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The main objective of this study was to investigate the perception of the researchers and officers within the National Institutes of Health Malaysia (NIH) about their understanding of knowledge sharing practices in their respective environment. Questions included: what are the perceptions of the respondents with regard to the knowledge sharing practices in their respective institutions? What are the benefits for knowledge sharing practices as perceived by them? What are their perceived organisational knowledge sharing practices motivating factors? Also, what are the hindering factors? The survey of the researchers and officers of the NIH was distributed to 400 respondents from the six research institutes under NIH: Institute for Medical Research (IMR), Institute for Public Health (IPH), Network for Clinical Research Centres (CRC), Institute for Health Management (IHM), Institute for Health Systems Research (IHSR) and Institute for Health Promotion (IHP). The responses indicated that knowledge sharing depends on the context of encouraging and rewarding the practices of organisational knowledge sharing. The findings suggest four factors – Environment and Infrastructure, Management Support, Culture and Technology – as significant determinants in influencing the organisational knowledge sharing practices among the employees. The study was limited to the perceptual aspect of the issue, specifically from the individuals’ opinions and sentiments.  相似文献   

Governments are increasingly employing artificial intelligence (AI) enabled services though this is still a relatively new concept that is in nascent stages of implementation. Despite growing emphasis by governments on employing AI-enabled services, many citizens are skeptical of their benefits; this makes an analysis of AI-enabled services an important area of research, especially from the perspective of citizens. This paper employs IT assimilation theory and public value theory to develop a theoretical model that examines whether the introduction of AI-enabled services would generate public value for citizens in India. The model employs the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique to examine how risk factors impact the uptake of AI-enabled services in India. Based on 315 interviews conducted in India, the study highlights that the breadth and depth assimilation of AI-enabled services positively impacts and enhances the satisfaction of citizens, which in turn generates public value.  相似文献   

This introductory essay serves to frame this special public radio symposium that commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, on November 7, 2017. Drawing from his earlier writings on public broadcasting history, the author tells the story of how educational radio got its start and continued to struggle for survival until the fledgling enterprise could be reborn as public radio, a result of what may be the most significant piece of communications legislation of the second half of the 20th century. The author argues that despite the enterprise’s marginalized roots and repeated political attacks that span a half century, public radio, in one form or another, will survive well into the future.  相似文献   

The increased development and use of electronic and information technology in higher education raises questions about accessibility for individuals with disabilities. In academic libraries, providing accessible electronic information resources ensures equal access and opportunity to information. This article provides a contextual understanding of accessibility in higher education as well as strategies for evaluating, negotiating, and procuring accessible electronic resources licensed through third party vendors.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):204-220
This article examines the speech “Atoms for Peace,”; delivered by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 8, 1953. The author demonstrates how a complex rhetorical situation resulted in the crafting and exploitation of a public policy address. Far from serving as a precursor to nuclear disarmament, the speech functioned to bolster the international image of the United States as a peacemaker, to warn the Soviets against a preemptive nuclear strike, and to alert the American public to the dangers of a nuclear exchange.  相似文献   

This article examines the archival methods developed by Colbert to train his son in state administration. Based on Colbert’s correspondence with his son, it reveals the practices Colbert thought necessary to collect and manage information in his state encyclopedic archive during the last half of the 17th century.
Jacob SollEmail:

认为赋予图书馆著作权作品获取权是基于对公众知情权、文化教育和表达自由等权利的保障,因此,图书馆的获取权有坚实的法理基础。数字环境中,图书馆的获取权受到技术保护措施的限制。只有法律设置规避技术措施的例外条款,同时采取因应之策,才有利于著作权法合理设计图书馆的权利,有效保障图书馆的获取权。  相似文献   

Australia has a well-established history of access to government information and publications by citizens, much of it through libraries. The changes in the 1990s and 2000s with the move to electronic publishing and Internet access have led to significant changes in the accessibility of information. In 1997, the Australian Government framework for electronic delivery of information service was established by the report Management of Government Information as a National Strategic Resource. Since this report, there has been a rapid increase in the availability of government information, including government publications. There has also been an increased demand for public libraries to support access. The paper reviews establishment of the initial framework and changes in the past decade. Trends in production of government information, citizens' use of electronic Australian Government publications, satisfaction with online government services, and implications for libraries are analyzed.  相似文献   

Nanjing Agricultural University Library (NAU Library) performed an organizational climate assessment in 2011 with a revised ClimateQUAL™ scales and implemented some measures to optimize the weak areas identified. The second and third rounds of assessment were carried out in 2014 and in 2017 to examine the effects of such optimization measures. The results showed the scores increased overall. Data from the three rounds of assessments revealed that team work was markedly improved. Interpersonal conflict and task conflict decreased in the work place. However, the pattern of all the scales kept almost the same. Justice, Deep Diversity, Continual Learning, Stimulate & Competition, Organizational Commitment and Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace are in the bottoms of the curves of the survey results of 2011 and 2017. Librarians thought they were qualified for the job but they did not have a large impact on or a great deal of control over what happens in the library. Innate problems that influence the library climate have not been solved yet. Such issues need to be addressed at a societal level before changes are seen at an organizational level.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the issues of training tourism specialists, describes the results of the formation of the operational component of the information culture of tourism bachelor’s degree.  相似文献   

Despite their low pay and clerical status, the women who staffed the National Broadcasting Company’s (NBC) Information Department played an integral role in shaping the national network’s program and public relations policies. As the network’s first line of contact with its audience, Information Department workers influenced public opinion by shaping the networks’ responses to individual audience members’ written complaints. They also processed and molded the information NBC executives used to sell programming to advertisers. Still, as women, they were routinely devalued and their labor dismissed as simultaneously rote, irrelevant, and hyperemotional. This paper brings together internal documents from across NBC’s corporate structure to recover the careers of Anita Barnard and Kathryn Cole, two women who managed the Information Department through the 1940s and 1950s. During this period, the network underwent enormous transitions, including the shift from radio to television and renewed threats of federal regulation. The Information Department’s status waxed and waned along with NBC’s need to appease its audience and recruit and retain sponsors. Barnard and Cole’s status rose when audience information was at a premium, but it fell as soon as network dominance over television was established and financial returns assured.  相似文献   

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