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The paper presents a new linear algebra course specifically tailored by the author to cater for the exigencies of engineering-oriented students, in general, and for the conditions at his institution, in particular. After a brief analysis of existing linear algebra courses, the clear advantages, structure and main features of this new course together with first experiences of teaching it, are presented.  相似文献   

Double-block instruction has become a popular strategy for supporting struggling mathematics students in algebra I. Despite its widespread adoption, little consistent evidence supports the attributes of a successful double-block design or the effectiveness of this instructional strategy. In this study, the authors examine a pilot implementation of a double-block strategy—instantiated in the program Intensified Algebra—that combines core algebra content with insights from research on how students learn mathematics and explicit noncognitive supports focused on key attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors essential to student success. The results of the study show that, when implemented with fidelity, participation in the program significantly increased student achievement on the state end-of-course algebra I assessment.  相似文献   

This article offers a sympathetic interpretation of Paul Feyerabend's remarks on science and education. I present a formative episode in the development of his educational ideas—the ‘Berkeley experience'—and describe how it affected his views on the place of science within modern education. It emerges that Feyerabend arrived at a conception of education closely related to that of Michael Oakeshott and Martin Heidegger—that of education as ‘releasement’. Each of those three figures argued that the purpose of education was not to induct students into prevailing norms and convictions, but rather to initiate them into the ‘civilized inheritance of mankind’. I conclude that interpreting Feyerabend's educational ideas within this conception of education as releasement lends a new coherence to his remarks on science and education, in a way that renders certain of his political proposals—such as the ‘separation of science and the state'—both more coherent and more compelling.  相似文献   

柳永词在北宋社会广为流传,其传播动力得之于:其一,柳永能够把握住时代的脉搏,顺应时代的需要,在创新中得到原动力,获得社会的高度认同;其二,柳永敢于直面"雅"与"俗"的选择,并以主动的姿态选择"俗",满足新兴的市民阶层的审美要求,从而使其词得以广泛流传;其三,柳永成功利用传播媒介扩大其影响力,促进了柳词在北宋的传播与消费。  相似文献   

Martin Trow was among the most influential scholar in Higher Education studies in the second half of the 20th century. He is best known for his conceptualisation of the development of Higher Education into three stages—elite, mass and universal systems. This article considers, first, his intellectual method and the underpinning theory (or lack of it); secondly, the extent to which his ideas, generated in the exceptional environment of post‐war America were, and are, relevant to different national contexts and in the very different environment of the 21st century; thirdly, the strengths—and weaknesses—of Trow’s conceptualisation of three stages of Higher Education development; and, finally the new lines of research suggested by an overall assessment of his work.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of this journal (ESM 50.3) Frank D. Uhlig published in a recent issue of this journal (ESM 50.3) a very interesting article about the question of proof in linear algebra. We have been doing research in the field of mathematics education about the teaching of linear algebra since the 1980s. In this paper, we want to underline the common points in Uhlig's approach and some of our work. We also want to bring a new light of some of his ideas and give perspective for a further didactical development of Uhlig's first experiments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

开中国近代中西文化比较之滥觞的严复。其一生思想、尤其是晚年思想的变与不变始终引人注目又备有争议。从作为严复思想突出表现的政治观与文化观来看,晚年严复在呈现出渐趋"回归传统"的历史性表象变化(政治思想与激进主流相左;文化关注重心逐步转移)之外,更多的则是其继续进行"中西比较"的不变(政治思想内核未变、始终围绕整合、融通中西文化的主旨未变)。学贯中西的知识构成与独特经历、贯穿一生的爱国激情及其历史观"渐进主义进化论"的规定与制约等因素,共同决定了严复晚年及其一生思想变中未变,不变是主流。  相似文献   

Recent educational accountability efforts have married student assessments with reform mandates and sanctions. As a result, students—beginning in early elementary grades—are feeling the pressures of this new era of high-stakes accountability. This article chronicles a story of the consequences of high-stakes testing on a father and his son.  相似文献   

吴汝纶的西学观及体育教育思想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桐城派后期大师吴汝纶,是清末一位有影响的教育家。他力主西学,引进西方近代体操课;他把进化论的思想,延伸到学校体育教育领域,提出"优胜劣败"、"保民留种"的体育思想;他对家乡教育尤挚,创办皖省第一所新式学堂——桐城中学堂,聘请体操教习,开设体操课,开展各种体育活动。西方近代体育教育体系清末在桐中日臻完善。  相似文献   

李福标 《湘南学院学报》2005,26(6):70-71,87
李映山教授的新著《文心撷美》按“文心探美”、“文心拓美”、“文心育美”,构建起“美学—美育—育美”的逻辑结构体系,以美为核心,以美育为着眼点,以育美为最终目的,将古典文献与现实生活、与其实际工作紧密结合,体现了一种深厚的历史意识和迫切的现实使命感。它拓宽了“龙学”的研究疆域,并尝试古典文献服务型的应用研究。不惟“独辟蹊径”,而且给“龙学”带来了一个“柳暗花明又一村”的胜境。  相似文献   

约翰·厄普代克的"兔子四部曲"之一《兔子,跑吧》自1960年出版以来就获得了国内外学术界的如潮好评,被评论家公认为是其长篇小说中的经典之作。本文从荒谬世界中孤独的个体和个人的自我选择与追寻两个方面对作品中的存在主义因素进行了分析,为这部经典作品提供一个新的阐释视角。  相似文献   

Inspired by the relation between the algebra of complex numbers and plane geometry, William Rowan Hamilton sought an algebra of triples for application to three-dimensional geometry. Unable to multiply and divide triples, he invented a non-commutative division algebra of quadruples, in what he considered his most significant work, generalizing the real and complex number systems. We give a motivated introduction to quaternions and discuss how they are related to Pauli matrices, rotations in three dimensions, the three sphere, the group SU(2) and the celebrated Hopf fibrations.  相似文献   

从三个方面来分析查泰莱夫人———康妮(Connie)是怎样在丈夫的虐待下产生了对自由生活的向往,并最终选择了最引人争议的方式———婚外恋来获得最终的解脱这一结果的合理性。  相似文献   

傅衣凌教授是中国社会经济史学的主要开创者。傅先生毕生的学术贡献,在于他对于中国社会经济史的研究工作,力图通过深化地域性的细部考察和比较研究,从特殊的社会经济生活现象中寻找经济发展的共同规律。他建立了从研究新、旧的两种因素的矛盾变化来把握社会经济的实质和把社会经济构成和阶级构成、阶级斗争联系起来考察的两个基本研究构架。而他的所有研究构架和研究结论,无不都是从区域性微观分析和区域间的比较分析的基础上总结提炼出来的。这种从局部到一般,又从一般回到局部的研究理论与方法,可以说是傅衣凌先生从事中国社会经济史研究的精髓所在。  相似文献   

通过探究杰克·伦敦与其作品《海狼》之间密不可分的联系,论文挖掘了小说中隐含更深的另一主题——死亡与重生。把小说一分为二来看,第一部分是驶向捕海豹区的航行,第二部分是发生在捕海豹岛上的故事。前者是海狼拉尔森的死亡之旅,充斥着血腥与暴力,体现了伦敦的死亡情结;后者是范.魏登与女诗人茅德发生恋情并因此而获得新生,折射出查米安的爱拯救了"病中"的伦敦,给了他重生的希望。  相似文献   

对《念奴娇*赤壁怀古》“故国神游”之观照   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文继《“故国神游”尚不宜下“确解”》而运用以苏注苏之方法,认为可以确解为苏轼神游故乡,亡妻王弗多情而惊怪其早生华发。表现苏轼之“不思量,自难忘”也。  相似文献   

中国古代图书分类的理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国是世界上最早把分类理论应用于目录制作的国家。《七略》创立的六分法分类体系是我国最早的图书分类法 ;魏晋时期 ,一种新的分类法——四分法应运而生。唐宋时期是我国古代目录事业长足发展的时期 ,南宋目录学家郑樵的《通志·校雠略》着重探讨了图书分类理论 ,成为我国最早的目录学理论研究专著。清代乾嘉年间 ,章学诚总结了前人的成果 ,提出了“辨章学术 ,考镜源流”的目录编纂思想 ,对目录的分类方法、著录方法都提出了更高的要求  相似文献   

司马迁在《史记》中创造性地塑造了一批异于传统贤者、仁者、勇者——"智者"的人格形象。这些"智者"洞察时势、筹计画策以成事功,是时代的风云人物,他们有执着的目标,坚定的意志和敏锐的洞察力,能超越世俗常态而直取本质,他们因时因势而起,是时代的弄潮儿。时代造就了智者的人格内涵与取向,同时也在其中打下了鲜明的时代印迹。智者形象是司马迁的发现和创造,是其对文学的一大贡献。  相似文献   

自尊心便是—个人的价值判断,把对自己的价值判断应用于与他人,与社会的交往之中,便形成了“自我”的概念。《红与黑》的社会背景是法国大革命前夕。当时的于连,努力地想实现自己的价值判断,却又处处碰壁。这只缘于他不甘心自己的平民出身,并在当时社会的拿破仑模式的英雄主义的影响下,一心要提高自己的价值,一心要爬到那个与平民阶层处处不相容的上层社会之中,到头来也只满足了他冲锋陷阵的虚荣,成就了他英雄主义的“自尊”……  相似文献   

弗朗西斯·福山的国家构建学说主要观点如下:国家构建本质层面,制度能力优先于国家职能;国家构建方略层面,制度创新优先于制度移植;国家构建政策层面,社会资本优先于制度设计。透过其纷繁复杂的学术观点,剥茧抽丝,其观点更多显现出来的是“新瓶旧酒”,虽然如此,弗朗西斯·福山的国家构建学说依然独具特色,智慧、清晰、富有洞察力,可以给予我们很多启示。  相似文献   

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