中心任务.我们目前正在经历着第三次美学热潮,是近年来关于"日常生活审美化"的讨论,也称为"美学的复兴".它是在全球化与市场经济发展,消费成为经济发展的主要驱动力的时代出现的.美学应该针对经济发展对社会和文化生活所产生的负面效应,保持和发挥它作为一种理论的批判功能,从而在变动的现代社会里寻求一种人文的立场.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to explore the degree of children's access to home computers. From this perspective research was carried out into the following: the initiative to purchase a home computer; the child's familiarisation with a computer at home; the child's computer activities. The research was based on a random sample of 993 children, of whom 305 had a home computer. The children learned about the computer through their older siblings or parents. The computer at home was used by children mainly for games but also in combination with other applications. The results of the research raise questions about the connection between the different use of the computer at home and at school.  相似文献   

日常生活与审美的互渗趋势已成为当代社会愈发普遍的现象.建立在感性直观基础上的日常生活总被我们当作对象来把握,它的本质在于日常性,人们生活在其中丝毫感觉不到其自身的存在.而建立在本质直观上的美,它赋予日常生活以形式,使其存在进入无蔽之状态,成为一种有意义的生活存在.本文试图探讨作为本真存在的审美生活,就其植根于日常生活而言也是回到其自身的本真生活方式.  相似文献   

在消费意识形态的询唤下,人的日常存在成了物化美学的无根能指。借助审美活动产生的反打式体验让主体遭遇现实存在的真实境态,从而触生其自我更生的持久心理动力,使主体渐臻整体性存在之境。  相似文献   

剧场作为一个公共空间,既能呈现社会文化,又有塑造社会文化的功能。从旧式茶园向新式舞台的转变,显示了清末在阶层和性别关系等方面的社会变迁。新舞台在表演上对感官文化的侧重,则反映了进入现代之后,都市人在精神生活上的相应转变。对生动形象的着迷、对传奇的热衷,正是大众时代的文化症候。  相似文献   

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